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Guided Learning Activity Kit
Recruiting, Selecting and
Training Employees
Quarter 2- Week 2

1|P age
Organization and Management – Grade 11
Guided Learning Activity Kit
Recruiting, Selecting, and Training Employees
Quarter 2- Week 2

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GLAK Development Team

Writer: Evelyn C. Manzano
Editor: Leni Paradeza Ramirez
Reviewer: Dean Hill Delos Santos Cristobal
Graphic Artist: John Spencer D. Arlega
Management Team: Leonardo D. Zapanta EdD, CESO V
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Choosing people to become a part of an organization is not an easy task.

If a job opening takes place, administrators must be extra careful in recruiting
and selecting whom to bring into the organization.
In this lesson, you will learn things to be considered in the recruitment
and selection process. You will also discover the internal and external
recruitment and how and when these recruitment processes are applied.

Learning Competency

Analyzes the process of recruiting, selecting and training employees.


At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. differentiate internal and external recruitment;
2. realize the importance of implementing proper selection process of
human resources in the organization; and
3. know the value of training and development in the organization and
create a simple structured interview.

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Before you proceed with your next lesson, let us once again take a brief
review of your past lesson about staffing. If you still remember, we have defined
staffing as the filling up of all organizational job positions and keeping these
positions filled with the persons who are most qualified to do the job.

There is what we call Systems Approach to Staffing which is the step by step
way of filling up the job positions in an organization. The variables to be
considered in the Systems Approach to staffing are the numbers and kinds of
the needed human resources, open managerial and non-managerial positions
and potential successors to open positions among others.

Management succession chart contains the names of potential successors to

managerial positions.

External recruitment is the recruitment of applicants for filling up vacant

job positions from outside of the company while internal recruitment is the
recruitment of applicants for filling up vacant positions within the company.

External recruitment method includes advertisements, unsolicited

applications, internet recruiting, employee referrals and a lot more other means.

Internal recruitment fills up open job positions through promotions or


There is no perfect method of recruiting potential individuals to become a

part of the organization because either external or internal recruitment has its
advantages and disadvantages. It depends upon the judgment of the manager
as to what to adapt.


Staffing and recruitment are interrelated with each other. Let us study
some more.

In your previous lesson, we have defined recruitment as a set of activities

designed to attract qualified applicants for the job position. In the recruitment
process, the identified job vacancies are being analyzed in terms of job
requirements. Applications are reviewed, screened and shortlisted.

Administrators must see to it that their recruit possesses the knowledge

and skills needed to be successful in helping their company achieve the goals
and objectives and that he/she is suited for the job position and job design.

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Again, take note that recruitment may either be external or internal. In external
recruitment, outside sources are given considerations in locating potential or
qualified individuals who might want to join a certain organization. Other
external sources include unsolicited applications or the applications that the
company receives from individuals who are wishing for employment. We may
also consider referrals as one of the external sources of recruitment. There may
be instances where friends and acquaintances refer someone to the company for
possible employment or perhaps from employment agencies. Other organization
recruits from different schools as their external sources.

Internal recruitment considers the existing employees to fill up job position

vacancies most importantly if the open position matches the qualification needed
for the job.

Here are the methods of external and internal recruitment that we

could apply:

1. Advertisements. Job positions can be advertised through television,

radio, posters, billboards, newspapers, websites, e-mails to name a few.

2. Unsolicited applications. These are the applications received from

individuals who may or may not be qualified for the job openings. They
may be the walk-in applicants, or the applications received from other

3. Employee referrals. These are the individuals being recommended by the

employees of the organization. It may be their friend, relative, or
acquaintance who they believe are qualified for the job.

4. Internet recruiting. This is a type of recruitment where the organization

places the advertisement on independent job boards on the Web commonly
used by job seekers and recruiters to disseminate job opening information. is the Philippines’ official job market and labor
information portal.
5. Professional associations. These are organizations that serves as the
umbrella for professionals working in the same field. They may offer
placement services to their members who seek employment. Professional
associations usually make listings of members who are available for
possible recruitment and hiring. For example, your company needs a
company accountant. The manager may seek help from the Association of
Certified Public Accountants and this association may refer to its
membership to possibly be of help to your company,
6. Executive Search Firms. These are organizations that offer services of
helping employers find the right person for the right job. They are
sometimes called “headhunters”. They find talents and locate individuals

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who meet specific job requirements. They are most known for their
expertise in recruiting executives and other personnel. An example of this
is the Jobstreet. Jobstreet receives applications from various sources. It
filters the profile of applicants then matches its qualifications against the
job opening.
7. Educational institutions. Schools are very good sources of young
applicants who have formal training but with very little work experience.
For managerial or technical positions, schools may refer some of their
alumni who may possess the necessary qualifications needed for the
specific job position.
8. Labor unions. They may be possible sources of applicants for blue-collar
and professional jobs.
9. Public and private employment agencies. They may also be good
sources of applicants for different types of job vacancies. Public
employment agencies normally offer free services. An example of this is the
Public Employment Service Office (PESO). They usually connect with
various organizations or companies to gather information about job
position vacancies and then post them on their boards for dissemination.
Usually, PESO coordinates with different firms and they facilitate job fairs
for job seekers. Another example is the Department of Labor and
Employment or DOLE. There are instances where PESO and DOLE work
hand in hand in providing employment services to job hunters. Private
employment agencies offer employment services but with a corresponding

As you have learned earlier, internal recruitment is done within the

organization. Most of the organization managers follow a policy of filling job
openings through promotions and transfer. Doing this lessens the chances of
losing the organization’s top-performing employees. Internal recruitment may be
done by posting on the company bulletin boards, company newsletters, company
portals and recommendations from department or unit heads.

Both internal and external recruitment may have advantages and

disadvantages. Let’s examine them.

External Recruitment Advantages

1. Internet recruitment reaches many possible applicants. Therefore, there

is a great possibility of being able to recruit applicants who are
potentially suitable for the job. That is why it has been a prime
consideration for organizations and companies to post advertisements
through the internet.

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2. It is believed that applicants who submit applications personally or
through their initiatives are the ones to be better employees because they
are serious about getting the job.
3. It is believed that employee referrals from outside sources are high-
quality applicants because employees are generally hesitant to
recommend someone who is not qualified for the job position openings.
4. Executive search firms usually refer highly qualified applicants from
outside sources because they filter and check applicants’ qualifications
before they recommend the same to their client firms which in return pay
for their services.
5. Educational institutions know the qualifications and capabilities of their
graduates. Hence, chances that better or qualified individuals may be
referred to potential employers.
External Recruitment Disadvantages

1. Typically, the time and cost required by external recruitment are the
disadvantages. Advertising job openings, Orientation and training of
newly hired employees, and sorting out volumes of solicited and
unsolicited applications is a challenge of time and money budgeting.
2. Another disadvantage of external recruitment is the possibility of being
bias. The manager may be entertaining self-serving motives in the
referral of friends and relatives. There is a possibility that the less
qualified applicant referred by a friend or relative may be selected over
the more qualified one who directly applied without a referral.

Internal Recruitment Advantages

1. Less cost of advertising is required in internal recruitment. Information

may be disseminated through company bulletin boards, newsletters and
other forms of internal communications.
2. Orientation and training of newly promoted or transferred current
employees are less expensive and will not take too much time since they
are already familiar with company policies.
3. The process of recruitment and selection is more convenient because the
candidate for promotion is already a part of the organization for quite
some time.
Internal Recruitment Disadvantages

1. The number of applicants to choose from is limited because your source

is only from within the organization.
2. Favoritism may likely influence a manager to recommend a current
employee for promotion to a higher position.
3. Internal recruitment may result in jealousy among other employees who
were not considered for the job position. Some may even accuse the

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management of bias for choosing an employee who is perceived to be less
qualified among other fellow employees.

Don’t be confused with the process of recruitment and selection.

Recruitment is a set of activities that aims to attract qualified applicants for job
positions while selection is the process of choosing individuals who possess the
required qualifications for the job position.

Many companies practice a continuous selection process because of the fast

turnover due to resignation or other reasons which result in job vacancies.
Another reason is the review of applicants on the waiting list. A typical
selection process includes the following steps:

1. Establishing the selection criteria. Selecting human resources in your

organization needs an understanding of the nature and purpose of the
job position which has to be filled. Job design must be based on the
objective analysis of position requirements and must meet both
organizational and individual needs. Skills must also be considered
depending on the job position and its position in the organizational
hierarchy which can be easily identified in the organizational chart.
2. Requesting applicants to complete the application form. Application
forms must be completed because these provide the needed information
about the applicant. Management will find it easier to decide whether an
applicant meets the minimum requirements for experience, education,
and the like if the application form is properly filled out by the applicant.
3. Screening by listing applicants who seem to meet the set criteria. This
involves the preparation of a shortlist of applicants who meet the
minimum requirements of the job position to be filled. It is done to avoid
wasting time by conducting interviews with applicants who do not meet
the set criteria for the job opening.
4. Screening interview to identify more promising applicants. A shortlist of
applicants is prepared. A shortlist is a list of candidates for a job that
has been reduced from a longer list of applicants. However, a candidate
on a shortlist may or may not receive the job position. Those included in
the shortlist shall be asked to undergo a formal interview by the
supervisor or manager. Eventually, the applicant who is deemed to be
the most fitted for the job opening belongs to this shorter list.
5. Interview by the supervisor, manager, or panel interview. Other
characteristics of the most promising applicants may be revealed or
observed during the conduct of a formal interview. These characteristics
may include the applicants’ self-confidence, positive or negative self-
esteem, honesty, ability to relate well with others, and positive or
negative life experiences which may affect his or her job performance,

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relationship with fellow employees, and others. Interviewers must be
trained so that they will know what to look for.
6. Verifying information provided by the applicant. To make sure that the
applicant has not provided false information about himself or herself,
verification is necessary. Background checking must also be done to
avoid hiring an applicant with derogatory records and to validate the
applicant’s good moral character.
7. Requesting the applicant to undergo a psychological and physical
examination. The company normally requires the selected candidate or
applicant to undergo a physical and psychological examination to ensure
that he or she is fit to work physically and mentally before the
confirmation of his or her employment.
8. Informing the applicant that he or she has been chosen for the position
applied for. Informing the applicant may be done verbally or in writing
by the managers who shall give the final decision regarding the
applicant’s hiring. Final instructions about the company rules and
regulations for hiring must be given in this step.
Figure 1. Steps in the Hiring Process

Step 1 – Determining a need

(Job analysis)

Step 2 – Application search and selection

Screening and selection

Step 3 – Decision-making process

Making a decision
Notification and employment offer

Step 4 – Adaptation to the workplace


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Interviewing an applicant is a very important part of the hiring process. It
determines the qualifications of an applicant and gauging his or her ability to
perform a job. Interviews may come in different forms.

Types of Job Interviews

a. Structured interview. The interviewer asks the applicant to answer a set of

prepared questions – situational, job knowledge, job simulation, and worker
requirement questions.
b. Unstructured interview. The interviewer has no interview guide and may
ask questions freely.
c. One-on-one interview. One interviewer is assigned to interview the
d. Panel interview. Several interviewers or a panel of interviewers may
interview applicants; three to five interviewers take turns in asking

Organizations and companies similarly administer different kinds of

employment tests to measure or test the applicant’s specific skill or capacity. Here
are some of them:

1. Intelligence Test. It is designed to measure the applicant’s mental capacity;

test his or her cognitive capacity, speed of thinking and ability to see
relationships in problematic situations.
2. Proficiency and aptitude tests. Designed to test his or her skills and
potential for learning other skills.
3. Personality tests – designed to reveal the applicant’s characteristics and
ability to relate with others.
4. Vocational test – tests that show the occupation best suited to the applicant.

Limitation of the Selection Process

In reality, there is no one perfect formula to perfectly select a firm’s human

resources. Predicting or anticipating individuals’ performance is quite difficult
because there is a difference between what the individual can do at present and
what they will do in the future. This is true because a person’s wants and needs
change, and so with the organization’s climate and environment. It could be
people-oriented, rule-oriented, innovation-oriented and goal-oriented.

Training and Development

Training and development are essential in achieving organizational success.

Training refers to learning given by organizations to its employees that
concentrates on short-term job performance and acquisition, improvement, or
enhancement of job-related skills. Development, on the other hand refers to
learning given by organizations to its employees that is geared toward the
individual’s acquisition and expansion of his or her skills in preparation for future
job appointments and other responsibilities. Most organizations invest in the

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training and development of their human resources because they believe that they
should have an edge over their competitors. Managers must see to it that their
human resources are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and expertise
where training and development work toward this end by providing individuals
continuous learning activities and opportunities. Training and development may
cover the following procedures:

1. Conducting the Training Needs Assessment. Training needs assessment

or sometimes called Training Needs Analysis must be done systematically to
know if there is a need for training. Managers must first observe the
business condition considering the economic, strategic and technological
changes occurring in the organization’s environment before proceeding to
the analyses of the organization, tasks and persons or individuals because
all these are determinants of training types required for the sustenance of
the firm’s stability. How to become more competitive? If you are the type
of business that just wait for customers to come to buy your products. Well,
there is nothing wrong with that. But will you be contented with that? You
have to be competitive. What is the current business trend nowadays? Did
you say online selling? Yes, that’s true. As the manager of ABC Fast Food
Chain, you may ask yourself, “Is my company capable of doing online selling
of my products?” or “can the ABC Fast Food Chain need to promote the
delivery service to augment income?” Well, this is already an analysis of
your organization or company. If your answer to those two questions is no,
then you try to analyze what things should be done? What trainings do
your employees need to make your goals happen? Then you start analyzing
what training shall be employed. Perhaps, you might want to study your
employees’ capabilities and enhance them. To offer online food services
apart from your usual dine-in services, you will have to identify what your
people can and cannot do and then you start planning what training are to
be employed. A training needs analysis may look like Table 1 on the next

Table 1. Training Needs Analysis Template/Model

Major Training/Skills If yes, How will When? Who to

tasks of Development identify this be organize?
position required? what achieved?
needs Training
exist? Provider
Yes No

What do we want to achieve in the period ahead?

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When can you use your career moving in the next two years?

How are we going to make this happen?

What will you need from the company to assist you to reach your career

2. Designing the Training Program. This phase includes stating the

instructional objectives that describe the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
that need to be acquired or enhanced to be able to perform well. Hence,
your training design should always be performance-centered objectives that
should be aligned with the company’s goals. Another thing to be considered
in designing a training program is the readiness of the trainees which refers
to the trainee’s background knowledge and experience so that the training
will not go to waste. Consider also the learning style of the target trainees,
the delivery mode to be employed, budget, target participants, the content of
the training and timeline, and the means on how to measure the
effectiveness of the training.

3. Implementing the Training Program. A variety of types of training

program implementation may be considered. It could be an on-the-job-
training where the trainee is engage to the actual tasks, apprenticeship
training, classroom instruction or the seminar type training, audio-visual,
simulation method e-learning.

4. Evaluating the Training. It is assessing the participant’s reaction and

their acquired learnings and their behavior after completing the training.
Did the targeted performance improve?

Employee Development
Developing employees is a part of an organization’s career management
program and its goal is to match the individual’s development needs with the needs
of the organization. The individual employee must know himself or herself well and
he or she could also identify the career pathway that he or she would like to take.
Although the individual should take charge of his or her career, the organization
shall still provide for his or her career plans. This scheme establishes a favorable
career development climate for him or her, which may lead, ultimately, to the
blending of his or her career development goals with organizational goals.

Now, if I may ask you, is there a difference between training and

development? If your answer is yes, then, you are correct. There is a big difference
between training and development. Again, let us recall their meanings. Training
refers to learning given by organizations to its employees that concentrates on
short-term job performance and acquisition of job-related skills. Training may be

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given either on a short or long period through the so-called massed training or it
could also be on a series of short hours of training or the so-called distributed
training. Let’s say an administration staff doesn’t know how to use Microsoft Excel
from the computer, then she needs to be given training on how to use Microsoft
excel that she can use in performing her day-to-day tasks. On the other hand,
development refers to the learning given by organizations to its employees that is
geared toward the individual’s acquisition and expansion of his or her skills in
preparation for future job appointments and other responsibilities. An example of
employee development is when an excellent sales staff of the company is giving the
employee the knowledge, he or she needs to become the future sales manager of
the company, then that is called development.

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Guided Practice 1. Deal or Noodle!

Directions: Write DEAL if the statement is true, and NOODLE if the
statement is false. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

_____ 1. is the official job market and labor

information portal of the Philippines.
_____ 2. Employee referrals are recommendations from the organization’s
present employees.
_____ 3. It is very costly on the part of the employer to do internal
_____ 4. Jealousy among other members of the organization is seen to be one
of the disadvantages of internal recruitment.
_____ 5. Job analysis is the 3rd step in the hiring process.
_____ 6. In the unstructured interview, the interviewer has an already
prepared set of questions.
_____ 7. The objective of the organization should be performance-based when
designing a training program.
_____ 8. Conducting a seminar for the whole organization is a form of
_____ 9. Webinars at this time of COVID-19 pandemic have been the
alternative mode of training.
_____ 10. A webinar is not an e-learning activity.

Guided Practice 2. Choosy Me!

Directions: Complete the following statements by choosing the correct
answers from the box. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.



1. The positive effects of the implemented training program may be seen by

assessing the participants’ reactions, their acquired learnings and their
behavior after completing the training. This process is called _________.
2. _______________ is done to gauge or measure the applicant’s ability to do
the job.
3. When the interviewer has a prepared question for the interviewee, the job
interview is said to be a _________________________.
4. A type of training where it is programmed to be accomplished in five days
at four hours per day is called_______________________ training.

12 | P a g e
5. When the organization prepares its employees for a specific career goal, it
is called human resource ____________________.
6. It is a set of activities designed to attract qualified applicants for job
position vacancies.
7. The type of training where it is conducted in either few or long hours is
called _____________________ training.
8. It is the specific areas for the improvement of knowledge and skills of
human resources.
9. Informing the applicant that he or she has been chosen for the position
applied for is called __________________.
10. A shortlist of individuals from the pool of applicants has arrived in this
process called __________________ where shortlisted applicants shall
proceed to the next stage of the hiring procedure.

Independent Practice. Think U!

Directions: Assume that you are the General Manager of “Practice Lang
General Merchandise. You are done planning to branch out your business
to another location where you will need a branch manager. From the pool of
applicants, you came up with a shortlist of applicants for interviews. You
decided to conduct a structured interview. Create a set of interview
questions. You may write a minimum of six (6) questions or write as many
as you can. Use your answer sheet.

Criteria 4 3 2
Excellent Good Fair
Focus on job knowledge, work
attitude, personal and
interpersonal concepts
Organization of thought. The
questions are clear and
Content. The questions are
relevant for a job interview.

13 | P a g e

Directions: Read the following statements carefully and choose the

letter of the correct answer from the given choices. Write your answers on
your answer sheet.

1. Recruitment of applicants for a job position from outside the company is

a. External recruitment advantage
b. Internal recruitment advantage
c. External recruitment
d. Internal recruitment

2. An unstructured interview is where the interviewer has

a. interview guide and may ask questions freely
b. limited interview guide and may ask questions freely
c. no interview guide and may not ask questions freely
d. no interview guide and may ask questions freely

3. The conduct of training needs assessment must be done

a. before the designing, implementation, and evaluation of a training
b. during the designing, implementation, and evaluation of a training
c. after the designing, implementation, and evaluation of a training
d. anytime during office hours

4. This is the learning given by organizations to their employees which

concentrates on short-term job performance and acquisition of job-related
skills. It could be massed or distributed. It is referred to as
a. Training
b. Development
c. Training and Development
d. All of the above

5. __________________________ is the process of choosing individuals who have

required qualifications to fill present and expected job openings.
a. Interview
b. Hiring
c. Selection
d. Orientation

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6. It is a test designed to measure the applicant’s mental capacity and to test
his/her cognitive capacity, speed of thinking, and the ability to see
relationships in a problematic situation.
a. Proficiency test
b. Aptitude test
c. Personality test
d. Intelligence test

7-10 Read the situation below and answer the questions that follow.

The Acilo School of Arts and Trades, whose President is Dr. Jerwin Acilo,
is located at Barangay Dimakita, Dimatagpuan City. Evelyn Manzano is the
Human Resource Manager, Leni Ramirez is the Records Clerk from July 10,
2018 to present, and the current Assistant School Registrar is Mercy
Mendoza who will be resigned on December 31,2020. Leni Ramirez has
been recommended by her peers in the institution to assume the job
position of Mercy Mendoza.

7. Based on the above situation, the Human Resource Manager will

a. designate Leni Ramirez as the Assistant Registrar
b. notify Mercy Mendoza to vacate her position earlier than December 31,
2020 so that Leni Ramirez may start working in the office of the
Assistant School Registrar
c. declare the position of the School Assistant Registrar open
d. advertise in the local radio station that the position of the Assistant
School Registrar is open for recruitment

8. The second course of action by the Human Resource Manager will be

a. declare the position of the School Registrar open
b. designate Leni Ramirez as the Assistant Registrar
c. process the recruitment and selection
d. advertise the open job position on the internet to attract more applicants
to choose from

9. Should Leni Ramirez be awarded the position, the Human Resource

Manager seen the career path for her development. If there will be an
opportunity sooner or later, she is gearing towards the position of the
a. Assistant Registrar
b. Human Resource Manager
c. President
d. Registrar

10. Upon confirmation of the job position as Assistant Registrar, Leni Ramirez
shall be allowed to undergo training intended for her position. Since she
has been in the Acilo School of Arts and Trades, less orientation is
necessary. However, the Human Resource Manager should see to it that she
is ready for the job 30 days from now. Therefore, the Human Resource
Officer shall conduct

15 | P a g e
a. development training for Leni Ramirez
b. welcome party for Leni Ramirez
c. training needs analysis/training needs assessment
d. all of the above


Directions: Complete the following sentences by writing your thoughts.

Write your answers on your paper.

I learned about ________________________________________________________.

Knowing about this topic helps me _____________________________________.
This topic reminds me of _______________________________________________.
The part I know the most about is ______________________________________.
The part that is most confusing is ______________________________________.
I would like to know more about ________________________________________.
Criteria 4 3 2
Excellent Good Fair

Organization of thought



Organization And Management. Reprint, Quezon City: Rex Printing

Company, Inc., 2016.
Organization And Management: Concepts, Caselets, and Exercises. The
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 2016
Organization And Management Textbook. Vibal Group, 2016

16 | P a g e
17 | P a g e
Deal or Noodle
(Structured Interview Questions.
Answers vary. Refer to rubrics 1. DEAL
for scoring) 2. DEAL
1. C Choosy Me
2. D
10. C 7. MASSED
(Answers may vary. Refer to 10.SELECTION
Key to Corrections
The Schools Division of Zambales would like to express its heartfelt
gratitude to the following, who in one way or the other, have contributed to the
successful preparation, development, quality assurance, printing, and distribution
of the Quarter 2 Guided Learning Activity Kits (GLAKs) in all learning areas across
grade levels as a response to providing the learners with developmentally-
appropriate, contextualized and simplified learning resources with most essential
learning competencies (MELCs)-based activities anchored on the principles of
guided learning and explicit instruction:

First, the Learning Resources (LR) Development Team composed of the

writers and graphic artists for devoting much of their time and exhausting their
best efforts to produce these indispensable learning kits used for the
implementation of learning delivery modalities.

Second, the content editors, language reviewers, and layout evaluators

making up the Division Quality Assurance Team (DQAT) for having carefully
evaluated all GLAKs to ensure quality and compliance to DepEd standards;

Third, the Provincial Government of Zambales, for unceasingly extending its

financial assistance to augment the funds for the printing of these learning
resources for use by learners and parents at home;

Fourth, the teacher-advisers and subject teachers, in close coordination

with the school heads, for their weekly distribution and retrieval of the GLAKs and
for their frequent monitoring of the learners’ progress through various means; and

Finally, the parents and other home learning facilitators for giving the
learners the needed guidance and support for them to possibly accomplish the
tasks and for gradually helping them become independent learners.

To deliver learning continuity in this challenging circumstance would not be

possible without your collective effort and strong commitment to serve our
Zambaleño learners.

Again, our sincerest thanks!

The Management Team

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