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1.Data security and privacy, Cost management, Multi cloud environment, Inter-operability and
flexibility, High dependence on network
2.In a private cloud, a single organization controls and maintains the underlying infrastructure to
deliver the IT resources. In a public cloud, external cloud providers deliver the resources as a
fully managed service.
3. A hypervisor is a software that you can use to run multiple virtual machines on a single
physical machine.
4. A hypervisor is a software that you can use to run multiple virtual machines on a single
physical machine.
5. Reduce network provisioning time from weeks to minutes.
Achieve greater operational efficiency by automating manual processes.
Place and move workloads independently of physical topology.
Improve network security within the data center.
6. Docker is an operating system for containers. Similar to how a virtual machine virtualizes
(removes the need to directly manage) server hardware, containers virtualize the operating
system of a server.
7. Amazon Web Services offers a broad set of global cloud-based products including compute,
storage, databases, analytics, networking, mobile, developer tools, management tools, IoT,
security, and enterprise applications: on-demand, available in seconds, with pay-as-you-go
8. The pros of OpenStack include the flexibility and in-house modular control it provides anyone
who wants to set up their own cloud. This can enhance security, reliability, and scalability.
9. Hyperjacking is an attack in which a hacker takes malicious control over the hypervisor that
creates the virtual environment within a virtual machine (VM) host.
10. Excessive Permissions,Misconfigurations,Compliance/ Audit Challenges,Privilege
Escalation,Multicloud Risks,Insider Threats And Privilege Abuse,Poor Access Management
Policies And Practices,Data Access Risks.

11.A. Peer to peer network definition -2 marks
NIST expansion and actors -2 marks
Architecture -4 marks
Components explanation -5 marks

11.B.Four cloud deployment models -2 marks

Architecture of deployment model -6 marks
Components explanation -5 marks

12.A.Virtualization levels are instruction set architecture (ISA) level, hardware level, operating
system level, library support level, and application level -3marks
Architecture of virtualization layers-4 marks
Layers explanation with example -6 marks

12.B.Virtualization definition -2 marks

Full virtualization and para virtualization comparison -4 marks
Structure of full and para virtualization - 3 marks
Compare full, para with virtualization of CPU memory and IO -4 marks

13.A. virtual and physical cluster definition -3 marks

Comparison of virtual and physical cluster table -5 marks
Resource management in virtual machine explanation -5 marks

13.B. Docker definition -2 marks

Docker Architecture -4 marks
Components of docker with its need and use -7 marks

14 A. Google App Engine definition -2 marks

Building blocks of GAE with diagram – 5 marks
Functional modules – 6 marks

14 B. Eucalyptus definitions – 3 marks

Architecture and its role in filtering incoming traffic – 10 marks

15 A. Guest hopping explanation – 4 marks

VM migration attacks – 4 marks
Case study – 5 marks

15 B. Identity and Access Management definition – 3 marks

Architecture – 5 marks
Procedure to carry out IAM in AWS cloud platform – 5 marks

16 A. Taxonomy of virtual machines
Diagram with explanation – 7 marks
Steps for launching a virtual server in AWS cloud platform – 8 marks

16 B. Creating an e-commerce website in cloud platform with S3 storage

System requirements – 3 marks
Software configuration – 3 marks
Memory requirements – 3 marks
Hosting in laptop – 6 marks

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