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EE 220: Signals and Systems

Q. 1) Consider a causal LTI system with frequency response

H( jω) =
jω + 3

For a particular input x(t) this system is observed to produce the output

y(t) = e−3t u(t) − e−4t u(t)

Determine x(t).

Q. 2) Find the Fourier Transform of the following signals.

A cos T t , |t| < T/4

 2π
(a) A cosine window x(t) = 

0 , elsewhere

(b) A Gaussian pulse x(t) = e−t .

Q 3.) Find the frequency response of the system defined by the differential equation,

d2 d d
y(t) + 2 y(t) = x(t) + 4x(t)
dt dt dt

Also, find the impulse response of the system.

Q. 4) Let x(t) be a signal whose Fourier Transform is X( jω) = δ(ω) + δ(ω − π) + δ(ω − 5) and
let h(t) = u(t) − u(t − 2).
(a) Is x(t) periodic?
(b) Is x(t) ∗ h(t) periodic?
(c) Can the convolution of two aperiodic signals be periodic?

Q. 5) Let x(t) be a real signal with FT X( jω). Suppose we are given the following,
(a) x(t) is real.
(b) x(t) = 0 for t ≤ 0.
(c) 2π −∞
Re {X( jω)} e jωt dω = |t|e−|t| .
Determine the closed form expression for x(t).

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