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Annexure-A (Block Requirement Schedule)

Subject:- Construction of Subway as RCC Box 1x7x3 Mt. by Pushing Method at Railway’s Ch.830/09-11 Between Khapri-Ajni Station In Lieu Of Existing Level
Crossing No.120 at Manish Nagar Crossing under Nagpur-Division of Central Railway. Reg. Detailed programme of Box-Pushing using RH-Girder.

Approved HQ GAD's:- HQ Pucca No. GM(W)BB/P-13474-RUB
Approved HQ TAD's:- HQ Pucca No. GM/(W)BB/P-13527 (2 Sheets)
One Cranes of capacity 300MT will be available at site and one standby crane of 300MT will be available along with sufficient slings,erection staff,tools and
tackles,lifting hooks during launching work of RH Girder.
Day of Block (D + 0): 24.01.2024
Section Traffic and Power Block required
S.No Day of Block Activity
between in Hours
Preparation of Level bed for Movement of Crane and Keeping RH Girder ready
1 Ajni-Khapri D - 3 to D-2 Non-Block
in all respects for launching.
Imposition of Speed Restriction of 30kmph.
2 Ajni-Khapri D-1 Non-Block Positionaing of Crane in its location and making all preperatory arrangement
for the insertion of RH girder for UP Track.
Excavation of Ballast/Earth till required level and Insertion of RH Girder for UP
3 Ajni-Khapri D+0 Block No. 1: (2.5 Hrs)
Positionaing of Crane in its location and making all preperatory arrangement
4 Ajni-Khapri D+1 Non-Block
for the insertion of RH girder for DN Track.
5 Ajni-Khapri D + 1 to D + 2 Non-Block Start of Box-Pushing Work from 15m of Centre line of UP track.
Excavation of Ballast/Earth till required level and Insertion of RH Girder for DN
6 Ajni-Khapri D+2 Block No. 2: (2.5 Hrs)
7 Ajni-Khapri D + 3 to D + 19 Non-Block Continuation of Box-Pushing work for the complete length of 41.155m.
8 Ajni-Khapri D + 20 Non-Block Positioning of crane on UP track side for the removal of RH girder.
Removal of RH Girder from UP track and restoration of Track for traffic
9 Ajni-Khapri D + 21 Block No. 3: (3 Hrs)
10 Ajni-Khapri D + 22 Non-Block Positioning of crane on DN track side for the removal of RH girder.
Removal of RH Girder from DN track and restoration of Track for traffic
11 Ajni-Khapri D + 23 Block No. 4: (3 Hrs)
Packing of UP and DN track by track tamping machine and relaxation of speed
12 Ajni-Khapri D + 24 Non-Block
restriction to 45kmph
Packing of UP and DN track by track tamping machine and relaxation of speed
13 Ajni-Khapri D + 25 Non-Block
restriction to Normal speed

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