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Submitted for examination session of the Sarjana Pendidikan

Undergraduated Study Program, Departement of English Education


Khalil Gibran Ismail

Study Program: English Education


CONSULTATION FORM.................................................................................4
CHAPTER 1......................................................................................................5
1.1 Research Background................................................................................5
1.2 Research Problem......................................................................................9
1.3 Research Objective....................................................................................9
1.4 Research Significance................................................................................9
1.5 Research Scope........................................................................................10
CHAPTER 2....................................................................................................11
LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................11
2.1 Definition of Movie.................................................................................11
2.1.1 Element of Movie.....................................................................................12
2.2 Definition of Character............................................................................12
2.3 Kinds of Character...................................................................................13
2.3.1 Major and Minor......................................................................................13
2.3.2 Protagonist and Antagonist......................................................................14
2.3.3 Round and Flat.........................................................................................14
2.3.4 Definition of Characterization.................................................................15
2.3.5 Personality Traits Theory.........................................................................16
2.3.6 Introversion/Extraversion.........................................................................17
2.3.7 Neuroticism..............................................................................................17
2.3.8 Conscientiousness....................................................................................17
2.3.9 Openness to Experience...........................................................................18
2.3.10 Agreeableness........................................................................................18
CHAPTER 3....................................................................................................19
RESEARCH DESIGN....................................................................................19
3.1 Research Method......................................................................................19
3.2 Sources and kinds of data.........................................................................20
3.3 Research Instruments...............................................................................20
3.4 Techniques of Data Collection.................................................................22
3.5 Techniques of Data Analysis...................................................................22


1.1 Research Background

Currently, various types of literary works are developing rapidly. This is a

form of appreciation for literary works that appear in various forms. Along with

the rapid development of technology, literary works also get their influence, such

as literary works that use audio-visual media such as films. According to Farmer

(2007), Film is a picture of human life that is displayed in the form of refined

images through the roles of players in various scenes supported by background

music and visual effects. Films combine language, sound, and images into one

attractive display and considered as form of art and a source of entertainment.

(Krystal 2009).

Film is a literary work that attracts a lot of public interest and be a solution

for people to gain entertainment easily. According to Rabiger (2009), movie is a

kind of story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving pictures and shown

in a theater. Besides being able to be enjoyed well and feel more alive, movies or

film also very accessible either by watching them on various gadgets such as cell

phones, laptops, televisions or by directly enjoy at the cinema. A film can be

attractive if in the film includes basic elements such as: character, plots, setting and

theme of the story. These elements make a movie interesting and enjoyable to

watch. Because without these elements, the movie cannot be said as complex

movie. (Famela, 2011)

As narrated by Lawrence (2017) one of the central elements on the movie

is character. Character is an important element in the film production process.

Because there are no movies if there are no characters. Characters are personified

objects such as people, animals or objects that play a role or interaction in the

story. Abrams and Harpham (2011) argue that in movie, character can be defined

as the main character who plays a role in narrative or dramatic works. They can be

understood as someone who has good moral, intellectual and emotional qualities

by saying dialogue and doing actions.

Characters have a huge responsibility to deliver an amazing drama

performance. Characters contribute to bringing the audience into the emotions of

the cast and making the atmosphere of the movie feel real and alive. According to

Famela (2011), characters are often expressed through actions that offer clues to

the audience about their personality. This can be seen in the way they speak, their

behavior and gestures, and the way they respond to their co-stars when acting in

front of the camera. These are all intentionally presented to add a sense of reality

and make the performance look more alive and natural.

In the academic field, main characters on literature works such as movie,

novel or book are often used as research objects for dissertations or personal

research needs. This is proven by research conducted by Nur (2021) entitled

Characterization analysis of the main character in "hichki" movie shows that the

figure of Naina played by Mukherji in this film has several characters such as self-

confidence, firm stance, never give up, optimistic, creative, and a good teacher

figure and the dominant traits is optimistic. The second research that conducted by
Famela (2011), which the title is an analysis of main character on the movie

Amazing Grace directed by Michael Apted the figure of William Wilberforce is a

member of parliament in England who has a proactive and vocal attitude towards

the issues around him. William's is a handsome and loyal man. Beside of from

being a hard worker, William is also a brave and generous figure to those around

him. Even though William is described as people who like to share his wealth to

others. However, this figure has a financial deficiency. This evidence is proofed

from the results of the analysis that conducted by Famela shown that William

actuallly lives in poverty.

These two films analyse the main character in the film, where the main

character dominates the storyline in the film and the character is psychologically

healthy. However, in several previous research, the writer also found many studies

that examined characters who experienced mental disorders and were unhealthy in

terms of psychology. This is proven by research conducted by Putra (2013),which

the title “Pyschoanalytical analysis on hanibal lecter and buffalo bill character as

seen in the silence of the lambs and hannibal rising by Thomas Harris” where the

writer examined the characters in The Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal Rising

by Thomas Harris. The characters were intriguing to analyzed due to their

similarities as serial killers, as well as their differences in style. The analysis

focuses on the development of their psychological problems resulting from

childhood traumatic experiences. The writer employed a psychological approach

based on Sigmund Freud's. The text explores Anna Freud's proposed self-defence

mechanism and applies qualitative research using a descriptive method. The

analysis reveals that both Buffalo Bill, a traditional method serial killer, and

Hannibal Lecture, a sophisticated serial killer, utilize self-defence mechanisms to

achieve their goals.

Another research conducted by Gofur (2015), which the title

“Schinzophrenia on the main character of the shutter island film based on

Sigmund Freud psychoanalysis theory.” The analysis reveals that the main

character has a personality problem due to regression to primary narcissism and

becomes schizophrenic as a defence. The main character's discomfort with his

psychosexual stages during childhood may have contributed to this regression.

Schizophrenia has been associated with the early stage of oral development known

as primary narcissism, during which the ego has not yet separated from the id. The

main character in the story exhibits two symptoms of schizophrenia: delusions and

hallucinations. Despite the healing process almost succeeding, the character

continues to live in his fictional story and remains in a state of insanity.

Then the thesis researched by Maulanie (2011), “An analysis of Esters

Psychopath problem in orphan film viewed from psychoanalysis theory by

Sigmund Freud” this research analyse the main character in Orphan film as a

character with psychopathic problem. The study centers on the film Orphan as the

primary subject of analysis. The research method used is descriptive qualitative.

The aim is to identify the intrinsic and extrinsic elements of the film, including its

dialogues and scenes, followed by an analysis using Sigmund Freud's

psychoanalysis as the extrinsic element.

From these three studies, the author can conclude that the psychological

approach is one of the interesting topics to study. therefore, the author also wants

to research research that focuses on aspects of the psychological approach to the

main character in the film. one thing that is interesting to study using the

psychological approach is personality. Movie directors also use personality in

movie to build the characters role. In a movie, there are characters that have

different personality based on what director named. Personality traits are

descriptions of a person's tendency to think, feel and behave over time. They

indicate consistent emotional and behavioural patterns. According to Soto (2018),

personality trait is a consistent pattern of thinking, feeling, or behaviour that is

stable over time and across relevant situations.

In this research, the author tries to examine a movie about a person with

dementia or Alzheimer’s, where the sufferer has a different personality because his

brain has decreased thinking power and memory, so he often experiences

hallucinations which cause the sufferer to experience spontaneous and irregular

emotional changes., the researcher focuses to analyze the personality of the main

character in the father movie.

This movie is about an old man named Anthony (Anthony Hopkins). He

live in an apartment belong to his daughter, Anne (Olivia Colman). She has

several times hired a nurse to take care for and accompany her father. Anthony

always refused for various reasons. Anthony insisted that he could take care of

himself. This story is taken from the point of view of Anthony who suffers from

dementia so that the plot changes according to what is in Anthony’s mind. Many
oddities and strange things from the figure of anthony in his daily life. starting he

often hallucinated that the first child who had died was still alive and often visited

him every day. Then, Anthony also insisted on thinking that the apartment he was

living in belonged to him, when in fact the apartment belonged to his own

daughter, Anne. Anthony was also often rude and disrespectful to the nurse who

helped take care of him. But in some scenes of the movie, Anthony actually shows

that he is actually a friendly person and easily gets along with others. Directly,

Anthony shows two different personalities in himself.

To identify the true personality of Anthony, researcher will use the

personality traits theory commonly known as the big five factor. In order to

analyze the father characters, researcher adopted the theories formulated by

(Robert McCrae & Paul Costa, 2010). From the elaboration above, the researcher

is interested in conducting research entitled “AN ANALYSIS OF


1.2 Research Problem

Based on the discussion on the background of the study, the writer would like

to answer the following questions:

1. What are the personality trait appear on the main character of the father movie?

2. What are the dominant personality traits on the main character of the father


1.3 Research Objective

Based on the research problem above, this research is intended to obtain the

following objectives:

1. To find out the personality trait of the main character in “The father” movie

2. To find out about the most dominant personality trait appearing on the main

character in “The father” movie

1.4 Research Significance

The study is expected to be able to add the scientific treasures, especially in

the field of literature studies in analyzing character and characteristic in order to

make varieties. And the researcher hopes this thesis can be benefit for the readers.

Besides that, the research can assist advantageously for next researcher who would

like to conduct the research with similar case as additional reference in literature

1.5 Research Scope

1. To find out the personality traits of the main character in “The father” movie

2. To find out the most dominant personality trait theory of the big five appearing

on the main character in “The father” movie.



2.1 Definition of Movie

Movie is a media to express one's ideas and thoughts. These ideas can be

real or fictional. The purpose of a movie is to entertain the audience, educate and

also convey moral messages as well as inspire and motivate others. Movies are a

form of literature. Movies almost influence all aspects of life, because movie

storylines can contain the daily life of mankind, such as the future, horror, comedy,

history, fantasy and also romance. According to Kindem (2000) Film is a form of

entertainment that tells a story through the illusion of continuous movement,

sound, and a sequence of images.

Weston said (2003) "A film is a cinema or a moving picture, which is a

series of images projected onto a screen for the purpose of creating the illusion

description of the movement of life". The theory refers to film as a series of

moving images made by recording images taken with a camera or creating images

using visual effects animation techniques.

2.1.1 Element of movie

The film comprises several elements: theme, storyline, characters, and

setting. A story can be based on fact, fiction, or tradition, and an author creates a tale

about something that happened. Barsam and Monahan (2016) refer to a movie story

as a scenario. The film's plot includes all the events that happen in the story, whether

or not they are shown on screen.

2.2 Definition of Character

A character is a person deliberately created in a work of narrative where

he or she is tasked with conveying their personal qualities through dialog and

action by which the audience can understand their personality, feelings, thoughts

and motives (Uvic, 2010). According to (Hunter, 2002) a person who appears,

acts, was called to play a role in literature also called character. All film characters

support each other and without character, there is no story. With character, the

author conveys his purpose to people through thoughts, actions, and words of

character. Character development is very important in character-driven literature,

where stories focus on individual personalities rather than events.

According to Gill (2011), character is figures that hold an important role,

dominant and high intensity in each conflict that builds a story, and they will also

usually be complex and fully developed. A character is a person created for a work

of fiction. Each character has distinct characteristics that are implied through their

moral truths and personality values. Character in literature is an extended verbal

expression of man the being that determines thoughts, speech and actions,
especially the inner self. From the above definition, the author concludes that a

character is an elaborate description of a person's form, especially the inner self

that determines tought, dialog, action and commentary.

2.3 Kinds of Character

According to Beaty (2002), Character in fiction can be classified a major

and minor, static and dynamic. A major character is an important figure at the

center of the story’s action and theme. Usually, a character’s status as major and

minor is clear. On occasion however, not one but two characters may dominate a

story, their relationship being what matters most.

2.3.1 Major and Minor

According to Staff (2020), the mayor role of the story is the main

character who is the focus of the main plot and the characters surrounding the

various subplots. Supporting characters consist of all the other characters in the

story that is not particularly important. Pope (2005), states Minor characters

usually serve a purpose as a plot device or part of the setting, and once that

purpose is achieved, readers usually don't expect to see them again, whereas

readers always expect to see the main character until the conflict is resolved. Based

on the expert opinion above, a major character is someone who has a big role and

impact in the development of the story. Meanwhile, a minor character is a

character whose role is to support the role of the major character. Minor characters

only play a role and contribute to the development of the storyline. (Feri, 2014).
2.3.2 Protagonist and Antagonist

In the storyline of a movie or novel, there are always good characters and

those who play the role of bad characters. A protagonist is an individual in the story

who always prioritizes truth and honesty. In other words, the protagonist can be

referred to as the good character in the drama. Meanwhile, antagonists are

individuals who are the opposite of the protagonist. Those who are opposed to

honesty, truth, and other bad characters in the drama are defined as antagonists.

According to Baram (2018), a protagonist is one of the characters in a story, novel, play, or

other literary work, a character who resonates with the reader or audience the villain versus

the main character. In its most basic narrative, it focuses on the bad guys versus the good

guys: Luke Skywalker versus Darth Vadar in the first Star Wars movie, for example. The

main character or protagonist not only serves as the center of action in the storyline, but also

serves as the author's concern in writing the storyline.

An antagonist is a character or faction that the protagonist is fighting

against. Antagonists can be main characters divided against other characters,

cultures, laws or traditions, elements of nature, or themselves. Abraham (2009)

argues that, the antagonist is the most visible character whose role is opposite to

the protagonist. In a movie, the antagonist is often depicted as a villain who tries to

defeat the hero. So, it can be concluded that an antagonist is a character who plays

a role opposite to the protagonist.

2.3.3 Round and Flat

According to Shelley (2006), the round character is frequently depicted as

a conflicted and contradictory individual who changes their behavior or point of

view throughout the course of the narrative. The main characters in a tale are
typically round. They are fairly completely developed by the author and exhibit

many realistic traits. The round character exhibits a variety of distinctive and

unexpected human characteristics; they are regarded as dynamic because they

have the ability to develop and change. (Kasnadi, 2015).

Feist (2008) the flat character does not experience a significant change in

the narrative or a shift in behavior or point of view. Flat characters are those who

embody or represent just one quality, trait, or concept, or at most a very small

selection of these attributes. In other words, they lack the ability to develop and

change, making them static rather than dynamic likes a round figure. Throughout

the performance, they remain the same or do not grow. (Zahroni,2016)

2.3.4 Definition of Characterization

Characterization is the way to create the image of character, then the

portray of characterization can be seen by the action of character, the statement of

character, the thought of character, the physical of character and what the

character says and thought about himself or herself. Priyadi (2009) says

characterization is the representation of a person in a story or work. This includes direct

methods such as giving attributes to descriptions and comments, and indirect methods that

invite readers to infer characteristics from characters, plots, stories, language, or

appearance includes a method. According to Minderop (2005), Characterization is the

process of conveying information about a character in a story, dramatic artwork, or

everyday dialogue.

Characterization is the process of conveying information about characters

in narrative or dramatic works of art or everyday conversation. Characters may be

presented by means of description, through their actions, speech, or thoughts

(Emely, 2010). Characters can be represented in the following descriptive forms

through their actions, speech, or thoughts. According to Meyer (2005),

characterization is representation of person in narrative and dramatic works. This

may include direct method like the attributions of qualities in description or

commentary and direct or dramatic method to invite readers to infer qualities from

characters, actions, speech, or appearances

2.3.5 Psychological Approach

Psychoanalysis is a modern theory used in English literature. The aim of

psychoanalysis is to investigate the mystery behind human thoughts and activity.

Psychological approach also applied in film studies to conduct psychoanalysis on films.

Psychologists adopt various perspectives when attempting to understand human behaviour

and allows us to understand the Personality and how it is developed. According to McLoyd

and Smith (2002), Psychological approach in literature is an approach that analyses the work

of a writer or character through a psychological lens. This approach uses theories and

concepts from psychology, such as psychoanalysis and behavioral psychology, in the

analysis of literary works. The focus of psychological is often on the motivations, desires,

and conflicts of the characters, and how they are reflected in the structure and themes of the

work. (Swets & Monahan 2000)

2.3.6 Personality Traits Theory

Caspi and Roberts (2005), states that the word personality comes from the

Latin word persona, meaning “Mask” just as mask distinguished one character

from another. Your personality distinguishes you from other people. Personality

refers to distinctive thoughts, emotions and behaviors that characterize the way an

individual adapts to the world (Helson 2004).

Personality is a form of behavior that is shown by a person as a form of

self-introduction that is influenced by customs and culture in the environment

where humans live and interact (Mayer, 2005). Edward and Richard (2018) argued

that people distinctive thought, feeling, and behavior patterns are reflected in their

personality traits. Consistency and stability are implied by personality qualities; a

person with a high score in a particular trait. To analyze the character of Anthony

Hopkins in The Father Movies, researchers adopted a theory formulated by Robert

McCrae and Paul Costa. ( 2009) Introversion/Extraversion

Introversion/Extroversion defines where a person's energy is directed.

Introversion means that a person's energy is directed inward. These include strict,

trustworthy, calm, or controlled. In all these qualities the energy is directed inward.

Extraversion means that a person's energy is directed outward. These include

calmness, vigor, or excitability, all qualities that direct energy outwards. (McCrae

& Costa, 2000) Introverts tend to focus on their own thoughts and feelings rather

than external factors. They derive energy from introspection and lose energy from

socialising. Meanwhile extroversion, also known as being outgoing, is a

personality trait that is characterised by being outgoing, energetic and talkative.

They are often described as vibrant, energetic and positive. They tend to enjoy

human interaction. They are enthusiastic, assertive and sociable. A movie

character that is very similar to the extroversion personality is mowgli in Jungle

Book movie in 2016. Neuroticism

Neuroticism is a personality term for someone who tends to have

emotional stability. People with high neuroticism are easily distracted, moody,

stressed, irritable, and often anxious. On the other hand, people with low

neuroticism tend to be more relaxed and calmer, emotionally stable, and avoid bad

thoughts. (Mc Crae & Costa, 2002). Individuals high in neuroticism tend to be

more prone to negative feelings such as anxiety, fear, sadness and anger. They

tend to be more easily distracted by life stresses and changes, and tend to respond

excessively to challenging situations. For example, older people who have senile

dementia or alzheimer's disease are prone to fear and anxiety because of their high

neuroticism scores. Conversely, people who have low neuroticism scores will be

more confident, full of optimism and less anxious and sad (Meng, 2012). This can

be seen in extroverted individuals who tend to socialise easily with others. A

movie character who closely resembles the personality of neuroticism is aya akito

in the movie 1 litre of tears 2005 Conscientiousness

Conscientiousness is the degree of organization, self-control, and

persistence a person shows in pursuing goals. Conscientiousness (high C) people

tend to be hardworking, ambitious and driving. No conscientious (low C) people

tend to be shiftless, negligent, and pleasure-seeking (Costa and Mc Crae,2006).

Conscientiousness is a fundamental personality trait that encompasses diligence,

responsibility, and carefulness. Conscientious individuals are often more efficient

and organised than relaxed and disorganised. Individuals who are able to pursue

and achieve their goals demonstrate self-discipline and self-control. People who

have conscientiousness traits usually have personal characteristics that are strict

and obedient to the rules. They like to take care of themselves such as regular

exercise, getting enough sleep and a healthy diet. They like things to be structured

and organized. They are also known to be hardworking and painstaking with their

work. A movie character similar to this character is Bruce, in the 2003 movie

Bruce Almighy. Openness to Experience

People with a high openness to experience have broad insight, like

entertainment, engage in creative occupations or hobbies, and love meeting new

people. People with poor openness dislike interacting with others, dislike

congested environments, and are less receptive to their surroundings. (Weis and

Costa, 2005). People who score high on the Openness dimension are seen as being

open to new experiences. They tend to be curious, have a sense of adventure and a

love of learning. They are also more likely to want to try new things and to be

broadminded. Openness is associated with a moderate positive relationship with

Creativity, Intelligence and Knowledge. In contrast, those with a lower score for

openness were considered to be more closed to new experiences. They tend to be

conventional and traditional in their outlook and attitudes, preferring familiar

routines to new experiences and generally having more narrowly defined areas of

interest. A movie character who has the value of Openness to Experience is ethan

hunt in the movie Mission Impossible. Agreeableness

Agreeableness is the tendency to be sympathetic and cooperative with

others instead of being suspicious and hostile. This trait reflects individual

differences in overall interest in social harmony. Good natured people value

getting along with others. (Costa, 1999). According Mc Crae and Costa (2005),

they are generally caring, kind, generous, helpful, and willing to compromise

interests with others. People who score high on agreeableness tend to be

empathetic and altruistic, while those scoring low tend to behave selfishly and lack

empathy. According to Sibley and Duckitt (2008), People who are high in

agreeableness are more trusting, more affectionate, more altruistic, and in general

show more pro-social behaviour than others. They are less likely to focus on

themselves and more likely to focus on the common good. They are quick to

empathise with others and have respect for others.

2.3.7 Related Previous studies

the thesis that examines the main character is an interesting topic to study. this is

evidenced by the 7 theses that are indeed focused on the analysis of the main character in

literary works. the seven theses have similarities and differences with the thesis that belongs

to the author.

The first research was conducted by Tiara Nur Fitria (2021) entitled

"Characterization analysis of the main character in hichki". This film both analyzes

the main character in the film who has health problems where the main character has
Tourette syndrome. the research conducted by Fitria also uses qualitative descriptive

methods. The difference between this research and the research conducted by the

author is that this research is on characterization while the author focuses on self-

personality. This research also focuses on analyzing moral messages in the film.

Different from the first study, in this second study the author looked at

research conducted by Famela (2011) entitled "Analysis of main character on the

movie Amazing Grace by Michael Apted". This study analyzes a different film from

the author and focuses on characterization. However, the similarity is that this film

uses descriptive qualitative research methods and focuses on the main character in

the film as a research subject.

The third study entitled "Analysis of the Main Character in the Bruce

Almighty Movie Viewed from the Theory of Personality Traits by Costa and McCrae"

conducted by Faisal (2011). this study contains research on personality analysis of

the main character in the film using the Big Five theory popularized by McCrae and

Costa as a research parameter. the similarity between this study and the research that

the author did was that this study both wanted to find the most dominant personality

of the main character seen through the Big Five theory. This research uses the same

descriptive qualitative method. but the difference is that this research examines the

characters in different films. Then, research conducted by Dwi Sakti Manggalasari

(2018) entitled "An analysis of the character of forrest gump movie by robert

zemeckis viewed from big five personality traits theory" also uses the same

descriptive qualitative method, using the Big Five theory but analyzing different

movie titles.
The fifth research conducted by Nailul Fauziyah (2018) with the title

"Pyscological analysis of the main character personality in Go ask Alice novel".

different from some previous studies that analyzed films, this study analyzed the

main character in the phenomenal novel Go ask Alice. However, this study also uses

the Big Five theory as a research parameter. The sixth study entitled "Personality

traits: Analysis of main character in Cinderella movie by Disney" conducted by

Okani Mentari (2019). this research uses descriptive qualitative research methods but

in the movie Cinderalla.

The seventh study, writer found research conducted by Nursalma Gultom

entitled "An analysis of main character conflict in "1917" movie" this research also

uses qualitative descriptive methods but focuses on analyzing conflicts that occur

between the main character and supporting characters in the film.



3.1 Research Method

In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative to describe the

main character in the father movie using scientific explanations in order to answer

the questions concerning on the topic. Cresswell (2014) states that qualitative

research is an approach for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals

or groups and describing to a social or human problem the process of research

involves emerging questions and procedures, data typically collected in the

participants setting, data analysis inductively building from particulars to general

themes, and the researcher making interpretations of the meaning of the data.


According to Vanderstoep and Jhonson (2009), qualitative descriptive

research is a research method that focuses on explaining a process or event

chronologically and systematically as well as describing and evaluating cases

based on data obtained from observation. With qualitative research, the subject

being examined can be more fully described.

Furthermore, Desconbe (2007) states that qualitative researchers

independently get data by looking at documents, observing behavior, or speaking

with persons. Although they may employ a protocol or other tool to collect data, it

is the researchers who do the actual data collection. According to Surakhmad

(2004), include, finding, gathering, categorizing, evaluating, and interpreting the

data before drawing conclusions. In this study, the researcher attempts to

characterize the facts regarding the study's object, which are main character ideals,

by using the descriptive

In addition, Hornby (2005) explains data is defined as any information or

facts that is used in deciding and discussing something. According to Arikunto

(2010), the source of data in the study in subjects from which the data can be

obtained. The researcher used The Father movie 2021 directed by Florian zeller as

well as a film transcript that was downloaded from the internet, to conduct this

study. The data of this study are all the words and action or appearance which is

found in movie “The Father”.

3.2 Sources and kinds of data

According to Bull (2015), data are facts or information that may be evaluated.

Data is divided into numerous types, including behavior, word, statistics data,

photographs, and written documents (Lexy, 2002). The researcher used "The father,”

2021 film, as primary data, and a film transcript, which was retrieved from the

internet, as secondary data, to perform this analysis. The data for this study is in the

form of discussions about the personality traits of the main character in the film.

3.3 Research Instruments

The research instrument functions as a tool in gathering the data which

further assists the process of the data collection to provide the answer for the

research question (Roberts & Stone, 2003). The Instrument of the research is the
researcher himself by watching the film, reading the script and whole subtitle of

the film. To examine the theory that occurs in the main character of the father,

Researchers analyzed personality traits in the film The Father by making

instrument charts. The instrument could be seen on the Appendix at last of


According to Richard (1995), character is someone in literary work who

has some sort identity which is made up by appearance, conversation, action,

name, and possibly thoughts going in the head. The next step, the researcher

analyzes each element with the personality trait theory proposed by McCrae and

Costa, namely openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and

neuroticism that appear in every character aspect which Richard (1995) mentioned


Tabel 1. Data display of Personality traits in The Father Movie

Data Personality traits theory by McCrae and Costa

Scene and Time

Extraversion Openness to Conscien Agreeableness
experience tiousness

Datum: Data Number
O: Openness to experience
C: Conscientiousness
E: Extraversion
A: Agreeableness
N: Neuroticism
Researcher saw which of the five traits were the most dominant in the

character of Antony Hopkins have based on his appearance, conversation, action,

name, and possible thought that going to head on the Father movie.

3.4 Techniques of Data Collection

Data collection method is the way to collect data used in this research.

Method of data collection is very important part in any form of research.

Creswell (2008) explains that “Data collection is a series of interrelated activities

aimed at gathering good information to answer emerging research questions”.

States there are three methods of collecting the data. They are observation,

interview, and documentation method. In this study, the researcher chose

documentation method to get the data. Because, the researcher uses the script of

the movie as the object of collecting or getting the data. In doing this research,

the researcher takes the data from watching the movie and reading the script of

“The Father” movie.

3.5 Techniques of Data Analysis

Ary (2005: 465) states that data analysis is the process whereby

researchers systematically search and arrange the data in order to increase their

understanding of the data and to enable them to present what they learned to

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for the purpose of understanding deeply about the movie script.

3. Identifying the personality traits. To identify the personality traits, the

researcher read the dialogue, and observe every scene which contains

personality traits, then the researcher classifies the findings according to the

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