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Movie assignment ‘A man called Otto’

Language File m4: Critical Thinking /Discussion Questions

Student’s Name:



Instructions: Once finishing the movie, answer the following questions individually with your own

I. What do you think Otto was like when he was younger and married to Sonya? Do you think he was
grumpy back then too? Why or why not? What do you think changed in him and caused him to be as
grumpy as he was? From what you gathered, what do you think Sonya was like in terms of her
personality or character?

II. Why do you suppose Otto was so fascinated with machines and cars? How did that fascination or

passion affect his personal life positively and/or negatively? In what ways was his real life and/or

personality like a “machine or car”? Describe a couple scenes from the movie to help strengthen your

point of view.

III. In what ways did Marisol and/or Tommy change or influence Otto’s life? How so? At what point in
time do you think Otto began to feel connected or close to Marisol and/or Tommy? Why at that point
in time? What role or impact did Otto have on Marisol and her family? How so?

IV. When Otto was visiting Sonya’s gravesite, he said that nothing works when she’s not home. What
do you think he meant by that? He also told Marisol that his life was black and white before he met
Sonya and she was the color. What do you believe he meant by that? How was his life black and
white? How did she help bring color to it?

V. At what point in time do you think Otto began to change? Why at that point? What people were
the most influential in helping him change? How so? Why do you think Otto took the initiative and
started helping Marisol learn how to drive? What motivated him to help Anita and Reuben with the
situation with their house?

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