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Register tools

AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT
7.1 Change Turret Load
[Turret]-[Turret Load]
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Register tools
Change turret load
There are five functions for setting up turret.
! Add/Replace tools in the turret without having tools in inventory.
! Remove tools from a turret
! Move a tool within the turret
! Register the turret load.
! Auto tool load to the turret
Add/Replace tools without having it in inventory

Add/Replace tools to the turret without having tools in inventory. It

allows you to add/replace tools without going to Punch Master

Caution # You cannot change any tools that are already used.
1. Click [Turret] and [Turret Load].
⇒ Refer [Setting items in “Turret Load”])

2. Select the tool or an empty station in [Turret] in the [Turret

Load] dialog box to change.

$ When you select a tool, it is replaced with a tool you specify below.

3. Click [Setup]. Or, double-click the station you selected in step

⇒ Refer [Setting items in “Turret Load”])

4. Specify the settings in the [Change Tool Information] dialog

box, and then click [OK].

Remove a tool from a turret
Remove a tool from a turret
Caution # You cannot remove any tools that are already used (displayed 7
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

in red).
Register tools

1. Click [Tooling] and [Tooling Layout].

⇒ Refer [Setting items in “Turret Load”])

2. Select the tool to remove in [Turret] in the [Turret Load]

dialog box.
3. Click [Delete].
4. Confirm the message, and then click [OK].

1. Click [Close].

Note You can put the tool outside the turret. After performing step 2,

Move tools within the turret

Operation 1. Click [Turret] and [Turret Load].

⇒ Refer [Setting items in “Turret Load”])

2. Select the tool in [Turret] in the [Turret Load] dialog box to

3. Click [Move].

4. Select the station to move tool to.
Caution % You cannot move a tool to a place with a different key spec. 7
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

● The tool that is selected to move tool to will automatically be moved to [Outside Register tools
% Different station size can be specified to support adaputer of the tool.

5. Click [Close].

Register the turret load

1. Click [Turret] and [Turret Load].

Operation ⇒ Refer [Setting items in “Turret Load”])

2. Change turret load as desired.

3. Click [Reg Tool Layout].
4. Click [OK].
Caution % You can register only one turret load under same name. Turret will be over written
when you register turret load.

1. Click [Close].

Auto tool load to the turret

Automatically load used tool on the sheet to empty stations in the 7

AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

turret from outside the turret. (Or, replaces tool with a tool unused in
Register tools
the same station size or key spec.)

Operation 1. Click [Turret] and [Turret Load].

⇒ Refer [Setting items in “Turret Load”])

2. Click the [Auto Setup] button in the [Turret Load] dialog


% The tool replaced is moved to the list of [Outside Turret].

Tips % When [Previous T Number] is displayed, load tools to the previous T number.
When the target station is locked or used tool is in already, load tools to
another station.

How to read the [Turret Load] dialog box
List Display (Default)
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Register tools

# Search, Shape, Range

Filter tools by shape and station size. The list will show different
tools based on filter selected and quantity will be updated.
# [Reg tool Layout]
Save turret load as standard turret load.
# [View Condition]
Change items to display on the list.
# The button to change display mode
It is valid for punching except LIBRA205 / LIBRA206 /
MERC722. button change to turret view. (Graphic). When
the graphic turret is displayed, button change mode to list
# Turret
Tools in the turret. Any tool can be added, moved and removed. Also, tool can be
moved between inside and outside of the turret by / button

! T number
Type in station number to move cursor on the list. When the
[Enter] key is hit after typing in the station number, tool setup
dialog box for that station appears. 7
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

! [Setup]
Register tools
Setup tool information for specified station.
! [Delete]
Remove tool from turret.
! [Move]
Move tool from one station to the other.
! [Change Current]
Set selected tool as current tool.
! [Print Turret]
Print out graphic view of turret except for LIBRA205 /
# [Tooling Layout Auto Setup]
Load tools from outside turret to turret automatically. It looks for
empty station with same size and key spec to load tools.
# [Outside Turret]
List of tools picked from inventory by Auto Assignment or [Add
Available Tool] manually.
! [Add Available Tool]
Add tool from inventory to [Outside Turret].
! [Setup]
Change tool.
! [Delete]
Remove tool from Outside Turret.
! [Change Current]
Set selected tool as current tool

Turret Diagram display
This is not available for LIBRA/ MERC/ Non-Amada machine.
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Register tools

Items on this view are same except items below.

# The button to change display mode.
Changes display to list.

Rotate turret.

Settings in the [Change Tool Information] dialog box
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

Register tools

Items are different depend on shape
# T number
Station number
# Shape
Tool shape.
# Management Name
Punch name for control. Click [Browse], and then select a name
from the [Tools] dialog box. (Tool list from your inventory)
For special, forming and triangular tools, [Graphics>>] button
shows up. You can change display of special shape tools.
# Size
Enter the X, Y, and R size of the tool.
# Angle
Enter an angle to set a tool on the turret.

# Type
Shape sub code. You can specify the shape sub codes below.
% RE/OB/RR: 7
Normal, nesting (shearing tool) and slotting for VIPROS
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

% Special/forming/marking: Register tools

Not keyed, keyed and slotting 2 for VIPROS
% Tapping:
Tapping II, tapping unit, tapping tool
% Triangle:
Isosceles, right and other triangles
# Usage
Specify a tool application from the following.
Used for sequencing control.
Used for specifying pierce punch for ALPELI. It is Not used
for punching.
Used for perimeter cutting with auto assignment.
Used for nibbling with auto assignment.
Not used
Not used
Used for LIBRA.


Used for LIBRA.
# VIPROS M-code
M code for VIPROS NC program.
# Slotting Name
Parameter name to compute the maximum process length and pitch
for slotting.

# Up/Down M-code
Displays an M code added to a NC program for the machine that
has P&F structure.
# Axis Speed
% F3000C: 0 to 3 7
AP100G CAM Operation Guide I NCT

% Other than F3000C: 0 to 4 Register tools

# Tool Angle
Specify the slope of a tool set at the 0 degree key.
# Comment
Enter a punch comment.
# Air Blower
Specify if the tool has air blow.
# Energy-save Tooling
Specify if the tool is an efficient tool. (Special tool with height
adjusted.) If it is, set [Energy-save Tooling].
# Fixed/free
Specify a station type.
% Fixed: Locked station (The tool stays as standard turret load.)
% Free: Free station (Used for exchanging/temporary tools)
Die information
# Management Name
Die name for tool control.
# Clearance
Clearance between punch and die .
# Comment
Die comment.
# [Register Hold Tooling]
Register a new tool to inventory without going to parameter screen.
This button is grayed out if you do not set [Shape], or if you select
a special, forming, triangular, or if you have entered a tool name
that is already exist in inventory.
If you click [Register hold Tooling] with [Management Name]
blank, the [Register Tool] dialog box appears. Input management
name and hit OK to register.


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