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A Proposal on Capstone Project

Presented to the faculty of

Calasiao Comprehensive National High School

Calasiao Pangasinan

In Partial Fulfillment on

Of the requirements for the Subject

Practical Research and Inquires, Investigation, and immersion

And for the strand



Kurt Ivan G. Sarmiento

Jocille Ann R. Velasco
Jessica R.Movida
Alfredo A.Gabat



Background of the Study

A virtual tour is a simulation of an existing and past events with the help of
sequential videos or still images. Multimedia elements like music, sound effects, floor
plans among others could also be used. The phrase "virtual tour" is often used to
describe a variety of videos and photographic-based media.
Calasiao’s Puto is described as the town's "white gold." It is a bite-size, soft rice
cake made from semi-glutinous rice that is fermented in earthen jars. It has been A
century and Three (3) decades since the Puto Calasiao was first produced. The said
festival was first introduced in 2005 though was revived in 2008 by their former Mayor
Roy Macanlalay in a bid to create a bigger market for it nationwide.
Puto is one of the most important and best products in calasiao that is why they
celebrate the puto festival every year. People in the philippines recognizes the town of
calasiao as "the capital of puto in the philippines" and because of this tourist from around
the philippines visits their town to witness the said festival as well as buy puto.
The local government under their former Mayor Roy Macanlalay formed rice cake
vendors and producers into a cooperative and provided them with stalls in front of the
town plaza where they sold their products on a 24-hour basis since it gets spoiled faster
than other products, though this has become the problem that most businessmen
encounter still because of this many are provided with livelihood.

The tradition of rice cakes in Calasiao originated in Barangay Dinalaoan and

spread through Lumbang and Ambuetel. It is made of semi-glutinous rice
and white sugar, they also have different flavors and toppings such as ube, pandan and
mango as for the toppings they have cheese and salted egg. Some hotels and popular
restaurants not only in Pangasinan but also in Metro Manila get their rice cake supply
Another problem of the puto producers in calasiao is the price hike for their puto’s
main ingredient like; rice and sugar. And as time passed by those price increase may
also cause high increased on the prices of their products.

Still they should be proud because in 2018 Calasiao’s Puto Festival succeeded in
its bid to land in the Guinness World Records for having the largest puto or rice cake
mosaic. Residents managed to create a 209.37-square meter mosaic with an image of a
man feeding his grandson the popular rice cake from the town. A total of 320,000 pieces
of rice cake were bought from the town’s makers to come up with the mosaic.
As the ingredients has in a high price the producers will forced to high the price
of their product because if they not high there is the chance of bankrupt
Though price hike of main ingredients is there. being the best puto in the
Philippines they should do their best to maintain the taste of the original puto calasiao.
However, when typhoon and heavy rain comes the producers are hesitant to produce
puto and because of this the market of puto calasiao decreases during rainy season that
is why they held the Calasiao Puto Festival during the end of every calendar year
specifically every December.

Statement of the Problem

This study aim to the Puto festival using the Virtual tour as website
Specifically, this though to answer the following questions:
1.What is demographic profile of the respondents in terms of
A. Age and
B. Sex

2.What are the social program and events of puto festival at calasiao Pangasinan
A. Music festival
B. Pageant
C. Street Dance and
D. motor show

3.What is the perception of the respondents on the puto festival in terms of:
A. Social community in festival;
B. Rural festival economic; and
C. Festival and events economic

4.What is the perception of the respondents on the importance of puto festival in terms of:
A. Family
B. Community

Conceptual Framework
This study aim to determine the impact of Puto Festival. The Input block include
the demographic profiles of the respondents. The Process block is design used to
collect, analyze and interpret the data. The data were generated through a survey
questionnaire-checklist which will be answered by 167 respondents. The Output block
would identify the proposed response of the respondents.


impact of Puto festival Impact of Puto

using the Virtual tour  What is the
A capstone project perception of the
as website respondents on
using quantitative data
the puto festival in
Random sampling
 What is terms of:
demographic Output Inquires
profile of the  3.What is the
respondents in perception of the
terms of respondents on
o Age. the importance of
o Sex puto festival in
Figure 1
terms of:

 What are the

social program and
events of puto
festival at calasiao

Paradigm of the Study

Virtual Tour



Rural festival STUDENTS

EVENTS Street Dance

Figure 2
Paradigm of the Study
The researcher’s shows the impact of Puto festival will be one of the most
awaiting events in Pangasinan because of its culture and social events in the region.
Therefore, the researchers believe that it has a very strong connection and has many

Significance of the Study-

When our research publish it may give information to gain some knowledge
about our research that may use in future. Yes, it may use in future in the way that you
can make puto business also they may help to preserve the local delicacy of calasiao
which is the puto also might improve the puto flavored also the people in calasiao to have
a work enhance their knowledge and skills about on our research

The hypothesis of the impact of puto festival will be considered by the
researcher’s based on the problems and question on their research

The researchers know the positive and negative relationship based on the survey
and question the interview the students of senior high school in Calasiao Comprehensive
National High School

Scope and Delimitations-

This study focus on the impact of puto festival in senior high school at the
Calasiao Comprehensive National High School.
The researchers limited the study to one hundred seventy-six (176) students of
senior high school in Calasiao Comprehensive National High School

Operational Definition of terms

Aim - a purpose or intention; a desired outcome.
Community - A community is a social unit with commonality such as norms, religion,
values, customs, or identity.
Festival - a day or period of celebration, typically a religious commemoration.
Festival and events economic impact – The economic impact that festival and event
productions have upon local communities can be profound. In the industry, the focus is
often on ‘Direct Economic Spending’ or ‘Economic Impact Assessment’ in reference to
the figure that represents the amount of money produced by a festival or event. In this
article, we will explore attendee spending and economic impact assessments to highlight
the processes and benefits of conducting this type of research.
Family - The family lens in policy or program decisions focuses on what policies or
programs are enacted. The family lens in practice focuses on how policies or programs
are implemented through family-centered supports or services. WHETHER A
Impact - Have a strong effect on someone or something
Importance - is a subjective indicator of value, as a concept, importance is the
recognized attribution of a subject's significance or value as defined by a perspective in
its most basic form, importance is used to define subjects that are essential and relevant
from those that are not.
Music festival – A music festival is a community event oriented towards live
performances of singing and instrument playing that is often presented with a theme such
as musical general nationality, or locality of musicians, or holiday.
Puto mosaic–a competition for young women in which they
Pageant – are judged on their beauty and other qualities
Programs and events - The definition of a program is a planned series of events, a
performance or a booklet telling you what events to expect as part of a series of events.
An example of a program is a theatre night where you see three plays in a row. An
example of a program is scheduled activities at a daycare center.
Perception - as a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory
impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. In simple words we can say
that perception is the act of seeing what is there to be seen.
Respondents - a person who replies to something especially one supplying information
for a survey or questionnaire.
Rural festival economic impact – the often part of the economic development strategy
of rural areas. This study estimates the economic impacts of visitor expenditures at two
Scottish festivals in rural North Carolina, using tourist survey data and an input-output
model. While local restaurants and lodging and festival vendors and sponsors benefit
from substantial visitor expenditures
Social impact of community in festival - seeks to understand the social impacts that
festivals have on their host communities. It focuses on community festivals as one type of
event which have a particularly strong connection to their host community. Community
festivals are traditionally organized by and for the local community, and often celebrate a
theme that has developed from within the community itself.
Virtual tour - is a simulation of an existing location use ally composed of a sequence of
videos or all image.


Review literature
On the Social community in festival
According to Small, (2007) seeks to understand the social impacts that festivals have
on their host communities. It focuses on community festivals as one type of event which
have a particularly strong connection to their host community. Community festivals are
traditionally organized by and for the local community, and often celebrate a theme that
has developed from within the community itself. Community festivals provide members of

a community with opportunities to engage in socialization, entertainment and the

establishment of social networks, which can contribute to the enhancement of community
cohesion and the building of social capital within a community. Additionally, they can
provide tourism benefits such as increased visitation and promotion of a destination’s
image. However, there is the potential for negative social impacts to result from the
hosting of a festival, including traffic congestion, overcrowding, vandalism and increased
antisocial behavior. According to small seeks to understand the perceived social impacts
of community festivals from the perspective of the resident population. Six important
questions are addressed in this thesis: 1) what are the underlying dimensions of the
social impacts of community festivals?; 2) what are a host community’s expectations and
perceptions of the social impacts of a festival?; 3) are there distinct subgroups within a
community who differ in their feelings towards a festival?; 4) do these subgroups hold
differing perceptions of the social impacts of community festivals?; 5) can the Social
Impact Perception (SIP) scale be used to measure residents’ perceptions of the social
impacts of community festivals?; and 6) what are the implications of this research for the
planning and management of future community festivals? In order to explore these
issues, this study draws on literature from the areas of tourism and sociology. It is from
the tourism literature, more specifically on events, that community festivals are introduced
as the focus of this thesis. The sociological literature on communities reinforces the
importance of the ‘community’ in community festivals, and examines the role that festivals
can play in contributing to community development, community wellbeing and the
enhancement of social capital. Two community festivals were studied, one in Western
Australia and the other in Victoria, Australia. Data were collected from residents in each
of these two x communities at one point in time following the staging of their festival. Both
qualitative and quantitative methods were used, including semi-structured interviews,
focus groups, observational techniques, document analysis and a residents’ perceptions
questionnaire. The results revealed that there are distinct subgroups within a community
who choose to be involved with their festival in a range of ways and who perceive the
social impacts resulting from the festival quite differently. These subgroups have been
labelled the tolerates, economically connected, attendees, avoiders and volunteers.
Whilst holding varied perceptions of the positive and negative nature of the impacts and
levels at which they occur, residents perceive the social impacts of community festivals to
occur within six impact dimensions: inconvenience, community identity and cohesion,
personal frustration, entertainment and socialization opportunities, community growth and
development, and behavioral consequences. Those residents who participate in the
festival, either as volunteers or attendees, tend to be those who are most positive about
the festival and its impacts. This participation in the community provides opportunities for
social transactions, relationship building and the development of social networks,

On the Rural festival economic

According to Long,(1990) the spatial distribution of the expenditures associated with
a rural arts and crafts festival was examined of the nonresident expenditures associated
with the festival, the mean percentage spent in the community by the survey respondents
was 69.7% importantly however 77.9% of this spending was to the festival booths, many
of which were not operated by local residents. More specifically of the $43,689 spent by
the survey respondents, $32,719 (79.9%) was to entities outside the local economy.
While the generalizability of these results is limited the findings imply that research which
fails to correct for nonlocal spending may significantly overestimate the economic
benefits of festivals to the host community.

On the festival and events economic

According to Kwiatkowski festivals are often part of the economic development
strategy of rural areas. This study estimates the economic impacts of visitor expenditures
at two Scottish festivals in rural North Carolina, using tourist survey data and an input-
output model. While local restaurants and lodging and festival vendors and sponsors
benefit from substantial visitor expenditures, the multipliers are relatively small, and
hence the total economic impact of the festivals represents only a small percentage of
economic activity in the two regions considered. Lodging expenditures have the greatest
impact on the region with a multiple-day festival, while expenditures on food and
have the greatest impact on the region with a single-day festival. The magnitude of the
economic impact depends on characteristics of both the festival (number of days) and the
local economy (other attractions and linkages).

On the family
According to Hall family impact lens in policy or program decisions focuses on what
policies or programs are enacted. The family impact lens in practice focuses on how

policies or programs are implemented through family-centered supports or services.

Whether a single definition of family needed.

On the Community
According to Gad (2003) a community is a social unit (a group of living things)
with commonality such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity. Communities may
share a sense of place situated in a given geographical area (e.g. a country, village,
town, or neighborhood) or in virtual space through communication platforms. Durable
relations that extend beyond immediate genealogical ties also define a sense of
community, important to their identity, practice, and roles in social institutions such as
family, home, work, government, society, or humanity at large, Although communities are
usually small relative to personal social ties, "community" may also refer to large group
affiliations such as national communities, international communities, and virtual
communities. The English-language word "community" derives from the Old
French community, which comes from the Latin communities "community public spirit"
(from Latin communist, shared in common.

On the Music festival

According to Ronstrom,(2001) this article deals with public performances of folk
music in Sweden. After a few introductory remarks on events as study objects, follows a
brief historical survey of some main forms or formats of such performances. An analytical
model is then presented, which is used to explain some of the changes that has occurred
in public presentations of folk music in Sweden. Then the modern folk music festival is
examined, a type of event that in short time has been spread all over the world. Folk
music festivals, it is argued, can be read as texts, complex as they are, full of
significance, pregnant with meaning. But they can also be seen as instruments, powerful
tools for change, manipulation, for overriding old power structures and cultural borders,
as well as setting up new.

On the Pageant
According to Hamashima this paper investigates the Miss Samoa pageant’s historical
origins, cultural relevance and preservation, the ways in which it empowers women, the
public’s perspective, and future development. Secondary
sources on the pageant were limited to eight pieces, so interviews with judges,
contestants, winners, and participants were sources of information. Sixty surveys were
also conducted to gain the public’s perspective of the pageant. The study
found Miss Samoa is more popular for its entertainment value than cultural relevance.
The Miss Samoa pageant has been utilized as an agent of empowerment for individual
women but is not necessarily influential on a larger social scale. The results also suggest
the pageant been blended into Samoa as more of an indigenous pageant than a beauty
pageant. The pageant’s capabilities are limited due to the boundaries imposed by
tourism-driven motivations. In order to encourage future development, the Miss Samoa
pageant would need to prioritize locality as the paramount focus.

On the street dancing

According to Hickling street dance is a dance style that evolved outside dance
studios in any available open space such as streets, dance parties, block parties, parks,
school yards, raves, and nightclubs. A street dance is a vernacular dance in an urban
context.[1] Vernacular dances are often improvisational and social in nature, encouraging
interaction and contact with spectators and other dancers. These dances are a part of
the vernacular culture of the geographical area that they come from. Examples of street
dance include b-boying (or breakdancing), which originated in New York City.


This chapter presents the research design used, source data, locale and
population, instrument and data collection, validation, treatment of data, data
categorization, and ethical consideration and produces involved in the study.

Quantitative Research Design

The researchers used descriptive-correlational method as their design in this
study. This study was able to conduct a survey on the importance of Puto Festival in the
students at Calasiao Comprehensive National High School.

Source of Data
The one Hundred seventy-six (176) respondents of this quantitative study will be
randomly selected from Senior high school enrolled during the S.Y. 2019-2020 at
Calasiao Comprehensive National High School (CCNHS), Calasiao, Pangasinan. The
survey questionnaire-checklist will consider the respondents’ awareness and academic

Locale and Population

The target population of the research study was the Senior high school of
Calasiao Comprehensive National High School.
The survey will include 176 respondents from the 1,403 more total populations of
Senior High School Students. The researchers used purposive sampling for the
achievement of objectives and the researchers also choose the suitable respondents for
the accurate data and result acquired.
Validity and Reliability
According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary. “Validity is being at once relevant
and meaningful.” Validity is important for the questionnaires to be validated for the
connectivity of it to the study and answers what the study is seeking for. Validated
questionnaires make the questionnaires more efficient and reliable. The type of validity
would be content validity which means validating what’s with the questionnaire.
The criteria for the validation were written below for the guidelines in validating
the questionnaires.
1. Reliability
2. Clarity
3. Objectiveness
4. Comprehensiveness
5. Systematic

The rating scales for the criteria for judging are written numerically that
corresponds to its description.
1- Undecided: At least 20% of the items in the instrument are appropriate and relevant.
Revise totally the research instrument.
2- Strongly Disagree: At least 40% of the items in the instrument are appropriate and
3- Disagree: At least 60% of the items in the instrument are appropriate and relevant.
4- Agree: At least 80% of the items in the instrument are appropriate and relevant.
5- Strongly Agree: At least 100% of the items in the instrument are appropriate and
To get if the instruments are ready for the respondents, the Mean scale and its
Descriptive Equivalence was shown below.
Table 1
Mean Scale and its Descriptive Equivalence
Mean Scale Descriptive Equivalence
4.21 – 5.00 Extremely satisfied
3.41 – 4.20 Very satisfied
2.61 – 3.40 Moderately satisfied
1.81 – 2.60 Slightly satisfied
1.00 – 1.80 Not at all satisfied

If the instruments’ mean scale reached the mean of 2.61 which falls in good, then
the instrument is ready for the respondents.
They are shown below.
1. Engineers
2. Dean of College
3. Master’s in ICT
4. Professional Teachers

Sampling Technique
The researchers of this quantitative study will use probability sampling to select
the respondents by definition, probability, sampling technique in which sample is obtained
using some objective mechanism this involving randomization (Faltado 2016).
Instrumentation and Data Collection
In order to accomplish the study, the researchers will use Structured
Questionnaire-Checklist as the primary instrument to collect data that will be used in this
quantitative study. A structured questionnaire-checklist will be utilized to collect accurate
data and to assess the results if it corresponds to what the study is looking for.

Structured Questionnaire-Checklist. The researchers will be using Structured

Questionnaire-Checklist in order to collect specific data and to help assist the consistency
of the answers of the respondents.
And in order to gain essential information about the study, the researchers will
use other instruments:
Online Articles and Related Literature. The researchers utilized online articles and
literature in order to gain additional information that will help support the study.
Basic Personal Interview. The researchers will also gather information about the study
by asking professionals that are knowledgeable about the study being conducted.
Tools for Data Analysis
All gathered data will be interpreted and treated mathematically through
statistical tools for the analysis.
The researchers will use Percentage as a statistical tool for the percentages of
the importance of Humanities and Social Sciences among HUMSS students.
Percentage will also be used to determine how many students are not attending
their class regularly. Percentage is a frequency distribution statistical tool that displays
data of each or groupings of data component points are distributed to make up the total
“per hundred” expressed in % symbol.

It is a number or ratio of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign %. A
percentage is dimensionless number (pure number). Mathematically represented as
P = percentage equivalent
f = the total number of respondents
n = sample size
The researchers also will used Weighted Mean to determine the mean academic
performance of the respondents in their respected section. Moreover, the weighted
means of the academic performance of alcohol drinkers and non-alcohol drinker will be

Weighted Mean
Weighted Mean is a measurement of central tendency. It represents the average
of a given data. Weighted mean is similar to arithmetic mean or sample mean. It is
calculated when the data is given in a different way than the arithmetic mean or sample
mean where instead of each of the data points contributing equally to the final average,
some data points contribute more than others. Mathematically represented as


WM= Weighted Mean

TWF= Total of the products of weighted multiplied by their points of frequency
N= Total number of respondents

AWM = Average Weighted Mean
WM = Weighted Mean
N = Number of categories

To determine the weighted mean on the social programs and events of puto
festival in terms of music festival,, pageant and street dance the researchers will used a
five point scale

Table 2
On the Social Programs and Events of Puto Festival at Calasiao Pangasinan In terms of
Music Festival, Pageant, and Street Dance.
Scale Statistical Limit Description
5 4.21 – 5.00 Extremely satisfied
4 3.41 – 4.20 Very satisfied
3 2.61 – 3.40 Moderately satisfied
2 1.81 – 2.60 Slightly satisfied
1 1.00 – 1.80 Not at all satisfied

To determine the weighted mean on the importance of puto festival in terms of

Community, SHS Students. The researchers will use a five-point scale.

Table 3
On the Importance of Puto Festival
Scale Statistical Limit Description
5 4.21 – 5.00 Extremely important
4 3.41 – 4.20 Moderately important
3 2.61 – 3.40 Neutral
2 1.81 – 2.60 Slightly important
1 1.00 – 1.80 Not at all important

FREQUENCY. Frequency will be used to determine how many times a value is attained.
Collected data will be arranged in ascending order of magnitude with their corresponding
calculated frequencies are put on a frequency chart.

And lastly, CHI-SQUARE. This statistical tool is used to determine if there. This
tool was used to determine if there is a relationship between one or two categorical
This will study the relationship between the demographic profile of the
respondents and the importance to the students. And to compute for chi square value,
the following formula below is needed.
X2= Chi-Square Value
O= Observed frequency
E= Expected frequency
∑= summation

To make it easy, the researchers used the application or software specifically

SPSS in computing the weighting the mean, and analyzing the importance to the
students of CCNHS.


A Questionnaire-Checklist on the “Virtual Tour on the Puto Festival”

Direction: Kindly write or put a check (✓) on the space provided for the information
needed in this study. Rest assured that your responses will be treated with utmost
Part I. Demographic Profile
Personal Related Factor
 Age 15 below 16-18 19 above

 Sex Male Female

Part Il: level of satisfaction on the social programs and events of puto festival
Directions: Please read the questions carefully and put a check mark (✓) on the box of
your desired answer using the likert scale and descriptive rating, wherein (1) Not at all
satisfied, (2) Slightly satisfied, (3) Moderately satisfied, (4) Very satisfied, (5) Extremely
Put a check 1 2 3 4 5
1.Respondents perception on the image of puto mosaic?
2.Respondents perception on the pageant happen in puto festival?
3.Are you satisfied on the music festival happen in puto festival?
4. Are you satisfied on the bands that sings their own songs?
5.Are you satisfied on the contestants/dancers that join in the street

Part Ill: level of importance on the puto festival

Directions: Please read the questions carefully and put a check mark (✓) on the box of
your desired answer using the likert scale and descriptive rating, wherein (1) Not at all
important, (2) Slightly important, (3) Neutral, (4) Moderately important, (5) Extremely
Put a check 1 2 3 4 5
1.It is important that every community will participate?
2. It is important to the family to join in this festival?
3. It is important to the family to evaluate to this kind of festival?
4. It is important every community to belong in this festival
5. It is important to the family to know the policies of this festival if
they join the particular activities


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