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嚷薄 擞 觯 黢 冁 骧 遨 簿 辘 .钿 鼹 擒 潮
谶 |ma鼬

:.i罹 曦鑫聃扩IC捋 噻抵翻m.譬 酶牺§JI勰 鞍聃嬖邋∷ 泅u葱 汹 瞒 鎏s钅 :蔡 m觯 巍擞逮
嗲『 嘁巍 窖了露@已 以
繁躐 锪
嬲 Iw斌 ud狎 nd赞 DFM|据 曲 imgtm搬

地址 :中 国¨
湖南 自由贸易试验 区长沙片 区高桥 中非经贸合作促进创新示范园 6楼 6066
Address: Chi鼢 aoAfrica EconorniC an喵 1・ rad舍 Cooperation Rese届 rch Association in 《
3aoqi串 o、 IRoom 6066` Yuhua oistrict、
Changsha City`拭 unan provi南 ce`Chi角 a
Te1.】 00861客 787繁 盘4164 Eˉ m意 涵:2034882001姬 少泽
W塑 .垫 堕垫型y型 型~匹 £kmChi垒 ELEom


抿e人阏anaging P「 esent`
Phoeni× Mining LTD

Dea「 Sir
l write to c.onVey o1】 r acceptgnce of your tFansaction procedure for the purchase
of your Electrolytic copper(Quality 99。 95%-99.97%).l hereby confirm that we
have the capacity and we are ready and willing tO Purchase the 3000`000h阀 t one
year. Our cornpany has also taken due cognizance of ali the procedure stated
therein in the transaction prOcedures。 lt is in this respect t抿 at we are forrnally
sending you this our LETER OF ACCEPTANCE。
VVe like to nssure Vou that our cornpany is ready to sign a long and lasting
business re|ationship 、 lpany at the right business environrnent。
^/ith your con・
Consequently we mppreciate if you can for`″ ard to us your PURCHA‘ SE
A.GREEⅣ IENˉr for our consideration to enable us cornrnence and enter into
business transaction with your cornpany.
OuFi雷 ntendin is扌呐 uangpu POFt`Shgnghai port or嗫 λ
ing憾 ao port。
Kindly acce f our best regards。

Chongsha ience and Technoiogy Co (sAwlCH)

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