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1.) Effects of Grade Retention Policies: A Literature Review of Empirical Studies
Applying Causal Inference
The identification of the causal effects of grade retention policies is of enormous
relevance for researchers and policymakers alike. Taking advantage of the availability
of more detailed longitudinal datasets, researchers have been able to apply different
identification strategies that address the classical problems of selection bias and
unobserved heterogeneity that have plagued previous studies on the effect of retention.
We present a systematic literature review of empirical studies aiming to unveil the
causal effects of retention. This study underlines the need to consider and evaluate
different kinds of grade retention policies as their effects vary depending on several
dimensions (such as timing of the policy, comparison groups, length of the effects or
institutional settings). According to the results of our review, we conclude that grade
retention is unlikely to be an efficient policy as the costs associated to the policy can
easily outweigh the potential (weak) benefits of retention. It is therefore necessary to
consider alternative policies to retention, or policies that can be used in combination
with it, in order to enhance the performance of low achievers, in particular those
students at risk characterized by a low ability profile.
2.) A Research Study on Accountancy Program Retention Policy and Survival Rate
of Students in the Philippines.
The fifty accountancy students were also asked on what they think are the
advantages of having retention policy at Northwestern University. As a result, the major
advantage of having a retention policy is to remind students to be more serious in
passing their major subjects with a percentage of thirty four percent (34%). Next is to
have an outstanding school performance for the CPA Board Exam with thirty two
percent (32%), then to check whether the students are really fit for the program with
twenty two percent (22%) and lastly to check whether the students gained something
in mind during the semester with a percentage of twelve percent (12%). Disadvantages
were also asked to the students on having a retention policy on the primary
disadvantage is the tendency to be disqualified in the Accountancy Program with fifty
one percent (51%), second is frustration in having a low grade with forty percent
(40%) then, no time for self with nine percent (9%) and other disadvantages garnered
nothing. Disadvantages of having Retention Policy. Since the Accountancy Department
is administering the retention policy at the end of each semester, the researchers also
ask the respondents on what possible actions are they going to do if they will be
disqualified in the Accountancy program. The action who got the highest percentage is
to transfer to another school who accepts transferee which is forty three percent
(43%). Followed by shifting to another business related course with forty percent
(40%), next is they will become frustrated and not to continue to study anymore with a
percentage of twelve percent (12%) and lastly is to stop for some semester to have at
least a break with only five percent (5%).
3.) Retention Policy At Palawan University
Retention policy refers to the policy that has a standard grade that is needed to be
maintained by the BSA STudents. For the past years, the Accountancy program in
Palawan State University had implemented a ruining grade of 2.25 (3-55) in all major
subjects. According to the study conducted by Chu, Peterwille (2011), try number of the
Accountancy Department Faculty, there was always a retention policy in the part but it
was not strictly implemented during the late 1990s which subsequently relied on the
university' lower Passing rate over the national passing percentage. He also mentioned
that the lowest point of the Accountancy program in the board examinations happened
in the early 2000 wherein the university at times had no passers in the licensure
examination. This retention policy has now been changed into a grade of 200 (6-8) for
the academic 2019-2020 in order to meet the goal of the Accountancy Department
which is to increase ping rate in the CPA board examination.
4.) Retention Policy On The Accountancy Program of Rogationist College A Basis
For Retention
According to the study conducted by Zafra, (2018), it is one way of preparing
the students for the Certified Public Accountant Licensure Exams. Retention policy is
being implemented to encourage students to study hard, develop their analyzing skill,
and have good study habits that helps them to survive the tough competition of grades
inside the accountancy program.
5.) To Pass or Not to Pass: A Qualitative Inquiry on Students' Views on the
Academic Retention Policy
Retention policy is an important guiding principle implemented by academic
institution to promote students' development, yet evidence is unable to disentangle
how the effect of retention policy varies by the outcome in student's intellect and
morality. This study gathered the views and perspectives of students in relation to the
retention policy of the college. This study used the qualitative-phenomenological
method. Seven participants who gained the lowest general percentage average were
purposively selected. In-depth interviews were conducted to obtain the pertinent
information. Results revealed that retention policy was a source of encouragement for
students to perform well and it was a necessity to develop and enhance students'
cognition. However, few students mentioned that the retention policy was a source of
stress because they needed to comply with the standard requirements imposed by the
college. They reiterated that the policy discriminated against slow-learners. The
findings implicate that concrete actions may be done to address the misconception on
the retention policy. Strong academic support and resources may be offered to address
students' needs especially to those who were at-risk. Retention policy will remain a
challenge to all students if the academic institution is not fully equipped to respond to
the needs of the students.
6.) Influential Factors in Student Retention: A Study Involving Undergraduate
Students in Accountancy
Objective: The research objective is to analyze influential factors in student retention
with a view to producing indicators for the management of Accountancy courses.
factors considered derive from the model by Cabrera, Nora and Castañ eda (1992),
including cognitive and behavioral factors as well as factors external to the institution.
Method: e data were collected through a survey, involving a sample of 155 students
from an undergraduate Accountancy program. e students’ perception of the factors
considered was measured on a Likert scale. e data were submitted to factorial analysis
and structural equation modeling. Results: e results evidenced that the factors
“encouragement by close persons” and “academic and intellectual development” were
more important in the explanation of student retention. Contributions: e results
contribute to the creation of mechanisms and indicators that affect the retention,
contributing to the management of the Accountancy courses through the students’
perception of the course and its context.
Key Words: Student retention; undergraduate Accountancy program; influential factors
in student retention; factor analysis; structural equation modeling.
7.) Accounting Research Proposal
Davis, Harold E. & DiGregorio, Dean. (2016) suggested that a requirement for a
student to earn a minimum grade to advance to the next course in a sequence is a
progression policy intended to ensure that a student has the knowledge and skills
necessary to succeed in the subsequent class. The requirement also helps set an
expectation of acceptable performance.
Davis and Jones (2014) claimed in their article “The Impact of Changes in
Accounting Program Retention Policies” that because of the increasing pressure to meet
graduation and retention expectations, many institutions re-examine their programs in
order to find ways in which to help students to identify the most suitable major for their
individual skill and to provide institutional processes to help students navigate their
academic career.
8.) The Impact of Changes in Accounting Program Retention Policies
According to the study of Davis and Jones (2014) with an increasing focus on the
graduation and retention rates, one of the accountancy programs have reevaluated
their policies in order to help students identify early the most suitable major for their
individual skills sets. Included in these retention policies that focus on limiting the
number of times a student is able to repeat a course and those that determine how
many times a student can withdraw from a course. However, a potential change in the
retention policy would count a withdrawal as an attempt for a course. Data for all
accounting courses over a six-year period were obtained and evaluated to determine
the impact. The results indicate that approximately 3% of students were impacted by
the current policy and that if the change in policy had been instituted within the sample
period, an additional 2% students would have been prohibited from continuing the
accountancy program.
9.) Retention Policy
According to study of Tabitha Maxwell (2018), In first year, a student must obtain a
GPA of 3.50 and not fail on 4 subjects to qualify for enrolment in the 2nd semester. In
second year, a student must obtain a GPA of 3.00 and pass all accounting subjects with
an average of 2.75. In third year, a student must obtain a GPA of 2.75 and an average of
2.75 in all accounting subjects. In fourth year, must obtain a GPA of 2.75. Then in
October 2006, the percentage of board passers became lower than the previous years.
Due to this the accounting department implemented a new retention policy. It states
that if a student has 2 failing grades in accounting, he must leave the program. Many
revisions were made on this policy as years went by. These retention policies also have
bad effects not only to students but also to school institutions. An article said that
“Attrition also potentially damages the reputation of an institution, creating long-term
implications for attracting new students.
10.) A Research About The Positive Effects Of Retention Policy To BSA And
BSACT Students In The University Of The East-Caloocan Campus
According to the study of Austin (2013), the retention program among Bachelor of
Science in Accountancy students of different universities is quite common these days.
It is one way of preparing the students for the Certified Public Accountant Licensure
Exams. Retention policy is being implemented to encourage students to study hard,
develop their analyzing skill, have a good study habits that help them to survive the
tough competition of grades inside the accountancy program. According to UF the
retention policy is to raise the University's academic standards, the University
Academic Council has deemed it necessary to provide for each university a minimum
GPA which the students must maintain.


The academic journey of accountancy students at Northeastern College is influenced
significantly by the institution's retention policy. This study seeks to address several
critical issues and gaps in understanding the effectiveness of this dynamic nature of
retention policy:
1. What are the retention policies of the Accountancy program at Northeastern
a) Previous policy
b) Existing policy
2. What are the perceived advantages and disadvantages of the previous retention
policy in the accountancy program?
3. What are the perceived advantages and disadvantages of the existing retention
policy in the accountancy program?
4. What problems are accountancy students facing regarding the program's retention
5. What improvements or changes can be recommended for the retention policy to
enhance student retention rates and academic success among accountancy


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