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Marketing Management

Tutor-marked Assignment 2 (TMA2 20%)

Submission Date: 29 Oct 2011

Tutor-marked Assignment 2
Instructions 1. TMA 2 covers Unit 1,2,3 and 4. 2. TMA 2 carries a weightage of 20% of your final total marks 3. The assignment should be typed using Times New Roman, font size 12 and double spaced, approximately 4,000 words. 4. The deadline for the submission of TMA 2 is 10 September 2011. A softcopy of your assignment in MS Word should be submitted via Online Assignment Submission System. 5. No assignment will be accepted after the deadline (except for cases with granted extension).

Tutor marked Assignment Two: Marketing Strategy Analysis

The purpose of this exercise is to study a given marketing strategy and diagnose it as to the concepts and applications of marketing that you have studied in this course. Doing such a diagnosis will enable you to see better how the course ideas apply in real time, and to understand the fit among various marketing dimensions and functions that you studied. The paper will be no longer than 15 pages, excluding appendices (double spaced, 12 point font, with 1 margins), with no more than 4000 words. Students may choose any TELECOMMUNICATION company in Malaysia. In view of the high competition for mobile broadband services, you have been hired as an external consultant by the president of your chosen organisation to provide a report analysing the current situation and make recommendations for improving the marketing strategy of the organisation. Do not get involved in overall corporate mission or strategy. Concern yourself with marketing issues that impact marketing effectiveness. You will need to consider the following when collecting your data: The marketing environment of the chosen organisation The marketing organisation Product mix Pricing mix and strategy Distribution strategy Marketing communication strategy

You may select a specific mobile broadband service of the organizations marketing activity. You are expected to critically analyse the strategy in terms of its effectiveness and point out weaknesses or gaps if any, perceived by you and to present your recommendations for the improvement of the same. It is expected that you will synthesise conceptual models and ideas into your analysis.

The marking scheme for this assignment is as follows: Report structure, written presentation and referencing Knowledge and concept of marketing Investigative research skills shown, analysis done and synthesis with other knowledge and study courses. Evidence of wise use of the Internet Solution of the task set and strength of arguments Overall impression of quality and excellence Total

5% 20% 20%

50% 5% 100%

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