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LOG Teaching Dates and Time SEPTEMBER 11-15, 2023 Quarter FIRST/WEEK 2


In this lesson, the students should be able In this lesson, the students should be able In this lesson, the students should be able In this lesson, the students should be able
to: 1. Identify the function of communication to: 1. Watch and listen to a video to: 1. Watch and listen to a video to: 1. Discuss the strategies used by the
in different communicative activities; and 2. presentation; 2. Understand the video presentation; 2. Understand the video speaker in the videos watched and listened
watcher; 3. Identify the verbal and non – watcher; 3. Identify the verbal and non – to; 2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the oral
Identifies and explain the function of
verbal cues used by the speaker in order to verbal cues used by the speaker in order to communication activity; and 3.
communication regulation/control. achieve his or her purpose. achieve his or her purpose. Write a 250 – word essay evaluating the
effectiveness of an oral communication
activity watched
and listened to.

A. Content Standards The learner values the functions/purposes of oral communication.

B. Performance Standards The learner writes a 250 – word essay of his/her objective observation and evaluation of the various speakers watched and listened.
The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner…
1. Discusses the functions of 3. Watches and listens to sample 3. Watches and listens to sample 5. comprehends various kinds of
communication. ((EN11/12OC- oral communication (EN11/12OC- oral communication (EN11/12OC- oral texts. (EN11/12OC- Ibe-12)
Ibe-8) Ibe-10) Ibe-10) 6. identifies strategies used by each
C. Learning Competencies/ 2. Identifies the speaker’s 4. Ascertains the verbal and 4. Ascertains the verbal and speaker to convey his/her ideas
purpose(s). (EN11/12OC- Ibe- nonverbal cues that each nonverbal cues that each effectively. (EN11/12OC-Ibe-13)
Write the LC code for each
9) speaker uses to achieve speaker uses to achieve 7. evaluates the effectiveness of an
his/her purpose. (EN11/12OC- his/her purpose. (EN11/12OC- oral communication
Ibe-11) Ibe-11) activity. (EN11/12OC-Ibe-14)

Function of Communication
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 4
2. Learner’s Materials pages 7
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Video clip, PowerPoint presentation or visual materials
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Sharing of the reflection in class. Students will be asked to reflect on Students will be asked to reflect on Brief review of the previous lesson.
presenting the new lesson the previous discussion. the previous discussion.
Open the lesson with pictures such as: Ask: To what elements of communication do Ask: To what elements of communication do Ask: When can we say that the
B. Establishing a purpose for  Warning signs you need to look at in order to identify the you need to look at in order to identify the communication has become
the lesson  Street signs function communication? function communication? effective?

Video Presentation: The students will

C. Presenting Ask: When you see these things posted Ask students to cite different verbal and non Ask students to cite different verbal and non watch video presentations about the
examples/instances of the somewhere or whenever someone tells you – verbal cues when the purpose of – verbal cues when the purpose of following issues:
something, what did you usually do? communication is to regulate or control. communication is to regulate or control.
new lesson  Cyber bullying
 Global Warming
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the functions of Brief discussion of verbal and non – Brief discussion of verbal and non – Discuss the strategies that are used
practicing new skills #1 communication. verbal cues. verbal cues. in the speech.
The students will watch a video. They will The students will watch a video. They will
E. Discussing new concepts and identify the different verbal and non – identify the different verbal and non –
practicing new skills #2 verbal cues used verbal cues used
by the speaker. by the speaker.
Guide Questions: Guide Questions: Ask:
1. What is the video all about? 5. What is the video all about? 1. What did you understand about
PICTURE ANALYSIS: 2. What do you think is the 6. What do you think is the the message of the speaker?
Based on the pictures, the students will 2. Were you able to comprehend
purpose of the speaker in this purpose of the speaker in this
F. Developing Mastery identify which of the pictures can be
video? video? her message well? If yes, why?
(Leads to Formative categorized under regulation and control.
3. What is the function of 7. What is the function of If not, why not?
communication? communication? 3. What were the words that she
4. What are the verbal and non – 8. What are the verbal and non – used in her speech?
verbal cues used by the verbal cues used by the
speaker? speaker?
Ask: Do you frequently use those verbal and Ask: Do you frequently use those verbal and
Ask the students to identify the different nonverbal cues when speaking with others? nonverbal cues when speaking with others?
G. Finding practical applications of communication activities that can be What non-verbal and vocal cues do you What non-verbal and vocal cues do you Ask: As a communicator, how will you make
concepts and skills in daily living categorized as in the regulation/control employ when communicating to control or employ when communicating to control or sure your message is clear and effective?
function. regulate? regulate?

Ask: How do verbal and non – verbal cues Ask: How do verbal and non – verbal cues Call students randomly to give their most
Ask: When can you say that the help in determining the function or purpose help in determining the function or purpose important learning for the day.
H. Making generalizations and
function of communication is of of
abstractions about the lesson
regulation and control?
communication? communication?
Using another video clip, the students will
Give a short activity. Give a short activity. evaluate the effectiveness through a 250 –
I. Evaluating Learning word
essay of the speech they watched
and listened to. A rubric will be used
to grade the output.
Observe the activities happening Observe the activities happening
J. Additional activities for No homework will be submitted for the next throughout the day and list all of the throughout the day and list all of the The evaluation will be the
application or remediation session. verbal and non – verbal cues verbal and non – verbal cues assignment.
under Regulation/Control. under Regulation/Control.


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:

SHS Teacher II Head Teacher III / SHS Focal Person


Principal IV
Camba National High School

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