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Gr 6 (English Home Language) Task 10 Term 3 2021





Total Marks : 50
Date : 23 September 2021
Examiner : Neusa Bowen

Ontwikkel deur Auxilio cc 1

Gr 6 (English Home Language) Task 10 Term 3 2021

Creative Writing: Research

Researching Fairy Tales

Choose one fairy tale from the list below. Research information about this fairy tale and
answer the questions that follow:

• Three Little Pigs

• Snow White
• Sleeping Beauty
• Puss in Boots
• Rumplestiltskin
• Hansel and Gretle

1. Who is the author of this fairy tale?


2. Make a list of four interesting facts you researched about this fairy tale.

__________________________________________________________________ (4)

3. Imagine that you find a phone belonging to a character from your chosen fairy tale.
Draw a selfie that one of your characters may have taken during an important moment
in the plot. Explain why you chose to feature this particular moment in the plot. Use
examples from your fairy tale to support your selfie.

Images: Reflections-on-Federal-Environmental-Policy.jpg (700×700) ( Last accessed 23 May 2021.

taking-a-very-nice-selfie-vector-id1140625973 (612×415) ( Last accessed 23 May 2021.

Ontwikkel deur Auxilio cc 2

Gr 6 (English Home Language) Task 10 Term 3 2021

_____________________________________________________________________ (3)
Resources used: (See below on how to reference)
NB! The basics of a Reference List entry for a Web page or Web document:

Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials. Year. Title (in italics). Publisher. Where there is a
corporate author, the publisher and author may be the same. Date viewed. Web address <in angled brackets>.

Cancer Council 2017, Causes of cancer, Cancer Council, viewed 21 May 2018, <>.


Ontwikkel deur Auxilio cc 3

Gr 6 (English Home Language) Task 10 Term 3 2021

Creative Writing
Writing a fractured fairy tale

Using the fairy tale you researched on pages 2-3, you will now write a fractured
fairy tale.

A fractured fairy tale is designed to be humorous by changing the story in an

unexpected way, altering characters, or adding a modern language and events.

• STEP 1: Think of a creative twist to put on this fairy tale. It is up to you how
you change the story, as long as there is a noticeable difference to the
original tale.

• STEP 2: Brainstorm how you will ‘fracture’ your chosen fairy tale on page 5.

• STEP 3: Write the rough draft of your fractured fairy tale on pages 6 - 8.

• STEP 4: Edit your fractured fairy tale for spelling/grammar using a green or red
coloured pencil.

• STEP 5: Write your neat copy of your fractured fairy tale on pages 8 - 10.

• STEP 6: End off with a colourful illustration of your fractured fairy tale on page

• Your fairy tale must have 160 – 170 words (6 – 8 paragraphs).

• You may use a dictionary to help you.

Image: key_art_fractured_fairy_tales.jpg (900×350) ( Last accessed 23 May 2021.

Ontwikkel deur Auxilio cc 4

Gr 6 (English Home Language) Task 10 Term 3 2021


Fairy tale: ____________________


Ontwikkel deur Auxilio cc 5

Gr 6 (English Home Language) Task 10 Term 3 2021
Rough Draft:

Fairy tale: ____________________________________________________






















Ontwikkel deur Auxilio cc 6

Gr 6 (English Home Language) Task 10 Term 3 2021

























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Gr 6 (English Home Language) Task 10 Term 3 2021





Word count:

Neat Copy:














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Gr 6 (English Home Language) Task 10 Term 3 2021
























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Gr 6 (English Home Language) Task 10 Term 3 2021












Word count:

Rubric for Writing a Fractured Fairy Tale

Ontwikkel deur Auxilio cc 10
Gr 6 (English Home Language) Task 10 Term 3 2021
CRITERIA 10 8–9 6-7 5 0-4 Mark

CONTENT The fairy tale is The story is The story The story rarely The story does not
captivating, exciting interesting and occasionally captures the capture the
and skillfully includes includes humour captures the reader’s interest. reader’s interest,
humour throughout. throughout. The reader’s interest, Some attempts humour is not
The story is clearly story is clearly told. and shows some at humour are evident, and the
and artfully told. successful evident but story is unclear.
attempts at unsuccessful.

SENTENCE Structure is Sentence structure Sentence structure Sentence Sentence structure

effectively and is consistently is generally structure often generally lacks
consistently controlled. controlled, but lacks control, control, and this
AND controlled. Sentence Sentence type and lapses may and this may often impedes

GRAMMAR type and sentence sentence length occasionally impede meaning. meaning. There is
length are are usually effective impede meaning. Sentence type no variation of
consistently effective and varied. Sentence type and and sentence sentence type or
and varied. Sentence Sentence sentence length length are rarely sentence length;
beginnings are beginnings are are sometimes effective or run-on sentences
consistently varied. often varied. effective and/or varied; run-on and/or sentence
varied. Some sentences fragments, if
variety of sentence and/or sentence present, severely
beginnings is fragments, if impede meaning.
evident. present, often There is no variety
impede meaning. of sentence
There is little beginnings.
variety of

SPELLING AND 0 – 5 errors. 6 – 10 errors. 11 – 15 errors 15 – 20 errors. More than 20

WRITING Followed all steps in Missing 1 step. Missing 2 steps. Missing 3 steps. Work is incomplete
the writing process. or not done.
-rough draft
-proof reading &
-Neat copy
-160 – 170 words


TOTAL: ____/40

Ontwikkel deur Auxilio cc 11

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