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His Mafia Sugar Daddy

Leo Rivers
Copyright © 2023 by Leo Rivers

All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the
publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

1. Chapter 1
2. Chapter 2

3. Chapter 3
4. Chapter 4

5. Chapter 5
6. Chapter 6

7. Chapter 7

8. Chapter 8
9. Chapter 9

10. Chapter 10

11. Chapter 11
12. Chapter 12

13. Chapter 13
14. Chapter 14

15. Chapter 15

16. Chapter 16


ason Waters trudged wearily up the creaking staircase of his rundown
apartment building, the weight of exhaustion clinging to his every step.
The fluorescent lights above flickered intermittently, casting an eerie glow
on the faded wallpaper that adorned the narrow hallway.
His body ached. That was unfair. He worked in a call center—why did
just sitting in a chair all day make him hurt so bad? It wasn't bad enough
that he spent all day getting yelled at, he had to feel like he'd been mugged,
Finally reaching the door of his cramped apartment, Jason fumbled with
his keys, the metal clinking in the stillness of the evening. As he pushed
open the weathered entrance, a wave of stale air washed over him, mingling
with the scent of takeout containers and neglected responsibilities.
Ah. His landlord's typical style of housekeeping.
"Another day, another dollar," Jason muttered to himself, his voice laced
with a tinge of resignation.
His weary eyes surveyed the disheveled space, taking in the cluttered
coffee table where Neil dumped everything he didn't want to deal with. A
bunch of letters were left for Jason—open, of course. Neil never missed an
opportunity to pry.
I'm your uncle, Jason could almost hear Neil reply. I have to look out for
my nephew, don't I?
After all, it's not like anyone else is around to do it.
Jason picked up a letter, and groaned. An unpaid bill for his last set of car
repairs. Of course. He'd kicked that can down the road as hard as he could,
struggling to space out his repayments to keep all his creditors quiet, but
now this one was here in his hand, with a big fat red UNPAID stamp…
Another day, another dollar? In this city, Jason was going to need more
than a dollar.
A surge of frustration and disappointment coursed through Jason's veins,
intertwining with the weariness that threatened to consume him.
When will things change?
Jason slunk into his bedroom. He tried to keep it as clean and orderly as
he could, but the cramped little space didn't exactly give him a lot to work
with. It was just his bed, his clothes, a pile of long-neglected art supplies,
and his computer…
His tired gaze fixed on his computer. Thoughts swirled in his mind, a
tempest of uncertainty and desire.
Over the last couple of weeks, he'd had a thought. It had crept up on him,
tugging at his attention, and then it had only burrowed in closer to him,
getting under his skin.
The mere notion of it sent a wave of flustered shyness through Jason's
veins, making his heart race and his palms grow clammy.
He'd had one good friend at the call center, Lucy. Months ago, her side
hustle had become her main money-maker. She'd happily given their boss
the finger, and flounced off with her head held high.
She hadn't waited for change to happen—she'd chased it down herself.
Even if it involved flashing pervs online, it still had to be better than
cold-call sales.
Jason squirmed. The thought of exposing himself to strangers, baring his
vulnerabilities in the hope of a better life, was both exhilarating and
It hadn't stopped him from wondering about it for months.
It hadn't stopped him from picking out the outfits he might wear.
It hadn't stopped him from making an account on the cam site Lucy
talked about.
Just out of curiosity, of course.
Tonight, however, desperation clawed at Jason's chest, overshadowing his
reservations. The weight of financial burdens pressed upon him, threatening
to crush him for good.
With a deep breath, Jason tentatively approached the desk that housed his
computer, his trembling fingers dancing across the worn-out keyboard. He
hesitated, his mind grappling with a maelstrom of doubts and insecurities.
The flickering cursor on the screen seemed to mock him, daring him to take
a leap into the unknown.
Desperate times called for desperate measures.
As beads of sweat slid down his furrowed brow, Jason nervously
muttered to himself, "Okay, let's do this."
He set up his laptop on a small table by the window, the soft glow of
streetlights casting shadows across the room, and changed into something
that was a little more sexy than 'telemarketer': a muscle shirt and a set of
tight pants.
He didn't exactly have the muscles to fill out that shirt, but, hey, men on
these sites liked twinks, right?
He swallowed. That was, he hoped. Otherwise, this was going to be not
just a complete waste of time, but an embarrassing one, too.
Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Jason logged onto the camming
website and pressed the "Start" button, inviting viewers into his intimate
world. Piles of art supplies gathering dust counted as intimate, right?
Lights. Camera.
"Hey, everyone," he said hesitantly, forcing a smile as he tried to
maintain eye contact with the camera. His hands trembled, betraying his
anxiety; he kept them out of view. He knew that he needed to be confident
and sexy if he wanted to make any money, but it was hard not to feel self-
conscious when he’d never done anything like this before.
And when there was no-one watching.
The viewer count changed from a 0 to a 1. One person was watching
him! Jason's heart jumped into his throat. "Hi there," he stammered. "Um,
sexy. I'm Jason, and I'm here to entertain you tonight."
The viewer replied with a simple 'hey' in the chat.
Okay, that wasn't much, but it was enough to boost Jason's spirits just a
bit. He decided to try some dirty talk, hoping it would help him get into
character. "You know, I've been feeling pretty lonely tonight," he purred,
running a hand through his disheveled hair. "Would you like to keep me
k, the viewer responded.
Who said romance was dead? Jason's cheeks went red.
Okay, this was never going to be easy, but at least he had his first viewer.
He had their attention, and now he just needed to hold onto it.
"Great," Jason replied, trying to sound sultry as he unbuttoned his shirt
slowly, revealing his toned chest. Lucy's pick-up lines floated through his
head. "I've been thinking about what I'd like to do tonight, but I can't
decide. Do you have any ideas for me?"
Despite his best efforts, Jason couldn't shake the feeling of awkwardness
that enveloped him. Every movement felt forced, every word stilted. But he
knew that he couldn't afford to give up. This was his chance to earn some
much-needed cash.
If he got enough cash, he could get some breathing room. Pay his bills,
stop his car from crapping out on the way to work.
And if he got even more…
He couldn't think about that right now. The idea of being able to move
into his own place, away from Neil… It was too much.
The 1 of the viewer count turned into a 2. He was on a roll! Forbes list of
billionaires, here he came!
Summoning his wry humor, he tried to lighten the mood. "You know,
they say great things come in small packages. Well, here I am, a small
package of nerves and questionable dancing skills, ready to make your
evening a little less ordinary." He chuckled nervously, hoping his attempt at
wit would be well received.
k, was again the reply he got. Wow, a regular Shakespeare. Jason's cheeks
flushed with a mix of embarrassment and amusement. Well, at least he had
their attention, no matter how brief or cryptic it might be.
With a shaky breath, he mustered up the courage to continue, hoping to
connect with his newfound audience. "So, um, how about we spice things
up a bit? I mean, not too spicy, because I'm still figuring this whole thing
out, but maybe we can explore a little? What do you say?"
Taking a deep breath, he continued with a shy smile. "I'm open to
suggestions, really. I mean, within reason. No circus acts or fire-breathing
dragons, please. But if there's something you'd like me to try, some fantasy
you want me to explore, I'll do my best."
Despite the awkwardness that enveloped him like a second skin, Jason
persisted. Every movement felt forced, every word stumbled upon. Yet,
deep down, he knew this was his chance, his opportunity to change his
circumstances and make some much-needed cash.
As the viewer count ticked up, Jason's confidence wavered, threatening
to crumble under the weight of his inexperience. But he clung to the hope
that maybe, just maybe, he could make a connection. That someone out
there would appreciate his clumsy attempts at charm, and be patient with
his stumbling attempts at seduction.
With a mix of anxiety and determination, Jason let his shy smile
transform into a tentative, bashful smile. "So, um, any ideas? I'm all ears,"
he murmured, his voice laced with vulnerability. "And, uh, thank you for
being here. It means a lot to me."
take it off, was the reply.
Well, that was why he was here, wasn't he? Jason winced, but pushed the
embarrassment aside.
"Okay," he mumbled. "Here goes…"
With trembling hands, Jason unbuttoned his shirt, his movements hesitant
and unsure. "Like this?"
As stripteases went, it wasn't exactly a winner. His cheeks flushed with
humiliation at how terrible at this he was.
But instead of going elsewhere, his viewers started typing more.
keep going
take it off
yeah, like that
show us everything baby
They wanted more of some loser fumbling through a striptease? One that
was as erotic as a medical exam? Huh?
But then Jason understood.
They wanted someone who didn't know what they were doing.
They wanted vulnerability and innocence.
Jason's heart raced, his shyness warring with the desperate need for
validation. He felt a knot in his stomach, a mix of excitement and
apprehension. With a deep breath, he mustered a small smile and continued
to undress, his body betraying his hesitation.
"Um, I... I hope you're enjoying this," he mumbled, his voice barely
audible, as he slowly tugged off his shirt. Bare down to the waist, he
blushed. His fingers lingered on his chest, unsure of what to do.
more, came the demand.
But with the demands, so came the tokens. Jason's heart raced with the
ping of each digital tip. The tokens trickled in, one by one, each chime
bringing both relief and frustration.
It wasn't enough, not even close to covering his rent or the mounting bills
that taunted him daily.
But he couldn't deny the thrill that accompanied each tip, the knowledge
that someone out there found pleasure in watching him.
Somewhere out there, men were watching him, eager to see more.
As he reluctantly stripped down to his underwear, the chat buzzed with
mixed reactions. Some viewers urged him to go further, while others
praised his courage and vulnerability. The conflicting messages only
heightened Jason's unease, leaving him torn between pleasing his audience
and preserving his own comfort.
Sweat dotted his forehead as he grappled with his inner turmoil. He
needed the opportunity to make a better life.
But at what cost?
Finally, unable to bear the overwhelming pressure, Jason paused and
typed a message in the chat, his fingers shaking. "Thanks for the support,
but I think this is as far as I can go for now," he confessed, his vulnerability
on full display.
As his first camming show came to an end, Jason allowed himself a sigh,
equal parts exhaustion and resignation. He shut down the laptop, the
screen's blue glow disappearing and leaving him in darkness, save for the
light spilling in through the window.
He had barely done anything, but it felt like he'd run a marathon. His
heart beat fast, heat running through his veins.
Those men had wanted to see more.
And he'd liked it.

Before he could ruminate on that, Jason's phone chimed. Hey, the

message read, are you at your place? I have that book for you.
He hastily pulled on his clothes, fumbling to type. Yeah, come on up.
In a few minutes, there was a knock at the door.
"Hey, Jase!" Lucy breezed in, her bright red hair framing her face like a
fiery halo. She looked like a vision of sunshine. "Here you go, I'm done
reading. I hope you like it as much as I do!"
"I'm sure I will." Long fantasy novels had got Jason through the worst
that a call center had to offer. When a customer screamed at him for ten
minutes straight, he could just let it wash over him, and think about what
might happen in the next chapter.
Lucy paused, not even done with their pleasantries. She narrowed her
eyes. "What did you do?"
Shit. "W-what do you mean? Nothing!"
"I can tell when someone's got something on their mind. It's my job,
Jase." She glared at him. "Spill. Oh damn, did you get fired?"
"No, nothing like that." Jason bit his lip. "Um, though it is kind of work-
related. I, uh… had my first camming session."
"Jason!" She rounded on him like an angry bantam, puffing up. "I told
you not to!"
He put his hands up in surrender. "But you got so much money!"
"And I have to deal with so many creeps! You can't just go into it blind,
Jase. It's dangerous. You'll get taken advantage of."
Her anger and concern couldn't last long. After a bit of huffing and
puffing, they were soon replaced by curiosity. "Well… how'd it go, then?"
"Uh, well…" Jason hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck. "It was…
interesting? I mean, I got a few tips, but nothing substantial. I don't know if
shaking my skinny ass is going to get me out of the call center any time
"Aw, well… That's just how it is when you're getting started. It takes time
to build an audience and get comfortable with the whole thing. Trust me,
I've been there."
Jason couldn't help but chuckle at her unwavering optimism. "You
always know how to make me feel better. I just wish I could be as
successful as you. I'm drowning in bills, and Neil is breathing down my
neck about rent."
"Ugh, Neil is the worst," Lucy grimaced. "And your parents were so nice,
"Yeah," Jason agreed, his face softening. "They were always so
supportive and loving."
He sighed deeply. "I just wish they could see me now... I wonder what
advice they'd give me."
"Hey," Lucy said gently, reaching out to touch Jason's arm. "They'd be
proud of you for doing whatever it takes to survive. And besides, there's no
shame in using what you've got to get by." She winked at him, a playful
smirk dancing on her lips.
"Is that what you told yourself when you started camming?" Jason asked,
raising an eyebrow.
"Absolutely!" Lucy exclaimed with a laugh, tossing her hair over her
shoulder. "I mean, come on, have you seen these?" She gestured to her
breasts, giving them a little jiggle for emphasis. "Might as well make some
money off of them!"
"You're incorrigible," Jason chuckled, shaking his head.
"Maybe so, but it helped me get through some tough times," she
confessed, her voice suddenly softer. "When I first started camming, I was
terrified. I thought everyone would judge me or worse, not even bother to
watch my shows."
"Really? But you're so confident now," Jason observed, genuinely
"Trust me, it took time," Lucy admitted, tucking a stray strand of hair
behind her ear. "I had to learn to embrace my sexuality, to really own it, you
know? And once I did that, everything changed. I started seeing myself as a
powerful, sexy woman—someone in control of her own destiny."
"Wow. I never knew you went through all that."
"Yeah. But…" Lucy continued, her gaze suddenly serious, "I can't help
but wonder if camming is really the right fit for you."
Jason's heart sank a little at her words, feeling the weight of his
uncertainty. "But what else can I do? I'm already working two jobs just to
make ends meet."
"Jason, I've seen your paintings! You're an incredible artist. You have so
much talent inside of you. Why not follow your heart?"
"Believe me, I'd love to," he confessed, his voice thick with emotion.
"But I don't even have time to think about art, let alone create it. My
equipment is gathering dust." He thought about his easel and paints, their
once-vibrant hues now dull and lifeless.
He knew he should just sell it all. It wasn't like it was doing him any
good to have expensive art supplies when he wasn't ever going to be able to
do them justice.
But the idea of going through with that, finally getting them out of his
Jason swallowed. It felt too extreme. Too final.
Lucy sighed. "You deserve so much more from life, my sweet, tortured
artist," she said, in her best theatrical voice.
He snorted. "Thanks, Luce," he replied, trying to muster a smile despite
the despair gnawing at his gut. "But right now, I just need to figure out how
to keep a roof over my head."
"How about we watch a movie, and just relax? It sounds like you deserve
a break."
"Sounds like heaven," Jason agreed, feeling the weight of the day slowly
lifting from his chest. As they settled down on the couch, Jason couldn't
help but feel grateful for Lucy's presence in his life.
Everyone else had left him, but at least he had one good friend.
"Thanks, Luce," he whispered, leaning in to give her a warm hug. "You're
the best."
"Anything for you, Jase," she replied, squeezing him tight before settling
back onto the couch. "Even if you do make bad choices."
"Like not listening to you?"
Jason laughed—but then there was the sound of the door opening. His
stomach dropped.
"Hey, lovebirds!" a gruff voice called out, jolting Jason and Lucy from
their moment of peace. They turned to see Neil, Jason's uncle and landlord,
leaning against the doorframe with an unsettling grin plastered across his
"Hey, Neil," Jason gritted out, feeling his good mood evaporate instantly.
"We were just going to watch a mov—"
"Rent's due in a few days, kiddo," Neil drawled. "If you have money for
movies, you should have money for me."
His eyes shamelessly raked over Lucy's body as if she were a piece of
meat. Neil let out a low whistle, causing Lucy to shift uncomfortably
beneath his gaze. "Always nice to see your pretty friend. She looks like a
real firecracker."
Lucy rolled her eyes. "Jase, let's go out." She got to her feet, dragging
him up. "I think the movie place around the corner is playing that new
action film."
"She's stubborn. I like that," Neil laughed, openly leering at Lucy now.
"Well, Firecracker, make sure you don't go anywhere too expensive. I won't
hesitate to kick your buddy here out if he doesn't pay up."
"Thanks for the reminder," Jason muttered, rolling his eyes. "Now if
you'll excuse us, we're going."
"Of course, of course," Neil smirked, stepping aside to let them pass.
"Enjoy your evening."
As they hurried down the hallway, Jason felt a shudder run down his
spine, knowing all too well the predatory nature of his uncle. He grabbed
their coats and quickly ushered Lucy outside his apartment, slamming the
door shut behind them.
"Ugh, I can't believe he's related to you," Lucy complained, shivering
dramatically. "Your parents were such wonderful people. It's like he's from
a different gene pool entirely!"
"Tell me about it," Jason sighed, running a frustrated hand through his
hair. "He's been nothing but trouble since they passed. But enough about
him, let's just forget he even exists for a while."
"Agreed," Lucy said, her smile returning as they made their way down
the street. "Now, how about that movie?"
"Sounds good to me," Jason said.
But even as he paid for his ticket, a twisting tangle of doubt spiraled
inside of him
He needed money, and the few tips he'd earned weren't going to cut it.
Lucy was right. He wasn't cut out for this.
He'd give it one last chance, and then he'd forget this had ever happened.

"U gh," Jason muttered under his breath. He shifted uncomfortably on the
satin sheets. The bad lighting of his dingy New York City apartment
did little to enhance the seductive atmosphere he was trying to create for his
online cam show audience. He glanced at the chatroom, hoping to see some
activity, but all he found were a few random emojis and an unimpressive
income tally. Defeat filled his chest like a heavy weight.
Is this really what my life has come to? he thought as he tugged
nervously at his underwear.
"Alright, guys..." he sighed into the camera, doing his best to hide his
disappointment. "Last call for requests or tips!"
Despite his feigned enthusiasm, he knew that calling it quits would be a
This world just wasn't for him. He was too awkward, too shy, too…
As his finger hovered over the 'end stream' button, a notification chimed
loudly through the speakers. A generous tip had just rolled in from an
anonymous donor, accompanied by a simple message: Don't give up so
It was a nice sentiment. It was even nicer that it had been accompanied
by five dollars.
No, wait.
Jason's heart raced as he stared at the screen. "Five hundred dollars?!" he
exclaimed, disbelief etched across his face. That was more than he'd made
in the past month combined. Could it be a mistake? It was clearly a mistake,
As much as he wanted to feel hopeful, the pessimist in him couldn't help
but wonder if this was just a cruel joke, another false start in his never-
ending quest for something better.
Was this just a random act of kindness or was there something more at
"Thank you… whoever you are," Jason whispered, his eyes darting
around the chat, searching for any clue as to who might have sent the tip.
"Um, I was a little too distracted to catch the username! Who sent that?"
Me. A message from the mysterious donor appeared on Jason's screen,
under the username 'Dom.'
"Well, t-thanks, Dom." Jason beamed at his webcam, and this time,
unlike so many others, it was completely real. "That's very generous of you.
Is there… Um, is there anything you want to see…?"
He waited for Dom's reply, his eyes glued to the chat.
A private show, if you're up for it.
Jason's heart skipped a beat as he read the words, his cheeks flushing
with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. It seemed too good to be true
—not only had someone noticed him, but they were actually interested in
seeing more of him? And they were willing to pay even more for the
"Of course! I've, uh, never done one before, but I promise I'll do my best
to make it worth your while. Let me see, where do I click…?"
Eventually, he found the button. Then it was just the two of them, the rest
of the chat left behind.
It shouldn't have felt any different. One person, ten people—it wasn't like
Jason could see them, anyway.
But his heart raced with a mixture of excitement and nerves. The thought
of performing solely for Dom—this mysterious, generous stranger—left
him feeling vulnerable yet eager.
"O-okay," he said. "Here I am." He took a breath. "Tell me what to do."
Dom's words appeared on the screen. Let's start slow. Take off your shirt
and tease me a little.
"Here goes nothing," Jason muttered to himself, tugging at the hem of his
shirt and slowly pulling it up over his head. He tossed it aside, revealing his
slender body, flushed with anticipation.
He could feel Dom's eyes on him, even if he couldn't see him. It sent
shivers down his spine.
Damn, you're even more gorgeous than I thought.
"Thanks, Dom."
Call me Sir.
Jason's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he couldn't deny the rush of
arousal that surged through him at the thought of submitting to Dom's
desires. "Alright... Um, Sir."
The word felt strange yet electrifying on his lips, as if uttering it had
unlocked some hidden part of him. "What do you want me to do next, Sir?"
God, waiting for Dom's reply was tense. Jason bit his lip, staring at the
If only there was an actual person here with him… Then at least he could
look them in the eyes, respond to them, touch them…
When Dom's reply eventually came, Jason choked.
I want you to touch yourself.
Jason felt a spike of pleasure and his hands immediately started
trembling. His eyes widened as he read the words again, barely believing
what he was reading. Taking a deep breath, he slowly let it out before
beginning to follow Dom's command.
He started off by tracing circles on his chest, lightly brushing over his
shirt. The sensation sent sparkles of pleasure through him and further
emboldened him. He slid his hand lower towards his nipples, eagerly
anticipating the intense sensation sure to come from tracing them with the
tips of his fingers. And when he did so, Jason gasped at the sudden rush that
shot through him like a wave—his body bursting with pleasure from this
simple act.
Jason shivered at the idea of someone watching him as he explored
himself, and a deep craving rose within him – a craving for someone to
touch him instead of just sending commands through a computer screen.
The thought spurred him into action and he closed his eyes, focusing on
each sensation that coursed through his body.
He caressed his skin, savoring the firmness under his fingertips. His other
hand roamed further south as he grew bolder with each second, until finally
he grazed the waistband of his boxers. His breath hitched and he felt the
urge to take his cock in his grasp...
But Dom hadn't said that. Instead, he chose to obey Dom's command and
simply ran his hands back up along his body.
The sensation was intense and thrilling—and in a way that had nothing to
do with the simple act itself. He had never experienced this level of
pleasure even during masturbation sessions. He imagined Dom watching
him with approving eyes, encouraging him to explore deeper and let go of
all inhibition—and Jason obliged, pushing himself on as the pleasure
Now, strip.
Jason sucked in a breath, trying to get a grip. Whatever small amount of
control he'd had over this situation—he felt like he was losing it.
Jason hesitated for a moment, glancing down at his hands before shaking
his head with a nervous laugh. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this," he
thought to himself, feeling a surge of adrenaline as he prepared to push past
his comfort zone.
Slowly, he hooked his thumbs into the band of his boxers, and then he
dragged them down.
His cock sprang up to hit the flat plane of his stomach, already hard.
Good boy. Touch yourself.
As the cool air brushed against his bare skin, he felt exposed and
vulnerable, yet strangely empowered. "This is for you, Sir," he whispered, a
shy smile dancing on his lips as he dipped his fingers lower, teasing the
sensitive flesh before fully committing to Dom's command.
Calling another man Sir, being called a good boy… Jason was stone-cold
sober, but it felt like his head was spinning. Tentatively, he ran his fingers
down his cock. It twitched, desperate for release.
Jason almost wanted to laugh out of sheer disbelief. This was happening
—he was actually touching himself on camera, obeying another man's
commands as if Dom were right there with him, guiding his hands. His
heart beat faster and his breathing grew shallower, the pleasure intensifying
even further.
He imagined Dom's strong hands—because of course they would be—
replacing his own, caressing him until he shuddered in pleasure. It was a
thought so vivid that he could almost feel the imaginary touch on his skin.
He gasped, his body flooding with pleasure as he submitted to the
sensations coursing through him and allowed himself to be completely
taken over by them.
His hips bucked and his breath came in ragged gasps as ecstasy
enveloped him like a blanket. For a moment he felt like nothing else
mattered… except Dom's commanding yet tender voice giving him
permission to let go and enjoy every second of it.
"Please," he gasped. "I need more, Dom."
The chatbox was empty.
And it stayed empty.
With a flash of panic, Jason looked up at the webcam. "I mean, Sir!
Please, Sir!"
Good, the reply came. Finger yourself.
Jason's heart hammered in his chest.
He'd known he was gay ever since Kevin in seventh grade had made him
feel funny. Over the years, he'd experimented with certain things. He'd tried
fingering himself. It hadn't really done much for him besides give him a
wrist cramp.
But now, being a plaything for someone anonymous, dominated and
Now, wrist cramps were the last thing on Jason's mind.
In an instant, he fished some lube out of his bedside drawer.
He spread it over his hand and then tentatively teased his hole with a
Exhilaration rushed through him at the sensation, and he gasped as his
body responded to this new pleasure. Watching himself in the stream's
thumbnail, he was mesmerized at the way his hips bucked wantonly,
Good. Take your time and enjoy yourself, Dom instructed. Even though
text, his commanding presence was both intimidating and irresistible.
His hand moved faster, his finger sliding in up to the knuckle. He felt like
he was no longer in control of himself, but instead being controlled by
Dom's whims—and it felt amazing. His other hand found its way back to
his cock, stroking it in tandem with the thrusts of his finger.
Stop that.
Shit. He whipped his hand off of his cock, flushing with embarrassment.
You will ask for permission before doing anything else. I'm in control of
your pleasure.
"Of course, Sir." Jason swallowed hard, his heart pounding as he
acknowledged Dom's authority. He couldn't believe how much he craved
this man's guidance—the way Dom confidently dictated his every move
sent shivers of desire down his spine.
"May I… touch myself more, Sir?" he asked hesitantly, his cheeks
flushed with embarrassment and arousal. It was both mortifying and
exhilarating to admit his need for Dom's approval.
No. Add another finger.
God, this was overwhelming. Jason slipped another finger into his hole,
finger-fucking himself as the pleasure intensified. Each thrust sent a wave
of ecstasy through his body, threatening to send him over the edge. He
gasped and moaned in pleasure, unashamed at how much he was enjoying
this exercise and how loud he was becoming.
He felt an almost animalistic urge to come deep within him, but then
Dom commanded again: Stop.
Jason groaned in protest, a needy whine coming from his throat—but
You're obedient. I like that. You may touch yourself.
"Thank you, Sir." Relief washed over Jason as he slowly stroked himself,
reveling in the sensation. Each touch felt magnified under Dom's watchful
gaze, and the knowledge that he had Dom's permission only heightened his
Tell me what you're thinking.
Okay, that was a little unexpected. Jason blinked up at the webcam.
"Uh… Well, Sir, I'm thinking about how good this feels," he admitted
bashfully, surprised by his own candor. "I've never experienced anything
like this, but it's very… um, good."
Whoever Dom was in his day to day life, it clearly wasn't an English
teacher. Jason's teachers would have given him a big fat F for that one.
Is that so? Was it just wishful thinking, or did Dom sound genuinely
pleased? Well then, let me reward you with more praise, my sweet boy.
Jason breathed hard, his fingers driving into his hole at the same tempo
he worked his cock. "Please do, Sir," he whimpered, craving Dom's words
almost as much as his own climax.
Good. Your pretty little face was made for begging. I want to see you
come apart. I want to see those lips wrapped around my cock.
But more than that…
Your eagerness is absolutely intoxicating. I can sense your willingness to
submit, to trust me completely.
I want more of you.
"Thank you, Sir," Jason managed to gasp out, overwhelmed by the
intensity of his emotions.
Now, I want you to imagine that's my hand on your cock, teasing and
tormenting you until you're begging for more.
Jason let out a shaky breath as he pictured Dom's strong hands around
him, guiding him towards ecstasy. "Yes, Sir," he moaned softly.
Imagine my lips brushing against your neck, leaving a trail of heated
kisses in their wake.
Feel the weight of my body pressing against yours, my cock against your
"God, yes, Sir," Jason groaned, his arousal spiking at the mere thought of
Dom's body against his. The intensity of their connection was staggering,
and he found himself yearning for physical touch.
Touch yourself for me, beautiful boy. Bring yourself to the edge, but don't
you dare come without my permission.
"Y-yes, Sir!" Jason grasped his throbbing erection, wrapping his fingers
around the base. He squeezed, trying to hold himself back.
"Please, Sir," Jason whimpered, desperate to find release. "I need… I
need your permission to come."
Such a polite boy.
Jason's eyes were glued to the chat, his fingers driving into him, his cock
twitching, on the verge of losing his control…
You may come, but only if you moan my name.
Oh, god. The command hit Jason like a truck, knocking the breath out of
him. "Thank you, Sir," Jason breathed, his strokes becoming more frantic as
he chased his climax.
He rode his hand in wild bucks, imagining that his fingers were Dom's
cock; he slammed his cock, imagining his hand was Dom's hand. With a
final, shuddering gasp, he cried out, "Dom!" as waves of pleasure washed
over him. He came harder than he ever had, leaving him breathless and
spent, his come spattered over his chest.
Beautiful, Dom typed. You did so well, Jason. I'm very pleased with you.
"Thank you," Jason panted, feeling a warmth spread through his chest at
Dom's praise. He hadn't known how much he needed to hear praise from
someone—anyone. But now that it had been given to him, it was as if a
missing piece of himself had been returned.
I enjoyed our time together tonight, and I'd like for us to continue these
private shows—if you're interested.
"Really?" Jason asked, surprised by the offer but unable to deny the
excitement that bubbled within him. The thought of performing for Dom
again sent shivers down his spine, and he realized that, despite his
inexperience and awkwardness, he genuinely enjoyed the power dynamic
they'd shared.
"Y-yes," he stammered, his heart pounding in his chest. "I'm definitely
interested, Sir!"
Good. I'll be in touch to arrange our next session.
Until then, take care of yourself, beautiful boy.
"Thank you, Sir," Jason whispered, still reeling from the intensity of the
As he ended the call and stared at the screen, he couldn't help but marvel
at how one anonymous tip had led to such an unexpected connection.
What the hell had just happened?

ason stared at the number in his bank's app. The number stared back at
Dom had gotten back in contact with him—again, and again, and again.
Each show was like the first: calm but dominant command telling Jason
how to touch himself, what to do, what to confess to.
And it wasn't all talk. After a few private cam shows with Dom, Jason's
account was worth more than it had ever had been before.
Dizzily, he wondered if the bank tellers could tell where it had come
from. That Jason Waters is usually flat broke, they'd say. He's clearly been
doing something suspicious to get that money. I bet he's been fingering
himself on camera while a stranger on the internet calls him a good boy
and tells him when to come. It's all the rage these days, I hear.
It didn't matter. A sense of financial security washed over him. He could
finally breathe a little easier.
His confidence swelled. Maybe things were starting to look up.
"Knock knock!" came Lucy's cheerful voice from the hallway,
accompanied by light rapping on the door. "I come bearing cheesy
"Come on in," Jason called out, hastily closing the app and opening the
"Hey, Jace!" Lucy beamed, holding up a steaming pizza box. "One extra-
large Hawaiian with extra pineapple, just how you like it!" She stuck out
her tongue. "You monster"
"Thanks, Lucy. You're a lifesaver," Jason grinned, his eyes betraying the
exhaustion that had been his constant companion for months now. As they
sat down on the couch, Jason noticed Lucy's subtle glance toward the
"Was Neil out there?" he asked, concerned for his friend. "I thought he
was out at work or something today."
"Ugh, yeah," she sighed, rolling her eyes. "But I managed to avoid any
lecherous comments by pretending I was on an important phone call."
"Sorry about him. I wish he wasn't such a creep," Jason murmured,
genuinely apologetic.
"Hey, don't worry about it," Lucy reassured him, giving his hand a quick
squeeze. "I can handle Neil. Now, let's dig in!"
As they ate, Jason couldn't help but steal glances at his phone, excitement
bubbling within him. The presence of the money in his account brought him
a newfound sense of hope and possibility, even though he knew he needed
to tread carefully. With each bite of pizza, he felt more grounded, more in
"Something's different about you today," Lucy observed, studying him
with her kind, hazel eyes. "You seem... I don't know, lighter? What's up?"
"Nothing much," Jason lied with a tight-lipped smile, not yet ready to
share his secret. "Just feeling a little better today, I guess."
"Good," she said, giving him a knowing look but deciding not to push
further. "I'm glad to see you like this. It's been too long since I've seen that
spark in your eyes."
Jason nodded, grateful for her understanding and support as they
continued eating and chatting.
By the time they'd finished the pizza and traded all the gossip they had,
Jason's heart pounded in his chest. He knew he couldn't hold back his secret
any longer. "Luce," he began, his voice wavering with excitement. "I've got
something to tell you."
"Ooh, what is it?" Lucy leaned forward, her hazel eyes sparkling with
"I thought you stopped!"
"I was going to! But then there was this one guy…" Jason took a deep
breath, then continued. "I've been doing private shows for this one
anonymous patron. He sends me money."
"Well, I should hope so! That's the whole point."
"No, like, money money."
"Wait, seriously?" Lucy's eyebrows shot up, surprise etched across her
face. "How much money is Mister Anonymous throwing around?"
Jason smiled, unable to contain his giddiness. "Enough to pay off some
of my debts, and I have another show with him tonight."
"Wow, Jace, that's amazing." Lucy paused, concern furrowing her brow.
"But... are you sure it's safe?"
"Safe? What do you mean?"
"Look, I know you're excited, but as someone who's been doing cam stuff
for a while now, I just want to make sure you're being careful." Lucy's tone
was gentle, but her eyes betrayed a hint of worry. "You don't really know
anything about this patron, and it could be dangerous. Some men do this to
have power over vulnerable people. You don't know how far he'll try to take
Jason tried to brush off her concerns. "Dom's been nothing but kind to me
so far."
And there was something about the man that made Jason feel alive,
something he couldn't quite put his finger on…
"Kindness doesn't mean safety, Jace," she insisted, her voice becoming
more urgent. "You need to look out for yourself. There are people out there
who prey on cammers like us, and we can never be too cautious."
"Alright, alright," Jason replied, raising his hands defensively. "I
appreciate your concern, but I can handle this situation. Dom and I have a
good thing going on, and I don't want to mess that up."
"Promise me you'll be careful," Lucy urged, her expression softening.
"Keep your guard up, okay? You never know who's really behind that
screen. I just want you to be okay."
"Promise," Jason vowed, meeting her gaze with sincerity. "I'll be okay."
He hoped that was true.

ason set up his camera on the dresser, angling it just right to capture
every inch of his body for his anonymous patron. The nervous energy
that once consumed him had dissipated with each show, replaced by a new,
tentative confidence.
"Alright, it's time," he murmured to himself, taking a deep breath and
activating the live stream.
As soon as Dom's familiar username appeared in the chat, Jason felt his
heartbeat quicken. He was always surprised by the excitement that washed
over him when this mysterious man joined his private shows, somehow
making him feel more alive than anything he'd experienced in recent
Ready for tonight, beautiful? Dom typed, his words appearing on the
screen in bold, black letters.
"More than ready," Jason replied. He couldn't help but smile, knowing
what was coming next.
Did you do as you were told?
Jason shivered. That morning, Dom had sent him some extra money—
but it wasn't for Jason's account. The message that had come with the
payment had been shopping instructions.
Jason had gone shopping with Dom's instructions, squeezing in a trip just
after his shift. His face had burned red the whole time. "Yes."
Good. Strip for me.
Jason's hands trembled slightly as he reached down to the hem of his
shirt, slowly peeling it off and revealing the slender lines of his body
underneath. He tossed it aside, leaving his upper body bare, save for the
silver chain around his neck.
That had been the first purchase. The simple silver chain looked basic to
an onlooker, but the promise it contained made Jason's cock harden.
You wear it well. Warmth spread through Jason's chest at the compliment.
He didn't know why he craved Dom's approval so much, but there was
something about his patron's presence that made him feel secure, even
though they were only connected through a screen.
Continuing to follow Dom's commands, Jason unbuttoned his jeans, the
sound of the fabric parting echoing through the quiet room. He slid them
down his legs, stepping out of them and adding them to the pile of
discarded clothes. Now clad only in his tight black boxer briefs, he felt a
thrill run down his spine.
Turn around, Dom ordered. Jason complied, presenting his firm backside
for the camera. He felt a sense of submission and excitement that had been
missing from his life for far too long. There was something intoxicating
about baring himself for Dom, knowing that the man's eyes were on him,
watching his every move with rapt attention.
Beautiful. Now bend over and show me what you're hiding under those
boxers, Dom typed, his tone teasing but commanding all at once.
Jason bit his lip, feeling a surge of vulnerability as he reached down to
the waistband of his underwear, slowly pulling them down to reveal his
smooth, rounded cheeks. He could feel Dom's gaze upon him, and it sent
shivers down his spine. It was strange how an anonymous patron had
managed to stir such strong emotions within him, but the connection
between them was undeniable.
Perfect, Dom praised, and Jason couldn't help the smile that spread
across his face. No matter how many times they did this, it never ceased to
amaze him how Dom could make him feel so desired, so wanted. As though
he was the only person in the world who mattered at that moment.
"Thank you, Sir," Jason responded, making sure to maintain the
submissive role that he found himself increasingly drawn to. He knew that
their time together was limited, but for now, he simply allowed himself to
get lost in the erotic dance between them, knowing that the pleasure they
shared transcended the distance that separated them.
"Is this all you want me to do, Sir?" Jason teased, looking over his
shoulder at the camera. His fingers made an exaggerated show of tracing
the curve of his ass, dipping down to graze the sensitive skin just below it.
"I thought you'd have more creative requests by now."
Watch your tone, boy, Dom retorted, though Jason could practically hear
the smirk in his words. But you're right. I think it's time for something more
"Intense, sir? You'll have to be more specific," Jason replied, feigning
innocence as he ran his hand up and down his thigh.
Get your second gift.
Dom's command sent a thrill through Jason, his heart pounding with
anticipation. "Of course, Sir," Jason said, turning away from the camera to
retrieve the second purchase he'd made with Dom's money: a large,
realistic-looking toy. He swallowed nervously as he held it in his hands.
Good. Now, show it off, but don't use it just yet.
Jason complied, stroking its impressive length with one hand. Was this
how big Dom's cock was? Jason trailed his fingers over it, teasing the head,
and his breath came faster.
Such an eager little slut, aren't you? You can barely contain yourself.
His dirty talk sent warmth coursing through Jason's veins. He loved how
easily Dom took control, how effortlessly he guided him through their illicit
encounters. "Please, Sir, tell me what to do," he pleaded, feeling a tingling
sensation in the pit of his stomach as he awaited Dom's next command.
Get that pretty hole of yours ready for my gift.
Don't hold back. I want to hear you.
"Anything for you, Sir," Jason murmured, reaching for the bottle of lube
next to his bed as he positioned himself on all fours. He poured a generous
amount onto his fingers before circling his entrance, gasping at the
sensation. Slowly, he began to work one finger inside, then another,
stretching himself open in preparation for the thick toy.
In his position, it was hard to pay attention to the words on the screen—
but nothing could have stopped Jason from hanging on every word.
Such a good boy. Now take that big cock. Show me how much you crave
Jason obeyed, positioning the tip of the toy against his slick entrance,
hesitating just a moment before pushing past the resistance. The sensation
was intense, a mixture of pleasure and pain as he took in its impressive
girth. He let out a shaky moan, temporarily overcome.
Deeper, Dom commanded, and Jason complied, pushing the toy further
into himself until he felt full, his breath coming in sharp, shallow pants.
Move it, nice and slow at first. Let me see you ride it like you mean it
Jason moved the dildo within him, biting down on his lower lip as he
gradually increased his pace. He let his eyes fall half-shut, his lashes
brushing his cheeks.
It was the easiest thing in the world to imagine that it really was Dom's
cock inside of him, stretching him, making him ache…
God, you look so fucking sexy like that. Dom's praise made Jason feel
both vulnerable and empowered, his body responding to every syllable as if
they were caresses. You're doing so well, beautiful. Now go faster, make
yourself come undone for me.
As Jason picked up the pace, sweat beading on his brow, he marveled at
how deeply he had fallen under Dom's spell. With every thrust of the toy, he
grew closer to the edge, driven by the desire to please this mysterious man
who held such power over him. And in return, he felt an inexplicable
connection, a sense of safety, and belonging that he couldn't quite put into
"Thank you, Sir," Jason breathed out between moans, his body trembling
from the intensity of his own actions, guided by Dom's unwavering control.
He lost himself in the sensations, allowing Dom to lead him further down
this intoxicating path.
The heady scent of arousal hung thick in the air as Jason's sweat-slicked
body continued to ride the large dildo, his movements becoming more
frantic with each passing moment. The room seemed to fade away, leaving
only the pounding in his chest and the deep, guttural moans that escaped his
Imagine it's my cock you're riding, baby, Dom typed out, his words
weaving a vivid fantasy in Jason's mind.
Jason didn't know anything about the man behind the screen. But in his
mind, Dom was strong, powerful, and everything he needed. It was a
delicious thought, one that sent a shudder down his spine and brought him
impossibly closer to the edge.
"God, yes... Sir," Jason panted, his voice breaking as he surrendered
himself to the fantasy. He could almost feel Dom's strong hands gripping
his hips, guiding him as he took in every inch of his thick, throbbing length.
The stimulation was overwhelming, the pleasure cresting like a tidal wave
within him.
Come for me.
And that was all it took—Jason's orgasm ripped through him, his entire
being shattering into a million pieces as he came hard and loud, his cries
echoing through the small apartment.
Panting, his limbs trembling from the aftershocks, Jason struggled to
catch his breath as he extricated himself from the toy. His heart raced in his
chest, warmth spreading through his veins as he looked at the screen,
desperate to know if Dom had found satisfaction as well.
"Did you... enjoy that too, sir?" Jason asked hesitantly, his voice barely a
whisper. He needed to hear it, to know that their connection hadn't been
Fuck, yes. That was incredible.
You were perfect, just like always.
"Thank you, Sir," Jason replied softly, feeling a warm, fuzzy sensation
bloom in his chest at the praise. It was strange how much Dom's validation
meant to him, despite their anonymous and transactional relationship. But
there was something comforting about knowing that he had brought
pleasure to this enigmatic man.
The afterglow of their intense encounter still lingered in the air as Jason
sat on the edge of his bed, his body trembling slightly from the remnants of
his orgasm. He felt vulnerable and exposed, his heart pounding in his chest
as he glanced at the screen that separated him from the mysterious Dom
"Sir," Jason began hesitantly, remembering Lucy's cautionary words
about anonymous patrons. "If you don't mind me asking... Why do you do
Jason had never asked Dom anything like this before. There was a long
moment of silence, and for one horrible moment, Jason wondered if he'd
crossed a line.
Then, Dom's reply came simply, as if he had anticipated the question. I
like taking care of people.
Jason let out a small, shaky breath as he considered Dom's answer. There
was something oddly comforting about the notion of being cared for by this
enigmatic man, even if it was just through an anonymous cam show.
But as much as he wanted to believe in the sincerity of Dom's words, he
couldn't ignore the gnawing doubt that whispered in the back of his mind.
"Is that all there is to it?" he ventured, hoping for a deeper insight into
Dom's motivations. "Do you not worry about getting… I don't know. Hurt,
or used?"
Dom's next message took a moment longer to arrive, but when it did, it
carried with it a stark honesty that made Jason's heart ache. This way, I
know for sure you're taking advantage of me, Dom wrote. And I don't have
to worry about that.
The words stung like a slap to the face, forcing Jason to confront the
harsh reality of their relationship—they were a john and a hooker, nothing
more. As much as he wanted to deny it, to convince himself that their
connection went beyond the boundaries of their transactional encounters, he
knew deep down that Dom was right.
"Thank you, Sir," Jason replied, swallowing the lump that had risen in his
throat. "I appreciate your honesty."
As he stared at the screen, a heavy sadness settled over him, weighing
down on his chest like an invisible burden. He couldn't help but feel a sense
of loss, as if a part of him had been stripped away, leaving behind a hollow
"Goodnight, Sir," he said, with a finality that belied the turmoil churning
within him. As the screen went dark, signaling the end of their
conversation, Jason found himself alone once more—both physically and
emotionally. His body still hummed with residual pleasure, his muscles
aching from the intensity of their exchange.
But beneath that heady sensation, there was an undercurrent of longing
that threatened to swallow him whole.
He ran his fingers through his tousled hair, trying to untangle the knot of
emotions that had taken root inside him. He knew he should be grateful for
the opportunity Dom had given him—the chance to explore his desires in a
safe, controlled environment. But he couldn't shake the feeling that there
was more to their connection than merely the exchange of money for
"Am I just fooling myself?" Jason wondered as he stared at his reflection
in the darkened screen, searching for answers in the depths of his own eyes.
But his reflection didn't give him an answer.

om Lombardi sat in his office, the faint glow of his laptop screen
casting shadows on the walls. The air was thick with the scent of
cigar smoke and expensive whiskey as he reclined in his plush leather chair.
He couldn't tear his eyes away from the screen, where Jason—beautiful,
innocent Jason—looked up into the webcam and smiled that adorable little
smile of his.
"Fuck," Dom muttered under his breath, his hand working its way down
to his already-hardening cock. He knew he shouldn't be indulging in such
desires, especially with everything that was going on in his life.
But watching Jason on his cam show was like a drug; he craved the rush
it gave him.
"Hey, Sir." Jason's voice was like honey, dripping through the speakers
and straight into Dom's soul. "I've been thinking about you all day."
Dom's heart pounded in his chest as he typed out a response. Tell me
what you were thinking about.
He knew it was dangerous, this possessiveness that had taken root inside
him. But every time he saw Jason's face, heard his moans, he couldn't help
"It was that you were here with me right now." Jason laughed a little at
his boldness. Almost unconsciously, his hands roamed over his body,
teasing his nipples and then sliding lower, sliding toward the erection that
was already straining against his underwear. "Touching me."
Did you like it?
Show me how much. Dom's fingers flew across the keyboard as he typed
his command, his other hand stroking himself to the rhythm of Jason's
There were many young men camming online. He could have his pick of
them all, throwing money their way in exchange for digital commands.
Dom had seen it all. Somewhere along the line, spoiling pretty young
things had started to lose its appeal. All he could see was the way that they
eyed his tips, trying to figure out how to get more out of him. Doing and
saying whatever he wanted, if he kept the cash flowing.
It was all a game to them.
Not to him.
He wanted something real.
He'd been about to close out of the site, jaded and done with it all. But
something unique had happened. Just as Dom had been about to exit, a new
stream had popped up on the 'new streamers' tab.
And the camboy it showed him… was bad at his job.
There was no other word for it. In a world of smooth operators, Jason
was a dud. He stumbled over his lines, spent too long talking to his chat,
and frequently just plain forgot to be sexy. He wore a brilliant smile, not a
sexy smolder.
And when he looked at the camera for Dom, he was searching for Dom's
next command—not his wallet.
Though he certainly blushed prettily enough when Dom tipped him.
It was intoxicating, the power he held over this young man, even if only
through a computer screen.
Jason's breath caught in his throat. He closed his eyes as he reached down
and slowly began to tug at his underwear.
He was already hard. Of course he was. Dom had only had a few sessions
with Jason, but he'd already learned that Jason was sensitive.
That suited him just fine.
Jason's fingers lightly traced along the length of his cock, exploring every
inch of it before finally wrapping around the base. He shuddered at the
sensation, arching his back and pushing himself further into his hands—the
ones he was imagining were Dom's.
Dom watched with rapt attention as Jason teased himself, a low moan
coming from somewhere deep inside him as each stroke brought him closer
to pleasure.
The room was thick with tension, his cock aching for release. He wanted
to be the one giving Jason pleasure. To be making him writhe like that,
bucking wildly as he drove his cock into that tight little hole...
And if I was there, he typed, what would you want me to do to you?
At the sound of a new message, Jason opened his eyes. He read Dom's
message, and then fought back a giddy smile.
God, he was cute.
"I would want... your hands all over my body. Caressing me, exploring
me..." He bit his lip. "And I want to feel your weight on top of me."
You think I'm fat? Dom joked.
Panic flooded Jason's always-open expression. "I didn't mean that, Sir!"
Tell me what you did mean, then.
Jason shut his eyes again, letting his head loll back as he bucked his hips
up, driving his cock up to meet his fist.
"I would want... your hands on my hips, holding me down. Your cock
driving into me, nearly more than I could take."
Jason gasped, pre-come trickling from his flushed cock. "I would want
you to pin me down. To take control of me, and make me yours."
His free hand grasped the bedsheets, and he bit that delicious lower lip of
"I would want you to kiss me," he replied, his voice trembling. "To really
kiss me, like you meant it..."
Shit. Dom's balls tightened, right on the edge of wrecking himself.
"Please… Don't make me wait." Jason's pleading eyes locked onto the
camera, and Dom could almost imagine those bright, earnest eyes gazing up
at him in person. He tightened his grip on his cock, pumping faster as he
watched Jason's hand move in time with him.
"Come for me, baby." The words were out of Dom's mouth before he
could stop himself, his voice low and husky with lust. And as if Jason had
heard him, they both reached their climax at the same moment—Jason's
head thrown back in ecstasy, Dom's nails digging into the armrest of his
Jason fell back, sprawling across his narrow bed like a housecat, loose-
limbed and languid. "That was incredible." Jason's chest heaved as he
caught his breath, a lazy smile spreading across his face. "You're good at
this, Sir."
Dom chuckled softly, feeling a warmth in his chest that had nothing to do
with his orgasm. You're not so bad yourself, kid.
"Thanks." Jason smiled at the camera, tucking a strand of his messy hair
behind his ear. "I guess I'll see you later, then?"
He caught himself. "I mean that figuratively. Not literally."
He clearly had his fantasy still on his mind—and with the desperate way
that Jason had confessed to it, Dom knew that it must have been on his
mind for a while now.
That fantasy would just have to stay a fantasy. Dom couldn't get involved
with a boy like Jason.
Dom couldn't help but sigh as he typed out his response. Take care,
"Bye, Sir." With one last lingering look, Jason ended the cam show,
leaving Dom alone in the dark room with his thoughts and the lingering
scent of desire.
The echo of Jason's laughter still lingered in Dom's ears as he closed his
laptop, the room now shrouded in darkness. In the silence, he found himself
craving more than just the virtual connection they'd shared.
He wished he had the power to reach through the screen and pull Jason
into his arms.
And into his bed.
"God damn it," he muttered, his fingers clenching against the leather
armrests. It was foolish to entertain such thoughts, even if only for a
moment. His life was demanding enough as it was.
But the memory of Jason's moans, his flushed cheeks and the way his
eyes seemed to plead for more… It made it difficult to resist the fantasy.
He'd just barely got cleaned up when there was a knock at the door of his
office. "Hey, Dom," Marco said. "You ready for that meeting?"
"Of course," Dom said. He got to his feet. "Let's get to it."
Marco hesitated. For a Toscano enforcer, he could be remarkably
perceptive at times. "Is everything alright, man? You seem...distracted."
Dom forced a smile, quickly brushing off his co-worker's—his friend's—
concern. "Just thinking about some things. Don't worry, I'll be fine."
Dom stood up, eager to change the subject and put some distance
between himself and the dangerous thoughts threatening to consume him.
People just wanted to use him. No matter how much Dom wanted to
believe that Jason was different, he couldn't risk letting his guard down.
Jason had to stay at arm's length.
No matter how much Dom wanted otherwise.
"Dom! You coming?" Marco's voice called from down the hall, snapping
him back to reality.
"Right behind you," he replied, stepping into the hallway and shutting the
door behind him. As they walked toward their meeting, Dom couldn't help
but steal one last glance at his closed laptop, the screen now black and

The heavy oak door creaked open as Dom entered Angelo Toscano's
mahogany-paneled meeting room. Sunlight streamed through the blinds,
casting sharp lines of shadow across the room, illuminating the swirling
dust motes in the air. The scent of leather and cigar smoke hung heavily, a
testament to the countless meetings held within these walls.
"Dom, Marco. Please, sit." Angelo gestured with a slight nod toward the
plush armchairs across from his imposing desk.
"Thanks." Dom's voice was clipped as he settled into his chair, his back
rigid and his hands clasped tightly in his lap. He focused on the smooth
grain of the wood beneath his fingers, the familiar texture grounding him in
the moment.
"Alright, let's get down to business," Angelo began, flipping open a thick
folder filled with documents. "Our recent shipments have been successful,
and we're making a significant profit."
"Nice," Marco said. "I knew that the Petrovs would slink off to lick their
wounds after that last stunt."
Dom nodded. "It's good to hear," he replied, forcing himself to
concentrate on the conversation.
"Especially as Toro is still recovering." At that, Angelo looked a little
sour. Dom had to give him the right. The Toscanos and the Petrovs were
sworn enemies—and then one of his right-hand men had got involved with
the son of the Petrov boss. It had to rankle a little.
Dom chuckled. Whereas he handled the Toscanos' intricate web of
finances, Toro was the Toscano's muscle. "He'll be fine. Just give him a few
more weeks. A man like that can bounce back from anything."
"Plus, cut him some slack," Marco said. "When it comes to love, men are
allowed to do some real dumb shit. It's that animal instinct."
Angelo snorted. "You call that love? I've seen their videos."
"'Being balls-deep in twink ass all day', then."
Angelo sighed. He rubbed his eyes. "Is it too much to ask that my men
stop acting like lovestruck, come-drunk teenagers?"
Marco leaned back, a dark grin on his face. "If you can figure out a way
to stop that, Boss, you should patent it ASAP."
"You'd make a million," Dom concurred. "The army would buy it off of
you in silos. But just look at it this way—at least he's not going to knock up
his boy. You don't need to worry about little Petrov-Toscano babies toddling
around. "
"Certainly not for his lack of trying," Angelo scowled. "Never mind.
Let's focus on these shipments."
As they returned to the Toscano logistics, Dom tried to focus on the task
at hand. But their conversation echoed through his mind, planting seeds of
He'd always prided himself on his control.
All around him, his fellow Toscanos had found their matches. The
college professor with an interest in Angelo's criminal psychology—and a
little more. The bartender that Marco spent a little too much time with. Toro
and his stolen Petrov son.
All of them had caused a fuss. For Toscano men, love seemed to involve
an awful lot of gunfights, kidnappings, and crooked cops.
Dom wasn't going to let himself do anything as stupid. He was more
sensible than that.
The sudden buzz of his phone jolted his attention away from the meeting.
It wasn't a breach of etiquette to check it out; Toscano lieutenants always
had to stay on top of their turf, after all, ready to deal with any issue. As
Marco and Angelo kept talking, he instinctively reached for it.
His pulse quickened as he read the message that lit up the screen. Hey
Dom, just wanted to say thanks for an incredible time tonight. It was
amazing, as always.
A satisfied warmth spread through Dom's chest as he read the message.
Of course, he replied. Always a pleasure.
He didn't expect a response to that.
He got one anyway.
Jason's phone was an old, cheap model, but as Dom received a photo
from him, its pixel count was not at the top of his mind.
"Dom Lombardi," Angelo growled, "are you sexting in the middle of a
Dom was a seasoned professional. He simply looked up from the expanse
of bare skin on his screen, and eyed Angelo evenly. "I don't believe this
counts. If anything, I'm being sexted."
"I'm selling you all to the Petrovs," Angelo said simply, and sighed.

ason leaned against the cold brick wall of the alley behind the call
center where he worked. The smell of stale cigarette smoke hung thick
in the air as he took his break, slipping away from the hustle and bustle of
the call center floor for a moment. He pulled out his phone, his heart
skipping a beat when he saw the familiar notification from Dom.
Are you free today? the message read.
Jason's fingers danced over the screen, his cheeks flushing. Sorry, I'm
working my day job right now, he typed back quickly. I wish I could cam,
He gathered his courage. What about you? What are you doing?
Whenever Jason had tried stepping over the line between them and
asking about Dom's personal life, Dom had never punished him. At the
same time, he'd never given Jason anything to go by.
It just made Jason want more.
Thinking about you, came the swift reply.
It was a clear sign. Jason sighed, feeling a little rejected—but at the same
time, the message made his pulse race. Dom had that effect on him, even
through simple text messages.
Really? Jason smirked, feeling bolder than usual. And… what exactly is it
that you're thinking about?
A pause, then: The way your lips look when you bite them. How your
eyes light up when you're excited. How good you'd look sprawled across the
desk in my office, wearing nothing but one of my ties wrapped around your
Jason's breath hitched. He glanced around to make sure no one was near
enough to see his burning face. I'd like that very much, he admitted, licking
his lips. Maybe someday, huh? When I'm not in this hellhole.
What hellhole is that?
New York City, Jason let slip before he could stop himself, realizing too
late that he had never told Dom where he lived. Shit. Lucy would kill him.
New York? Dom's next message lit up Jason's screen, a combination of
surprise and intrigue. That's interesting.
Is it? Jason asked, suddenly unsure of himself. He wasn't used to
revealing personal information, especially not to someone he had never met
in person.
Before Dom could reply, though, the time on his phone caught his
attention. Crap, I've gotta get back to work. Talk to you later?
Of course.
All through his shift, Jason's mind was elsewhere.
Where in the world did Dom live?
How far apart were they?
If their worlds collided and they passed each other in the streets, would
Jason be able to tell it was him…?

Hours later, as Jason's shift drew to a close, he sent Dom a message.

Hey, I'm off work now. Do you still want a show tonight?
Almost instantly, his phone buzzed with Dom's reply. The dim light of
the café cast shadows over the screen, and he felt a shiver run down his
spine when he read the words.
I do.
And this time, I don't want it to be through a camera.
What? Jason typed hesitantly.
Corner of 5th and Thompson, eight o'clock, came Dom's reply. Tenth
Was this it? Were they finally going to meet? Jason stared at the message,
feeling both thrilled and apprehensive at the prospect of meeting his
anonymous patron in person. He bit his lip, contemplating whether or not to
go through with it.
"Should I ask Lucy for advice?" Jason mumbled, picturing his best
friend's concerned expression if he were to tell her about Dom's invitation.
But deep down, he already knew what she'd say: don't go. You've seen
Silence of the Lambs.
Yet, despite knowing that Lucy would advise against it, Jason couldn't
help but feel drawn to Dom. His strong presence, even through simple text
messages, had captivated him in a way no one else ever had. Dom's words
had a power over him—they made him feel desired and understood in a
world where he often found himself lost and alone.
He wasn't going to skin Jason and wear him as a suit.
Hurriedly, Jason searched the address. It was an office block, the sort of
upscale place that Jason had only ever seen from the outside.
There was no listing for whatever was on the tenth floor.
"God, I'm a mess," Jason admitted to himself, marveling at how someone
he'd never even heard speak could have such a hold on his emotions.
Eight o'clock was fast approaching, and with each passing second,
Jason's decision became more urgent.
Okay, Jason replied finally, his thumb hovering over the send button for a
moment before he pressed it, sealing his fate. I'll be there.
Good boy, Dom's response came, and Jason's heart swelled with a
mixture of anticipation and fear.
He knew one way or another, this night would change everything.

ason gazed at the tall office building with awe. Its sleek, modern façade
was nothing like the dull, gray office blocks in his part of town, stuffed
with tired workers and stale coffee.
This place was a study in sophisticated elegance. Jason stepped forward,
into the lobby, and took a deep breath. The scent of expensive furniture and
polished marble filled his lungs. He looked around, eyes wide with wonder.
At this time of night, it was nearly empty. A security guard eyed him
suspiciously as he came in. Jason tried to stand up as straight as he could.
I'm a respectable young man, he tried to project. I'm here for respectable
business reasons, and not to meet my secret kinky sugar daddy.
He shivered.
Ever since he'd accepted Dom's offer, he'd been warring with himself.
One side of him said that there was no way Dom could be as impressive as
he seemed to be through a screen: hot and dominant, strong and rich.
He should just keep his fantasies separate from the real world, secret and
protected, where they couldn't be ruined by facts. It could be a fun little
thing, an unreal and imaginary fantasy.
But the way that Dom commanded him… He craved more.
It was worth risking his fantasies for a reality like that.
Are you watching me? Jason typed into his phone, hesitating for a
moment before hitting send. He couldn't help but glance around the sleek,
sophisticated lobby, trying to spot any hint of Dom's presence.
Always, came the reply almost immediately, sending shivers down
Jason's spine. Despite the luxurious surroundings, he couldn't shake the
feeling that he was being watched, scrutinized. He continued to scan the
room, a growing sense of desperation clawing at him.
He wanted—no, needed—to see Dom, to understand the man behind the
tantalizing voice and cryptic messages.
Be a good boy and stop looking, Dom's next message read. The dominant
tone only served to heighten Jason's anticipation, his heart pounding
fiercely within his chest.
Yes, Sir, Jason replied, torn between frustration and excitement. Part of
him wanted to defy Dom's command, to keep searching until he uncovered
the other man's hiding place. But another part of him reveled in the
submission, thriving on the thrill of obeying Dom's every whim.
Jason took a deep breath, steadying himself as a mixture of fear and
anticipation coiled tightly within him. He knew what was expected of him
now—it was time to meet Dom, to offer himself up in complete surrender.
He felt exposed and vulnerable, yet strangely empowered at the same time.
The tenth floor was waiting.
As the elevator doors closed, he glanced up at the digital panel above the
doors and saw that it was heading to the top floor. He gulped, his heart
pounding in his chest at the thought of finally meeting Dom.
The elevator ride seemed to take forever, and by the time it stopped on
the right floor, Jason was a nervous wreck.
He stepped out into the hallway, looking around at the plush carpets and
stylishly decorated walls. He was here.
Now, at least, the waiting was over.
He slowly made his way down the hallway, glancing at each office door.
He stopped in front of the last one, as Dom had instructed.
He reached out and touched the doorknob, his heart racing with
It was unlocked.
Jason took a deep breath, and opened the door.
Inside there was an office, just as sophisticated as the hallway. A large
mahogany desk dominated the center of the room, and two leather chairs
faced it.
And it was empty.
"Where are you?" Jason asked, looking around. "Hello?"
His phone buzzed. Nowhere you can see, Dom said. Put on a show for
You're watching? Jason typed back.
Jason groaned. He'd been so close to finally meeting his secret patron…
"I want to meet you," he said to the empty room.
Too bad. Now, strip.
Dom's text message flashed on Jason's screen, and his heart pounded
faster in response. The anticipation had been building for so long, and now
that the moment had finally arrived, Jason wanted nothing more than to
please Dom.
With trembling fingers, he unbuttoned his shirt one by one, taking his
time as the cool air kissed his exposed skin. He could feel Dom's eyes on
him, watching his every move from an unknown vantage point.
It was intoxicating—the thought of being seen without being able to see
in return. His hands shook slightly, and he felt a thrill run down his spine as
he imagined Dom's gaze tracing the contours of his body.
Good boy, came the praise through another text, and Jason shivered at the
words. He craved Dom's approval like a drug, needing it to sustain him as
he continued to strip for the other man's pleasure.
Keep going. The order was simple, but sent a thrill down Jason's spine.
He obeyed without hesitation, sliding his jeans down over his hips and
stepping out of them, leaving him clad only in his boxer briefs.
Show me how much you want me. Dom's command was tantalizing,
setting Jason's nerves alight with desire.
He knew he was crossing a line, offering up his body and soul to a man
whose face he'd never seen…
But he couldn't bring himself to care.
"Only for you," he whispered, his voice barely audible as he reached
down and slid down his boxers, relieving his growing arousal. Each brush
of his fingers against it brought a new wave of pleasure, mingling with the
delicious ache of longing for something more—something deeper.
Now, Jason. Open the drawer in the desk.
Jason felt his heart race as he stepped towards the desk, reaching out with
trembling fingers and pulling open the top right drawer. Inside was a tie—a
deep navy blue that shimmered in the light. He stared at it for a moment, his
mind racing with possibilities as to why Dom had asked him to find it.
Bind your hands.
Oh, god. It was everything that Jason wanted—but at the same time, this
was putting his life on the line. His instincts screamed at him... and lost,
overwhelmed by the aching desire of his body.
He reached out and grabbed the tie, carefully knotting it around his wrists
until he was bound. The fabric felt cool against his skin, a strange sensation
that sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine. He paused for a moment,
admiring the way the fabric tightened around him, creating an exquisite
contrast between submission and freedom.
He glanced up at the door, wondering if Dom was really there or if this
was all in his head. But then he felt a presence in the room—and knew
without looking that Dom had arrived.
Jason let out a shuddering breath as he felt Dom's gaze upon him, and all
at once he realized that this wasn't just about pleasing someone else; it was
about pleasing himself too—submitting to something bigger than himself
and trusting another person with his life.
Finally, Jason finished tying the knot around his wrists exactly the way
he hoped Dom would like it–tight enough to give him control but not so
much that it would restrict his circulation. He twisted his hands this way
and that in front of him. He could still do things—pick up things, touch
things… and touch himself.
He looked around the room, taking a deep breath as he waited for Dom to
make his move.
Sit in the chair.
Jason did so, eager to follow Dom's command. The leather was a cool
caress against the expanse of his bare skin, and he shuddered.
Open the second drawer.
Jason's heart leapt. Inside was a toy and a bottle of lube. Instead of the
toy that Dom had made him buy last time, though, this one wasn't realistic.
It was a modern, sleek design, the sort that looked more like modern art
than something designed to go up a butt.
Use it.
Jason didn't have to be told twice. He brought his legs up, and readied the
When Jason sunk the toy inside himself, he let out an involuntary whine.
The toy sat perfectly against the most sensitive space inside him,
overwhelming him with the heady sense of being stretched and being
And then it began to buzz.Jason yelped, shuddering. The toy's buzz grew
more intense, then backed off—and then, just as Jason sucked in a
trembling breath, it began to buzz again.
"Are you doing that?" Jason managed.
Jason groaned, and dropped his head back against the expensive leather
of the chair.
Put your hands over your head.
Ever obedient, Jason did so.
He didn't know where Dom was watching him from, but Dom took
control of his body, he knew exactly what Dom saw. Jason, flushed and
overwhelmed, tied up in his chair. Helpless, stuffed full, and entirely at
Dom's mercy.
It was crazy. This whole thing was crazy!
But as Dom drove Jason's senses wild, Jason couldn't bring himself to
Jason's cock throbbed, pre-come beading in his slit, dripping down his
shaft in pearly trickles. Dom hadn't told him to touch himself, so he kept his
hands exactly where they were. He panted, caught between the need to
come and the delicious anguish of being edged.
Wherever Dom was, he was getting a show.
"Please, Sir," Jason said. "I need more!"
Patience, came the reply on the screen on his phone, teasing and
enigmatic as ever. For now, show me how much you crave my touch.
Unable to resist the command, Jason began to drift in the pleasure, lost in
the sensations that coursed through his body like wildfire. He arched in the
seat, desperate for more, needing something that wasn't coming.
He imagined Dom's strong hands on him instead of his own, the rough
calluses of a man who had seen and done things Jason could scarcely
Such a greedy boy. Dom's message appeared stern, but there was no
denying the undercurrent of desire that threaded through the words.
Jason's breath hitched. A desire came to his mind, unable to be denied
any longer. He knew he was taking a risk, opening himself up to a man
shrouded in danger and mystery. But as he lay there, exposed and wanting,
he couldn't help but believe that it was a risk worth taking.
He had to. "You like it."
"You like me begging for you."
I do.
Jason bit his lip, shaking. "I need to hear your voice. If I can't see you—
then just let me hear you."
The moment the phone rang, Jason's heart leapt into his throat. The bright
screen displayed an unknown number, but he knew without a doubt that it
was Dom. He hesitated for only a second before hitting the button for
speakerphone, eager to finally hear the voice of the man who had been
consuming his thoughts.
"Jason," came the low, dark reply, and he shuddered at the sound.
It was everything he could have hoped for and more: a voice like warm
velvet, sliding across his skin and leaving goosebumps in its wake.
"Dom," he breathed, hardly daring to believe it was real. "It's really you."
"Of course it's me," Dom chuckled, the sound rich and full. "Did you
think I'd leave my good boy all alone?"
"Never," Jason murmured, the words slipping out almost without
thought. It felt surreal, hearing Dom's voice after so long spent
communicating solely through text messages. He couldn't help but wonder
what the other man looked like, what kind of face accompanied that
intoxicating voice.
"Are you still desperate for me, Jason?" Dom asked, his tone shifting
from gentle amusement to something darker, more commanding.
"Y-yes, Sir," Jason stammered, feeling a renewed surge of arousal at the
question. Hi cock ached, leaking desperately. He trembled, each movement
of the toy inside him bringing him closer to the edge of ecstasy.
"Good," Dom purred, and Jason could hear the smile in his voice. "You're
such a slut for me, aren't you?"
"Only for you," Jason whispered, feeling a flush spread across his cheeks
at the admission. It was true—he had never felt this way about anyone else,
never craved another person's touch and control so completely.
"Tell me how much you want me, Jason," Dom demanded, his voice low
and insistent. "Tell me how much you need me inside of you."
Poetry had never been Jason's strong point. Now, stuffed full, with his
prostate toyed with, all words failed him. "God, Sir, I need you so bad!"
Jason moaned, unable to keep the desperation from coloring his words. "I
want you to fuck me! Take me!"
He knew he was playing with fire, exposing himself to a man whose
world was filled with danger and deception. But as he listened to Dom's
dark, seductive voice urging him on, he couldn't bring himself to care.
"Such filthy words from such a sweet boy," Dom teased, but there was no
denying the hunger lurking beneath the surface of his words.
"Tell me what you want, Jason," Dom growled, his voice rough with
desire. "Tell me how badly you need to come."
Jason had never felt so exposed and vulnerable, yet so incredibly alive.
"I-I need it so bad," Jason gasped. His hands twitched, still held above his
head—but Dom hadn't yet told him to touch himself. "Please let me
"You're such a good boy," Dom murmured, and Jason could hear the
smirk in his voice. "Let go for me, Jason. Come for me like the good little
slut you are."
Jason panted, lost in the wave of sensations. He couldn't… He couldn't
just come like that, untouched, no matter how much he was writhing, how
much he wanted to follow Dom's words, needed it, craved it…
"Do it," Dom commanded.
It hit Jason, a wave of pleasure so intense that it bordered on pain. He
screamed out Dom's name as he came, his body writhing on the chair as he
rode out the orgasm.
His heart beat hard, the sound drowning out everything else.
Jason's breath caught in his throat as he listened to Dom's heavy
breathing on the other end of the line. He could picture the man in his mind,
stroking himself just as Jason had been doing moments before.
"Tell me what you're doing, Dom," he whispered, feeling a fresh surge of
arousal building within him.
It was only after he'd said it that he realized he'd said Dom instead of Sir.
But Dom didn't seem to notice, too close to the edge.
"Touching myself," Dom growled, and Jason could hear the lust in his
voice. "Thinking about fucking you hard and deep. You'd like that, wouldn't
you? Being taken by a real man like me?"
"God, yes," Jason moaned, his bound hands moving back down to his
cock. "Please…"
"Such a dirty little slut," Dom chuckled, the sound sending a thrill down
Jason's spine. "I'll give you what you want, Jason. Just wait and see."
Jason listened as Dom came, the deep growl of pleasure sending shivers
through Jason's body. He felt like he was falling deeper and deeper into
Dom's world, unable to resist the pull of the dangerous man's desire.
Then they were done. The silence in the room was deafening, the sound
of his own ragged breathing echoing off the walls. Jason's heart pounded in
his chest as he lay there, spent and vulnerable. The echo of Dom's voice still
lingered in his mind, like a ghost haunting his every thought.
"Jason," Dom's voice came through the phone again, quieter now but still
commanding. "I need you to promise me something."
"Anything," Jason replied, his voice barely a whisper, still trembling
from the intense experience they'd both shared.
"Promise me that you won't take such dangerous risks again," Dom said
firmly. "You have no idea how badly things could go wrong if someone else
had found you like this."
Ah, post-orgasm guilt. Jason groaned. Dom had asked for it, but…
He was right to chide Jason, of course. Tied-up, naked, alone in an empty
room… A pang of guilt coursed through Jason's veins, settling heavily in
his gut. He had put himself in danger by stupidly following anonymous
commands from some stranger on the internet.
But the connection he felt with Dom was so much stronger than any
rational thought or fear of consequence.
"I know it was reckless," Jason admitted, his fingers nervously twisting
the sheets beneath him. "But it felt worth the risk."
There was a pause, and then Dom let out a chuckle. "You're really
something, you know that?"
"According to my boss, my landlord, and my fifth grade teacher, I'm a
pain in the ass. Does that count?"
"We'll see," Dom said softly, warmth returning to his voice. "Now get
some rest, Jason. We'll talk more tomorrow."
"Goodnight, Dom," Jason murmured, the weight of his exhaustion finally
settling over him. He blinked. "Um, but just one more thing—"
"Is Dom really your actual name? You, um, answered to it. I thought it
was just a very descriptive username."
Dom laughed. "When the site asked for a username, it seemed efficient."
"Truth in advertising, huh?"
"Something like that. Now, go home, my good boy," Dom replied, the
warmth in his words wrapping around Jason like a protective embrace.
As the call ended, Jason lay there in the darkness, his thoughts a jumble
of fear, desire, and determination.
He knew they were playing with fire, but he couldn't help but be drawn to
the flame.

kay, Jason had done some stupid things. He'd gone to a secondary
location just because some anonymous sex-fiend on the internet had
told him to, and he'd tied up his own hands, and he'd let someone he'd never
even met get under his skin to the point he was thinking about him
But, on the other hand, there were benefits to having a sugar daddy, too.
Jason tore open the package, revealing a sleek, black box adorned with
silver lettering. Inside lay the latest phone, far more advanced than anything
he could ever afford on his own. He felt the weight of it in his hand,
marveling at the luxurious feel of the smooth glass and metal.
"Dom, this is incredible," he breathed, momentarily forgetting their
precarious situation. He held his old phone to his ear with his shoulder,
looking at the new one. "You really didn't have to do this."
"I thought you could use an upgrade," Dom explained nonchalantly, as if
buying extravagant gifts for someone he barely knew was an everyday
occurrence. "Besides," he added, "I want to make sure we can always stay
in touch."
Jason's heart swelled with gratitude and something else: a yearning for
more of the man who seemed to truly care about him. His fingers traced the
contours of the new phone, imagining Dom's hands doing the same before it
had been sent to him. The thought sent a shiver racing down his spine.
As the warmth of satisfaction began to fade, replaced by the chill of
reality, an ache settled in Jason's chest. He longed for more than just the
fleeting moments they shared across the digital divide. The desire to be
held, to be touched by Dom, threatened to consume him.
"Dom, I…" Jason hesitated, his voice cracking under the weight of his
yearning. "I want to see you. In person, I mean."
He braced himself for rejection, remembering how Dom had turned down
his previous request. A small part of him couldn't help but hope that this
time would be different—that the powerful connection they'd forged might
be enough to bridge the gap between them.
"Jason," Dom said softly, his expression unreadable. "You know we
The words stung, but Jason knew they were true. He swallowed hard,
plastering a smile onto his face as if he could somehow mask the longing
that gnawed at him. "Yeah, I know," he lied, his voice wavering. "Just forget
I said anything, okay?"
"Goodbye, Jason," Dom said, his own reluctance evident in the timbre of
his voice. "Take care of yourself."
"Bye, Dom," Jason whispered, his heart heavy as he ended the call. The
screen went dark, leaving him alone with his thoughts and the echo of their
shared pleasure.
As he stood there, Jason couldn't shake the feeling that something had
shifted between them—a subtle change that left him teetering on the edge
of a precipice, torn between the comfort of his familiar life and the allure of
the unknown. He ached for Dom's touch, for the chance to be truly seen and
understood by the one person who seemed to know him better than anyone
The sound of the apartment door slamming shut startled Jason, causing
him to jump. Panic fluttered in his chest like a caged bird, making it
difficult to breathe.
"Jason!" Neil's booming voice echoed through the small space as he
pounded on the bedroom door. "You in there?"
"Y-yeah," Jason stammered, trying to steady his voice. "Just give me a
He heard the impatient tapping of Neil's foot on the hardwood floor
outside his door, and he knew that he wouldn't have long to compose
himself. Swallowing hard, he took a deep breath and opened the door,
forcing a smile onto his face as he met his uncle's probing gaze.
"Everything okay?" he asked, trying to keep his voice light and casual.
"Come with me," Neil ordered, not bothering to answer Jason's question
as he turned on his heel and strode towards the kitchen. "We need to talk."
Jason followed, his stomach twisting into knots as he tried to anticipate
what Neil might have discovered. He could feel the weight of his uncle's
disapproval bearing down on him like a leaden shroud, suffocating and
As they entered the cramped kitchen, Neil whirled around to face Jason,
his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "So, you've been hiding something from
me," he accused, his voice low and dangerous. "I want to know where this
newfound money is coming from."
"Money?" Jason feigned confusion, hoping that he could somehow
deflect his uncle's suspicions. "What are you talking about?"
"Cut the crap, Jason." Neil slammed his hand down on the chipped
countertop, making Jason flinch. "You've actually been paying your rent,
and I saw that your car's fixed. Something's up."
His eyes cut down to Jason's hand—and what he was still holding.
Shit. Jason thrust his new phone into his pocket. "Look, I've just been
picking up some extra hours at work, that's all. It's nothing special."
"Extra hours?" Neil scoffed, his eyes narrowing even further. "You
expect me to believe that? You barely make enough as it is."
"Believe what you want," Jason retorted, finding a small spark of
defiance within himself, but immediately regretted his words as Neil's
expression darkened.
"Fine," Neil sneered, his gaze lingering on the expensive phone clasped
in Jason's trembling hand. "If you're making so much more money now, I
guess it's only fair that I raise your rent."
"Wait, what?" Jason blurted out, disbelief clouding his thoughts. The
phone seemed to grow heavier with each passing second, as though its
weight was a tangible reminder of his mounting troubles.
"Your parents always taught us to look after family, didn't they?" Neil
continued, his tone dripping with insincerity. "And seeing as how you're
doing so well, I think it's about time you started contributing more around
"Neil, I can barely afford the rent as it is," Jason protested, his free hand
balling into a fist at his side. He could feel the anger boiling beneath his
skin, mingling with the terror that threatened to consume him. "You can't
just raise it like that."
"Watch me," Neil said flatly, his cold eyes locking onto Jason's with an
unyielding intensity. "You have one week to come up with the extra cash, or
you can find somewhere else to live."
As those chilling words sank in, Jason's heart plummeted into the pit of
his stomach, and he struggled to find the words to respond. He couldn't
believe that his own uncle would do this to him—but then again, hadn't Neil
proved time and time again that he was more than capable of cruelty?
"Please," Jason whispered, desperation lacing his voice as he met his
uncle's steely gaze. "I don't know how I'll come up with that kind of money
in such a short amount of time."
"Figure it out," Neil replied, his expression impassive as he turned to
leave the room. "Or don't. I don't really care."
With that, he walked away, leaving Jason standing there, his phone still
clutched tightly in his hand. The silence that filled the apartment was
deafening, broken only by the pounding of Jason's heart and the ragged
sound of his own breath.
As Jason retreated to the temporary sanctuary of his bedroom, he couldn't
help but feel like a hunted animal, caught between the crushing jaws of his
circumstances and the ever-looming threat of discovery. He closed the door
behind him and leaned against it, feeling the cold metal of the doorknob
press into his back.
As the door slammed shut behind him, Jason slid down the counter until
he was sitting on the cold, hard floor, his head in his hands.
Neil was right about one thing—he was Jason's last relative. After Jason's
parents had been T-boned, he'd bounced around between foster homes for a
while, before Neil had stepped in and volunteered to raise his nephew.
Though the insurance payouts probably had something to do with that.
Jason scowled. He had to get out of here. But the rental market was tight,
and rents were only going up—whenever he'd tried to find somewhere else,
the only places he could afford were far from his job. If he added even more
of a commute on top of what he already had, he'd break.
He'd thought about asking Lucy, but she was already living with a bunch
of other girls. There was no space at that particular inn.
Maybe Dom could help him—
Jason caught himself.
He didn't know this man. Dom was a sugar daddy. That was fine for
phones—but Jason couldn't rely on him.
And more to the point: Jason didn't want to be the sort of person who
asked other people to take care of him.
He'd been a burden all his life. First the foster homes, then Neil, and now
he was asking Dom to assume his burden.
He hated feeling like that.
Your parents would be ashamed of you. Neil's words echoed in his mind,
their sharp edges cutting deep into the wounds already festering in his soul.
Jason knew there was truth in those words, even if Neil didn't know it. His
parents, who had always been loving and supportive, would never have
wanted their only son to be a camboy.
As he sank down onto the edge of his bed, Jason couldn't help but stare at
the art supplies scattered across his desk. They had become little more than
relics of a time when life had been simpler, when the passion for creation
had burned bright within him. Now, they stood as silent witnesses to the
path he'd chosen, the sacrifices he'd made just to survive in this unforgiving
"Look what I've become," he whispered to himself, his voice barely
audible amidst the quiet hum of the air conditioning unit. "I'm nothing more
than a hooker."
The word tasted bitter on his tongue, like poison seeping through his
veins, and he struggled to hold back the tears prickling at the corners of his
This wasn't who he was meant to be—this wasn't the life he'd imagined
for himself.
"Damn it," he muttered, slamming his fist against the mattress in
frustration. It did little to alleviate the anger simmering beneath the surface,
but at least it gave him something to focus on besides the gnawing sense of
despair threatening to consume him whole.
As he closed his eyes, Jason couldn't help but imagine what his parents
would say if they could see him now. Would they be disappointed? Angry?
Heartbroken? Or would they simply shake their heads in disbelief, unable to
recognize the person their son had become?
Either way, the truth was inescapable: Jason had lost himself somewhere
along the way, and he didn't know if he'd ever be able to find his way back

om Lombardi leaned against the cold marble countertop in his
modern, minimalist apartment. It had been a long day of collecting
debts and enforcing loyalty for the mafia, and all he wanted was to slip into
something comfortable, pour himself a glass of bourbon, and lose himself in
a cam show with Jason.
Ever since the affair with the office, it had been getting harder and harder
to pretend that the thing between them was simple, disposable.
After Jason had left, Dom had made his way over to the office.
The tie, left neatly in the center of the desk, had held the scent of him.
Dom had come a second time, holding the tie to his face and jerking off.
He longed to be the one that was tying Jason's hands, throwing him down in
the chair, and fucking him senseless…
The doorbell rang, shattering Dom’s thoughts. Of course.
He frowned, not expecting any visitors. With a sigh, he placed his glass
on the counter and walked over to open the door. His heart dropped when
he saw the familiar face smirking back at him.
"Hey there, Dommy," Ricky Turner said, oozing false charm. Dressed in
expensively casual designer clothes that clung to his lean body, and with his
blond hair slicked back, he looked like he had just stepped off a movie set.
"Long time no see."
"Ricky," Dom growled as a wave of anger washed over him. "What the
hell are you doing here?"
"Can't I visit an old friend?" Ricky quipped, running a hand through his
hair, making it look tousled and effortlessly sexy.
"Friend? Is that what you think we are?" Dom couldn't help but snort at
the audacity. The last time they had seen each other, Dom had caught Ricky
in bed with another man while he was supposed to be at an audition.
"Look, I know things ended badly between us," Ricky said, shifting his
weight from one foot to another. "But I've changed, Dom. Really. And I
want to make it up to you."
"Changed?" Dom crossed his arms over his broad chest, skeptical. "By
showing up at my doorstep looking like some Hollywood douchebag?"
"Come on, Dom. You know how much I love acting. It's the only thing
I'm good at," Ricky pouted, his eyes pleading.
"Acting? Is that what you were doing when you played me all those
months?" Dom's voice was cold, unforgiving. "Using me for my money and
my connections in the mafia? Don't think I didn't figure it out, Ricky."
"Dom, I—"
"Save it," Dom cut him off, his eyes as hard as steel. "You're a good
actor, Ricky. But not good enough to fool me again. Now get the fuck out of
He slammed the door in Ricky's face, leaning against it with a heavy
sigh. Just when he thought he had put that part of his life behind him, it
came back to haunt him. The betrayal stung as much today as it did the day
he found out about Ricky's deception.
When it came down to it, this whole situation was his fault. He loved to
provide for his lovers—to use his power and wealth to take all their worries
away. The look in their eyes when they felt real security, real appreciation
for their beauty and talents… There was nothing like it.
The downside was that eventually they stopped seeing him, and just
started seeing a walking wallet.
Dom could almost feel the heat of Ricky's indignation through the door,
but he refused to let the man get under his skin again. He took a deep
breath, trying to calm himself and push away the memories of their past.
"Dom, please," Ricky's voice pleaded from the other side of the door.
"Just hear me out. I swear I've changed! One minute—If I ever meant
anything to you, just give me one minute!"
Reluctantly, Dom opened the door again, keeping his expression cold and
unyielding. Ricky looked at him with a mix of desperation and
determination in his eyes, as if he knew this was his last chance to make
things right.
"Fine," Dom said gruffly. "You've got one minute."
"Thank you," Ricky stepped back into the apartment, his posture less
confident than before. "I… I know what I did was unforgivable, Dom. And
I'm not expecting you to trust me right away. But please, believe me when I
say I've changed. I've been going to therapy, working on my issues, and
even stopped using people like I used to."
"Is that so?" Dom raised an eyebrow, his skepticism evident in his tone.
"And how do I know you're not just acting again?"
"Because I don't want anything from you, Dom," Ricky insisted, taking a
step closer. "No money, no connections. I just want to prove that I can be
better, and maybe... maybe have a second chance with you."
"Ricky, we were never a good match," Dom said, fighting the urge to
close the distance between them. "You were always looking for something
more, and I wasn't enough for you. It's time to move on."
"Dom, don't say that," Ricky murmured, reaching out to touch Dom's
arm. "We had our moments, didn't we?" His voice dropped, low and dusky.
"The way I submitted to you, the control you had over me... It was intense.
We were perfect together."
"Perfect?" Dom scoffed as Ricky's fingers grazed his skin, but this time,
the touch didn't send shivers down his spine as it used to. Instead, it felt
hollow, devoid of the passion and desire that once fueled their relationship.
"That's one minute," Dom said firmly, stepping away from Ricky's touch.
"Ricky, we're done. You had your chance, and you blew it. I don't want
anything to do with you anymore."
He could see the defeat in Ricky's eyes, but he knew he couldn't let
himself be swayed by the man's charm again. He needed to protect himself,
even if it meant closing the door on someone who once meant the world to
"Goodbye, Ricky," Dom said, his voice flat as he turned away, leaving
the past behind for good.
"Dom, please—" Ricky began, but Dom cut him off with a sharp gesture.
"Enough!" Dom barked, grabbing Ricky by the arm and dragging him
towards the door. He could feel Ricky's resistance, the desperate attempt to
stay close to him, but Dom's grip was unyielding as he shoved him into the
Dom snarled, slamming the door shut with finality.
Long moments passed. He rested his forehead against the cold wood,
willing himself to breathe, to let go of the frustration and hurt that had built
up inside him.
Suddenly, an echoing knock resonated from the door. Dom tensed,
fearing Ricky had returned for another round of pleas. But when he pulled
open the door, ready to snarl at him, he found not Ricky, but Bear Thornton,
the Toscanos' head of security.
"Dom," Bear greeted, one eyebrow raised. "That's one hell of an
expression. Everything alright?"
"Fine," Dom muttered, stepping aside to let Bear enter. "Just dealing with
some old baggage."
"Is it about five-nine, with a face like a cat's ass?" Bear guessed. He
hiked a thumb back at the door. "Saw him leaving with his tail between his
"Yeah, Ricky's trying to weasel his way back in," Dom admitted,
clenching his fists at his sides. Having someone else know about his mess
of a lovelife was humiliating. But it was Bear's job to be on top of things
like that—if someone had an ex out for vengeance, that was a security
Still, that didn't make it easier to deal with. "Don't worry, I'm done with
that. I won't let him play me again."
Bear nodded, clapping a heavy hand on Dom's shoulder as he went past.
"Good man. You deserve better than that."
"Thanks," Dom said, forcing a tight smile. "I'm better off alone."
"Hey, you've got me and the rest of the guys. We've got your back, no
matter what."
"Yes," Dom drawled, "but I'm not about to put you over my knee any
time soon."
Bear chuckled. "Well, you've got me there. Still, hang in there, brother.
Now, let's go grab a drink, huh? My treat."
"Sounds good," Dom agreed, forcing himself to smile as he followed
Bear out of the apartment.
He knew that he couldn't change the past or erase the pain that Ricky had
caused him, but with comrades like Bear by his side, the future seemed just
a little bit brighter.
Lovers were trouble. He had to remember that.
He had to keep his distance.

weat trickled down Jason's brow as he fumbled with the camera, his
hands shaking with a mix of guilt and anticipation. He glanced at the
clock on the wall, cursing himself for being late to his own cam show.
"Come on, come on," he muttered under his breath, finally managing to
set up the camera and secure it on its stand. His heart raced as he scrambled
into position on the bed, smoothing out the sheets beneath him with
trembling hands. He wore nothing but a pair of tight, black briefs, the fabric
clinging to every curve of his muscular body.
"Make sure everything is perfect, Jason. He won't like it if you're sloppy,"
he chastised himself quietly, adjusting the angle of the camera one final
time before clicking the start button.
No sooner had the live stream begun than a message from Dom popped
up on the screen:
I don't appreciate having to wait, Jason.
Jason's heart skipped a beat, shame coursing through him as his fingers
hovered hesitantly over the keyboard. "Sorry, Sir," he said, biting his lip
nervously. "Won't happen again."
See that it doesn't, came the curt reply, making Jason's stomach churn
with anxiety.
Swallowing hard, he forced a smile onto his face, doing his best to put
aside his worries and focus on pleasing Dom. He ran his fingers through his
tousled hair, making it look deliberately messy, and then trailed them down
his chest, stopping just above the waistband of his briefs. He gave Dom a
teasing look, his heart pounding in his chest as he awaited further
Good, Dom's next message read, causing a shiver of both relief and
excitement to ripple through Jason. Now, let's get started.
Strip, the message from Dom appeared on the screen, terse and
Jason hesitated for a moment, taken aback by the strange feeling he was
sensing. Was it just him, or was there a sudden coldness in Dom's tone?
But he complied, sliding his thumbs under the waistband of his briefs and
slowly lowering them down his legs.
I don't have all day.
Jason's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry, Sir. I'll make it up to
See that you do.
Now, get on all fours and beg me to let you touch yourself.
"Like this?" Jason asked, positioning himself on the bed, feeling exposed
and vulnerable as the camera captured every inch of his naked body.
Lower your head, eyes on the floor.
Jason bit his lip, his mind racing.
Dom had set boundaries—but Jason was never very good at obeying
rules. The question came out of him before he could stop himself. "Are you
feeling okay, Sir?"
There was a long pause. Jason watched the text box, hanging on every
"I mean…" he said, hesitant. "You seem a little… unhappy."
You haven't had a problem with rough treatment before.
"Because you liked it!" Out of his depth, emotional but still naked and
aroused, Jason blushed from his cheeks down to his collarbones. "If you
enjoy treating me rough, do your worst—I'll love whatever you make me
do. But if you don't enjoy it, if you don't want to see me enjoying it…
That's different."
This is just business.
Jason threw up his hands, incredulous. He glared at the camera. "If you
really think so, then you should take some of your money and buy a clue."
Jason sat back on the bed, and sighed. "Okay, consider the mood
thoroughly ruined. Show canceled."
Tell me why you were late. Dom's message appeared on the screen..
"Um..." Jason hesitated, reluctant to reveal the truth. "I had to find a
second job. My rent went up again, and I'm barely making ends meet as it
He explained it in detail, laying out his situation with Neil. As soon as he
was done, Jason's gaze remained fixed on the screen, waiting for Dom's
The moment stretched out, leaving him feeling vulnerable and exposed.
Then, to his surprise, the tone of Dom's next message shifted, revealing a
hint of softness beneath the harsh exterior.
Your landlord is taking advantage of you, Dom scoffed. I know someone
who can help. A real estate agent with connections. I'll get you a better
Heat burned Jason's cheeks. "Thanks, but that's a big favor. I can't accept
I'm not taking no for an answer.
"That's a dangerous phrase."
You like danger.
It was true. A wave of relief washed over Jason, banishing the lingering
shame he felt. This unexpected kindness from Dom made him feel seen,
cared for in a way that he hadn't experienced in far too long.
"Thank you, Dom," he said, his fingers trembling slightly on the
keyboard. "It... it means a lot to me."
He hesitated for a moment, his hands toying with the bedsheets. But then,
with a deep breath, he decided to take the plunge.
"Listen. The show's back on. But this time, it's for free," he said, looking
straight into the camera. "I'm going to show you my fantasies. Just watch
Jason ran his hands down his body; down to his cock, then back up to the
silver chain that Dom had got him to wear around his neck all those weeks
ago. It seemed impossible that they could have only been master and
servant for such a short time. It felt like he'd known Dom forever, waiting
for their lives to collide.
"I'm picturing your hands on this," he said, tugging the chain. "You grab
it, and tell me I'm a good boy. Yours."
His cock had quietened during the tension, unsure. Now, though, it came
back to life. Jason let his eyes fall shut, picturing Dom in front of him.
A shiver ran through him as he imagined Dom's strong hands grabbing
him, pushing him down onto the bed. Those same hands exploring every
inch of his body, teasing out pleasure from each and every nerve ending.
His breathing deepened as he worked closer and closer towards his cock,
rubbing it lightly with just enough pressure to make him moan softly.
He wanted nothing more than for Dom to be here with him, tasting his
skin and breathing in the scent of their desire. The thought alone had Jason
gripping himself tightly, taking control over his own pleasure as he
fantasized about what would come next.
He could hear Dom whispering in his ear: filthy words that made him
shudder. In the span of a moment he had retrieved the lube; a single finger
traced a path around the sensitive skin of his hole before slipping inside.
Jason shuddered at the sensation.
"Your lips on mine," he said, his voice less sure than before. "Your hands
on my body, exploring every inch."
He gasped as the thought of Dom's hands sliding down to his cock filled
his mind. His breathing quickened as he imagined Dom's tongue tracing up
the length of his bared throat, teasing just enough that he ached for more.
"You take me deeper than anyone else," he said, his voice a whisper.
"Find something new in me every time."
Jason's hand moved, caressing himself as waves of pleasure coursed
through him at the thought of Dom. Every kiss, every touch felt like it was
happening right there in the room with him; just another secret between
them that no one else was ever allowed to know about or share in.
And he wanted nothing more.
"You know what I've been fantasizing about lately?" he said, his voice a
low whisper. "Waking up in bed next to you. You know when you first
wake up, and everything is kind of hazy and warm? Like that."
He slid a second finger inside himself, his eyes rolling back at the
sensation. "And you fuck me awake. I wake up to your cock in me, driving
deep. Using me as relief for morning wood, using me for whatever your
body needs."
Jason let out a shuddering breath, his entire body tense with desire for
Dom. He could feel himself about to reach the edge; the pleasure almost
unbearable as it licked over every inch of his body.
"I'm yours, and you use me like you need to, pushing me higher and
higher until I'm screaming out your name. You make me scream, again and
again. You make me feel alive."
With one last gasp he finally let go, crying out in relief as orgasm took
hold of him. His hips bucked up into the empty air, searching for someone
to hold him down...
But, of course, there was no-one there. With a sigh, he opened his eyes.
"It'd beat the hell out of the alarm on my phone." He let out a laugh.
"That's what I've been fantasizing about. 'Just business', my ass."
There was another long silence, while Jason stared at the ceiling, coming
down from his high.
"Sir… Could we meet one day?"
Jason held his breath, watching the screen intently for any sign of a reply.
His heart pounded loudly in his ears, drowning out the sounds of the city
outside his window. He knew he was being bold, perhaps too bold, but he
couldn't help himself. The thought of finally meeting the enigmatic man
who had captivated him for so long was too enticing to resist.
As the seconds ticked by and no response came, Jason's anxiety began to
grow. Had he crossed a line? Had he pushed Dom away with his impulsive
request? He could feel the familiar weight of doubt settling in, threatening
to suffocate him.
The silence that followed Jason's question was deafening, interrupted
only by the faint hum of his computer and the distant sounds of traffic
outside. He clenched his fists, bracing himself for whatever response Dom
might have in store.
No, was all he said.
Jason's heart sank as he read those words, feeling a sharp pang of regret
twist in his gut. He opened his mouth to apologize, but before he could type
out a response, Dom disconnected from the cam show with a finality that
left him reeling.
"Dom, wait—" Jason whispered to the now-empty chat window, his plea
falling on deaf ears. He stared at the screen, trying to process what had just
happened, but his mind felt like it was filled with fog.
His hands trembled as he closed the laptop, casting his apartment into
darkness. The once comforting space now felt suffocating, each shadow
seeming to mock him for his foolish mistake. The weight of Dom's rejection
pressed down on his chest like a physical force, making it difficult to
Dom would help Jason find somewhere to live—but they could never
What was Jason supposed to think about it all?
What kind of relationship was this?
As he sat there in the dark, Jason couldn't help but replay their
conversation in his mind, searching desperately for some clue as to how
things had gone so wrong.
Was it really so wrong to want more from their connection?

he moment Jason stepped into the luxurious apartment, he felt as if he
had been transported to a different world. High ceilings loomed
overhead, giving the space an airy and regal atmosphere. Elegant
furnishings adorned the living area, each piece exuding a refined taste that
was foreign to Jason's modest upbringing. He found himself drawn to the
floor-to-ceiling windows that showcased a breathtaking view of the city
skyline, the lights of New York City twinkling like a sea of stars.
"Absolutely incredible," he breathed, unable to tear his eyes away from
the captivating panorama before him.
And completely not for him.
"Isn't it?" The real estate agent, a middle-aged woman with a nervous
smile, watched Jason's reaction closely. Her eyes, previously darting around
the room, now focused intently on him, trying to gauge his interest in the
property. "You won't find many apartments with a view like this."
"Believe me, I know," Jason replied, finally tearing his gaze away from
the window to look at the agent. He hesitated, biting his lip as the harsh
reality of his financial situation crept back into his thoughts.
Dom had really come through with his offer.
But he had been completely off the mark.
"But as amazing as this place is... there's no way I can afford it."
The real estate agent's brows furrowed in confusion, her once nervous
smile replaced by a perplexed frown. "What do you mean?"
Shit, how many other ways were there to say that you were broke? "I
don't have the money for it," Jason said, as simply as politely as if he was
talking to one of his call center customers. "Financially. To exchange in
That only seemed to confuse the agent further. "But… I have here in my
notes that the rent for the entire year has already been paid for."
Jason's heart nearly stopped.
"Paid for?" He echoed, astonishment etching itself onto his face. He
couldn't comprehend the idea of someone covering such an exorbitant
expense on his behalf.
Dom. Of course. There was a reason why he'd given the agent's details to
Jason. He'd seen enough of Jason's crappy little bedroom to know that Jason
had no chance of paying for a place like this himself.
But if he'd paid for it…
"By… By who?" he asked, desperate to hear Dom's real name.
The real estate agent's demeanor changed instantly, her eyes widening in
shock and apprehension. She stammered, struggling to form words as she
glanced around nervously.
"I... I really can't say," she finally managed, avoiding Jason's gaze.
"Unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to give out this client's name. But you can
rest assured that everything has been taken care of."
That was a strange reaction. She looked almost… scared?
That didn't exactly fill Jason with warm fuzzies.
Jason's thoughts swirled in his head like a chaotic whirlpool, leaving him
feeling disoriented and conflicted. On one hand, the idea of living in such a
beautiful space was beyond appealing, especially when compared to his
cramped, dingy apartment.
On the other hand, accepting Dom's generosity… This was a lot.
If she ever found out he was considering this, Lucy would print out the
Wikipedia page for 'stranger danger', and smack him over the head with it.
Especially with the agent's reaction…
What kind of man was Dom?
"Can I think about it?" he asked hesitantly, hoping for a moment of
reprieve from the overwhelming decision facing him.
"Of course," the real estate agent replied, her smile returning. "Take all
the time you need. Just let me know your decision when you're ready."
With a nod of gratitude, Jason stepped out of the dream-like apartment
and into the harsh reality of the bustling city. And as the weight of the
decision bore down on him, Jason knew he needed to talk to someone he
could trust—someone who knew him better than anyone else.
As he stepped out into the street, his phone buzzed in his pocket.
Of course Lucy would be messaging him already. He swore that when it
came to his bad ideas, she had some kind of spidey-sense. The instant he'd
thought about accepting the apartment, she'd probably sat bolt upright,
saying, 'I don't know what he's doing, but Jason needs to be protected from
Jason pulled out his expensive new phone, expecting to see a message
from her.
Instead, he was met with an anonymous text that sent a shiver down his
Stay away from Dom.
His heart pounded as he stared at the screen, the seemingly innocuous
words carrying a sinister weight.
Who are you? he typed back.
But there was no reply, leaving him to grapple with his swirling thoughts
and fears alone.
The world outside the apartment building suddenly seemed darker, filled
with shadows that hid untold threats. And as Jason began his journey back
to the safety of his own small, familiar space, he couldn't shake the feeling
that he was being watched.

The door to Jason's cramped apartment creaked in protest as he pushed it

open, the dim light casting eerie shadows across the worn floor. It was a
harsh contrast to the luxurious space he had just left behind, but it was
familiar—and familiarity offered an odd sense of comfort amidst the chaos
of his thoughts.
"Lucy," he whispered into the phone, his voice shaking as much as his
hands. "Um, I really need to talk to you."
"Hey, Jason!" Lucy's cheerful voice greeted him, immediately allaying
some of his anxiety. "What's going on?"
"Can you come over?" He glanced around his apartment, suddenly
feeling exposed and vulnerable. "There's something I need to tell you."
"Of course," she replied without hesitation. "I'll be there in twenty
True to her word, Lucy arrived at Jason's apartment with concern etched
on her face. She took in his disheveled appearance, noting the worry that
clouded his usually bright eyes.
"Jason, what happened?" she asked, taking a seat next to him on his
sagging couch. Her presence was a calming force, grounding him in the
"So, um… First off, don't yell at me."
Her lips pressed into a fine line. After a moment, she nodded. "I won't."
"Scout's honor."
"You were never in the Scouts."
"No, but I'm really good at tying people up." Her eyes softened. "Look,
Jason, I promise not to yell at you… much."
That was going to have to be enough. "So, uh, my patron?"
"The same Mr. Anonymous who sent you the phone?"
"Yeah. He offered me something else. Something… big."
"To sleep with you?"
Jason had to fight back a peal of laughter. "I wish! Uh, I mean, no," he
continued, seeing the warning look in Lucy's eyes. "I kind of mentioned my
problem with my rent, and the next thing I knew…"
He filled her in.
"Jason, this man is going to wear your skin."
"Stop it! Not everything is The Silence of the Lambs."
"He's giving you a whole apartment? He's going to want a lot in
exchange from you to pay it off."
I wouldn't have a problem with that, Jason thought, but had the good
sense to keep it to himself.
"The sort of man who can drop that much money just like that… Jason,
this is no splenda daddy. He's got deep pockets. Men like that… They have
power. They can be dangerous."
"Yes, I'm getting that impression. And, uh, that's not all," Jason said,
swallowing hard as he remembered the threatening text. "I got a message
from an unknown number telling me to stay away from him."
Lucy's eyes widened, her voice taking on a protective edge. "You think
he might be involved in something dangerous?"
"I don't know," Jason confessed, his heart aching with uncertainty. "I
want to believe that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me, but I barely know
him, and now there's this threat hanging over my head…"
"Jason, listen to me," Lucy said firmly, her gaze locked on his. "You need
to cut ties with your patron, at least for now. You don't know who you're
dealing with, and it's clear that someone dangerous is going on."
"But I can't," he protested weakly, torn between his feelings for Dom and
the instinct to protect himself.
I want him.
I need him.
"Your safety has to come first," Lucy insisted, her tone gentle but
unwavering. "You know I always have your back, but I can't stand by and
watch you get mixed up with someone who could potentially harm you."
Jason's eyes dropped to the threatening text still displayed on his phone
screen, the words taunting him like a coiled snake. He stared at his hands,
the threatening text message still burning in his mind, and felt a knot
forming in his chest.
He turned to face Lucy, who was watching him with a mixture of concern
and determination. Taking a deep breath, he finally admitted what he had
been struggling with for so long.
"Lucy, I... I think I have feelings for Dom," he confessed, his voice
barely above a whisper. "I've never felt like this about anyone before, and
it's making this whole situation even more difficult."
"Jason…!" Lucy threw her hands up in the air. "A man you've never met
before is giving you a whole-ass apartment, someone else is threatening
you, and now you've decided that you're in love?"
"Well, when you put it like that…"
"When you put it anyway!"
Lucy's voice softened, but her eyes remained steady, searching his face
for any hint of doubt. "I understand that you're enjoying yourself, but you
need to remember the risks involved in associating with someone with
money like that. Powerful people can be... unpredictable, even dangerous."
"Have you ever considered that maybe Dom isn't who you think he is?"
Lucy asked gently, disrupting his thoughts. "You don't really know anything
about him, do you?"
Jason hesitated, his mind racing as he realized just how little he knew
about the man who had consumed his thoughts for weeks. All he had were
fleeting glimpses of Dom's life, scraps of conversation that hinted at a world
far beyond his own.
"No, I don't," he admitted, his voice heavy with resignation. "But there's
something about him, Lucy. Something that makes me feel..."
"Don't you dare say the L-word," she warned. "Jason, I know how
captivating new feelings can be, but you have to think about your safety and
Lucy reached out and put a warm hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled
with compassion. "Promise me you'll be careful, Jason," she implored, her
voice cracking with emotion. "I don't want to see you get hurt."
"I promise," he whispered, the weight of his decision settling heavily on
his shoulders.
As he sat there, staring into the darkness that seemed to envelop his small
apartment, Jason knew he had a choice to make…
To turn away from Dom and everything he could offer, or to risk
everything for the chance at something more.
After Lucy left, the shadows in his apartment seemed to grow darker,
closing in around him like a living thing as he sat alone with his thoughts.
As he stared at the threatening text message, the harsh words etched into
his mind, Jason wrestled with his conflicting emotions. He longed to
believe that Dom was different—that he could somehow offer him the
escape he so desperately craved from his current life.
But as the reality of the situation settled heavily upon him, he knew that
he couldn't ignore the potential dangers any longer.
With a heavy heart, Jason continued to stare at the screen, the glow
casting an eerie light on his face as he struggled to come to terms with the
decision that lay before him.

ason awoke from a restless night, his skin damp with sweat and his
heart feeling heavier than the satin sheets that draped over him.
He'd spent the night at the apartment. The weight of it bore down on him
like a ton of bricks. Dom had paid it for him, but even this extravagant
gesture couldn't make him feel at home in such a foreign environment.
He paced the hardwood floors, trying to ignore the nagging feeling of
emptiness that gnawed at him. This was supposed to be a dream come true
—so why did he feel so trapped? He longed for Dom's presence, for the
strong arms that could protect him from any harm; yet, all he had were cold
walls and distant echoes.
He was miserable. But on the bright side, he was miserable in a place
with good hot water pressure. He let the shower wash some of his worries
Dried and dressed, Jason wandered out into the hallway. On the way out
of the building, he caught snippets of a hushed conversation between two
elegantly dressed neighbors, their words dripping with disdain.
"Can you believe the number of undesirables moving into our building?"
one neighbor whispered. "It used to be such a prestigious place."
"Absolutely dreadful," agreed the other, adjusting his silk scarf. "The
management really ought to do something about it."
Jason's heart sank as the venomous words slithered around him,
tightening their grip. He knew they were talking about him, the one who
didn't belong in their opulent world. He felt exposed, vulnerable, as if he
were standing naked in a room full of fully clothed strangers.
"Excuse me," he muttered, attempting to walk past the pair. The rich
neighbor locked eyes with him, her gaze sharp and judgmental. The sting of
her contempt sliced through him, leaving him feeling more alone than ever
As Jason hurried away from the hateful whispers, he couldn't help but
wonder if Dom knew how out of place he felt. Did Dom know that his gift,
while generous, wasn't what he needed?
Jason's thoughts raced as he fled the building and walked briskly down
the city sidewalks. The realization that he couldn't live in such an
environment was like a cold, hard slap to his face.
He needed to talk to the real estate agent. He had to give back the
His heart constricted at the thought of disappointing Dom, but he couldn't
shake the feeling that this life wasn't meant for him.
The real estate office was nearby. It loomed ahead, its glass windows
showcasing impeccably dressed agents chatting with wealthy clients. Jason
took a deep breath and pushed open the door, steeling himself for the
"Hi, I'm Jason Waters?" he said to the receptionist, his voice wavering
slightly. "I need to speak with my agent about my new apartment."
"Of course, Mr. Waters," she replied, her perfectly manicured fingers
tapping away on her keyboard. "Have a seat. I'll let them know you're here."
As Jason sat down on the plush leather couch, his attention was drawn to
the sound of footsteps approaching. He looked up and his breath caught in
his throat.
Stepping out of one of the nearby offices was a man who seemed to
radiate confidence and power. Broad-shouldered and tall, he exuded an air
of authority that demanded attention. Dressed in a tailored charcoal-gray
suit, every detail of his attire was meticulously curated, from the perfectly
knotted tie to the polished leather shoes that adorned his feet.
The stranger's dark hair was neatly styled, framing a strong and chiseled
jawline that hinted at a rugged masculinity. His piercing gaze, filled with a
blend of intensity and precision, was focused. He looked at his watch,
stepping through the room like it was nothing more than a backdrop to him.
Instinctively, Jason knew.
It was him.
The anonymous patron he had fallen in love with from afar.
He'd never seen this man before. He could be anyone. Yet something
deep within him stirred, a primal recognition that grabbed him and
screamed: that's him!
"Jason Waters?" called the receptionist, snapping him back to reality.
"Your agent is ready for you now."
"Thank you," he mumbled, unable to tear his gaze away from the
enigmatic man who was striding purposefully toward the exit.
An unfamiliar urgency welled up within him, urging him to follow. His
heart pounded in his chest, drowning out the rational protests of his mind.
He couldn't let this man walk away without confirming his suspicions.
He had to know.
"Excuse me," he blurted out as the stranger reached for the door handle.
The man paused, turning his head ever so slightly, as if both curious and
hesitant to acknowledge the interruption.
"Do I know you?" Jason asked, his voice barely audible over the hum of
conversation in the office.
The stranger's eyes met his.
A guarded expression flickered across his face before he replied with a
curt shake of his head. "No, I'm afraid you must have mistaken me for
someone else," the man replied smoothly, his voice carrying a cool
detachment that sent a pang of disappointment through Jason's heart. His
lips curved into a polite, yet distant smile.
But there was something in those dark, intense eyes that betrayed him, a
flicker of recognition that mirrored Jason's own…
Wasn't there?
"Please," Jason pressed, desperation seeping into his words. "I need to
know if it's really you."
As the silence between them stretched on, tension crackling in the air like
electricity, Jason could feel the truth hanging heavy between them.
But the man merely shook his head, his expression hardening, and
without uttering a word, he briskly turned away from Jason and strode
down the corridor, disappearing into the bustling crowd.
Jason's plea hung in the air, unanswered and unanswered.
"Mr. Waters?" The receptionist stared at him. "Mrs. Brant will see you
Jason ignored her call, his heart pounding.
Can I let this opportunity slip away?
No, I have to know. I have to follow my instincts.
What if he's the one? The one I've been needing all this time?
Ignoring the receptionist's call, Jason's feet propelled him forward. Screw
the consequences. I can't let fear hold me back. This could be my chance at
happiness. I have to find out the truth.
He couldn't let this opportunity slip away. He couldn't.
Fuelled by a mix of adrenaline and raw emotions, he chased after the
man who held the key to his heart, defying reason and logic.
Jason's heart raced as he dashed out of the office, the city noise crashing
around him. The man he suspected was Dom had disappeared into the
bustling crowd, but Jason refused to give up. He wove through the throngs
of people, his mind racing with a thousand questions that burned like fire in
his chest.
"Wait!" he called out, his voice swallowed by the cacophony of honking
horns and chattering pedestrians. His desperation mounted with each
passing second, fear tightening its grip on his throat.
Through sheer determination, Jason finally caught sight of the man again,
his broad shoulders and dark hair unmistakable. He closed the distance
between them, reaching out to brush the stranger's arm with his fingertips,
hoping against hope that his instincts were correct.
"Is it you?" Jason pressed, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "Are you
The man stiffened, his muscles tensing beneath Jason's fingertips. He
tried to pull away, but Jason's grip only tightened, refusing to let go.
"Please," Jason begged. "I need to know."
The man looked down at him, his face cold and closed-off. Suddenly,
Jason felt the shame of how he must look: some crazy kid, high on
something, chasing strangers to yell at them.
Maybe he was wrong after all. Maybe his heart had led him astray,
desperate for the one thing he couldn't have…
"Jason," the man murmured, and the world came to a halt. "I thought you
were better at following orders."
Their eyes met, a connection forged from months of whispered secrets
and stolen glances. The air crackled with electricity, their chemistry
undeniable and intoxicating.
"Dom," Jason whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "I've been
searching for you for so long."
"Jason," Dom replied, his voice rough. There was unspoken desire in his
eyes. "You have no idea how hard it's been to stay away from you."
"Am I everything you thought I'd be?" Dom asked, his gravelly voice
sending shivers down Jason's spine.
The weight of the question felt heavy in the air, as if it were a tangible
presence between them. A million thoughts raced through Jason's mind, but
no words seemed adequate to express the depth of emotion that surged
within him.
"Of course," Jason whispered, his fingers twitching with the urge to
touch the man before him. Their eyes locked, and time seemed to stand still,
leaving only the two of them suspended in this charged moment.
The intensity of their connection left him feeling exposed, vulnerable,
like he was standing naked under Dom's scrutinizing gaze. And yet, he
couldn't look away, drawn in by the irresistible magnetism of the man who
had haunted his dreams for months.
"You're more," Jason finally admitted, swallowing hard. "More than I
ever imagined."
A ghost of a smile flickered across Dom's lips, his eyes softening with
tenderness. "You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that,"
he murmured. But beneath the warmth of his words, there was an electric
current of desire, pulsating with every breath they took.
His gaze settled on Jason's collarbones—and the hint of the silver chain
that peeked out from underneath his shirt.
Jason watched Dom's eyes darken with lust, the fire within him
threatening to consume them both.
"Let's go somewhere private," Jason suggested, his voice cracking under
the weight of his desire. "I don't care where, just… Somewhere we can
And do more than that.
Dom's gaze flicked around the crowded city street, assessing their
surroundings. His jaw clenched, evidence of the war raging within him as
he struggled to maintain control.
"Listen to me, Jason," Dom said, his voice firm and commanding. "I
know what we've talked about, what we've shared online. But reality is
different. I'm not like those fantasies. I can be cold… distant. I don't let
people in."
He looked away. "Just go home. Keep performing for the camera, and I'll
keep paying you. That way, we both get what we want."
How could a man who looked this sharp be so dumb? Jason glared at
him. "This again? I thought you understood."
Jason swallowed hard, his mind racing with images of Dom's strong
hands on him, guiding him, possessing him. He knew it was dangerous,
knew he might not be prepared for the full force of Dom's passion, but he
couldn't resist the pull that drew him ever closer to the edge.
"I don't care about cold, or distant," Jason insisted, his voice laced with
determination. "I want to know what it feels like to be with you, to
experience everything you are. You've been honest with me about your past,
about the dangers that come with being a part of your life... but I'm not
afraid. I want you."
Dom didn't seem like the sort of man who changed his mind easily.
But at Jason's plea, something in his eyes shifted. He reached up, and
gently took Jason's chin in his hand.
"Come with me," he said.

here were many benefits to being rich as sin.
Today, he felt, the most important was having a penthouse suite
available on short notice.
He marched Jason past the staff, all trying to pretend that they weren't
curious about the sight of the both of them.
Let them look.
He hadn't expected to see Jason in the flesh. It had been a coincidence. It
was a lapse in planning, maybe; Dom had been run ragged for the last few
days, trying to stay on top of a series of new Toscano developments.
Everything had to go perfectly—and for the man in charge of the money,
that meant a lot of responsibility, and a lot of long, sleepless nights at his
But the sight of Jason had washed all of that fatigue away instantly.
Dom's hand gripped Jason's even more tightly, and he sped up their pace.
It was the work of a moment to get Jason inside behind closed doors,
away from prying eyes—and onto Dom's waiting bed.
Dom couldn't contain himself any longer, his eyes hungrily devouring the
sight of Jason's lithe body sprawled across the plush bed. The young man's
lean muscles were accentuated by the faint glow of the moonlight streaming
through the window, the shadows playing over his pale, smooth skin. Dom's
hands ached to finally touch Jason, the object of his obsession, for real.
"You're even more beautiful in the flesh," Dom breathed, his voice husky
with desire. He leaned over Jason, his fingers tracing the contours of his
chest and abdomen. He marveled at the way each muscle seemed to quiver
beneath his touch, how Jason's breath hitched whenever he pressed a little
harder against his sensitive flesh.
"Dom..." Jason whispered, his cheeks flushed with anticipation and
arousal. Dom could sense the desperation in his voice, the longing that
matched his own.
For a moment, Dom held himself back, his rational mind trying to assert
control over the storm of lust that threatened to consume him. "We shouldn't
cross this line," he murmured, his eyes searching Jason's for understanding.
"It's too dangerous."
"Please, Dom," Jason pleaded, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I
want this. I need this. I've never wanted anything more in my life." His
hands reached up to grip Dom's arms, nails digging into the powerful biceps
beneath the tailored suit. "Please."
Dom felt his resolve crumble at the sight of Jason's desperate need, his
heart thundering in his chest. He knew that there would be no turning back
once they stepped over this threshold, but the sight of Jason's lips parted in
anticipation, his body trembling with desire, pushed him beyond the point
of no return.
"Alright, Jason," Dom conceded, a predatory smile tugging at the corner
of his mouth. "You asked for it."
With a commanding presence, Dom reached down and began to undo the
buttons on Jason's shirt, one by one. Each newly exposed inch of skin made
Dom's body ache with desire, his arousal harder than he had ever felt
"Look at you," Dom whispered, his voice full of admiration as he pushed
the shirt off Jason's shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Jason moaned in
response, his flushed cheeks and parted lips betraying how much he loved
being manhandled by Dom's strong hands. Dom's fingers traced a path
down Jason's chest, stopping to tweak one of his nipples, causing the young
man to writhe beneath him.
"Dom, please," Jason gasped, his eyes locked onto Dom's, a mixture of
desperation and yearning flickering within them.
Dom couldn't help but smirk when he realized that Jason had never
experienced this kind of intimacy before. "You've never done this before,
have you?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
Jason shook his head, his gaze never leaving Dom's. "No, but I want it. I
want you."
With a predatory grin, Dom unzipped his pants and freed his throbbing
erection. "On your knees."
Jason was just as obedient in real life as he was on camera. He dropped
in an instant. Jason's hungry gaze remained locked on Dom's sizable cock.
"Keep your eyes on it," Dom commanded, watching intently as Jason
obediently followed his orders. The power he held over the younger man
was intoxicating, and Dom reveled in it.
"Open that pretty mouth of yours, Jason," Dom ordered, his voice thick
with lust as he gripped the base of his cock. "I want you to taste me."
Jason hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features before
determination replaced it. He opened his lips, eager to please the powerful
man who had him at his mercy.
"Good boy," Dom praised as he guided his length into Jason's warm, wet
mouth. The sensation sent shivers down Dom's spine, and he couldn't help
but marvel at how right it felt to have Jason like this—submitting to him
As Jason took more of Dom's cock into his mouth, Dom could tell that he
was struggling with the unfamiliar act. But instead of backing off, he
pushed Jason further, encouraging him to take even more. He'd seen how
Jason responded to commands. He knew that he loved being taken beyond
his limits.
And he knew that Jason trusted Dom to lead him there.
"Go on, baby," Dom urged, using one hand to hold Jason's head in place
while the other continued to grip his cock. "Take it all."
Despite his inexperience, Jason's efforts were impressive, causing Dom
to groan with pleasure. It felt so good that he had to clench his fists and grit
his teeth to keep from coming too soon.
"Such an eager little cocksucker, aren't you?" Dom teased, his words
dripping with both degradation and admiration. "You're doing such a good
job for your first time. I knew you'd be perfect."
Jason's eyes shone with arousal at Dom's words, his cheeks flushing even
more deeply as the praise and humiliation mingled in his mind. As he
continued to suck Dom's cock, his own erection grew harder, visibly
straining against the confines of his pants.
"Look at you, moaning like a filthy whore with my dick in your mouth,"
Dom taunted, though there was obvious affection beneath the degrading
words. "You love this, don't you? You love being used by me."
The confirmation that Jason craved came in the form of a muffled moan,
his eyes watering as he struggled to take Dom's entire length. But despite
the discomfort, it was clear that the young man found pleasure in submitting
to Dom's desires.
"Ah, fuck," Dom cursed under his breath, sweat beginning to bead on his
forehead as he fought to maintain control. "You're doing so well, baby.
You're going to make me come if you keep this up."
Jason, spurred on by Dom's praise, sucked even harder, his tongue
swirling around the head of Dom's cock as his hands gripped the older
man's thighs for support.
"God, how am I ever going to get enough of you?" Dom wondered aloud,
his voice strained with effort as he continued to resist the urge to spill
himself down Jason's throat.
Their heated exchange, a symphony of lustful moans and whispered
obscenities, left Jason gasping for breath, his chest heaving as he attempted
to bring Dom's cock deeper into his throat. But it wasn't enough—not for
him, not for the ache that had settled inside him, begging to be filled.
"Dom," Jason panted, reluctantly pulling his mouth away from the older
man's throbbing erection. "Please... I need more."
"More?" Dom raised an eyebrow, a wicked grin playing on his lips. "You
think you can handle more, baby?"
Jason didn't hesitate. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but the
desperation in his voice was unmistakable as he held it out to Dom. "I want
your cock inside me."
For a moment, Dom hesitated, torn between the urge to claim Jason
completely and the nagging thought that they were crossing a line they
couldn't come back from. But as he stared down at Jason's trembling form
—his eyes wide, pupils dark with desire—Dom knew there was no turning
"Alright," Dom murmured. "But we're going to take this slow,
understand? I don't want to hurt you."
"Thank you," Jason whispered, his gratitude evident even through the
haze of lust clouding his thoughts.
Smiling, Dom reached out and gently began to strip Jason of his clothing,
marveling at the feel of his soft skin beneath his fingertips. There was
something primal about the sensation—something that made him feel
powerful and in control in a way he'd never experienced before.
As each layer of clothing was removed, Dom couldn't help but admire the
body he was uncovering—the toned muscles, the smooth curves, and most
importantly, the heat radiating off of Jason's skin.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of teasing touches and passionate
kisses, Dom allowed himself to take a step back and admire the full extent
of his handiwork: Jason lay naked before him, trembling with anticipation
as he waited for Dom to make his next move.
When it came to keeping an empire running, there was nothing more
important than preparation. And as above, so below…
Dom slid open the bedside drawer, and fished out the lube. Jason sucked
in a shaking breath.
Dom moved deliberately, coating his fingers with lube before gently
pressing one against Jason's entrance. The younger man tensed, his eyes
fluttering closed as Dom slowly began to work the digit inside him.
"Relax, baby," Dom coaxed, his voice a soothing balm against the initial
discomfort. "Just breathe and let me take care of you."
As Jason focused on Dom's words and the steady rhythm of his breath,
the pain began to recede, replaced by an ease that spread through his body
with every stroke of Dom's finger. When a second digit joined the first,
Jason couldn't help but moan, his hips arching off the bed as he sought
"Such a greedy little slut," Dom teased, his voice dripping with both
domination and admiration. "Can't get enough, can you? You're doing so
well, baby, taking my fingers like this."
Jason could only respond with a whimper, his body writhing under Dom's
expert touch as he stretched him open, preparing him for what was to come.
"Alright," Dom breathed, his own arousal evident in the tremble of his
voice as he slicked up his cock with the remaining lube. He positioned
himself at Jason's entrance, his hands gripping the younger man's hips to
steady them both. "Take a deep breath, baby. I'm right here."
As Jason inhaled, Dom began to push forward, inch by agonizing inch,
until he was fully seated inside the younger man. The sensation was
overwhelming—pain mixed with pleasure, the raw intimacy of their
connection making Jason's head spin.
"God, you're so tight," Dom groaned, his fingers digging into Jason's skin
as he struggled to maintain control. "I knew you'd be perfect, but, fuck...
You feel even better than I imagined."
"Dom," Jason gasped, panting as he attempted to adjust to the intrusion.
"Please... move."
"Shh, baby," Dom murmured, brushing a tender kiss against Jason's
forehead. "I've got you."
With that, Dom began to rock his hips, each thrust slow and deliberate as
he coaxed moans of pleasure from Jason's lips.
As their bodies connected fully, Dom reached out and took hold of the
silver chain around Jason's neck. He tugged it gently—a symbolic gesture
of dominance that had the younger man shivering with anticipation as his
eyes flew open in surprise.
"You belong to me now," Dom murmured solemnly, pressing a tender
kiss to the top of Jason's head before releasing the chain.
The sweetest response wasn't in words, but in the tight clutch of Jason's
body around his cock.
The room was filled with the scent of sweat and lust, the air heavy with
anticipation. Dom watched as Jason's chest heaved with every breath, his
eyes pleading for more.
Each thrust was harder, deeper, driving them both toward the edge of
release. Dom reveled in the tightness that surrounded him, marveling at the
way Jason's body seemed to mold itself around his cock with every stroke.
"Fuck, you feel incredible," Dom growled, his voice thick with need as
he slammed into Jason again and again. "You were made for me, weren't
you? Born to take my cock like this."
"Y-yes," Jason stammered, his eyes glazed over with pleasure as Dom's
relentless pace left him reeling. "Only yours, Sir... always."
"Damn right," Dom agreed, his fingers digging into Jason's skin as he
angled his hips, hitting that sweet spot deep within the younger man.
Jason cried out, the sensation overwhelming as Dom continued to pound
into him mercilessly. His own erection throbbed untouched between their
bodies, desperate for attention but somehow knowing that it would find its
release in other ways.
"Come for me, baby," Dom commanded, his voice a dark promise as he
stared down at Jason's flushed face. "Show me how much you love my
And with a choked sob, Jason did just that, his body tensing as he came
without a single touch to his cock. The sight of him, so lost in pleasure,
pushed Dom over the edge, and with one final thrust, he spilled himself
deep inside Jason, the intensity of their connection leaving them both
breathless and spent.
In the afterglow, Dom lay there, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his
breath. He glanced over at Jason, whose body was glistening with sweat, his
chest rising and falling rapidly. Dom couldn't help but smile at the soft,
vulnerable exhaustion on Jason's face.
As Dom looked down at Jason, Jason's eyes—those beautiful, expressive
eyes that had captivated him from the very beginning—gazed up at him
with a mix of emotions. Carefully, as if he wasn't sure about if he was
allowed to, Jason snuggled down into his arms.
Dom tugged him closer.
And then, without realizing it, he let sleep steal him away.
15 1453
What were you supposed to do when a billionaire fell asleep on you?
Jason couldn't help but smile, surprised and amused that someone so in-
control as Dom could be so vulnerable around him. Jason gently arranged
Dom's limbs to create a space for him to curl up next to him. Dom stirred
slightly, but didn't awaken.
Jason couldn't help but watch Dom sleep. His heart swelled with
affection as he took in the sight of his handsome face, softened by slumber.
The strong jawline, the thick brows, and the faint lines that hinted at a life
filled with challenges and pain. Jason felt an overwhelming sense of love
for this man who had let him into his guarded world.
Through all of those cam shows, he'd wondered what Dom had looked
like. Somehow, Dom was everything he'd ever imagined.
He pondered how they had arrived at this point: from strangers on a cam
show to lovers sharing intimate moments like this one. It was surreal and
Tentatively, he reached out and brushed a lock of dark hair away from
Dom's forehead, marveling at the softness of his skin. He allowed himself
to get lost in the quiet moment, the flickering light from the windows
casting shadows across the room, and gently drifted away in Dom's arms.

A faint groan escaped Dom's lips as he stirred, the first signs of awakening.
Jason woke fully, his heart caught in his throat. The fear of rejection crept
into his thoughts. He prepared himself for the moment Dom would push
him away, but it never came. Instead, Dom's strong arms tightened around
him, pulling him closer.
"Wha...?" Dom mumbled, his eyes still heavy with sleep. He squinted up
at him. "Jason?"
"Hey," Jason whispered, trying to keep his voice steady. "I didn't mean to
wake you."
Dom searched Jason's face, his expression a mix of confusion and
concern. "You're not a dream," he said, making Jason's stomach flip. "How
long was I out?"
"Few hours," Jason admitted, watching as understanding dawned on
Dom's face. "You looked like you really needed it, and I didn't want to
disturb you..."
"Shit, my schedule's screwed," Dom muttered, rubbing his eyes. "And I
kept you from whatever you had to do, too."
"No," Jason reassured him, placing a hand on Dom's chest. "There's
nothing that I want to be more than to be close to you."
Dom's gaze softened, and he cupped Jason's cheek with one hand. "I'm
sorry if I made you feel like you couldn't be," he confessed, his voice barely
above a whisper. "It's just… It's been a long time since I've let anyone get
this close."
That sounded bad. "Ex drama?" Jason asked.
"Yeah," Dom sighed. "That's one way of putting it. He made me feel like
I couldn't trust anyone ever again."
Jason's heart ached for Dom, wanting nothing more than to take away his
pain. "But you're not alone anymore, Dom," he said softly. "You have me."
As Dom's dark brows knit together in contemplation, Jason felt a sudden
lurch in his chest. He had been vulnerable and open with Dom, and now he
waited anxiously to see how the tough mafia enforcer would respond. Then,
Dom did something that left Jason breathless: he leaned forward and
captured Jason's lips in a searing, passionate kiss.
The intensity of it was dizzying, as if the world around them faded away
until there was nothing but this moment—their mouths finding each other,
exploring and tasting, deepening the connection between them. It was the
first time they had kissed like this, and the raw emotion behind it sent
shivers down Jason's spine.
"Dom," Jason gasped when they finally broke apart, his eyes wide and
filled with wonder. "That was… incredible."
Dom looked equally astonished by the force of their passion, his chest
heaving with each labored breath. "I didn't know I could feel like this
anymore," he admitted, his voice roughened by desire. "But you… you
make me want to believe again."
"Believe in us," Jason urged, caressing Dom's cheek with his thumb. "We
can make this work, I know we can."
A soft smile graced Dom's lips, and he pressed one last lingering kiss to
Jason's forehead. "I'll try my best, for both our sakes."
As much as he wanted to stay wrapped up in Dom's arms forever, the
reality of life tugged at the edges of Jason's mind. With a sigh, Dom
extricated himself from Jason's embrace and stood up. "I have matters to
attend to."
"Of course," Jason agreed, watching him with a tender expression. "But
when you're done, can we…?"
"You can count on it," Dom promised with a smirk. He leaned down one
last time for a passionate goodbye kiss, and Jason felt like his heart was
about to burst with joy.
Dom strode away, but not before giving Jason one final meaningful look
that seemed to say everything unsaid.

Hours later, as Jason finished up his shift, his phone buzzed with an
incoming message. Glancing down, he felt his blood run cold.
Stay away from Dom Lombardi, or face the consequences.
This again! The number was private, just like the last time.
Jason bit his lip. The threatening message gnawed at his insides, making
him feel vulnerable and exposed. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of
enemies Dom had—and whether those same people would now target
Jason, too.
"Everything okay, dude?" his coworker asked, noting the worried furrow
in Jason's brow.
"Uh, yeah," Jason lied, forcing a smile. "Just some personal stuff I need
to take care of."
"Alright, well if you need anything, just let me know," his coworker
offered, clapping him on the back before walking away.
"Thanks," Jason murmured. But I think 'being threatened by my sugar
daddy's enemies' is beyond your paygrade.
He started to leave, already planning his next steps. He had to get the rest
of his things from Neil's apartment, and then figure out how to handle this
new threat looming over his relationship with Dom.
It wouldn't be easy, but if there was one thing Jason had learned since
meeting Dom Lombardi, it was that he could do more than he'd ever
The rusty hinges of Neil' apartment door groaned in protest as Jason
stepped inside, his heart pounding with a mixture of anxiety and
determination. The threatening message he'd received earlier still sent
shivers down his spine, but he refused to let it control him.
He needed to retrieve his belongings, and then confront Dom about the
"Neil?" Jason called hesitantly, scanning the living room. "Are you
There was no reply, just the distant hum of traffic from outside. Jason's
eyes trailed over the familiar worn furniture, picking up on changes—a new
TV, a new game console.
He frowned. It wasn't like Neil to make changes—especially ones that
cost money.
"Hey, kid," Neil's voice grumbled from behind, causing Jason to jump. "I
thought you said you left. What do you want?"
"Sorry, I just… I'm here to get the rest of my stuff," Jason stammered,
trying to ignore the uneasy churning in his stomach.
"Too late," Neil said coldly, leaning against the doorway leading to the
bedrooms. "I cleared out your room already. Had to make space for the new
"New tenant?" Jason repeated, his confusion quickly turning into panic.
He opened the door to his room—or what had been his room. It was
unrecognizable. Everything inside it was new to him.
"But… where's my stuff? My art supplies, my clothes… Everything?"
"Threw it all out," Neil shrugged, a cruel glint in his eye. "You said you
don't live here anymore, remember?"
Jason felt as if the floor had dropped out beneath him, leaving him
suspended in disbelief. "Please tell me you're joking," he whispered, feeling
the first prickling of tears at the corners of his eyes.
"Does it look like I'm laughing?" Neil sneered, crossing his arms. "You
made your choice, kid. Now deal with the consequences."
Without waiting for a response, Neil turned and disappeared down the
hallway, leaving Jason standing there, shattered.
Come on, a small voice inside of him said. You can still fight.
Heartbroken and panicked, Jason raced down to the apartment's garbage,
frantically searching for any trace of his belongings. He ripped open bags,
searching for the sight of anything familiar, and dug through piles of bags in
a desperate attempt to salvage something of his former life.
But it was all gone—his sketchbooks filled with years of artwork, his
expensive art supplies, even the clothes he'd worn just days ago.
Tears streamed down his face, blurring his vision. The realization hit him
hard: he had nothing left of his past.

ason sat on the cold hardwood floor of his new apartment, hugging his
knees to his chest. Tears threatened to spill over as pain lanced through
All his photos of his parents… all his art…
Everything he'd ever owned, everything that made him who he was…
It was now gone.
There was a knock at the door. "Jason? Are you home??
Shit. Jason hastily wiped his eyes, trying to hide his distress, but it was no
use. When he opened the door, Dom's piercing gaze seemed capable of
seeing straight into his soul, unearthing every secret.
"Hey," Jason attempted a casual greeting, his voice wavering. "What's
"Cut the bullshit, Jason," Dom growled, his dark eyes never leaving
Jason's face. "I can see something's wrong. Talk to me."
Jason hesitated, gnawing on his lower lip. He hadn't planned on telling
Dom about his latest troubles, but the concern in the older man's eyes made
him feel like maybe it was okay to be vulnerable with him.
"Neil threw out all my things," he whispered, his voice barely audible.
"Everything I had left of my parents... gone. I knew he was going to be
vindictive, but not like this..."
"Son of a bitch," Dom muttered, his jaw tightening. But he looked at
Jason again, pausing. "But that's not all, is it?"
"No," Jason admitted, his tears finally breaking free. "I've been getting
these threatening text messages for a while now. At first, I thought they
were just some sick joke, but they keep coming..."
"Show me."
Jason pulled out his phone, scrolling through the barrage of hateful
messages, each one more twisted and menacing than the last. Dom's
expression darkened as he read them, his hands balling into fists.
Dom's eyes narrowed as he studied the texts, his thumb swiping through
them with purpose. Jason couldn't help but notice the way Dom clenched
his jaw, a quiet anger simmering beneath the surface.
"Son of a bitch," Dom muttered under his breath. "I recognize this
writing style."
"Wh-what?" Jason stammered, taken aback. "You know who's sending
"Pretty sure," Dom growled. He handed the phone back and met Jason's
gaze. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."
Those were the sexiest words in existence. Jason could only nod in
response, his heart pounding in his chest.
"Come with me," Dom commanded.
Jason wasn't sure what to expect, but he trusted Dom implicitly. They
may have only known each other for a short time, but the older man had
shown him more kindness and understanding than anyone else in years, and
now that trust would be put to the test.
A short ride later, they pulled up outside a sleek, modern building, its
glass facade reflecting the afternoon sun. Jason glanced at Dom, clearly
"Where are we?" he asked, his voice wavering slightly.
"Somewhere I never thought I'd have to go again," Dom replied, his tone
terse. "Come on."
They entered the building, eventually finding themselves in a bustling
casting office. The room was filled with attractive young actors, all vying
for the same role. Amongst the sea of hopeful faces, one stood out: when a
certain young blond saw Dom, his face brightened up in recognition.
"Dom!" The blond smiled—and then when he saw Jason, that smile
turned into an ugly scowl.
"Ricky!" Dom barked, storming into the auditioning room. Jason,
nervous and unsure, followed close behind.
As heads turned towards them, Dom continued without missing a beat.
"You think I wouldn't recognize your handiwork? Explain yourself."
The blond—Ricky—scoffed, flicking his gaze from Dom to Jason and
back again. "I don't know what you're talking about," he lied, his voice
dripping with disdain.
But it would take a stronger man than Ricky to stand up under Dom's
steely glare. He faltered, and his confident facade cracked.
"Fine," Ricky spat, glaring at Jason. "Yeah, I sent those texts. I saw you'd
moved someone into that apartment. So what?"
Before Dom could say anything, Ricky turned on Jason. "You really
think you deserve someone like Dom? You're a nobody. Some broke loser
he'd picked up to try to get over me."
Jason felt the burn of humiliation as Ricky's words cut deep, but he
refused to let it show. He stood tall, his chin raised defiantly. "What kind of
petty high-school bullshit is that?"
"Enough," Dom snarled, stepping closer to Ricky, who couldn't help but
flinch at the fury radiating from him. "You're done, Ricky. You went too far,
and there's no coming back. I'll never take you back, and I swear, if you
ever come near me or Jason again—"
His voice was barely a whisper, but the menace that laced every syllable
made everyone in the room shiver. "You'll regret it."
The air crackled with tension as Dom stared Ricky down, his dark eyes
blazing with anger. It was a side of Dom that Jason had never seen before,
and it stirred something within him: fear, yes, but also an undeniable
attraction to the powerful man standing before him.
"Fine!" Ricky finally snapped, his bravado crumbling under Dom's
unrelenting stare. "You two deserve each other, anyway. Just remember,
Dom, you chose him over me." With that, he stormed out of the audition
room, leaving a stunned silence in his wake.
Dom didn't waste time basking in his victory. Instead, he turned to Jason,
his expression softening. "I'm sorry you had to go through that," he
murmured, his fingers gently brushing against Jason's cheek. "But I meant
what I said. He won't bother you again."
"Thank you," Jason whispered, his eyes locked on Dom's. In that
moment, the rest of the world faded away - it was just the two of them,
connected by a bond that only seemed to grow stronger with each passing
Ricky's retreat was as dramatic as his presence, the door slamming
behind him like a gunshot. The casting directors exchanged glances before
one of them, a bespectacled woman with a no-nonsense air, spoke up.
"Listen, that was quite a performance," she said, her eyes appraising
Dom. "You ever thought about acting? Because you've certainly got the
"Dom?" Jason couldn't help but laugh, imagining him auditioning for a
role. The absurdity of the situation provided a momentary relief from the
emotional turmoil he'd just experienced.
"Thanks, but I'm not really the acting type." Dom shook his head, a slight
grin playing at the corners of his mouth. He took Jason's hand, and together
they left the casting office. As they walked, Jason felt an inexplicable
warmth at their joined hands, a reminder of the support he had in Dom.
Dom's car, a sleek black sports model, gleamed in the afternoon sun,
waiting to take them away from this encounter. As the door closed behind
him, Jason sank into the buttery leather seats, inhaling the faint scent of
cedar and leather that filled the interior.
"Jason, I'm sorry I didn't realize what was happening sooner." Dom's
voice was soft, tinged with guilt as he started the car. His strong hands
gripped the steering wheel, knuckles white. "I promise I'll protect you from
any further harm."
"Dom, it's not your fault," Jason insisted, turning his gaze towards the
man who had stood up for him without hesitation. He tried to convey the
gratitude and love he felt, but words seemed inadequate. Instead, he reached
out and rested a palm on Dom's thigh, feeling the muscle beneath the fabric
of his pants.
"Thank you," he murmured, his heart pattering like raindrops against a
windowpane. "For everything. But…"
You'll regret it, Dom had said.
And there had been real fear on Ricky's face.
"What do you do?" Jason blurted, all at once. "I know that's, um, kind of
a first-date question, and we're way past that… But you got really scary
back there."
Dom's hands were even on the steering wheel as he drove. "I work for the
It took a moment for that to sink in. Jason's chest felt funny. "The
"Yes." Dom's eyes were still fixed out ahead of the car. "There was a
reason I was keeping you at a distance. If the thing between us was just
online… You could be safe. Uninvolved."
"If that's too much for you, if it's not something you want to get tangled
up in… Just say the word. Don't worry, you can keep staying in the
apartment. I'll give you an amount to live off of while you find a new place
"Are all Mafia guys this stupid?"
Dom looked at Jason with a mix of emotions: shock, then amusement,
and then, under it all, the first sprouting of hope.
"Dom—Sir—you saw something in me when no-one else would. You're
everything to me." Jason leaned in, desperate. "I don't care what you do, as
long as you come home in one piece."
Dom pulled the car over. The instant it came to a halt, he leaned in and
pulled Jason into a fierce kiss.
The kiss seemed to go on for an eternity, as if Dom wanted to convey
every emotion he felt for Jason through it. He embraced Jason tightly,
melting into him and holding nothing back. His hands moved from Jason's
face, down his neck and shoulders, caressing each ridge of muscle as if
memorizing every detail of his body.
Every trace of fear or doubt melted away with their embrace, replaced by
a wave of warmth that filled them both with joy as they promised one
another forever.
"Jason," Dom whispered, his voice raw with emotion. "You mean more
to me than you can possibly understand."
As the words settled in the space between them, a surge of affection
washed over Jason like a tidal wave. He leaned in towards Dom, and rested
his head on Dom's shoulder.
In the rear-view mirror, he saw the smile on Dom's face. Dom made the
car purr. "Now, sit back and enjoy the drive. I'm going to have a word with

ain was falling by the time that Dom pulled up to the curb, his sleek
black car gleaming beneath the glow of a streetlight. He glanced over
at Jason, who was fidgeting in the passenger seat, his eyes wide with
"Stay here," Dom instructed, his voice low and commanding. "I'll handle
Jason swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing as he nodded. "Be
Dom studied Jason's face for a moment, noticing the way the shadows
played across his delicate features. A fierce protective instinct welled up
inside him, and he knew that he would do anything to keep this man safe.
"Don't worry," he said with a smirk. "I've got this."
With one last reassuring squeeze of Jason's hand, Dom stepped out into
the rain.
He could feel the wetness seeping through the fabric of his tailored suit,
but he barely noticed the discomfort as he entered the dingy apartment
building. The place was a far cry from the luxurious penthouse he had
shared with Jason just hours ago, but it only served to fuel the anger and
determination that coursed through his veins.
How dare anyone treat Jason like this? he thought, his jaw clenching
with each step up the narrow stairway. Jason deserved so much better than
the life he had been given, and Dom intended to make that happen.
He would protect what was his, and that now included Jason.
The climb up to the third floor seemed to take forever, Dom's polished
shoes echoing in the silence of the hallways. Dom rapped his knuckles
against the worn wood of Neil's door.
He barely had time to retract his hand before the door swung open,
revealing a disheveled man with a venomous glare aimed directly at him.
"Who the hell are you?" Neil spat, his voice dripping with contempt.
"Dom Lombardi," he replied, his tone ice-cold and unwavering. "I'm here
about Jason."
"Jason? What's it to you?" Neil sneered, crossing his arms in a feeble
attempt to appear imposing. "Has that kid done something? He's not my
responsibility any more."
You never acted like he was, Dom thought. "Cut the crap, Neil," he
growled, stepping forward until there was only inches between them. "I
know what you've been doing. You threw out his belongings like they were
"Listen, pal," Neil shot back defensively, his posture growing more
hostile by the second. "You don't know anything about our situation. This is
none of your damn business."
"Jason is my business now," Dom stated firmly, his eyes never leaving
Neil's. "He doesn't deserve to be treated like this."
"Ha!" Neil scoffed, his face twisting into a cruel grin. "That pathetic little
loser deserves everything he gets."
Neil continued ranting, but Dom's focus was taking in the whole scene.
He was used to scanning his surroundings; in his line of work, you never
wanted to be taken unawares.
But this time, what caught his attention wasn't an enemy. A certain bulky
object caught Dom's eye. He'd seen it enough times in the back of Jason's
room during their cam shows: an art easel, sturdy and high-quality.
Though, it had to be said, Jason seemed to use it more for hanging shirts
on than for doing art.
That was one of the things that Dom was going to help him change.
Dom's lip curled in a snarl. Neil hadn't thrown out Jason's belongings
after all.
"Is that Jason's easel?" Dom asked, his voice dangerously low.
"None of your concern," Neil retorted, but the sudden flash of panic in
his eyes betrayed him. "He broke the lease, and left all his shit behind—if I
sold it online, it's nobody's business but mine."
"Give it back," Dom demanded, his anger simmering beneath the surface.
"Give back everything you took from him."
"Or what?" Neil taunted, a smug grin spreading across his face. "Who are
you, anyway? You think you can just walk in here and make demands? I'd
like to see you try."
"Return them all, Neil," Dom's voice was calm, but the underlying threat
was palpable. He leaned in closer, his breath hot on Neil's face, his broad
shoulders casting a shadow that seemed to swallow the small apartment
whole. "Or else I will make you regret ever taking advantage of Jason."
Neil faltered, the sneer slipping from his lips as he stared into Dom's dark
eyes. He swallowed hard, the sound audible in the tense silence. "You want
a piece of me?"
"Go ahead. Swing," Dom said, with great feeling. "I'd love the
The color drained from Neil's face, and for a moment, it looked as if he
might crumble under the weight of Dom's piercing gaze.
"Fine," Neil finally muttered through gritted teeth. "Take the damn
things. But don't think this changes anything. Jason is still weak—he
always has been, always will be. He'll come crawling back when he realizes
he can't survive out there without someone to prop him up."
Dom clenched his fists, the urge to pummel Neil into submission almost
overwhelming. But he took a deep, steadying breath and forced himself to
focus on the task at hand. He would not let Neil's petty words distract him
from protecting Jason.
"Where are they?" Dom asked, his tone flat and uncompromising.
"My room," Neil grunted, jerking his chin towards the door.
The room was a mirror-image of the one that Dom had grown so familiar
with—but clearly bigger. On the bed was a pile of bags and art equipment.
There were post-its on some of them, with price estimates scribbled down.
Dom's lip curled. What a vulture.
As Dom collected the small amount of Jason's belongings, he couldn't
help but feel a sense of pride swelling within him. This was what he was
meant to do: use his strength and power to protect those he cared about.
And right now, that person was Jason, who had unwittingly become the
center of his world in such a short amount of time.
Gathering up the few art supplies, clothing, and other items, Dom could
hear Neil's harsh breathing behind him. It was clear the man was on the
ropes, and although Dom knew it wasn't something to take pleasure in, he
couldn't help but feel a small sense of satisfaction. Perhaps now Neil would
think twice before trying to hurt someone again.
"Remember, Neil," Dom said as he turned to leave, his voice low and
menacing. "Stay away from Jason. If I hear you've so much as looked at
him the wrong way, I won't hesitate to come back and finish what I started."
"Wh-who do you think you are?" Neil stammered, his bravado
evaporating under Dom's dark gaze. His shoulders hunched, and he took an
involuntary step back, unable to hide the fear that now consumed him.
"Someone you don't want to mess with," Dom growled, his eyes locked
onto Neil's. He let the menace of his words hang in the air, the unspoken
consequences clear.
"Remember, Neil," Dom said with a finality that left no room for
argument. "I'll be watching."
And with that, he stepped out of the apartment, leaving a visibly shaken
Neil behind. Jason's few belongings were safe in his arms, and he felt an
undeniable sense of accomplishment at having put someone like Neil in his
As he made his way down the stairs, Dom allowed himself a small smile,
eager to return these precious items to the man who had unexpectedly
stolen his heart.
As Dom approached the car, he could see Jason's tense form in the
passenger seat, his hands wringing together nervously. The moment the
young man caught sight of him through the window, his entire body seemed
to relax, and relief washed over his face.
And then, he saw the easel under Dom's arm, and the bags in his hands.
His eyes went wide.
"Dom!" Jason cried, practically throwing himself out of the car and into
Dom's arms. The passion in his embrace surprised Dom, but he quickly
regained his composure, wrapping his free arm around Jason while setting
down the stack of belongings carefully.
"Easy there," Dom chuckled softly, pressing a gentle kiss to Jason's
forehead. "I got your things back."
"I thought—he said—"
"He lied."
Jason groaned. "Thank you," he whispered, burying his face in Dom's
neck. His gratitude was laced with vulnerability, and it only served to
strengthen Dom's desire to protect him.
"Let's get out of here," Dom said, pulling back to look into Jason's eyes.
He saw a mixture of relief and affection there, and it warmed him from the
inside out.
As they drove away from Neil's apartment building, Dom felt a
newfound sense of purpose and strength coursing through him. This was
what he loved doing: using his strength and power to protect those who
meant something to him. And Jason...Jason was quickly becoming more
important to him than he'd ever thought possible.
"Are you alright?" Dom asked, casting a concerned glance at the younger
"Yeah," Jason replied, his voice barely above a whisper, still trying to
process everything that had just happened. "I can't believe you did that for
"Of course I did," Dom murmured, reaching over to give Jason's hand a
reassuring squeeze. "You're not alone anymore, Jason. I've got your back."
A quiet, almost disbelieving laugh escaped Jason's lips as he looked
down at their intertwined fingers, a smile slowly spreading across his face.
"I don't know how I got so lucky," he admitted, the words heavy with
"Life has a way of surprising us," Dom said, his own voice thick with
feeling. A part of him still couldn't quite believe that he'd allowed himself
to become so deeply invested in another person—especially someone as
precious to him as Jason.
But as they drove through the darkened streets, the city lights reflecting
off the wet pavement like stars on a moonless night, Dom couldn't help but
feel that this was exactly where he was meant to be. He had found his
purpose: protecting and caring for the young man beside him, who had
somehow managed to find his way into Dom's guarded heart.
"Promise me something," Jason whispered, leaning into Dom's side,
seeking comfort and reassurance.
"Anything," Dom replied without hesitation, his arm tightening around
Jason's shoulders.
"Promise you'll never let anyone hurt me again."
Dom's chest tightened at the raw vulnerability in Jason's voice, and he
knew in that moment that he would do whatever it took to keep him safe. "I
promise, Jason," he vowed, a fierce determination burning within him. "No
one will ever hurt you again. Not as long as I'm around."
He pulled Jason to his chest. "You're mine."

ason traced his fingers over a fresh canvas, the smell of oil paint filling
the air. The large windows of his new luxury apartment allowed
sunlight to pour in, bathing the room in warm light. It was a far cry from the
cramped studio he'd lived in before, and it showed in his art. Vibrant colors
danced on the canvas, creativity flowing freely once more.
"Dom has been amazing," Jason confessed to Lucy, who sat with her legs
crossed on the floor nearby, surrounded by sketches and half-finished
projects. "I feel like I can breathe again, y'know? He makes me feel safe,
loved... It's incredible."
Lucy smiled, her eyes filled with warmth as she listened to her best
friend. "I'm really glad you found someone like Dom, Jase. There's a lot of
frogs out there—but it seems like you skipped them all and kissed your
Jason nodded, picking up a brush and dipping it into paint. He moved his
brush across the canvas, creating bold strokes that seemed to capture the
essence of his emotions. "Yeah, I really am lucky."
As Jason continued to paint, his thoughts drifted to Dom: the way his
strong arms felt wrapped around him, the sound of his deep voice
whispering sweet words in his ear, the intensity behind his dark eyes.
Some of those thoughts must have made their way into his brushstrokes.
Lucy sighed wistfully, looking at the half-finished painting Jason was
working on. "I wish I could find a love like you and Dom have. Someone
who gets me, supports my dreams, and makes me feel... well, alive."
Jason looked up from his canvas, his eyes filled with understanding.
"You will, Lucy. I know you will. You're an amazing person, and you
deserve the best. Just keep searching, and don't be afraid to take risks when
it comes to love." He gave her an encouraging smile, hoping to lift her
Lucy grinned cheekily, mischief dancing in her eyes. "Speaking of taking
risks, can you ask your man if he knows any other hot mafia daddies out
there looking for a sugar baby?" She winked playfully, and Jason couldn't
help but laugh.
"Sure, I'll put in a good word for you," he teased, dipping his brush back
into the paint.
The sound of the apartment door opening caught their attention, and both
Lucy and Jason turned towards the entrance. Dom walked in, his muscular
frame slightly slumped from exhaustion. Despite the tiredness etched into
his face, his eyes lit up when they fell on Jason.
"Hey, Jason," he said, his voice softening as he approached them. "And
Lucy, it's always nice to see you." His gaze held genuine warmth, and it was
clear he respected the bond that Lucy and Jason shared.
"Dom!" Lucy greeted, her playful nature returning. "We were just talking
about you. Well, actually, I was asking Jason if he could hook me up with
one of your sexy mafia friends."
Dom raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "I'll see
what I can do," he replied, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a smile.
Jason watched as Dom and Lucy interacted, feeling a warmth in his chest
that came from seeing two important people in his life get along so well.
"I should get going anyway," Lucy said, after a moment. She placed her
empty glass on the counter and hugged Jason tightly before making her way
to the door. "See you later, Jase," she called over her shoulder, leaving them
Then it was just the two of them. "Rough day?" Jason asked tentatively,
studying Dom's face as he approached. The lines around Dom's eyes
seemed more pronounced than usual, and he could sense the weight of the
day's events pressing down on his lover.
"Something like that," Dom sighed, running a hand through his dark,
tousled hair. "Let's just say it was a long day of… negotiations."
"Negotiations?" Jason echoed, raising an eyebrow. Dom's role in the
Mafia was something they had only recently begun discussing openly. In
that line of work, 'negotiations' could mean any number of things…
Dom hesitated, weighing his words carefully before continuing. "There
was some… resistance from a rival group today. We had to make them
understand that we're not to be messed with. It wasn't pretty, but it had to be
"Was it dangerous?" Jason asked, concern etching itself across his
features as he reached out to place a hand on Dom's arm.
"Nothing I can't handle," Dom assured him, his eyes darkening with
Jason's heart pounded in his chest as he studied the intensity building in
Dom's eyes. He could see the exhaustion, the tension from a day of violence
and danger… but there was something else there too, something raw and
"Jason," Dom said, his voice low and commanding, "I need to de-stress. I
need you."
A shiver ran down Jason's spine at the urgency in Dom's words. He loved
being submissive for this powerful man, the way Dom took control,
demanded his obedience.
At the same time, he couldn't resist teasing Dom just a little bit, pushing
the limits of what was allowed. It was that cheeky playfulness that had
caught Dom's attention in their first online encounter, and it still thrilled
Jason to know he could provoke such a strong reaction from the mafia
"I don't know," he mused. "I'm on a roll with this painting…"
"And then there's that canvas I need to stretch…"
"Jason," Dom growled.
Jason finally gave in with a laugh. "Anything for you, Sir," he replied
with a coy smile, stepping closer to Dom and placing a hand on his broad
chest. "Just tell me what you need."
"Take off my shoes," Dom ordered, his gaze never leaving Jason's face,
"and then the rest of my clothes. Slowly."
Jason's fingers trembled with anticipation as he sank to his knees before
Dom, feeling the heat radiating from the other man's body. He unlaced
Dom's shoes, slipping them off one by one, followed by the black socks
beneath. The scent of leather and sweat filled Jason's senses, grounding him
in the moment, reminding him of his place at Dom's feet.
He looked up into Dom's dark eyes, searching for any sign of approval or
censure. But Dom's expression remained inscrutable, commanding. Jason
knew he would have to push harder, tease more, if he wanted to draw out
that flash of desire he craved so much.
"Your belt, sir?" Jason asked innocently, his fingers already sliding
beneath the leather strap, deftly unbuckling it. He pulled the belt free,
letting it fall to the floor with a soft thud.
"Good boy," Dom murmured, the hint of a smile playing at the corners of
his mouth. "Now my pants."
Jason's heart raced at the praise, and he eagerly reached for the button on
Dom's trousers, his fingers brushing against the hard bulge beneath the
fabric. He hesitated for just a moment, relishing the heat and power
contained within, before undoing the button and starting to slide down the
"Wait," Dom said suddenly, his hand gripping Jason's hair, stopping him
in his tracks. Jason looked up, his eyes wide and questioning, as Dom
continued, "Not yet."
"Wha-?" Jason gasped, his confusion swiftly replaced by a yelp of
surprise as Dom's strong arms enveloped him, lifting him off the ground
with ease.
"Trust me," Dom murmured in his ear, a hint of mischief in his voice. He
carried Jason over to the nearest wall.
Jason gasped as the cool surface contrasted with his heated skin. His
heart raced as he clung to Dom, feeling the solid weight of the other man
holding him up, his breath hot against his neck. "Dom," he mumbled, his
face pressing against the table, "you're full of surprises."
"All for you, Jason," Dom replied softly, one hand running along the
small of Jason's back as the other began to deftly strip off his clothes. Jason
shivered under the touch, anticipation building within him as the air grew
colder on his exposed skin. He was helpless as he clung to Dom's weight,
held between his strong body and the unwavering press of the wall, but the
trust between them made it all the more thrilling.
"Please," he whispered, his body trembling with desire.
"Patience," Dom chided him gently, moving away just enough to tug
down Jason's shorts.
The vulnerability only heightened Jason's arousal, making him hyper-
aware of every touch, every movement. He heard the sound of the lube
being opened, the slick noise as Dom prepared himself, and he couldn't help
but whimper desperately. He needed Dom inside him, consuming him,
filling the emptiness he'd felt for so long.
"Ready?" Dom asked, his voice rough with need.
"God, yes," Jason breathed out, bracing himself for what he knew would
be an intense experience.
In one swift motion, Dom slammed into him, driving deep into Jason's
tight heat. A strangled moan escaped Jason's lips, the intoxicating mix of
pain and pleasure leaving him lightheaded.
He clung to Dom, terrified of falling—but knowing that he was safe in
his arms. Every thrust from Dom felt like an affirmation, a confirmation of
the connection they shared.
"Dom," Jason gasped, unable to form any other words as he was fucked
with a ferocity that left him reeling.
"Jason," Dom grunted, his breaths coming in short pants as he continued
to drive into him. The entire world seemed to blur and fade around them,
leaving nothing but the two of them, their bodies locked together in this
primal dance.
As their rhythm intensified, Jason clung to Dom's shoulders for support,
his mind a whirlwind of sensation and emotion. He never wanted this
moment to end, but he knew it couldn't last forever.
"God, you feel so good," Dom growled in Jason's ear, his hot breath
sending shivers down Jason's spine. "This is all I want, you know? To spoil
you rotten, take care of you, and then come home to use this tight hole
every night."
Jason moaned at the dirty talk, his body responding to Dom's words just
as much as to his thrusts. He felt dizzy with lust, overwhelmed by the
intensity of their connection. In this moment, he belonged to Dom
completely—and he'd never been happier.
"Please, Dom," he whimpered, his voice barely audible over the sound of
skin slapping against skin. "Don't stop."
Dom chuckled darkly, the sound vibrating through Jason's entire being.
"Oh, baby, I have no intention of stopping." His grip on Jason's hips
tightened, allowing him to drive even deeper inside. "You're mine, Jason.
Every inch of you belongs to me."
A shudder ran through Jason's body as Dom's words echoed in his mind.
It was true—he had given himself to Dom entirely, willingly surrendering
to the other man's dominance. And though logic told him he should be
scared, there was nothing but comfort in that knowledge.
"Y-yes," he stuttered, his face pressed against the cold table as Dom
fucked him relentlessly. "I'm yours."
"Say it again," Dom demanded, his voice rough with need. "Tell me who
you belong to."
"Yours," Jason gasped out, his fingers clawing at his shoulders as Dom's
thick cock slammed in and out of him. "I belong to you, Sir."
"Good boy," Dom praised, one hand coming around between them to
stroke Jason's leaking cock. The sudden touch caused Jason to cry out, his
eyes rolling back in his head as pleasure surged through him.
"Fuck, Dom, I'm gonna—"
"Come for me," Dom ordered, his voice thick with desire. "Show me how
much you need me."
Jason's entire body tensed as Dom's words pushed him over the edge, his
orgasm ripping through him like a wildfire. He cried out Dom's name, his
body shuddering and convulsing in the arms of the other man.
"Good boy," Dom murmured again as Jason slowly came down from his
high, his breaths ragged and uneven. Each word Dom spoke felt like a salve
to Jason's soul, soothing and healing the wounds that life had left behind.
Jason panted for breath, the taste of sweat and desire lingering on his
tongue. He gazed up into Dom's dark eyes. The predatory glint there sent
another thrill down Jason's spine.
"Please," Jason whispered, his voice hoarse from his earlier cries of
pleasure. He could feel Dom's possessiveness settling over him like a warm
blanket, comforting and all-consuming.
With a snarl, Dom came inside Jason, his hot come filling him up. In that
moment, Jason felt truly claimed, marked as Dom's possession in a way that
left no doubt in either of their minds.
With the gentle care that only strength could provide, Dom lowered Jason
down to the ground. Still high from his climax, Jason nuzzled against his
"Look at you," Dom rumbled, satisfaction dripping from his words. He
kicked Jason's knees apart, his eyes fixed on the evidence of his claim. "Full
of come and still eager for more." He grinned. "You belong to me, Jason."
Jason smiled up at Dom, the warmth of happiness spreading through him
even as the remnants of their passion cooled on his skin. He'd never been
happier, never felt more loved or cherished.
It might have seemed strange to an outsider, but Jason had always been a
little strange.
"Thank you," he murmured, nuzzling against Dom's hip. "For

Click here to read a bonus chapter about Jason and Dom

Meet the rest of the Toscano men – free in Kindle Unlimited!


I never thought that being a camboy would change my life so much. I
was just a regular broke loser trying to pay my rent, until a mysterious
patron started showering me in cash for private shows.
My secret patron is commanding, dominant, and pays me more money
than I've ever seen before. I've never even seen his face, but I'm falling for
him — and the wicked things he makes me do on camera.
But then I find out who he really is. Dom Lombardi, lieutenant of the
Toscano Mafia family.
Dom is dangerous. He's bad news. I should be running from him.
But instead I only want more of him.
And this time, I don't want it to be through a screen.
Read free in Kindle Unlimited

About the author

Hey, I'm Leo. I like subs who act bratty to protect their wounded hearts,
and doms who are tough enough to break through their shells.
And heat. Lots and lots of heat. ;)
I live with my partner and dogs in Australia. Feel free to say g'day on

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