Set C Prelims Gec4

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It is the unique way in which an individual speaks and uses

IDENTIFICATION language. Everyone has their idiolect, shaped by their
Directions: Identity what is being asked on the following personal experiences, influences, and language history.
question. Choose your answers on the box Write your answer a. Dialects
in the answer sheet. b. Idiolects
c. Sociolects

Verbal Communication Sender 15. This level involves communication within a small group of
Visual Communication Receiver people, typically between three and 20 individuals.
Non-verbal Communication Source a. Public Communication
b. Organization Communication
Purposive Communication Message
c. Small Group Communication
Public Communication Channel
Mass Communication Noise 16. This includes the environment, situation, and cultural
factors that can influence how the message is received and
1. It is the actual content that the sender wishes to interpreted.
communicate. It can be verbal, written, visual, or a a. Context
combination of these forms. b. Concept
2. This form of communication involves signs, symbols, c. Content
pictures, graphics, and emojis.
3. This form of communication includes the use of language, 17. This level involves communication between two or more
sounds, and tone of voice. individuals. It can range from casual conversations to deep,
4. It is the person or entity initiating the communication. meaningful interactions.
5. It refers to a type of communication where the primary a. Interpersonal Communication
focus is on achieving a specific goal or purpose. b. Intrapersonal Communication
6. It is the process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, c. Intrepersonal Communication
or feelings between individuals or groups using various
methods such as speech, writing, gestures, body language, or 18. This is a high-level, polite, and sophisticated form of
electronic devices. language used in formal or professional settings. It often
7. Refers to any interference or factors that disrupt the includes complex vocabulary, complete sentences, and a
communication process. This can include distractions, respectful tone.
language barriers, technical issues, or even personal biases. a. Academic Register
8. It is the medium or method used to transmit the message. b. Formal Register
9. Communication that involves addressing a larger audience, c. Technical Register
such as public speaking, presentations, or media interviews.
10. Form of communication which includes body language 19. It is the response provided by the receiver to the sender. It
and facial expressions. indicates whether the message was understood as intended
and can help clarify any misunderstandings.
a. Feedback and Adaptation
MULTIPLE CHOICE b. Feedback loop
Directions: Read each statement carefully and write the c. Feedback
LETTER of the correct choice in the answer sheet.
20. Language is characterized by creativity and artistic
11. This communication takes place within larger groups, such expression. It is often found in poetry, prose, and other forms
as businesses, institutions, or government agencies. It of creative writing.
includes communication between employees, departments, a. Academic Register
and hierarchical levels within an organization. b. Colloquial Register
a. Organizational Communication c. Literary Register
b. Public Communication
c. Mass Communication 21. It is the person or group to whom the message is directed.
They are responsible for decoding and interpreting the
12. This includes communication through various digital message.
platforms, such as email, social media, instant messaging, and a. Reciever
video conferencing. b. Receiver
a. Intercultural Communication c. Sender
b. Mass Communication
c. Digital Communication 22. Level of communication that involves interactions
between individuals or groups from different cultural
13. In this stage, the sender translates their thoughts, ideas, backgrounds.
or information into a format that can be transmitted a. Cultural Communication
effectively. b. Intercultural Communication
a. Channel c. Cultural Exchange
b. Encoding
c. Decoding
31. Successful purposive communication often involves a
feedback loop where the communicator assesses the
23. These are language variations associated with particular response and adjusts the message or approach as needed to
ethnic or cultural groups. These variations may include achieve the desired outcome.
vocabulary, syntax, and even specific terms related to cultural
practices. 32. The process of actively receiving and interpreting sounds,
a. Ethnolects words, or information through the ears and paying focused
b. Dialects attention to what is being communicated.
c. Idiolects
33. The communicator identifies what they want to achieve
24. This level of communication reaches a vast and often through the communication, whether it's persuading,
anonymous audience through mass media channels like informing, instructing, entertaining, or any other objective.
television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet.
a. Digital Communication 34. The act of looking at or observing visual content, such as
b. Public Communication images, videos, or other forms of visual media.
c. Mass Communication
35. The act of verbally expressing thoughts, ideas,
25. It often involves an ongoing process with multiple rounds information, or emotions through the use of spoken words
of feedback and adjustments to ensure that the message is and vocalization.
accurately conveyed and understood.
a. Feedback 36. The communicator considers the needs, interests, and
b. Feedback Loop characteristics of the audience they are addressing. Effective
c. Feedback and Adaptation purposive communication tailors the message to the specific
audience to maximize its impact.
26. It is the process by which the receiver interprets and
understands the message. 37. The act of creating and recording information, thoughts,
a. Decoding ideas, or messages in a visible or tangible form using symbols,
b. Encoding such as letters, numbers, or characters, typically on a surface
c. Receiver like paper or a digital screen.

27. This language is casual and relaxed, often used in everyday 38. Messages are crafted and structured strategically to
conversations with friends, family, or peers. It may include achieve the intended purpose. This may involve organizing
slang, contractions, and a more conversational tone. information logically, using persuasive techniques, or
a. Familiar Register providing evidence to support claims.
b. Colloquial Register
c. Informal Register 39. The cognitive process of visually perceiving and
comprehending written or printed symbols, such as letters,
28. It refers to the regional variations of a language. They can words, sentences, or paragraphs, in order to extract meaning
include differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and information from text.
and even idiomatic expressions.
a. Ethnolects 40. Purposive communication includes prompting the
b. Sociolects audience to take a specific step or make a decision aligned
c. Dialects with the communicator's goal.

29. This is the most basic level and involves communication

within oneself. It includes thoughts, self-reflection, and inner ENUMERATION
a. Intrapersonal Communication
b. Interpersonal Communication
c. Small Group Communication


a. Christian Joel Mathias Fabella
b. Christian Joel Matias Fabella
c. Christian Joel Mathias Fabela
Directions: List
Directions: Read each question carefully and match it with the
down or enumerate
answers given below. Write the LETTER of the correct answer
in your answer sheet. what are being
a. Writing
b. Viewing
f. Clarity of Purpose
g. Target Audience asked on each of the
c. Speaking h. Feedback and Adaptation
d. Reading
e. Listening
i. Strategic Message
j. Call to Action
following item.
ENUMERATION Directions: List
TEST down or enumerate
Directions: List what are being
down or enumerate asked on each of the
what are being following item.
asked on each of the ENUMERATION
following item. TEST
ENUMERATION Directions: List
TEST down or enumerate
Directions: List what are being
down or enumerate asked on each of the
what are being following item.
asked on each of the ENUMERATION
following item. TEST
ENUMERATION Directions: List
TEST down or enumerate
Directions: List what are being
down or enumerate asked on each of the
what are being following item
Directions: List down or enumerate what are being asked on
asked on each of the each of the following item. Write it down in the answer sheet.

following item.





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