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All of the political theories are great, but for me, among the political theories I think the most
influencial is the utilitarianism. It is about the morality that advocates actions that foster happiness or
pleasure and oppose actions that cause unhappiness or harm. When directed toward making social,
economic, and political decision, I think no leaders or head of state would want their people to suffer
from their decision so they would based from the utilitarianism ideas when making one. When leaders
are making decisions of course they will take into consideration if that decision will benefit or make the
people happy. That's why I think this political theory is the most influential.

2. For me, development requires plans and structures that must be followed and planning requires
system. I think if there is no system of government the state will not develop. Possiblity of chaos is so
high due to lack of authority. If no one is authorized to create and implement rules to keep the society
disciplined, the people will just do whatever they want. Also, systemless state won't experienced
government projects to develop its state.

3. The United Nation is a association built by different country all over the world. The purpose of the
united nations are maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among
nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. The united nations are
created to unite different nations to promote the concepts mentioned above.

4.The great political theories are:





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