Group 3 Mass Media Comparison Report 1

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Saishaa Patel
Our intercultural peers were benevolent. The Zoom calls we had with
them were extremely diverting. We had a great time getting to know
each other and learning various things about each other. On
WhatsApp, I spoke to Felix, who was extremely cooperative, and I
answered all of his questions while he did the same for us. There was
no difficulty in understanding each other, and the interactions were
smooth and effective. Despite one of our calls getting cut short due to
them having lessons, we managed to get a sufficient amount of work
done and questions answered, as well as general conversations and
getting acquainted. I loved getting to know them and making new
friends. It was truly an unforgettable learning experience.
Sukriti Singh
We first interacted with our peers from the Netherlands
on Zoom and they were very affable. In the Zoom
meeting, our group answered questions asked by our
peers from the Netherlands about our family and mass
media. Our Zoom meeting was cut short due to them
having a class but we communicated effectively in the
time that we had. We also made a WhatsApp group and
communicated there. We answered the questions they
had for us related to mass media on the WhatsApp group
. I interacted with Felix a member of their group and he
answered the questions I had for him related to mass
media. We also shared our Weebly pages.
Yuvaditya Deora
The interview project presented communication
challenges, requiring concerted efforts to break the ice
and assist with the interviews. It also provided an eye-
opening understanding of the time differences.
Personally, the experience was smooth, and I have no
regrets, but there is a desire for improved
communication methods. It was enlightening to converse
in their language and gain insight into their unique
perspectives. Understanding the significant inflation
disparity, particularly the vast difference in movie ticket
prices, was a memorable and impactful experience
Tiana Shah
Our peers were kind. We had really entertaining Zoom
calls with them. We had a terrific time getting to know
one another and discovering new details about
ourselves. We did contact eachother via whatsapp ,the
conversations flowed easily and productively, and there
was no trouble understanding one another. Even though
one of our calls was called off because they had classes,
we were still able to complete enough work, get our
questions answered, and have some general
conversations and get to know each other. Making new
friends and getting to know them was so much fun. It
was undoubtedly a memorable learning opportunity and
I personally had a great time connecting with them .
Virika Shah
Talking to our peers and connecting with them to find
out who they were and to get to know them was a really
valuable experience. They really put a lot of effort into
the work, cooperated really well as well as collaborated
to the best of their abilities, and helped us out a lot along
the way. Even learning a lot from them by exchanging
our local languages, and teaching one another was really
heartwarming and unforgettable experience. Although
we weren’t face to face,but via Zoom and WhatsApp they
still put their level best effort into reaching out to us,
which was really admirable
Thank You

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