Question Bank For CSIT140

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Question Bank for CSIT140 ( Programming in C)

Short Answer Type Questions

1.List the differences between RAM and ROM.

2.Discuss about the usage of logical operators in C with example.
3.Discuss the working principle of for loop with an example.
4.Identify the differences between call by value and call by reference.
5.Identify the usage of structure in C.
6.List the functions of operating system.
7.Discuss about the usage of relational operators in C.
8.Discuss the working principle of while loop with an example.
9.Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using functions in C.
10.Identify the differences between integer,float and character pointers in C.
11.Discuss about different data types used in C with an example of each.
12.Identify the differences between compiler and interpreter.
13.Describe the working principle of if-else if-else with an example.
14.Write a user defined function and call it from main to demonstrate its working principle.
15.Discuss about array of pointers in C with an example.
16. Discuss about logical operators and ternary operators with example.
17. Write the advantages and disadvantages of macro over fionction.
18.Write the differences between loader and linker.
19. Differentiate between static and automatic storage class in C.
20. Differentiate between recursion and iteration.

Long Answer Type Questions

1.Write a program to display all the prime numbers from 1 to 100.

2.Illustrate working principle of recursion with a program.
3.Write a program that will calculate the summation of two 3 by 2 matrices.
4.Illustrate the working principle of macro in C using a program.
5.Demonstrate the working principle of 2D array in C with a program.
6.Write a program that will print the Fibonacci series up to n terms.
7.Write a program in C that will display all the Armstrong numbers from 1 to 500.
8.Demonstrate the working principle of passing an array to a function with the help of a program.
9.Analyze the working principle of break and continue keywords in C with the help of programs.
10. Discuss different types of storage classes available in C.
11. Write a program in C to search for an element from an array of ten elements in C.
12. Write a program in C to find sum of digits of a number repeatedly till we get a single digit number.
Ex: 9721 -> 9+7+2+1=19-> 1+9=10->1+0=1.

Case Study Type Question

1. Construct a case study on the selection sort algorithm to sort 10 integer numbers with the help of
a program and also discuss about the program complexity.

2. Construct a case study on the bubble sort algorithm to sort 10 integer numbers with the help of a
program and also discuss about the program complexity.

3. Construct a case study on the relationship between arrays and pointers in C with the help of a
4. Construct a case study on array of structure with the help of a program.

5. Construct a case study on Stack (LIFO data structure) with 10 elements in C. Write the push() and
pop() functions to insert an element into the stack and to delete an element from the stack
respectively with usual boundary checking. Discuss about the complexity of your program.

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