11 Trigonometric Ratios of Angles and Equation (2014-2019II)

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TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF ANGLES AND EQUATIONS @,_ eum |. What is tan25° tan15° + tan 15° tan50° + tan25° tan50° equal to? @o 1 2 (os ® (b) tan 50° = tan(90" ~ 40°) = tanS0° = cot 40° =stango* =__1_ tan @5° + 15°) 1 tan2s*tants* tan26° + tants™ = tan25*tan50"+ tant5*tan50* = i tanas*tants* = tan25"tan15* + tant$*tanSo* + tan25*tan50° = 1 2. What is cot A+cosec A equal = tans0° =: to? wm(s) wm( 21(4) ozeer(4) © cot + cosec A wos A, 1 cos A+t snA’ snA sind 2eost A141 =e hood aot | cont 2 sno) 2 equal to? (@tana (0) cot ()2 tana (@2cta © (hear 2 - tan 4, If angle C of a triangle ABCis a right angle, then what is havea Bequal wt oes bea = TEP homes.) 5. What is cos 80° + cos 40° cos 20° equal to? 2 1 @o (@-19 ©® (€)c0s 80" + cos 40° — cos 20" = 2008 22+ 0" ong S0"= 40 ~cos20" = 2.c0s 60°¢0s20" — cos20* =2 x 1.c0820° ~cos 20° 2 =00820° — cos 20° = 0 6. If2 tan A=3 tan B=1, then what is tan (A — B) equal to? 1 1 a ® : ot 3 ® (6) Given, 2tanA =3 tanB = 1 stan A=1, ane = 1 2 7. Iftan A-tanB=x and cot B-cot A= y, then what is the value of cot (A - B)? @t+t wi-t zy yx os @i+t zy » © (@) Given tan A ~tanB == 0 andoot 8 - cot A= y @ From tana ~tan B= x re tA” 8 \ ft B- cota ‘cot AcotB ~~ = eotAcot B= X thom Ea. (a) Nom cota ojo StAAS +i cat oat A Lar =e edt yy whet Fy 8. What is the minimum value of Sag t gl where a> 0 and boo? wasof @ar+o® | © eyes 2+ Pe = a?sec?x + b*cosec*e eabaee 2 conte s 42am ane» once = (asec x - beosec x? 2b see x conte = Fer minum vie op, eee + Dcoeec += 0 sm avec 2 = b cones = et tne a sine =O cos x = 8 eo eae 2 Minrum va ofp ai? FDA, bMat + OF) a oe +04 8. What is sin (a+B)—2sinacosB + in .~B) equal to? 0 2s (@2enp (amas © @@isnle+)-2sinacos8 +n @-p) =snatcosp + co8a sn “2 sina cosp + sna.coep “cosasnp = 0 12. Weowc 0-23 whe 0<@< 90°, then what is the wiscote Sanw as 10 (15 2 ® 0) Gwen, covee where, 0< 0 90° Hoe Poa vemee b=! a9 naz0Poaik 1. B= YH PF = eaF-an = lean? ~ aan? = a = 204 900 @ 0 2M aot ‘and tang =P ~ 24 aa Now, 4s0c0-+ 4tand 2 waxBe ard 0° “20 2 » a 2 = nae ay ~"” 11. Consider the following statements 1. cos 6+ seeOcan never be equal 1015, 2, tan8 + cot can never be less © than 2. Which ofthe above statements ilare correct? (6) Onvy + (©) ony {e) Both 1 and 2) Neier 1 nor 2 D (&) Weirow that,- 15:c0505 tana = 15 ¢00 0< = butcos@ = 800 0 ‘and = 180" ~2500004 60005 = So.c08 8+ sec ®= 15is possible and again 0 tans = and OScOl Os m, but tan = cot 45 2s tard + cotos = $2 tn + ct ocan never bo os han =0 a Hore, oye Staten 2s covet, 42, What is the length of the chord. of a unit circle which subtends an angle 0 atthe cente? ° on(3) o2sn(2) © (6) Given, radius of cre = 1 unit ‘Angle subtends atthe cent of cxcle by chord = 2019 () > 13. What is the least value of, 25 cosec’x + 36sec? ? swt (120 ra © (eh Given, 25 cosec's + 36 800% (1+ cot?) + 96 (14 tan?) 2 254+ 25 cole + 96.4 96 ar? x 25+ 96+ 25 cots + 96 ant = 814 (oot x 6 tans} +2x5x8 2614 606121 f+ mnmum vale ot “ (Scots ~ Btan a) = 0, | Miimum value of 25 cosec's + S6secs = 121 44, What isthe value of © @)Wenave, in. 44" 00s 296" — sn 6° in 124" ‘on 208" ‘sn 38" c08 180" + 56") L 50" sin 0" + 84") (208 28° cos 89° + cos 80" + 88°) sin 180° + 28°) = 280.84 90s 56° — sn 56° cos 34° C06 28° cos 887+ sn 88° sin 20" IN 5 + 94° os (88° = 28°) “7° 2 e 15. tan54° can be expressed as in g0* Gos 6° © (e.We hae, tan St «tn 45" + oF) 45 + tang? _ 14 toe coe = sn Directions (Q. Nos. 16-18) Read the given information carefully and ‘answer the given questions. If p= Xeosd-Yaind, 4 a= Xeind + ¥cos® and \ Bis dpgeg! = Axt + BY? 0065 16. What is the value of 6? 20, What issin#(aB)+2abcoxa-B) —@ (B) Gon, cos A= wf Of @% @e — eultet : aoa’ Bee MS pee ee rowan an ha (25m © wore, (ota i ~iat 0) wtf 34) ( P= Xeos8-Y sno A emai aimee = Sfeoe(3-%4)-con(4- 3 a= Kens Yon @ d+ apreghe Mies? lp From Eqs. () and (0, we get Bra? = (Keos8—Y sna (ws fine + i sin0 ¥ cos 0? sphegtaxtay? ~ cost = B+ 2ab cos fa -B) fim aF i= BF + 20b fi=o%) = J loos A~ 208" A+ 0 latot + (1 at)(1~ b*)+ 2a 2, : se: = Joos A ote 24) es cif -an2et ee Fee Giatiezeetezm "ALA 2 6°") (Xsin@ + ¥ 608 0) Wie - 04 -i8 Fale pg (X?-¥7}sin cos @ eee ee : + MY cose 3 fb? + 2a%? 24, What is the value of SBP Apg 4g? = X74 V8 42 = bab fia? Y1— BF + 20th? + Bab tan75® + cot 75°? oe poipcnoatiane ae fre fe @2 wa e2v3 4a aX ee 202) sos oo © to Worav ants» ct 78 820+ 4 XY cos 20= AX? + 267? a a 12 tan ( ~ 16") + ont 660" — 16") Coefficient of x¥ = 0 cos" (2a) equal to? cots + tn gts SEE, ae 2 e820 420~E eet oe : 2 BFety Bess = Satish sats oe ® (©) Wehave.sina + cosa =p 417. What isthe value of A? a ak @4 3 @2 gt 7 € 4 © wrx + V+ 208-Yand = s'za=(pt= 17 = ats ert Y “oe 28. What is the value of wx? 477 4 2x? -ayte ate BF canton =apt—p' eo een cosd9" ‘ox? aaa ce costza= pF ep) NU esse uaa! 22. Iftand= and tang 3. then a a 18. Whats the value of B? ©) coats ran ae at ae what is the value of (+9)? a @m@s--1 @o OF HE ws Sa aor ca eve rece od Directions (Q. Nos. 19 and 20) Read recs 90° = eee 26. If sin20= cos38, where 0.<0< 5, answer the given questions ; sds poras Gatto spe then what is sin equal to ? co0(0 8) =B, Si ow 19. What is cos(a.~f) equal to ? 4 fin 6-1 (aan + fina fino Ones ore yan — ia © Hom sin 20 = cos 98 @ayi-a?-byi-a = 2sin@cos@: eeeeeee 3 = = 4cost8- 3 f-c0s0e| (ajt-oF + byte + Asin) 3 © )Gnen 23, teow A=3, then whi = 4aino + 280 -1= 0 cos @-a)=a bd aA — sing = 2 tf 18 208 @-B)=b valet si (Z)sm(24 aa 008 (4 - 8) =008 {@- B)- @-a)} 2 sno 222248 |-12.6 = C08 (8 ~ B) cos (@ - a)+ sin @ - B) 5 5 7 axa tee) «= OSE OS OS rn aa+ fe fF = ain \ 2% I the roots ofthe equation 2+ petq=0 are tanl9® and \, 14n26°, then which one of the following is correct ? @a-p=1 @p-a=1 C)p+qa2 WMer+qas (a) Ge, tan 19a tan 26* ee ots ots pe ‘vlan 19+ tan" == p tan 1 tan 26" 2g tan i + 26%) = 118 + tanase Tan 1 an 28? ro ra? ""im@ = t-qe-p anp=t 28. What is (+tanactanp? + tana tanp? ~sec! asec? equal to? @o m1 2 we Ome cost 7 stan an + tana — ta Trott. (= 14 tanta tan? + 2tanc tanB + tanta + tan?B ~ 2tana tanf ~ sectasec'B = 1+ tantatan®p + tana + tan?B ~~ secfusec’p ‘= (1+ tan?a) (1+ tan®B)—sec%u secB. Teectasec cecuaao =0 28. If sin@ + cos@ = y2cos®, then what is (cos@ - sin@) equal to ? (@)-vBc0s0 (b) -v2sine Bene (2a ® (©) Given, sin@ + cos 0 = vZcos @ = 8in@ = (v2 - Neos! Non-cos sine (2 -1)c0s@ ftromEq. (0) | (v2 - 1)]= cos 0B ~ v2) 0. 2 (v2 = 1) = v2 sine 20, f sino =~ } and tan =, then inwhich qoadrane does he? (Fist (e) Second (oT (©) Four © (We know hat, tees in es {uacrant the, sind Oand tard > 0 31. IF p= cosecd ~ cot and 44=(cosec 6+ cot6), then which tone of the following is correct? (@oq=1 pa @pre=1 @prano 0 [using Ea. (0) ® 1b) Ghen, p= cosee @— cot 8 @-= c0s0¢ 0+ cot oy" 2018 (tI) > 132, What is 242% 8 equal to? T+ tanto (@)c0s20 (snae ® ()Werave, (e)tan20 (cose 20 Zain _2und_ 4 T+ tarF0” |, sn? losin + es%0 = 1 =2shnecos@=sn20 38. If sec (0 a),sec and sec (0+ a) are in AP, where cosa, then what is the value of sin? 8 + cosa? @o et 1 e4 @} © @a)iisec a), sec Bandsec @+ a) ‘win AP, hen 2000: 500 9a) + soc 0 +a) sea)” Sara) 0s (0+a)+ cos @— a) 08 9 = )-c08 +a) [ed cos (A + 8) cos (AB) ‘=cos? Asin? 8] 2c08 8cos a 6— sina > coste= 1+ coe > 1-silo= t+ cosa te sin® + cos*e= 1) = sino + cosa = 0 If A+ B+ C=180%, then what is sin2.A -sin2B - sin2C equal to? (@)—4sinAsingsinc (0) 4008 Asin Bcosc (©) ~4008 AcosBsinC (@)—Asin A.cos B08 C ® @Werave sin2A~sin28 = ina 824 [sin2B + sin2c] won2A-psn(28220) =(2;%)] [Seba [-(62}(62 =26in Acos A~Bsin(8 +0) cos (@-C)] Er8in2A=2 9 Acos A] =25in Acos A~ B sin (180° ~ A) ‘08 (8 -C)] feA+B+C = 180") '=29in Acos A 2 sin Acos (8 -C) sin 180" ~ 6) = sing) 12 sin A [008 A cos (@-C)) =2 in A (cos (160- (8 + C) =c08 (8 ~C)] '=26in A[-cos (8 + C)~ cos (8 -C)} = =2 sin A [008 (B + C) + 008 (8 =C)} =+2sin AR cos Boos C) 0s C +008 D =2c08 meow trigonometric equation 3(8= tan? A~cot A}? = 1 Which cone of the following is a value of Ar (a) 200° (>) 315° (@) 300° a) 345° © (a) Wenave,3(3 ~tan® A-cot A =1 ‘Checking trough options A= 300° 80, 83 ~ tan 300° — cot (300) = 3{9~ tan® (960° 60°) ~ 20t (960° ~ 60°F = 39 ~ tan? 60° + cot 60°? yt 44. What is sin105° + cos 105° fo-a4 4} -ox 38, Ifcosa and cosB (0) 3x 8. If x= sin 70°.sin 50° and : | =c0s 60°.cos 80°, then what is ay equal to? ee td Oe ME OL OF © wera, ee n70"snto" 71. If-xc0s8+ ysind=z, then ¥=cos60"cos eo" what isthe value. of + artanroinren rete (eain@= ycosey? cosa 400s 60°20 80" @tey-2 w-7-2 Or-fe2 @xteree © a wienave C088 + ysind = 2 €083005(60" ~ )c0s (60° + x) SPARE Det sone, vo get (osar] ——_-s70080+ Jaina + 2aysindcos 8 = Z# 4 | x41 sinte)+ costa) 14 + 2aysindcos8 = 2 ae ie = Fs PP osteo feos" 9. Ifsin8,+sin6, + sind, + sine, = 2aysndcce® =4, then what is the value of 4-2 ates — yoort? £05 8, +6058, +c0s0, +c0s 8? (snd = yoose# =e + f= 2k Be Be BL 2 ttente 25 —) chen what © wena, 4 Sin + sind, + snd, + sing, = 4 of cin 81° Sich raronvascterdt pa BB+ BK 4 8 me sre 70. What is the value of ® (a) Given, sinie> Now, (sint@*yf = 1~cos*18* ~ ) <1 costie - 8 cote - a1 eaetier = cost" = 1. (8=2¥5 6 cont ygr = 104 245, 6 conten 08 25 Since, Peete a acon (90° -81r)n fl4+ 04 288) . voor = [Praline 18 fe +2 “| BB 6 eB + I~ tan2° cot 62° tan 152°— cot 88° ‘equal to? @ 8 woes © @)Wenave 73, What is. w-8 -e ian52"— __ 1+ tan(90" - 88") cote2* tan(180" = 28°) = cot 88° _ 1 cot 88" cot 2" Tan28* — cot6e™ 1 00188" cot 62° _ 1-e0t e012" _ cot6*cot 88" — 1 * Teet6d"-cot 88" ” cotG2® + cot 66 = cot(62* + 68°) =cot150r= - V3 Directions (@. Nos. 74-76) Consider the function f(@)=44sin*@ + cos‘) 74, What is the maximum value of the function (6)? at we @3 4 78. What is the minimum value of the function f(0)? @o mt @2 3 7. Consider the following savements 1. f(@)=2 has no solution 2 ye arson Which ofthe above statement(s) isfare correct? (@Onyt (©) Ony2 (@)Botn 1 and2 Solutions (Q. Nos. 74-76) 1@)= son%0 + cos*e) Also, 12 sin#8 = cos 26 {) Nate t noe 2 wa ftz0528 4g 1Lecost20 + 2.0082 4 l2-2c0820+14 cos?20 = +2 c0820| <4 feeeeiztles. cos?20 74.(C) hg = 34 124 75.(0) yp = 3+ 0= 3 76. (6) Sven (@) = 4on?0 + c0340) = A ito + (cos"0) = Asinte + (1-80) (sno + 1+ sit 24 [sito si? + 1.When (8) =2 = Asito—sinto + =2 = sifo-ontor t=? 2 sr0) = snto-sintos 3 = 2sinte-2snto+1=0 Letsinto =z, then above equation becomes 248-25 + 1= 0 Now, b® ~ dac = (-2)° = 4x2 x1 =4-04-420 = 10) =2nas no solsion 7 wen 1) = 2 2.When fe) = 2 0 sintos eZ = dente-ante-s = Z ~Bsntor 10 sthenBr? =e + 1=0 Now, 08 ~ 4ac =(-8)7 - 4x 8x1 =64-32=32>0 isa It gives a soktion Directions (Q. Nos: 7 and 78) Consider a AABC in which c08 A +c08 B+ cosC =v sin = 1. What is the value of A. BC. sin P sin sin $2 et et at @f of ef of © )Grenna sec, £08 A + cos B+ cos C= V8 sin = con Aeon B+ con =x 8.8 xPe2 We krow that, cos A+ cos B + cos © Car te eandenBan ded 2 = Asin A sin2 sine = 8-124 2s 2 Aen BenS=t eee 78. What sya (e:4) z a} wm} os (@ Nene lee ome (*2 8} (%32) =C) Directions (@. Nos. 79 and 80) Given ‘that tana and tan B are the roots of the equation x*+bx+e=0 with bea 79. What is tan (a +B) equal to? foe-9, — /eiD~1) Woo-7" be = 17" © @)Gven 2? + be += 0,040 tana-+ tanB=-b ‘and tana tanB <6 Now tan +B eA phree- 0" 80. What issin (a+) sec a.seeB equal to? @> > Wo we © ©) Wetnow tat, tana+ tan =-b = sna, 2B.» zee ooh __ siaceep cosas. ‘08 a cos B a a ane) wove > sn@+ B)sec asec B= > Directions (Q. Nos. 81-82) Consider the equation kein +coa2 =2k—7 81. If the equation possesses solution, then what is the ‘minimum value of k? @y we os as £82, If the equation possesses solution, then what is the ‘maximutn value of k? @1 2 ©4 6 © (Golutons ©. Nos. 81 and 82) Given, ‘equation sk sin + cos 2x = 2k=7 = ksing + 1-28h? Rents + keine + 8-220 > 2ehtx—ksine + 2k-8=0 ks (OR a ks OF a ong = KEM keh-8 4 = onze 2k = snr = 2828 andsins =2 fs-tssinzst * Pha851 -as2h- 854 = 4s2asi2 2s 3 2sks6 Minimum value of = 2 andmaximum vale of k= 6 81. (b) The minimum value fis 2 £2. (&) The maximum value of hie 6. 83. Consider the following statements 1. If ABC is an equilateral triangle, then. 3 tan (A+B) tanC=L 2. If ABC Is a triangle in which A=78°, B = 66°, then Ae) 2G 3. IfABC is any triangle, then AsBY.(C c 2 2, 2, mE? )sl)< (5) Which ofthe above statements is/are correct? (a) Onty1 ©) Ona (tend? eenda © 0) 1. Since, ABCis an equiateral ange, LA= B= = 6 "Now, consider Sitan(A + B)tanC = 3 tan 120" tan 60" = 3 tan (180° ~ 60") tan 60° (-) tan 60" tan 60° 8-8 =-9 2 Consicer, veel = tan78* < 1an78° [: value of tan increases, ‘as varying from 0" to 90} 2aine-cosy 2a Boos rsiny 25 sin A~cos B=cos C, then what leet is B equal to? soe fans. @e wz oF oF tany"B © (6) naaA8C, wohave 99. Ifsin Asin (60° — A)sin tin A~cos B= cos (60° + A)=ksin3.A, then what - ‘sin A= cos B + 008 isk equal to? aa Bsc sezsin A cos A « am wre deed -tee(23°) 8: By cos © a Wenave, c: oy Sewenter— Aencar eA asc sin 3a end cosB-+e08C =2 cos ” skein aay aay) 4 3A) ima [pater Asn (00-- 4) = MEAL kan 3A 4 [rrravowsora(222) 400-The line y = JF meets the graph tan x where 60,4) ink 2, : points, What isk equal to? (0m (0) Two: (a Teo Gren = © (@)Wenave, y= V3 ® ‘so, tmeette gh oly = wn zand . ‘y= ¥3,we shoud have V=tanx - nestor ‘Also, A+C =180°-B . = pee ee ee Hence ona iterecng point posse z wnoven domaine: kt oo, sine y) aed 101. Which one of the following is sin@=y) "ao" hen what one of the solutions of the is 32 equal to? barge! eee i as oF z ® @2 MO we ws oF ay © )Werave, tar20- tan 2 ta ‘arto 21am = tan2a= [mean 2] = Zion = 1 tan?ons tar? = 1 way = won i-(5) 3 teres tenor) «tan? (3) on 6 Directions (Q. Nos. 102-104) Read the following information carefully and ‘answer the questions given below, Given, 16sin®x = psin Sx +q sin Sz tano=1 $08: Wattle of @ @2 E+ 2 103. What is the value of q? @3 5 (10 5 104, What is the value of r? @s ©8 (10 @-0 © (Gotutons ©. Nos. 102-104) Consice 16ein's = 16(6h?}-sing =0(: = (1+ cos?2x~2.00824)8n x “4 008 az a(t 142084 2 coe) sin (ee 9 ) (84 008 4e— 400822)-sin = = (6+ 2008 4 ~ 8008 22)8in x = 6sin x + 2sin x08 4 = Beon2e-sins =6sinz + sin Se—sin 3 = 4(gin 3 ~ sn x) fr 2008 Asin B= sin(A+ 8) ~sin(A~ 8) = 6sinx + sinSx—9in x Asi 3e+ Asin sin 5x Sein 3x + 108in x 102. (a) Cleary, p= 1 108, (0) Cleary. g = 5 104, (0) Ceary,7 = 10 2014 (I) + 105. Consider the follwoing statements 1 sin | 1+ cos| | is always positive Tin (2) + c08 (2) is always positive Which of the above statement(s) islare correct? oni) ony (©) 80m andi (6) Nether nor © ( Lt4(0)= sn] + 008 2] We iow tat, vate osname 00s [=| Sepencon ts angles. “HQ n/2}-ahnx> Oandoos «> 0 (2/2, nl-ssin> Oandens 2< 0 [x2 seracomaon 2<0 (9n/2)28]-+5in x< Oandtcos 2>0 Serra Bisse ata pe Wer 46x) = 8x") + cos (x4) Frio ote oo ‘auryihis wil x2] ‘then value of fix) = sin (x4) + c08 (8 rorrn teeiaeg stn f(x) = in x* + 008 =*)< 0. Sensor mney ‘sin x? + cos x* Is not always positive. Note itxe [- x/2,0}-ssin x< Oand 08 => Obutein|s} + cos] |is aways postive. two take x = — 15° 2? =225 sins! + 008 Is negate. 106. What is value of Ltsin A sin A (asec A~tan A (b)2se0 A-tan A (@)4see A-tan A (6) 4cosee:A:cot A sna Trend then Trsin lt sin AP = (t= sin AF ‘sn A)(t+ sin A) (14 sink +2 sin A) = (t+ sh? A=2 sin) (si? A) (a+b Fx? + 2ab + dF] a — by =a? -2ab +b, (a Dy(a-+ 6)=(a*-b’) (4h? Ae zen At 2s A) cot © ze cot 516 = £25(960" — 196") - cot 90" + 44") Fc0t(90" +6) =~ tan} ot 80° — 6) = tang] (= 8d6r-c08 44° + sn 4°-cos 46° ‘in 447 cos 46° sn 467.008 44° snag + 407) naa 46) Sin(A + 8) =n A006 B + £08 Asin 8, i (A~ B) =n A008 B 008 Asin { in 90" = sin (-6)= = sinw 1 es gignoeed] -osee2® 108.1f A+ B+ C=, then what is ‘c0s (A+ B) +cos C equal to? @o ()2cose (eos -sne 2snc ® (a) Given that, AtBsCan 0 Now,.cos (A+B) + cos ¢ 006 (& -C) + coe c0sC + cos =0 'n second quadrant co8 < (tom Eq, 109. What i ‘cos 20° + cos 100° +08 140° equal to? 2 o ov 0 © Wenave, £08 20" + cos 109° #1608 140" (€0s 140° + cos 20°)+ cos 100" ~2eoe( '=2.c08 (80")- 08 60° + coe 100° 2008 60% 3 +08 100° += 008 80° + c08 109° = 2c08 ey (¥) (P= += 2.08 90" c08 1 =2x0xcoe 10°= 0 140. What is sin® Gx) + cos? (4m) + tan’ (Sn) equal to? fo 1 2 (3 ® @)Werae, sin (@n) + coo (4) + tant (6) mnt Qe x)s cos! 2x + 2x) + tan! (dn +) ont + costae + tan? x esin@e + 6)= sndcosi2n + 0} os ta (d+ )= ton} EE), coat (SE, Fee )eoe(F soot (E+ =n, sn(Eee)e cane sot Eo set(8) = (OF + OF + (0? = 0414 O01 111. The comy solution of J unteells geen (x=ms% @)xem+E 3 @z=ms& (x= 0+ ® where, ne 2 ® (© Given tat, stan so ttz=t 3 1 = tree 8 = tane= tant x/6) xan t % where.ne E wheresneZ 142. What isthe value of cos 36° Ba Bat 4 rs one fio- 2B MZ git ® (©) Wo take, 50 = 180° > 90+26= 180° = 20 180° 30 Tokingcos both sides, we get 1008 26 = cos (180° ~ 36) > 4088 C088 + 1)~2 cose (€088 + 1)~1 (e080 + 1) {008 8 + 1)(4c05%0 ~2 cos = cos 8+ 1=0 22 W576 22 o S 222V6 3 aeon0 = 1495 0088 = 0886 [- 11) Put 96%, we get Bat 00s 36° = 28-51 fs 36%> 0 113.Consider the following statements 1. Value of sin © oscillates between =Tand 1 TL Value of cos @ oscillates between 0 and I Which of the above statement(s) islare correct? {@)Ony! (onhn {Both\ana {@ Neier tno © @)| Wekrow at nde [- 13; 868 Ue. the value of sind les batwoen “te U.We now thatcos8e (11,088 le. th valu ofco80 sso es Debween = 110 144. Consider the following. statements nfo 7st 20") all positive integers 22. 1. 1 xis any positive real number, then wx > Lfor all positive integers n22. Which of the above statement(s) islare correct? (a) Ony! (ony (©) Bom tana (@) Neither nort © (@).Wehave (see = fon 8+ an) [ se ee in: Somat, circle whose length is equal to the oe He ear et ee Glameter of at cice z = -2.> tor postive integers Which of the above statement(s) islare &e correct? (=-2)] nee. (@) On! a (3 1. Given tat, ©) Oniyt -xi ay postive real number Le (Both ana seh ore ta>) {6} Net nce ) ( as Then.ax>4¥n22— nol © (a). Given mat, singe = 00520 2008. e4] ma = sn 90~sn(E-20) ce, x (0, =) then we take x= 1, fe ean acide gil a > tut ns aways greater or z ms (equal to 2 forall x postive numbers, = 0025-20 9 Son Fm0- . Hence, Statement Ii aoe 1. By ceteton of racan, “A radian isthe angle 415. Consider the following (suenriod at a caren ol 6 chee Ban See sos orth sual fhe ads the 1. 1F30is an acute angle such The number of radians ian angle that sin 38 = cos 28, then the sxbiendedby an ar of ce al be cent ‘measurement of @ in radian equalto =, radius Hence, Statement Is fale. TL, One radian is the angle subtended at the centre of a ‘circle by an are of the same

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