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Lack of Urban Planning

Cognitive Skills and Creativity 4-B
• Braulio de Jesus Basto Arceo
• Antonio Gabriel Castillo Manzano
• Angel Gabriel Cime Novelo
• Wilbert Fernando Montero Vales
• Andrea Aylin Perez Campos
• Juan Jose Urbina Lopez
1. Primary Cause: Insufficient Citizen Awareness
Secondary Cause 1.1: Lack of Educational Campaigns on Road Maintenance
Data: Lack of specific informational campaigns on the importance of road maintenance and
how citizens can contribute leads to lack of awareness.
Secondary Cause 1.2: Lack of Awareness of Economic and Safety Impacts
Data: Many residents do not fully understand how potholes affect the local economy and
road safety, resulting in a lack of participation in maintenance initiatives.

2. Primary Cause: Lack of inclusion of road safety education in school programs.

Secondary Cause 2.1: Absence of School Curriculum Dedicated to Urban Maintenance.
Data: The lack of a specific school curriculum addressing issues related to urban
infrastructure and street maintenance contributes to ignorance about these issues.
Secondary Cause 2.2: Insufficient Training on Responsible Citizenship*.
Data: Educational programs do not provide sufficient training on civic responsibility and the
importance of maintaining urban infrastructure, including pothole prevention.

3. Primary Cause: Inefficiency in the Management of Municipal Resources
Secondary Cause 1.1: Lack of Strategic Planning for Road Maintenance
Poor municipal management may lack long-term strategic plans for road maintenance,
leading to inadequate resource allocation and the proliferation of potholes.
Secondary Cause 1.2: Corruption and Diversion of Funds Earmarked for Infrastructure
Corruption and diversion of infrastructure funds can negatively affect the municipality's ability
to carry out effective street repairs.

4. Root Cause: Lack of Coordination between Municipal Departments

Secondary Cause 2.1: Departmental Silos and Inefficient Communication
Lack of coordination between different municipal departments, such as public works and
urban planning, can result in uncoordinated approaches to street maintenance, thus
contributing to the presence of potholes.
Secondary Cause 2.2: Lack of Effective Oversight*.
Lack of effective oversight over road maintenance and repair activities can result in
inefficient practices and poor quality of work performed.
5. Root Cause: Lack of Citizen Participation in Road Maintenance
Secondary Cause 1.1: Citizen Disinterest and Passivity
Citizen apathy towards active participation in road maintenance programs contributes to the
lack of oversight and pressure on municipal authorities.
Secondary Cause 1.2: Lack of Pothole Reporting by Residents
Underreporting of potholes by residents prevents municipal authorities from acting in a
timely manner to address road maintenance problems.

6. Root Cause: Inappropriate Driving and Parking Behavior

Secondary Cause 2.1: Aggressive Driving and Excessive Use of Brakes in Urban Areas
Aggressive driving practices and excessive use of brakes contribute to accelerated road
wear, increasing the likelihood of potholes.
Secondary Cause 2.2: Irregular Parking and Parking in Undesignated Places*.
Parking in undesignated or irregular parking locations can damage road surfaces and
contribute to potholes.

7. Primary Cause: Adverse Weather Conditions
Secondary Cause 1.1: Precipitation and Floods
Data: Heavy rainfall and constant flooding rapidly deteriorate asphalt layers, increasing the
formation of potholes.
Secondary Cause 1.2: Extreme Temperature Changes.
Data: Extreme temperature variations, especially between seasons, cause pavement
contraction and expansion, contributing to pothole formation.

8. Primary Cause: Unmanaged Vegetation

Secondary Cause 2.1: Roots of Growing Trees and Plants.
Data: Uncontrolled tree and plant root growth under pavement pushes and breaks up
asphalt layers, creating potholes.
Secondary Cause 2.2: Lack of Maintenance of Green Zones.
Data: Lack of pruning and maintenance in green areas adjacent to streets contributes to
uncontrolled vegetation growth, affecting the pavement.
Road Infrastructure
9. Root Cause: Inadequate Design and Construction of Roadway Infrastructure
Secondary Cause 1.1: Lack of Evaluation of Expected Loads and Traffic
Road infrastructure designed without an accurate assessment of expected loads and traffic
can result in pavements that are inadequate to support the demand, leading to potholes.
Secondary Cause 1.2: Use of Low Quality Materials in Construction
The choice of low-quality materials during road construction can accelerate pavement
deterioration and contribute to the presence of potholes.

10. Root Cause: Lack of Preventive Maintenance and Repair Programs

Secondary Cause 2.1: Insufficient Preventive Maintenance Program*.
Lack of a regular preventive maintenance program, such as crack sealing and protective
coatings, can allow water infiltration and the formation of potholes.
Secondary Cause 2.2: Delayed Repairs and Ineffective Temporary Patching*
Delay in making effective repairs and ineffective temporary patching can lead to further
pavement degradation and recurring potholes.

11. Root Cause: Lack of Effective Communication on Road Maintenance
Secondary Cause 1.1: Poor Dissemination of Information on Maintenance Programs*.
The lack of effective information campaigns by municipal authorities makes it difficult for
citizens to learn about existing road maintenance programs, resulting in less community
participation and vigilance.
Secondary Cause 1.2: Inefficient Communication Channels between Municipality and
The lack of efficient communication channels between municipal governments and residents
prevents a rapid and effective dissemination of information on the condition of streets and
repair programs.

12. Primary Cause: Lack of awareness of the importance of road maintenance.

Secondary Cause 2.1: Lack of Public Education on the Impact of Potholes*.
The absence of educational programs that inform citizens about the economic, safety, and
environmental impacts of potholes contributes to widespread lack of knowledge about the
importance of road maintenance.
Secondary Cause 2.2: Insufficient Access to Up-to-Date Street Condition Information*.
Lack of access to up-to-date street condition information prevents residents from taking
preventative measures or reporting potholes, as they are unaware of the actual situation.

Sources of Information

o Los desafíos del México urbano (

o México mejora su posición en Índice de Percepción de Corrupción | NOTICIAS
| Capital 21 (
o Frontiers | Peri-Urbanization and Land Use Fragmentation in Mexico City. In-
formality, Environmental Deterioration, and Ineffective Urban Policy (frontier-
o Movimentistas – Educación Vial en México: Importancia, Retos y Soluciones
o How a city that floods is running out of water - BBC Future
o The Road to Sustainable Transport | International Institute for Sustainable De-
velopment (
o financing_sustainable_urbanization_-_counting_the_costs_and_clos-
ing_the_gap_february_2020.pdf (
o Sector asegurador crece 6.4% en 2019 • Economía y finanzas • Forbes Mé-
o More Urbanites, More Cars: The Challenge of Urban Road Safety and Health
| World Resources Institute (
o Las ciudades del mundo con más tráfico vehicular durante 2019 (autocos-

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