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4th april

1)look at the sentences in the table and complete the rules.

a)the past simple form of be with he/she/it is it and with we/you/they is they

b)to make the negative form,we add…

c)in questions, we use … or … before the subject.

2)complete the next was o were

around the world in eighty days is about a man's journey around the world in a hot air
balloon. the man's name (1)was phileas fogg and he (2)was not alone on his
journey,passepartout, his french valet , (3)were with him.(4)was the man in the balloon all
the time? no, of course they (5)were not. The two characters(6)were in different adventures,
including attacks from native americans.
the book(7) were a great success and it was made into a film in the first film, david niven (8)
was phileas fogg and in the 2004 version, who (9) were passepartout? jackie chan!

3)look at the sentences in the tables and answer the questions.

a)how do we from the past simple of regular verbs?

b)what is the auxiliary in questions and negative forms?

c)do we use the ending-ed in questions and negative forms?

4)complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets

a)we watched(watch) a history documentary last night

b)she cry(cry)when he arrive(arrive) home

c)they travel(travel) by train to venice

d)ferdinand magellan wanted(want)to sail around the world but he die(die) in the philippines

5)correct the historical facts

a)marie curie discovered uranium(radium)

marie curie didn´t discorver uranium.she discovered radium.

b)sir edmund hillary climbed the andes in 1963(mount everest)

sir edmund didn´t hillary climbed the andes in 1963. he climbed mount everest.

c)roald amundsen explored italy in the early 20th century(the antarctic)

Roald Amundsen didn´t explored italy in the early 20th century.he explored the antarctic.
d)neil armstrong walked on jupiter in 1969(moon)
neil armstrong didn´t walked on jupiter in 1969.he walked moon.

e)graham bell invented the ringtone(telephone and metal detector)

Graham didn´t bell invented the ringtone. He invented telephone and metal detector.

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