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H.T.NO: ***


Department of Business Administration

(Affiliated to Osmania University)
Aurora’s PG College , PEERZADIGUDA
Department of Management


Title of the Project : WORK LIFE BALANCE


Hall Ticket Number : ***

Signature of the Student :

Signature of the Guide :

. No. CONTENTS Page No





Maintaining a balance between work life and personal life is called Work Life
Balance. The meaning of work/life balance has chameleon characteristics. It means different
things to different groups, and the meaning often depends on the context of the conversation
and the speaker's viewpoint. The following are working definitions of terms used regarding
work/life balance; some definitions overlap and some are continuing to evolve.

It is a term more frequently used in the past than today. The current trend is to use
titles that include the phrase work/life, giving a broader work/life connotation or labeling
referring to specific areas of support (e.g., quality of life, flexible work options, life balance,

Work/family conflict
Work/family conflict is a push and pulls between work and family responsibilities.

Work/life balance from the employee viewpoint

It is a dilemma of managing work obligations and personal/family responsibilities.

Work/life balance from the employer viewpoint

Work/life is the challenge of creating a supportive company culture where employees
can focus on their jobs while at work.
Family-friendly benefits
The benefits that offer employees the latitude to address their personal and family
commitments, while at the same time not compromising their work responsibilities.

Work/life programs
This programs (often financial or time-related) established by an employer that offer
employees options to address work and personal responsibilities.
Work/life initiatives
This policies and procedures established by an organization with the goal to enable
employees to get their jobs done and at the same time provide flexibility to handle
personal/family concerns.

Work/family culture

It is the extent to which an organization's culture acknowledges and respects the

family responsibilities and obligations of its employees and encourages management and
employees to work together to meet their personal and work needs.


When you have balance you are

 Satisfied with your work and home lives.
 Able to fulfill your responsibilities without guilt or regret.
 Healthy physically and emotionally.
 In control of your life

Loss of balance may cause you to

 Miss work more often and not be as productive at work.
 Your involvement in the community may go down.
Changing &Increasing work pressures
A decade back, employees used to have fixed working hours or rather a 9 to 5 job
from Monday to Friday. The boundary between the work and home has disappeared with
time. But with globalization and people working across countries, the concept of fixed
working hours is fading away. Instead of just 7 or 8 a day, people are spending as much as
12-16 hours every day in office.

The technological blessings like e-mail, text messaging and cell phones which were
thought of as tools to connect them to their work being away from their workplace, have
actually integrated their personal and professional lives. Now professionals find themselves
working even when they are on vacations.

The ever-increasing working hours leave the individuals with less time for themselves
and to pursue his hobbies or leisure activities. This hinders the growth of the person as an
individual in terms of his personal and spiritual growth. Professionals working in the BPO
industry, doctors and nurses and especially IT professionals are the few examples who are
facing the brunt of the hazard constantly.

Reasons of imbalance:
There are various reasons for this imbalance and conflicts in the life of an employee.
From individual career ambitions to pressure to cope up with family or work, the reasons can
be situation and individual specific. The speed of advancement of information technology,
the increasing competition in the talent supply market has led to a "performance-driven"
culture creating pressures and expectations to performance more and better every time. Also,
many a times, many people find it difficult to say "NO" to others especially their superiors.
They usually end up over burdening themselves with work. The increasing responsibilities on
the personal front with age can also create stress on personal and professional fronts.
There was a time when employees showed up for work Monday through Friday and
worked eight- to nine-hour days. The boundaries between work and home were fairly clear
then. But the world has changed and, unfortunately, the boundaries have blurred for many
workers. The main reasons are:

Global economy
As more skilled workers enter the global labor market and companies outsource or
move more jobs to reduce labor costs, people feel pressured to work longer and produce
more just to protect their jobs.

International business

Work continues around the world 24 hours a day for some people. If you work in an
international organization, you might be on call around the clock for troubleshooting or

Advanced communication technology

Many people now have the ability to work anywhere — from their home, from their
car and even on vacation. And some managers expect this.

Longer hours

Employers commonly ask employees to work longer hours than they're scheduled.
Often, overtime is mandatory. If you hope to move up the career ladder, you may find
yourself regularly working more than 40 hours a week to achieve and exceed expectations.

Changes in family roles

Today’s married worker is typically part of a dual-career couple, which makes it

difficult to find time to meet commitments to family, friends and community.

Constant struggle and effort to maintain a balance between the work and personal
life can have serious implications on the life of an individual. According to a survey, 81 per
cent of the respondents have admitted that their jobs are affecting and creating stress in their
personal lives. The pressures of the work or personal life can lead to stress. According to
studies, it has been found to that such situation can take a toll on the person's health both
physiologically and psychologically. Heart ailments, cardiovascular problems, sleep
disorders, depression, irritability, jumpiness, insecurity, poor concentration and even
nervous breakdowns are becoming common among the victims of such imbalance. Pressure,
stress or tension in work life can lead to bad social life and vice versa.

ACCENTURE believes in the power of “resourceful humans”. People are primary source of
competitive advantage and they help to drive the growth in a planned and efficient manner.
ACCENTURE work’s towards developing a culture that attracts people with
multidimensional experiences and skills.

The developers of ACCENTURE take great pride in building world-class projects. Such
sense of pride cultivates belongingness and affinity at ACCENTURE. As a result many of the
developers like to stay with the company for long periods of time improving the retention
rates as one of the highest in the industry.

ACCENTURE hire’s and train high end project resource (man power), as building a
project requires proper generalization, flexible design, the training and team environment
ensure that they can think through all aspects of the problem being solved by building
flexible architectures.

Building projects for highly competitive environments require development teams that can
properly match that intensity. To ensure that people who join this firm have the right mix of
attitude, values and skill sets compatible with ACCENTURE’s culture, it follows a rigorous
hiring procedure.

The selection procedures involve a thorough psychometric testing, and skill based
interviews, which reduce the subjectivity of the process. Using metrics and measurements
regularly, like cost per hire, source distribution, staffing efficiency ratio etc. Helps the
firm to maintain the quality of selection process. The parameters for selection extend to both
hiring from campus, as well as lateral hiring.

In addition to acquisition of talent, ACCENTURE also laid special emphasis on development

of talent through knowledge sharing activities, well-defined career path, and career
development plans. Apart from this – competitive pay, a well-outlined induction and
orientation program, immediate rewards and recognition, open channels of
communication, and a participative environment have led to the best resources being with
them for a period of 15 yrs and above.

ACCENTURE’s employees are responsible for its growth by leaps and bounds year after
year. Thus, talent management is an important and critical activity for us. Organization
provides an intellectually stimulating and meaningful work environment, ample opportunities
to learn and grow, and a sense of belongingness, which challenges, motivates and inspires
each ACCENTURE-ite to achieve beyond potential.


The study covers the various aspects in employee work life Balance and measured increase in
productivity accountability, commitment better team work and communication improved
morale, less negative organizational stress.


 To find out reasons for work life balance in ACCENTURE.
 To Find out effective of work life balance in ACCENTURE.
 To find out improve work life balance in ACCENTURE
 To gain an insight in to current work time policies and practices, as well as work
life balance issues in ACCENTURE.

 To complement existing foundation data and research on working time largely

based on surveys of individual workers and on literature reviews in


The present study concentrates deeply in “Employee Work Life Balance” which
refers to how the employees are balancing the work as well as life. The concept of
“Employee Work Life Balance” is flexible and elastic and differs widely with time, industry,
social values, degree of industrialization, it is also moulded according to age-group, gender,
social-culture, marital, economic status, and educational level of employees.


 Even though the concept of Organizational Commitment maybe an universally

applicable concept, by nature of present study, it has got only a limited scope with
reference to the organization studied.

 Further the researcher has limited the scope of the study only up to the
conforming the association between personal variables and organizational
commitment, even though the scope for higher level analysis is possible.

 The busy work schedule of the employees was a constraint for the study.


Research is an art of scientific investigation. Research comprises defining and redefining

problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and
evaluating data, making deduction and reaching conclusions and at last carefully testing the
conclusion to determine whether they formulating hypothesis.
Methodology: The Study is about the work life balance in an Organization. It deals with the
title of the study, need of the study, objectives & Scope of study.
Title of the Study: The study is titled as “WORK LIFE BALANCE” at ACCENTURE
Infrastructures & Projects Limited, Hyderabad.

Data is collected from primary and secondary sources.

Collection of the data is of primary importance in the research process. Data which is
collected for the purpose of research helps in proper analysis which is helpful to conduct
research effectively. The data source, which is very important in the collection of data, is
primary data and secondary data.
Both primary and secondary data are taken into consideration for the study of HR Practices
followed by ACCENTURE.

Primary Data: This consists of original information gathered for specific purpose. The
normal procedure is by interacting with the people individually and/ or in a group, to get the
required data.

Secondary Data: This consists of the information that already exists somewhere, either in
some Annual Records or Magazines etc, having been collected for other purpose. Here the
researcher has both primary as well as secondary data.

Survey Approach:

The questionnaire was administered through direct contact with respondents.

1. Sample Size & Sampling Technique:
The study covers a sample of employees of ACCENTURE Infrastructures & Projects
Ltd. The Respondents were selected on a Sample Random basis from the following
categories of the employees,
a) Senior managers / Senior Engineers
b) Deputy Managers
c) Junior Officers / Junior Engineers
d) Assistants

Statistical Tool: Sample percentage

Sample Variety: Respondents are mostly selected from the Executives and Non Executives.
So the Sample Size is limited to 50 due to availability and the busy schedule of the
Sampling Procedure: The sampling method used is Random Sampling. This sampling
Method is used because the respondents were selected randomly. The sampling unit selected
mostly from Executives and non executives. The sample size is fixed to 50 respondents; the
sampling procedure is response from the respondents.
Statistical Tool: In this research various percentages were identified in the analysis and these
were presented pictorially by the pie charts in order to have a better quality.

Questionnaire Design: A structured questionnaire was designed consisting of close-ended

questions and were distributed to the respondents personally to get their responses.

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