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Change Screen


AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT
9.1 Change Screen Setting
[View] 9
Change views.
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Change Screen
There are 8 view functions. Setting
! Redraw

! Zoom Window

! Zoom in to another window

! Zoom In

! Zoom Out

! Zoom All [Auto Scale]

! Display All sheet [Base]

! Setup display condition

9.1.1 Redraw
Refresh display if part of the entities are not displayed or incorrectly
Operation 1. Click on the toolbar. Or, click [View] and [Redraw].

9.1.2 Zoom Window

[View]-[Zoom Window]
Zoom in specified area.
1. Click on the toolbar. Or, click [View] and [Zoom
Operation Window].
2. Hold left mouse button and drag around are to zoom in.

9.1.3 Zoom In to Another Window
[View]-[Partial Zoom view]
Zoom in specified are and displays it in another window.
Use this window to check part of the screen with zoom in view. It allow
you to see both zoom in view and entire parts.
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Change Screen
1. Click on the toolbar. Or, click [Display] and [Partial Zoom
2. Hold left mouse button and drag around are to zoom in.

● You can change the size of the partial zoom window.

Tips ⇒Refer [9.1.8 Change setting of views])

9.1.4 Zoom In
[View]-[Zoom In]
Zoom In screen.
1. Click on the toolbar. Or, click [Display] and [Zoom In].
Operation ● You can change the zoom-in ratio.

⇒Refer [9.1.8 Change setting of views])


9.1.5 Zoom Out
[View]-[Zoom Out]
Zoom out screen.
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Change Screen
1. Click on the toolbar. Or, click [Display] and [Zoom-out]. Setting
● You can change the zoom-out ratio.

⇒Refer [9.1.8 Change setting of views])

9.1.6 Display All Parts (Zoom All)

[View]-[Zoom All]

Displays all the entities on a screen.

1. Click on the toolbar. Or, click [View] and [Zoom All].

9.1.7 Display All Sheet (Base)


Displays the whole sheet size.

1. Click on the toolbar. Or, click [View] and [Base].

9.1.8 Setup Display Condition
[File]-[Condition Setup]
There are two setting for view. 9
! Specify the window conditions
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

! Specify colors Change Screen

Specify the window conditions

Setup view condition.

Operation 1. Click [File] and [Condition Setup].

2. If necessary, change the condition setup file to be used.
● The condition setup file handles all setting of the [Condition Setup] dialog
box with a single file. To change the condition setup file to be applied, click
the [Load] button and then select a condition setup file (.cjf) from the
displayed dialog box.

3. Specify the settings in the [View] sheet, and then click [OK].
● Clicking the [OK] button overwrites and saves the setting values in
Tips ● To save setting values as a new file, click the [Save as] button. In the
displayed dialog box, specify the name (.cjf) and the location to save,

Settings in the [Condition Setup]-[View] dialog box

AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Change Screen

# Display Process Setup Information

Checked: Display process setup information. (Machine, Material,
Turret name, etc.)
# Display Current tooling Information
Checked: Display “Replace Current Tooling” dialog box. (Tool list of
the turret.)
# Display Layout Condition Information
Checked: Display information for Laser.
$ Material data:
Displays current settings of laser material such as type of
cutting (clean, aluminum cutting), Z-axis adjustment and water
$ Collision:
Displays current settings of approach collision check.
# [Reset]
Resets to the default setting.

# Display a Grid View
Checked: Display grid on the screen.
# Display a laser Skid
Checked: Display support pins that is set in Machine Manager. 9
# View Back/Front mark for bend line
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Change Screen
Checked: Display mark to show bend direction with the size specified.
# Zoom In/Out Ratio
Specify the ratio of [Zoom In] and [Zoom Out].
# Zoom All Clearance
The width to leave outside of the part when Zoom All is selected.
(Bigger value here will leave more space outside)
# Object multiple parts frame when auto scale
Checked: Multiple arrangement (grid parts) will be included to Zoom
All view.
# Partial Enlarge Window size
Specify partial zoom window size by a dot count below 1024 x 768.
# Message Text Size
Specify size of the message for instruction and coordinates input.
(9 or 12)
# Display Auxiliary Message
Checked: Instruction message will be displayed for each function.
# Base drawing after edit part (Edit part % Process sheet)
Checked: Perform Zoom all when returning to Sheet Process after part
modification. When it is unchecked, view will be same scale as the
scale used before part modification.

Specify colors

Specify color for each item.

Operation 1. Click [File] and [Condition Setup].
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Change Screen
2. If necessary, change the condition setup file to be used. Setting
● The condition setup file handles all setting of the [Condition Setup] dialog
box with a single file. To change the condition setup file to be applied, click
the [Load] button and then select a condition setup file (.cjf) from the
displayed dialog box.

3. Specify the setting in the [Color] sheet, and then click [OK].
● Clicking the [OK] button overwrites and saves the setting values in
Tips ● To save setting values as a new file, click the [Save as] button. In the
displayed dialog box, specify the name (.cjf) and the location to save.

Settings in the [Condition Setup]-[Color] dialog box

AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Change Screen

# System color
List of items of colors.
# Luminosity
Displays RGB for each item. You can use [ ] and [ ] to change a
value and see the color.

9.2 Customize Toolbar
[View]-[Toolbar] 9
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Customize toolbars for your convenience. Change Screen

There are seven settings as below. Setting
! Showing/hiding the toolbars

! Customize a toolbar (changing the button configuration)

! Create a new toolbar

! Delete a toolbar

! Reset to the default toolbars

! Assign commands to keys

! Customize the pop-up menu

Adjust the toolbar for each mode (part processing, sheet processing, and
NC production).

1. Click [View] and [Toolbar].

2. Turn on the checkboxes for the toolbars that you want to show
and turn off the checkboxes for the toolbars that you want to
hide in the toolbar list in the [Toolbar] dialog box.
Also, you can specify whether to show or hide the tool tips in this
dialog box.
3. Click [Close].

Settings in the [Toolbar] dialog box
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

# Toolbar List
Lists the entered tool bars.
Select the check boxes ( ) of the tool bar.
# [New]
Creates a new tool bar.
# [Cmd. Def.]
Specify the contents of a toolbar selected in [Tool Bar].
Specify the contents of the pop-up menu.
# [Reset]
Resets to default toolbar settings.
Toolbar created by the user will not be deleted.
# [Delete]
Deletes a tool bar selected.
Only the tool bars created by the user can be deleted.
# [Show Tooltip]
Specify whether to display the tool tip when you locate a mouse cursor
on icons.

Settings in the [Cmd. Def.] dialog box
Customize tool bar and pop-up menu.
[Toolbar] tab
Add/delete icons to the toolbar selected.
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Change Screen

Operation 1. Click [Toolbar] tab.

2. Select function from [Useable Button] list and click “Add”.
● To change order of the functions, select function from [Toolbar Button] then
use [Up] and [Down] button.
● To remove function from Toolbar, select function from [Toolbar Button] then
sclick [Delete] button.

The functions will be added/deleted.

[Key Layout] tab
Assigns a short-cut key.
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Operation 1. Click [View] and [Toolbar].

2. Click [Cmd. Def,] then select [Key Layout] tab.
3. Select a key from the list at the left side ([Assigned Key]), select
the command to be assigned from the list at the right side
([Command]), and then click [Register].
4. Click [OK].
5. Click [Close] in the [Toolbar] dialog box.
● The change made will affect after the dislog box is closed.


Settings in the [Key] tab of [Cmd. Def.] dialog box

# Current Layout
Commands assigned to a selected key.
# Command Comment
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Change Screen
Explanations of a selected command. Setting

# [Reset]
Reset to default key settings.
# [Delete]
Deletes assignment of function from selected key.
# [Register]
Execute assigning function to the key.

[Pop-up Menu]
Registers commands to the pop-up menu. (The menu displayed by right
mouse button click.)

Operation 1. Click [View] and [Toolbar].
2. Click [Cmd. Def.] in the [Pop-up Menu] tab.
3. Select function from Command then click [Add] button.
4. Click [OK]. 9
Settings in the [Cmd. Def.] dialog box ([Pop-up Menu] sheet)
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

# Comment
The menu path of the function selected.
# Move Position
Changes order of the functions. Select a function from [Add Menu]
then select [Up] and [Down] button to change order.
# [Reset]
Reset pop-up menu to default settings.
# [Delete]
Remove command selected from [Add Menu].
# [Add]
Adds a command selected to the pop-up menu.

9.3 Change Window Display
[Window] 9
Change window display, as you desire.
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Change Screen
There are four functions. Setting
! Cascade windows

! Display windows horizontally

! Display windows vertically

! Align minimized windows

9.3.1 Cascade

Arranges all the open windows to cascade.

Operation 1. Click [Window] and [Cascade].

9.3.2 Tile Horizontal

[Window]-[Tile Horizontally]

Operation Arranges all the open windows to tile horizontally.

1. Click [Window] and [Tile Horizontally]

9.3.3 Tile Vertical
[Window]-[Tile Vertically]
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Arranges all the open windows to tile Vertically.

Operation 1. Click [Window] and [Tile Vertically].

9.3.4 Arrange Windows That is Made as Icon

[Window]-[Icon Arrangement]

Aligns the minimized windows.

Operation 1. Click [Window] and [Icon Arrangement].

9.4 Change Display condition
[Drawing conditions] 9
Change display condition to make confirmation easier.
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Change Screen
There are two functions. Setting
! Display unassigned geometry with blue
! Display tool guide shape

9.4.1 Display Unassigned Geometry in Blue

[Drawing Condition]-[Display unassigned geometry with blue]
Display geometries with blue that has no tool assigned.
1. Click [Drawing conditions] and [During Process Information,
draw Tooling Guide Diameter].
● Select same function agaion to cancel displaying non-assigned geometries
with blue.

9.4.2 Display Tool Guide Shape

[Drawing Condition]
[During Process Information, Draw Tooling Guide Diameter]
Display tool guide shape for the tool selected.
1. Click [Drawing conditions] and [During Process Information,
Draw Tooling Guide Diameter].
● To can cel displaying tool guide, select same function again.


9.5 Change System Setting
[File]-[Condition Setup] 9
Change the condition of operation and display.
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Operation 1. Click [File] and [Condition Setup].

3. If necessary, change the condition setup file to be used.
● The condition setup file handles all setting of the [Condition Setup] dialog
box with a single file. To change the condition setup file to be applied, click
the [Load] button and then select a condition setup file (.cjf) from the
displayed dialog box.

3. Specify the settings in the [System] tab, and then click [OK].
● Clicking the [OK] button overwrites and saves the setting values in
● To save setting values as a new file, click the [Save as] button. In the
displayed dialog box, specify the name (.cjf) and the location to save.

Settings in the [Set up Info] dialog box ([System] tab)

AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Change Screen

# Use Up, Down keys to move between items

Checked: Cursor can be moved by up (↑) and down (↓) keys.
● Tab key and Shift+Tab key can be used for moving cursor as standard
Tips windows.

# Confirm Continuous Addition

Checked: multiple selection can be made without holding Shift key.
# Auto save (3-60 minutes)
Checked: Temporary data will be saved every specified minute. The
data will be loaded after system failure. To save data to your database,
you must save data by going to [Create] and [Create NC] in NC mode.

Wheel mouse
# Zoom In, Zoom Out, panning by Mouse Wheel Enabled.
Checked: Mouse wheel will be used for Zoom In/Out and panning.
$ Zoom In Ratio/Zoom Out Ratio
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Rolling mouse wheel will Zoom In/Out based on ratio set.

$ Panning
Hold mouse wheel and drag the mouse will be used for
# Zoom All by Mouse Wheel Enabled
Checked: Double-click the wheel performs Zoom All.
CAD/CAM Relationship (It affects only when [To CAD] is used from
CAM screen and returning to CAM by [To CAM] from CAD.)
# Auto Update Tool Assign for Drawing Changes
Yes: Update tool path based on changes made on CAD. (Only when
“Move”, “Stretch” and “Stretch Inside Flame” is used.)
# Show Update Dialog.
Yes: Display message when returning to CAM after modification of
CAD. Click “OK” to update CAD geometries.
# During NC Mode, display NC Create Dialog Box
Checked: Display NC Create condition when moving to NC Create
# During NC Mode, change Clamp Automatically
Checked: Auto repositioning will be performed when moving to NC
Create mode.
# During NC Mode, instruct Tooling Replacement Automatically
Checked: Auto sorting tool will be performed.
# During NC Mode, Auto Load Used Tooling in Turret
Checked: Used tools that are not in the turret will be loaded to the
turret automatically.
However, if the machine is PDC/PDCII, stations will be automatically


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