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ee eich eM fers ¢ te Tea sad rs AE ES ee ; a 1. Background of the study A rapid increase in water demand, brought about by urbanization and an increase in population, which the current water supply (mostly groundwater) cannot adequately provide for results in a water crisis in both areas. In both circumstances, rainfall replenishes the groundwater naturally. But because of continuous urbanization, the rapid build-up of houses and buildings and the paving of ground with concrete drastically reduces open land for the natural recharges of groundwater. Thus, in turn, increases overland flow and stormwater runoff. In line with the mandate, a team from the MGB Regional Office Cordillera Administrative Region (MGB-CAR) conducted the GRVA in the municipality of Alfonso Lista, Hugao, which is within the Upper Magat Watershed. It was headed by Kelvin Carlo S. Gaerlan, Geologist, and Gabriel G. Dulnuan, Cartographer II. 1.1. Objectives The Groundwater Resources and Vulnerability Assessment is one of the projects currently being by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB). The main objectives of the project. * Todescribe the location, extent, and nature of the major aquifers within the municipality * To determine the physical and chemical quality of the groundwater from the surveyed wells and/or springs + To determine the subsurface lithological sequence of the study area To come up with an estimate of the thickness and the signatures of the different subsurface earth layers. + To make a spatial correlation pf the different identified layers and * To determine the vertical and horizontal extent and potential thickness and estimated depth of all aquifers identified 11 1.2. Limitations The factors involved in interpretation of the hydrogeologic/groundwater availability data of the area were mostly based on the data gathered from the field (primary data) and data from the related literatures (secondary data) Groundwater Quality only focused on the physical paramaters such as pH, Total Dissolved Solids, Hardness, and heavy minerals such as Copper, lead, Zinc and Manganese. For Georesistivity, the following are the constraints encountered during the course of the study * Rugged topography and limited space which limits the expansion of the sounding lines and location of the sounding centers. © Urban growth and other related human activities such as road construction, excavations and other civil works which restricts the establishment and expansion of the sounding lines. 2. Methodology 2.1. Research and Analysis of Secondary Data Data from Local Government Unit (LGU) and Academe were gathered and reviewed. In this survey, we only secured a copy of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Alfonso Lista, iugao 2.2.Field Surveys The activities of this assessment are 1) Hydrogeological Mapping 2) Water Point Inventory 3) Surface geophysical survey/ Method 4) Water Sampling 5) In-situ Water Quality Testing. Below is the specific description of the activities employed in the survey. 2) 2.2.1. Hydrogeological Mapping The hydrogeologic mapping method involves gathering geologic formations data to come up with the occurrence and movement of groundwater in the area, Geologic mapping in the areas has been conducted (Natonin, Pasaking, Cordon and Roxas Quadrangles) were utilized to delineate hydrogeologic units in the municipality. Rock units gathered by the quadrangle mapping team were utilized and used by the groundwater assessment team 2.2.2. Water Point Inventory Well and spring inventory was done by locating the exact position of all existing well and domestic used spring. This activity was done using Global Position System (GPS) instrument to determine the coordinates of the wells and springs. Also, battery operated water depth indicator or “water depth meter” was used whichever is possible to determine the depth of groundwater to surface. The water depth meter is a device made up of a nine (9) volts battery, distance labelled wire attached to metal tube probe that emits sound upon reaching water level of the well. This device was laid out to the aperture of the well to get the static water level (SWL). Springs developed for domestic used were also located using GPS instrument. Measurement of the discharge is also included to this activity using any calibrated plastic bottles and timer. The groundwater resource team conducted forty (40) in-situ spring inventory within the municipality of Alfonso Lista during the fieldwork. 3] Figure 1 Well Point Inventory. 2.2.3. Georesistivity Survey The geophysical survey is conducted when there is no reliable data from surface geologic and hydrologic methods of groundwater exploration. Different geophysical method can be used for groundwater exploration such as seismic surveys, electrical resistivity survey. In this study, georesistivity survey was used to determine or gather information on the rock type based on resistivity values and potential water- bearing characteristic of the rocks. The D.C resistivity (electrical resistivity) techniques measure earth resistivity by driving a direct current (D.C) signal into the ground and measuring the resulting potentials (voltages) created in the earth. From the data the electrical properties of the earth (the geo-electric section) can be derived. In turn, from those electrical properties we can infer geologic properties of the earth. 4l In geophysical and geotechnical literature, the terms, “electrical resistivity “and “D.C resistivity’ are used synonymously. The term “vertical electrical sounding’ (VES) is also used to refer to soundings using the D.C resistivity method. The Term “resistivity” or ‘electrical’ is sometimes used to encompass a broader range technique including different electromagnetic methods. D.C. resistivity techniques may be used in the profiling mode (dipole-dipole surveys) to map lateral changes and identify near-vertical features (e.g fracture zones), or they may be used in the sounding mode (e.g Schlumberger soundings) to determine depths to geo-electric horizons (e.g., depth to saline AM groundwater), Figure 2 The field team setting up the georesistivity instrument 5] 2.2.4. Water Sampling The bulk of the samples were collected in the springs and few were collected to well due to scarcity of wells in the study area. Samples were collected in 1- liter container, (each container were washed by distilled water and further rinsed with the actual sample) and were all submitted to Analytical Laboratory Section of Geosciences Division (MGB CAR) subject to physical and chemical analysis. In situ water sampling analysis was also done using the Hanna Instrument to determine the physical parameters such as pH, temperature, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) and conductivity. The results of the in-situ water analysis are for correlation with the laboratory results. The purpose of the laboratory and in situ analyses is to determine the safety of water for drinking. Concentrations of trace elements in the water in this study were compared with the guidelines for drinking-water of World Health Organization (Anake et al, 2014) and DENR Administrative Order No. 34 series of 1990. Figure 3 Water Sampling of spring within the study area. 6|P 2.2.5. In-situ Water Quality Testing The in-situ water quality involves the analysis of the physical properties of the groundwater in the area. Hanna Water Quality Tester was used to determine the pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), conductivity and water temperature. Figure 4 In-situ water sompling using portable water quality ki. 2.3. Characterization of the Hydrogeological System Identification of hydrogeologic units was done during the geological mapping, well and spring inventory and geophysical survey. Secondary data such as rainfall data, topographic maps from NAMRIA, environmental studies from DENR/CENRO are then used to enhance information gathered from the field. 7|Page 3. Profile of the study area 3.1. Location and Accessibility Alfonso Lista is one the municipalities under the congressional district of Ifugao Province. It is located in the eastern part of the Cordillera Administrative Region It is bounded by Mountain Province to the North, by the Isabela Province to the East and South and by Aguinaldo, Ifugao Province to the west. Alfonso Lista has a total land area of 347.46 square kilometer, it has a minimum elevation of 431 meter above sea level (mas!) and the maximum elevation of 1,457 masl. Alfonso Lista is politically subdivided into twenty (20) barangays. These barangays are; Bangar, Busilac, Calimag, Calupaan, Caragasan, Kiling, Laya, Little Tadian, Namnama, Ngileb, Pinto, Potia, San Jose, San Juan, San Marcos, San Quintin, Santa Maria, and Sto. Domingo. The municipality of Alfonso Lista is about 231 kilometers from the Baguio City, Benguet Province. It is approximately 6 hours ride passing thru the Ambuklao Road going to Nueva Vizcaya-Isabela Road and municipal road going to the center of the study area | | LOCATION MAP OF THE 4 i STUDY AREA ALFONSO LISTA, IFUGAO ie @ dy area 8|Pa 3.2. Climate The Municipality of Alfonso Lista falls under climatic Type Ill using Coronas Classification. Type III is characterized by seasons are not very pronounced, relatively dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year. Typhoons usually occur in the rainy months of August to October. Generally cold with a temperature of 29 to 33 degrees Celsius. Usually, the months of October to February are windy and the coldest are the months of December to February. Figure 6 Climate Map of the Philippines, adapted from the PAGASA. 91 3.3. Topography and Drainage Aifonso Lista is situated in the eastern part of the Cordillera Mountain Ranges It is characterized by an early mature stage of geomorphic development as exemplified by gently sloping hills and rolling to flattish terrain. The elevation ranges from 94 to 283 meter above sea level (mas). The municipality is of dendritic drainage pattern that ultimately drains to Magat River, 3.4.Geology The study area is underlain by Metamorphosed Volcanic (basalts and andesites) rocks (Abuan Formation/ Caraballo Group), tuffaceous sandstone and siltstone (Dumatata/ Dibuluan Formation), interbedded shale and gray wacke with coarse grained sandstone (Lubuagan Formation), Calcareous sandstone with limestone (Cabagan Formation), Terrestrial sandstone and conglomerates (llagan Formation) and loose deposits or clay, silt, sand and gravel (Quaternay Alluvium). Metamorphosed Volcanic (basalts and andesites) rocks (Abuan Formation! Caraballo Group) ‘The Abuan Formation which was named as Abuan River Formation by MMAJ- JICA (1989), is the oldest formation in the Easter part of the Cordillera Administrative Region and presumably comprises part of the basement of the Cagayan Valley sedimentary sequence. It is a heterogenous mixture of basaltic to andesitic flows, pyrociastics and sedimentary rocks. Its age was previously presumed by MMAV-JICA (1977) to be Cretaceous-Eocene, but it was later found to be Middle to Late Eocene by Rigenbach in 1992. Tuffaceous sandstone and siltstone (Dumatata/ Dibuluan Formation) The Dibuluan Formation is consists mainly of basic volcanic flows, volcanic breccias and pyroclastic rocks, with interbeds of clastic rocks. Radiometric K-Ar 10] dating of sample from basic lava flow of Dibuluan gave an age of 29 Ma or equivalent to late Early Oligocene by Billedo in 1994. Interbedded shale and gray wacke with coarse grained sandstone (Lubuagan Formation) Corby and others (1951) named this formation as Lubuagan Coal Member and renamed it to Lubuagan Formation. In MGB, 2010, they described Lubuagan Formation as a thick sequence of sandstone-siltstone-mudstone with minor pyroclastic. Furthermore, BED, (1986, a) and Caagusan (1978), they considered the Upper Zigzag Formation equivalent to Lubuagan Formation. However, they regard Upper Zigzag Formation as a sequence of clastic rocks as coeval with the Ibulao Limestone. The acceptable age of the Lubuagan Formation is Late Oligocene to Early Miocene (MGB, 2010). The groundwater studies of Quiazon and Hernandez, they evaluate these rock unit is suitable for pumping of small intermittent yields through shallow wells. The permeability of Lubuagan Formation in Kalinga foothill outcrop area is averaging 0.003 to 0.005 meter per day and porosity ranges from 9.9 to 10.2 percent, these statistics are based on the studies of Quiazon and Hernandez, (Groundwater in Cagayan Basin Northeast Luzon). Calcareous sandstone with limestone (Cabagan Formation) The Cabagan Formation is a sequence of sedimentary rock consisting of sandstone-siltstone-mudstone and conglomerate. Its suggested age is Late Miocene to Early Pliocene (MGB, 2010). Terrestrial sandstone and conglomerates (llagan Formation) The llagan Formation is divided into a lower marine shale and sandstone alternation and an upper coarser marine sandstone and continental sandstone and conglomerate sequence. The bottom is characterized by abundant mollusks. The formation is 2200 m thick in the type area. BED (1986a) assigns an age of | Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene for the llagan. Marine fauna indicate warm, shallow to brackish water deposition. Loose deposits or clay, silt, sand and gravel (Quaternay Alluvium) It is consists of unconsolidated materials that are made up of poorly sorted, subrounded pebbles and cobbles of different older rocks sets in a weakly indurated sandy matrix. 4. Water Resources 4.1.Water Sources Aifonso Lista has no centralized water distribution system. Each barangay down to sitio or community develop their own water system, which may be managed by their appointed officer or a local cooperative, while some households have their own water source. Water sources for domestic supply are generally form dug/shallow well, municipal owned deep wells and natural springs, situated from upslope forests/fields. ‘These are tapped and distributed through canals, hose pipes and tanks. Level | water system entails point sources of households, Level Il entails communal faucet or stand a post and Level Ill are maintained by Barangays or sitios using communal water sources or households with private water system 4.2. Groudwater Conditions 4.2.1. Water Point Inventory A total of forty (40) wells/springs sources were inventoried during the survey. All fifteen barangays have springs mostly used for domestic and agricultural purposes. Aside from recording the exact position of the wells/springs using Global Positioning System (GPS). Most of it were utilized for domestic and agricultural purposes. 21 [WELL AND SPRING INVENTORY LOCATION MAP ALFONSO LISTA, IFUGAO Figure 6 Map of Well and Spring inventory 4.2.2. Groundwater Flow and Movement Natural recharge to the groundwater system at the study are originates. from a) infiltration of precipitation through the zone of aeration to the water table, b) infiltration of stream flow from stream channels into the zone of saturation, c) lateral movement of groundwater into study area. The general direction of groundwater movement in the surveyed area is shown in the Figure . Movement (shown by arrow) is from the topographic map highs to creeks and other surface drains. 42.3, Georesistivity Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) involves the introduction of electrical current into the ground through a pair of electrodes. When an electric current is introduced into the ground, the ground acts as a weak conductor. Any variation in the sub-surface conductivity due to size, shape, and electrical resistivity of underlying earth layers will alter the flow of current. If 13] another set of electrodes is placed close to the current electrodes, a difference in electrical potential can be measured using an instrument, which can measure extremely low voltage difference. Using the value of the current transmitted, the voltage drop measured and a Geometric factor calculated based on the distances of the current and potential electrodes, an apparent resistivity value could be computed. This raw data is further processed using a computer to arrive at true resistivity values. Basically, it was aimed to study the subsurface lithological sequence of the area which may be specifically elaborated as follows: 1. To estimate the thickness and the signatures of the different subsurface earth layers; 2. To make a spatial correlation of the different identified layers; and 3. To determine the vertical and horizontal extent, potential thickness and estimated depth of all aquifers identified With the rugged topography and limited space, three (3) Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) locations, with a maximum AB length of 362m and 512m, with corresponding penetration depths of 36.2 and 50.2m, respectively, were accounted for. 14] VERTICAL ELECTRICAL ‘SOUNDING POINTS LOCATION MAP ALFONSO LISTA, IFUGAO Figure 7 Map of VES Locations Identification of Lithologic Units The identification of the resistivity value for a certain lithology is usually carried out along an area where the lithology in question could be positively identified. In areas where an outcrop is absent, particularly in flat area, borehole lithologic data are used to make resistivity sounding identification and calibration. If borehole data are to be used, the resistivity sounding is usually conducted near the borehole and the resulting interpreted resistivity value for a certain lithology can now be established if two or more correlation can be made, provided that the same lithology in question is present Data gathered by survey team from the neighborhood and water districts, have been used during resistivity value calibrations and correlations. 1s|P Identification of the resistivity value for a certain lithology is usually carried out along an area where the lithology in question could be positively identified. In areas where an outcrop is absent, particularly in flat area, borehole lithologic data are used to make resistivity sounding identification and calibration. If borehole data are to be used, the resistivity sounding is usually conducted near the borehole and the resulting interpreted resistivity value for a certain lithology can now be established if two or more correlation can be made, provided that the same lithology in question is present. Data gathered by survey team from the neighborhood and water districts, have been used during resistivity value calibrations and correlations. Descriptions of VES Points The VES points were designated as ALI-VES-01 to ALI-VES-03. They were strategically laid out within the study area and immediate vicinity. In order to investigate the area with a maximum depth of 100 meters from the ground surface VES points as much as possible were designed to have AB length of 180 meters on both sides. Table 4 shows the summary of the VES descriptions as well as their geographic coordinates. Geographic Coordinates of the VES points were taken using Garmin Global Positioning System with +/- 15 meters accuracy. Line azimuth are reckoned from the north. | VES point | Location Latitude Longitude | ALI-VES-41 | San Quintin, Alfonso Lista | 16° 55'44.9°N 127°3320°E | ALL-VES-2 ALI-VES-3 Dolowog, Alfonso Lista | 16° 55'39.6"N 421°28'13"E Namillangan, Alfonso Lista | 16° 51'35.2"N 121°22'40"E Table 1. Summary of VES descriptions 16 | Georesistivity Profiles Each sounding was interpreted and layers with their corresponding depths were tabulated at the left side of each figure. Summary of VES interpretations can be seen in Table 2, which shows the layer number with corresponding resistivity values, thickness and depths. To completely visualize the subsurface earth layers of the study area, a combination of two (2) resistivity profiles/sections designated as Resistivity Profile A-A’ was prepared. The resistivity profile was done by interconnecting resistivity soundings, which are made to appear to be sitting on a straight line. Moreover, this shows the relative stratigraphic sections formed when the soundings are combined. Likewise, the profile enhances and facilitates immediate visual image of the underlying stratigraphic columns of the lithological units. At the sounding graphs presentation, one may notice that there are actually more layers presented than at the resistivity profile. This is so because the first few layers are not important since they are shallow layers and thin and not mappable. In the presentation therefore, some of the first few layers were deliberately omitted in the profile leaving only the most layers that stand out. Table 2. Summary of the Deduced Resistivity Values for each VES Point ALIA Layer Resistivity Thickness Depth No. Value (Q-m) (meter) (meter) 1 15.3 ae 44 0.0 2g 82 le 57 enh a 82.2 144 68 4 25.5 ey 25 _ 179 5 40.9 13.6 20.4 6 69 12.5 33.9 7 al 13.3 x 46.4 wt ALI-2 Layer Resistivity Thickness Depth No. Value (Q-m) (meter) (meter) E (fap | Ge. MEs0 Sa SEs 00 2 760 won 52 03 3 mas? 94 55 4 - 6.2 21.4 15.0 5 __76 nam) 36 ALI-3 Layer Resistivity Thickness Depth No. Value (Q-m) (meter) (meter) jerwi_Si etae| arena 25a 14 0.0 10.3 3.1 1.4 ona 72 42 47 14.6 11.4 a7 4.2 26.0 -_ 87 117 37.3 25 489 Discussion of Georesistiviy Results There are three (3) electrical soundings strategically placed within the area surveyed to get a glimpse of the underlying lithological units. The maximum length of AB ranges from 90 to 181 depending on the available space layout. The ALI-VES-01 sounding point there are seven distinct resistivity layers identified in this point. The first layer has a resistivity value of 15.3 Ohm-m with a corresponding thickness of 1.1 meters. The first layer corresponds to the top soil layer. The second layer has a 48}? resistivity value of 8.2 Ohm-m having a thickness of 5.7 meters. It is encountered at depth 1.1 meters. It has a corresponding lithological equivalent to soil overburden or rock fragments. The third layer has. a resistivity value of 82.1 Ohm-m having a thickness of 11.1 meters. It is encountered at depth of 6.8 meters. It is the shallow aquifer of the sounding point and corresponds to the medium to coarse sandstone or the calcareous clastic member of the Cabagan Formation. Similar to third layer, the fourth and fifth layers have a resistivity value range from 25.5 to 40.9 Ohm-m. Fourth layer has a thickness of 2.5 meters and encountered at depth of 17.9 meters. The fifth layer was encountered at depth of 20.4 meters. These layers are interpreted as Medium to Coarse sandstone or Possible Aquifer of the area. The sixth layer has a low resistivity value of 6.9 Ohm-m with a thickness of 12.5 meters. This layer was encountered at depth of 33.9 m and interpreted as the impermeable layer or thee clay materials. The seventh layer has a resistivity value of 13.3 Ohm- m and encountered at depth of 46.4 m. This layer is considered as the confined aquifer of the area. The thickness of the seventh layer could not be established due to the limited distance set up during the instrumentation reading that causes the limited depth of penetration of the instrument. The ALI-VES-02 sounding point- there are five distinct layers encountered in this sounding point. The first layer has a resistivity value of 30.3 Ohm-m having a thickness of 0.3 meters, it is considered to be a top soil layer. The third to the fifth layers has a resistivity value ranging from 5.2 to 7.6 Ohm-m and considered as Impermeable layer or the clay materials. The ALI-VES-03 sounding point- there are seven resistivity layers identified in this sounding point including the top soil as the first layer. 19] 4.24, ® The second layer has a resistivity value of 10.3 Ohm-m having a thickness of 3.1 meters. It is encountered at depth of 1.1 meters and considered to be the moistened layer of this point. The third to seventh layer has a resistivity value rainging from 2.5 to 8.7 Ohm-m with an average thickness of 8.94 meters. These layers were considered as Clay Materials. Aquifers of the Study Area The hydrogeologic units (rock units) within the study area is within “Rocks in which flows in Dominantly Intergranular”. The rock units in this group are normally considered to be productive aquifers in the study area. They generally consists of granular deposits wherein groundwater occurs and moves through pore openings between individual grains. GROUNDWATER AVAILABILITY MAP OF IFUGAO PROVINCE, PHILIPPINES 4.3. Water Quality 4.3.1. In-situ Test Results ‘The data gathered in the assessment were analyzed through in-situ analysis using Hanna Instrument Multi-Parameter Water Quality Meter. The value analyzed for in-situ test are Temperature, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), conductivity and ph. The Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water was used as the basis for the assessment of water quality. Temperature The temperature of groundwater is generally equal to the mean air temperature above the land surface. The temperature values of water sources in Alfonso Lista ranging from 24.8°C to 32.8 °C and has an average of 26.09 °C. pH The pH level of your drinking water reflects how acidic it is. pH stands for “potential of hydrogen” referring to the amount of hydrogen found in a substance (in this case, water). pH is measured on a scale that runs from 0 to 14. Seven is neutral, meaning there is a balance between acid and alkalinity. A measurement below 7 means acid is present and a measurement above 7 is basic (or alkaline). The limit of pH for drinking water is specified as 6.5 to 8.5 (DOH, 2017). Based on the result the range of pH values measured in the area is from 6 to 8.1. Out of 40 samples tested seventeen (17) samples have not reached the standard value. Thirty three (33) samples were analyzed as low acid water ( 5.5 to 6.8), while for neutral water ( 6.9 to 7.2) six (6) samples analyzed. One sample was analyzed as Low Alkaline water ( 7.2 to 8.5). Table 4 is the summary of the inventoried water sources indicating the pH classification. ai Variation Range Specification 3-35 High Acid Water maa 3.5-5.5 Acid Water a 5568 Low acid Water 6872 Neutral Water 7.2-8.5 Low Alkaline water >8.5 Alkaline water Table 3 Ph Classification Based On World Health Organization Elevation 147.7461 195.8162 Alfonso Lista_| Ngileb Sample_Num ALIS 121.539 17.0301, pH Classification Low Acid Water Low Acid Water 160.3308 Alfonso Lista_| Ngileb ALG 121.496 184.4587 Alfonso Lista_| Kileng AUT 121.479 17.0299, 17.0451 Low Acid Water Low Acid Water, 185.3207 188.212 Alfonso Lista_| Kileny Alfonso Lista_| Pinto AUB 121.479 121.477 17.0474 16.9799 Low Acid Water Low Acid Water 124.332 ‘Alfonso Lista_| Laya 121.508 16.9635 Low Acid Water 124.0454 270.7414 Alfonso Lista_| Laya ‘Alfonso Lista Busilac 121.507 121.461 16.9634 16.9631 Low Acid Water Low Acid Water 116.6539 ‘Alfonso Lista 121.487 16.9459 Low Acid Water 155.5328 ‘Alfonso Lista 121.486 16.9244 Low Acid Water 146.7698 Alfonso Lista 121.487 16.9238 Low Acid Water 121.0658 | Alfonso Lista 121.565 | 16.9639 | Low Acid Water 117.3634 | Alfonso Lista 121.565 | 16.9641 | Low Acid Water 104.0853 | Alfonso Lista_| 121,561 | 16.9424 104.7286 | Alfonso Lista 5. 121,561 | 16.9428 | Low Acid Water '94.90639 | Alfonso Lista_| Calimag 6.4 | ALI23 121,566 | 16.9479 | Low Acid Water 22|P a 96.29358 | Alfonso Lista_| Calimag 6.1 | aug 16.9479 | Low Acid Water 179.3835 | Alfonso Lista_| Bangar 6.55 | ALI25 16.9158 | Low Acid Water '96.89969 | Alfonso Lista _| Banger 6.4 | ALIZG 16.9165 | Low Acid Water (97.14746 | Alfonso Lista _| Bangar 0 16. Bangar Elementary 97.19773 | Alfonso Lista_| School 16.9161 113.8052 | Alfonso Lista_| San Juan 6.1 | AU28 121.542 | 16.9017 | Low Acid Water 107.0407 | Alfonso Lista_| San Quintin | 6.2 | ALIZ9 121.55 | 16.9194 | Low Acid Water 106.1609 | Alfonso Lista_| San Qu 6.2 | AUI30 121.551 | 16.9198 | Low Acid Water 237.2192 | Alfonso Lista_| Calupaan 5.7 | AU31 121.525 | 16.8685 | Low Acid Water 186.4495 | Alfonso Calupaan 5.8 | ALI32 “[-a21.524 | 16.8675 134.2094 | Alfonso Lista_| Namillangan | 6.2 | ALI33 121.506 | 16.8413 200.7656 | Alfonso Lista _| Namillangan | 6.6 | ALI34 121.486 | 16.8733 | Low Acid Water 160.6143 | Alfonso Lista_| Sto. Domingo | _ 6 | ALI3S 121.479 | 16.8422 | Low Acid Water 162.0581 | Alfonso Lista_| Sto. Domingo | 6.2 | ALI36 121.48 | 16.8427 | Low Acid Water 156.7566 | Alfonso Lista_| Namnama 6.4 | AU37 121.462 | 16.8688 | Low Acid Water 157.4066 | Alfonso Lista_| Namnama 6.2 | AU38 _ | 421.461 | 16.8679 | Low Acid ater 136.9533 | Alfonso Lista_| Potia 6.6 | ALI39) 121.46 | 16.8887 | Low Acid Water 151.1822 | Alfonso Lista _| Potia 6.5 | ALI4O 121.46 | 16.8899 | Low Acid Water Table 4 Inventoried water sources outside of acceptable pH range based on PNSDW Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is defined as number of inorganic salts and small amounts of organic matter present in the water. Those salts are calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides and ‘sulfates. The DOH, 2017 in PNSDW, published a maximum allowable limit for TDS to >500 mg/L, any values exceed in 500 mg/L is failed and may affect the taste of the water. Eighteen (18) samples pass the standard of PNSDW. The lowest total dissolved solids has a value of 216 mg/L obtained from sample ALI-35 while the highest total dissolved solids was obtained from ALI-17 with a value of 812 mg/L. Table 5 23] Elevation_| Municipali | Barangay _| TDS | Sample_Num | X y ‘Alfonso 175.251648 | Lista Little Tadian | 562 | aLIa 121.545 | 16.9953 ‘Alfonso 201.278397 | Lista Little Tadian | 655 | ALI2 121.517 | 16.9913 Afonso 147,74614 | Lista Pinto 592 | aus 121.502 | 17.0018 ‘Alfonso 157.235413 | Lista Pinto 450 | ata 121.496 | 17.0074 ‘Alfonso 195.816177 | Lista Ngileb 603 | aus 121.539 | 17.0301 ‘Alfonso 160.3078 | Lista Ngileb 579 | ALI6 321.496 | 17.0299 ‘Alfonso 184,458679 | Lista Kieng 812 | ALIZ 321.479 | 17.0451 ‘Alfonso 185.320663 | Lista Kileng 612 | Aus 321.479 | 17.0474 ‘Alfonso 147.652496 | Lista Pinto 626 | Aug 121.498 | 16.9875 ‘Alfonso 188.2196 | Lista Pinto 417 | AU10 321.477 | 16.9799 ‘Alfonso 124.332001 | Lista taya 616 | ALI 121.508 | 16.9635 ‘Alfonso 124,045433 | Lista Laya 628 | aui2 121.507 | 16.9634 ‘Alfonso 282.900146 | Lista Busilac 342 | au3 121.461 | 16.9628 ‘Alfonso 270.741394 | Lista 325 0 | 121.461 | 16.9631 ‘Alfonso 116.653862 | Lista | aura 121.487 | 16.9459 Alfonso 155.532806 | Lista 619 | Aus 121.486 | 16.9244 ‘Alfonso 146.76976 | Lista 7a2 | aun6 121.487 | 16.9238 Alfonso 145.336075 | Lista Dolowog__| 383 | ALII7 121.47 | 16.9259, ‘Alfonso 129.019501 | Lista Dolowog | 534 | ALIIs 321.471 | 16.9251 Alfonso | 122.065811 | tista San Marcos | 395 | aLl19 121.565 | 16.9639 Alfonso |uzasaai9| usta | san Marcos | 208 | auzo 121565 | 16.9641 | Alfonso 104.085251 | Lista Santose | 420 | auiza 121.561 | 16.9424 24|Page |151.18222 Alfonso lista Potia 439 | AL4o 104.728622 SanJose__| 477 | ALI22 121.561 | 16.9428 94.906387 Calimag | 338 121.566 | 16.9479 96.293579 | Calimag 340 | ALIZ4 121,564 | 16.9479 |_179.38353 Bangar__|_370 | aui25 121.566 | 16.9158 96.899689 | Lista | Bangar_ 344 | ALIZ6 121.566 | 16.9165 Alfonso 97.147461 | Lista Bangar o 0 | 121.566 | 16.9164 Bangar Alfonso | Elementary 97.197731 | Lista Schoo! 0 0 | 121.567 ‘Alfonso Lista San juan | 245 | ALIZ7 121.543 | 16.9029 Alfonso 113,805153 | Lista san Juan 121.542 | 16.9017 Alfonso 237.219238 | Lista Calupaan__| 282 | aui31 121.525 | 16.8685 Alfonso 186.449524 | Lista Calupaan__| 257 | Aui32 121.524 | 16.8675 ‘Alfonso 134.209427 | Lista Namillangan | 335 | ALI33 121.506 | 16.8413 ‘Alfonso | 200.765594 | Lista Namillangan | 428 | AUI34 121.486 | 16.8733 Alfonso _| Sto. 160.614288 | Lista Domingo __| 216 | AUI35 121.479 | 16.8422 Alfonso | Sto. 162.058121 Domingo | 224 | ALI36 121.48 | 16.8427 121.46 16.8899 Electrical Conductivity Conductivity is a measure of water's capability to pass electrical flow. This ability is directly related to the concentration of ions in the water. These conductive ions come from dissolved salts and inorganic materials such as alkalis, chlorides, sulfides and carbonate compounds. Compounds that dissolve into ions are also known as electrolytes. The more ions that are present, the higher the conductivity of water. Likewise, the fewer ions that are in the water, the less conductive it is. Distilled or deionized water can act as an insulator due to its very low (if not negligible) conductivity value. Sea water, on the other hand, has a very high conductivity The values for this parameter were obtained from the field, and the instrument used was Hanna Water Quality Instrument. The conductivity values that were obtained in Alfonso Lista Municipality ranges from 0.31 to. 4.11 mS/cm and the barangay Namnama has the highest EC values specifically the sample mark ALI-38. 4.4. Characterization of the Hydrogeological System Groundwater for domestic consumption in the study area are in the form of dug/shallow wells and springs. Dug/Shallow wells derived their water source from the unsaturated or vadose zone. Based on anecdotal account from the local water from their wells dried up immediately and water came back when there is a heavy rainfall. On the other hand, springs issuing out from the weather section of the Tuffaceous with intercalated Siltstone, mudstone and conglomerate are considered fair or rocks with limited potential because majority dried up during prolonged dry spell Solution enlarged fractures and cavities in limestone areas had produced secondary porosity and permeability and ay have improved water movements. Springs issuing out in these areas are often used for domestic purpose. 26) ] 5. Conclusions Based from the gathered data from the field the underlying hydrogeological units in Alfonso Lista Municipality are Rocks in which flows is Dominantly through Fractures and/or Solution Openings (Fairly to Less Extensive And Productive Aquifers with low to moderate Potential Recharge) Local Groundwater-Regions Underlain by Impermeable Rocks Generally Without Significant Groundwater Except Residuum, Sufficiently Leached and/or Fractured Zone ( Rocks with Limited Potential, Low to Moderate Permeability and Rocks Without any known Significant Groundwater Obtainable Through Drilled wells, Largely Untested) and Fairly Extensive and Productive Aquifers. The present local water sources in the form of deepwells, springs and dugwells can be locally maintained to supply the water needs of the local inhabitants Based on the result the range of pH values measured in the area is from 6 to 8.1. Out of 40 samples tested seventeen (17) samples have not reached the standard value. Thirty three (33) samples were analyzed as low acid water ( 5.5 to 6.8), while for neutral water ( 6.9 to 7.2) six (6) samples analyzed. One sample was analyzed as Low Alkaline water ( 7.2 to 8.5). Eighteen (18) samples pass the standard of PNSDW. The lowest total dissolved solids has a value of 216 mg/L. obtained from sample ALI-35 while the highest total dissolved solids was obtained from ALI-17 with a value of 812 mg/L. 6. Recommendations The conduct of bacteriological and other chemical analysis is also recommended to ensure the suitability of the water for human consumption. Constant monitoring regular physical and chemical analysis of water sources of the barangays for monitoring of the water quality in reference to the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW) of the Department of Health Itis highly recommended to conduct a more extensive geo resistivity survey, especially in the areas with potential aquifers. 271 * It is also recommended to conduct a detailed study on groundwater water availability and vulnerability. Comprehensive data gathering, particularly on static water level, production well yield, and specific capacity of wells is necessary to generate a detailed hydrogeologic map of the municipality and to accurately delineate the hydrogeologic units. 7. Acknowledgement The Groundwater Resources Assessment Team of MGB-CAR would like to acknowledge the Local Government Unit of Alfonso Lista, especially the Office of the Municipal Mayor, Municipal Planning and Development Office and League of Barangay Captains Office for the accommodation, support and assistance during the field assessment. References Davies, MacKenzie, 1998. Introduction to Environmental Engineering, International Edition, pp. 631-701, Mc-Graw Hill, Singapore. Department of Health. (2007, March 9). Philippines National Standards for Drinking Water. Sta Cruz, Manila, NCR, Philippines E.C Dela Cruz and A.M. Mendoza (August, 1980) Reconnaissance Hydrogeological Survey of Abra Province Holman, H. P. and R. C. Palmer, 1998. Introducing multidisciplinary groundwater vulnerability mapping to Philippines, Journal of the Geological Society of the Philippines, v.53, nos. 3 & 4, Manila, Philippines. Keary P. and Brooks M. (1984) An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration. Blackwell Scientific Publications, London. Masters,G.M.,1998. Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science 2nd Edition, pp. 629-633, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 28) Orellana, E. and Mooney, H.M. (1966) Master Tables and Curves for Vertical Electrical Sounding Over Layered Structures. Interciencia, Madrid. Parasnis, D.S. (1973) Mining Geophysics. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Scott Keys, W. and MacCary, L.M. Application of Borehole Geophysics to Water-Resources Investigations. Techniques of water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey Pefia, R. (2008). Lexicon of Philippine Stratigraphy. Geological Society of the Philippines. 29] Prepared by: en Ki ‘0S. GAERLAN Geologist Noted by een bhai@hsan L. ESPEJO Chief Geologist 30] Glossary AB length-The current electrode distance. apparent resistivity-The resulting values when the readings from the instrument are multiplied by this geometric factor. Conductivity- The reciprocal of resistivity. Connate water-Water trapped during deposition stage. This is often referred to salty water trapped in sedimentary formations. current electrodes- A pair of steel used to introduce artificially-generated electric current into the ground. electrolytic materials- Accumulated loose ions derived mostly from the solution of salts. Electrostratigraphic section- Lithologic Section formed using identified layers with a set of resistivity values. geo-resistivity survey- A method in electrical surveying whereby artificially- generated electric currents are introduced into the ground and the resulting potential difference are measured at the surface. \so-resistivity map- Map showing equal resistivity values, which serve as, contour lines. lithologic resistivity unit- A unit of rock identified through its true resistivity value. 31] logarithmic scale- A scale which provides equal length of measurement between 1-40 and 10- 100, 10-100 and 100-1,000 and so on. master curves- A set of curves prepared in dimensionless form for a number of values of the reflection coefficient k by dividing the calculated apparent resistivity values by the upper layer resistivity and by dividing the electrode spacing a by the upper layer thickness. MN length- Distance between potential electrodes NAMRIA- National Mapping Resources Information Authority potential electrodes- A pair of steel used to measure the potential difference between two electrodes. resistivity- The resistivity of a material is defined as the resistance in ohms between the opposite faces of a unit cube of the material. Resistivity Profiles- Interchangeably used with electrostratigraphic section. resistivity signature- A resistivity value by which a certain rock unit may be identified Schlumberger technique- A resistivity survey using configuration in which the inner, potential electrodes have a spacing which is a small proportion of that of the outer, current electrodes. Here the potential electrodes remain fixed and the current electrodes are expanded symmetrically about the center of the spread. software- Computer program or assembled set of computer instructions. 32| spontaneous potential -The release of electrons when electrolytes below water table undergo oxidation. stratigraphy- Used here to connote a sequence of lithologic layers. theoretical curve- A curve so produced when resistivity field data are plotted on a logarithmic scale. theoretical penetration depth- The expected depth of penetration for a fixed length AB in a resistivity survey. Unconformity- Geologic term used to indicate a break in deposition. VES- Vertical Electrical Sounding known also as electrical drilling used mainly in the study of horizontal or near-horizontal interfaces. 33] ANNEX A WELL/SPRING INVENTORY PHOTOS ANNEX B MAPS 37| 38] HYDROGEOLOGIC MAP OF ALFONSO LISTA, IFUGAO PROVINCE, ANNEX C RESISITIVITY CURVES

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