Camels Are Mammals That Can Survive in Arid Regions

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Camels are mammals that can survive in arid regions.

They have a humped back, long slim legs, and a long neck
that dips downward and rises to a small narrow head.
They have a single hump made of fat bound together by
fibrous tissue. Camelids have slender necks and long legs,
and their feet lack functional hooves. Camels are usually
between 6 and 7 feet in height and 9 to 11 feet in length,
and can weigh up to 2,300 pounds.
Hump : Camels have humps that store energy, not
Long legs : They have long legs built for walking in
Thick fur: Their fur keeps them warm in cold nights
and protects from the sun
Broad chest: This helps with breathing and
temperature control.
Large nose: Camels have great sense of smell.
Resilient skin: Their skin can handle extreme
Camels are mammals that are well-suited for living in
desert conditions. They eat low-lying vegetation like
grasses and thorny plants, and have split upper lips that
help them eat these plants. There are two types of
camels: the one-humped dromedary and the two-
humped Bactrian camel . Dromedary camels live in North
Africa and the Middle East, while Bactrian camels live in
Central Asia . Wild Bactrian camels live in south Mongolia
and northern China

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