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Threats in the

What is internet Safety?
▪ It refers to the online security or safety of people and
their information when using the internet.
▪ As teenagers, you are all exposed to many things
powered by the Internet. Whether it is socializing,
playing games, reading sports news, shopping, etc., the
Internet years, did not have.
▪ The Internet, truly, is a powerful tool. It can be used to
promote your business, gain new friends, and stay in
touch with the old ones.
What is internet Safety?
▪ It refers to the online security or safety of people and
their information when using the internet.
▪ As teenagers, you are all exposed to many things
powered by the Internet. Whether it is socializing,
playing games, reading sports news, shopping, etc., the
Internet years, did not have.
▪ The Internet, truly, is a powerful tool. It can be used to
promote your business, gain new friends, and stay in
touch with the old ones.
A. Malware – stands for malicious software; It is a set
of instructions that run on your computer and make your
system do something that an attacker wants it to do.
▪ Virus - a malicious program designed to replicate itself and
transfer from one computer to another (internet, local networks,
FDs, CDs, etc.)
▪ Spyware - a program that runs in the background without you
knowing it (thus called “spy”). It has the ability to monitor what
you are currently doing and typing through keylogging.
▪ Adware - A program designed to send your advertisement, mostly
as pop-ups; SPAM- Refers to the transmission of unsolicited
messages from various origins using electric messaging systems
▪ Worm –replicates itself and can transfer by any type of means, but
more often through computer network.

Remember the ILOVEYOU worm, known as Love Bug, that infected 45

million machines across the globe, including the Pentagon, within 24
hours last May 4, 2000? (Computer Weekly, 2020.) When the victim
opens the attachment, an e-mail
▪ Trojan – this malicious program disguised as a useful program,
however left your devices unprotected and became vulnerable to
other malwares once you accessed or downloaded it.
a. Spam – unwanted email mostly from bots or
advertisers. It can be used to send malware.
b. Phishing – Its goal is to acquire sensitive personal
information like passwords and credit card details.
c. Hacker - This is a person who is able to enter and
control other people’s computer without
authorization. A hacker is able to enter another’s
computer, usually vandalizes the victim’s website,
steals personal information, obtains intellectual
property, and performs credit card fraud.
Other Cybercrime
▪ Hacking – it is unauthorized accessing of data from a
computer network. Mostly, hackers attack commercial and
government sites to cause an alarm or to threat someone.
▪ Sport Betting – it is an illegal act of gambling on any sports
event that happened over the Internet.
▪ Non-Delivery of Merchandise – a deceiving act which the
culprit posted a product or service on the Internet. Once the
victim placed its payment, the culprit does not give the item
or service.
Other Cybercrime
▪ Electronic Harassment – an anonymous criminal who
harass, abuse, threat, or annoy other people. One example
of this is cyberbullying or the repeated harassment that
usually happens among the youth, and from the past years,
becomes the main cause of suicide cases.
▪ Child Pornography – Based on Republic Act no 9775 or
known as Anti- Child Pornography Act of 2009, it is an act of
real or simulated explicit sexual activities that involves any
child aged 18 and below and it is penalized depending on
the offender. If it is the parent or relative of the child, they’ll
receive the maximum penalty.
Other Cybercrime
▪ Criminal Copyright Infringement – it is an unauthorized use
or stealing of intellectual property, such as movies and
music, for profitable benefit. Sometimes, students violate it
through plagiarism.
Written Works 1
Write YES if you agree with the statement and NO if you disagree on the
blank before each number.
1. My computer has an antivirus so it is okay to open most email
attachments like e-cards and video files.
2. Your friend told you that his college application was rejected due to the
fact that you posted a video of him doing crazy stuff at a party. You
posted the video several years ago but later took it down to protect your
friend’s reputation. Can your friend be right that the college found the
3. You and your best friend play a lot of video games. One time, she asks
you for your password so she can help you level up and get in-game
money. She promises to keep your password a secret. Is it okay to give
away your password?
4. You received an email stating that your mother’s bank account is going
to be forfeited if you do not respond to the email. Is it safe to reply?
5. You forgot that your essay for English class is due tomorrow. While
doing your research, you found a website offering free essays. Is it
okay to use the essays from this free essay website?
6. A virus is a malware that multiplies and infects other computers
through flash drives.
7. Sport betting is a legal act of gambling on any sports event that
happened over the Internet.
8. Search engines scan websites for search results even if you have set
your post to “private”
9. There is a danger in posting information about a future vacation.
10. Letting people know your birthday is probably a must if you want to
get as many gifts as possible. But having it in your profile makes you
vulnerable to identify theft.

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