Nursing 2 Spanish Unit 4

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Unit 4 Symptoms

Word Definition Spanish

abdominal (adj) the part of your body between your abdominal (adj)
chest and the top of your legs,
including your stomach
anterior (adj) at or towards the front anterior (adj)

asthmatic (n) someone who suffers from asthma asmático (n)

attack (n) a sudden and short period of illness ataque (n)

bang (v) to hit part of your body against golpear (v)


black eye (n) a bruise around the eye ojo morado (n)

blood sugar (n phr) the amount of sugar in your blood azúcar en sangre
breathe (v) to take air into your lungs and send it respirar (v)
out again
breathe in (phr v) to take air into your lungs inspirar (v)

breathe out (phr v) to let air out of your lungs expirar (v)

breathless (adj) having difficulty breathing falto de aire (loc

bronchial tube (n) one of the tubes that takes air into your tubo bronquial (n)
bruise (n) a dark mark on your skin where you magulladura (n)
have fallen, been hit, etc.
cholesterol (n) a substance in your body which colesterol (n)
doctors think may cause heart disease
colic (n) pain in the stomach that babies often cólico (n)

condition (n) an illness dolencia (n)

contusion (n) a medical term for a bruise or bruising contusión (n)

cough (v) if you cough, air suddenly comes out of toser (v)
your throat with a short loud sound, for
example because you are ill
cut (n) a wound that you get when something corte (n)
sharp breaks your skin

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Word Definition Spanish
diary (n) a book in which you write down things diario (n)
that have happened to you
difficulty (n) when something is not easy to do dificultad (n)

dizziness (n) feeling unable to stand steadily mareo (n)

because you are ill
dizzy (adj) feeling that you are losing your mareado (adj)
balance, for example because you
have been spinning around or you are
emergency room (n) American English the part of a hospital sala de urgencias
where people are taken when they (n)
need urgent treatment [= casualty
British English]
fall over (phr v) to fall from an upright position caer (v)

helpline (n) a telephone number you can call for servicio de

advice or information asistencia
permanente (n)
ideal (adj) the best that something could possibly ideal (adj)
ineffective (adj) not achieving the correct effect or ineficaz (adj)
infect (v) to give someone a disease infectar (v)

inhaler (n) a small plastic tube containing inhalador (n)

medicine that you breathe in if you
suffer from asthma
injury (n) physical harm that someone gets in an lesión (n)
accident or attack
irritate (v) to make a part of your body sore irritar (v)

lining (n) a substance or material that covers the revestimiento (n)

inside of part of the body
lose weight (v phr) to gradually have less body weight perder peso (loc
medication (n) drugs given to people who are ill medicación (n)

mucus (n) a thick liquid produced in parts of your moco (n)

pollen (n) a powder produced by flowers, which polen (n)
is carried by the wind or insects to
make other flowers produce seeds
posterior (adj) at or towards the back posterior (adj)

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Word Definition Spanish

puff (n) a small amount of air soplo (n)

repeat (v) to say or do something again repetir (v)

respiratory (adj) relating to breathing or to your lungs respiratorio (adj)

severe (adj) very bad or serious grave (adj)

stressed (adj) so worried and tired that you cannot estresado (adj)
swell (v) to increase in size hincharse (v)

swollen (adj) a part of your body that is swollen is hinchado (adj)

bigger than usual due to an injury or
symptom (n) something wrong with your body or síntoma (n)
mind that shows you have a particular
tilt (v) to move or make something move into inclinar (v)
a position where one side is higher
than the other
touch (v) to put your hand or finger on tocar (v)
wheezing (v) breathing with difficulty, making a noise jadear (v)
in your throat and chest
windpipe (n) the tube through which air passes from tráquea (n)
your mouth to your lungs
worry (v) to keep thinking about a problem or preocuparse (v)
about something bad that might
happen so that you do not feel happy
or relaxed

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