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Tổ: Khoa học Xã hội MÔN TIẾNG ANH 9

Năm học 2023- 2024

- Review all vocabularies from unit 1 to unit 6.
1. Complex sentences: adverb clauses of purpose (so that, in order that), reasons (because, as,
since), concession (although, though, eventhoung) , time(when, while, after, as soon as,…)
2. Phrasal verbs: all phrasal verbs and their meaning
3. Comparision of adjectives and adverbs
4. Reported speech + question words before to-infinitive.
5. Used to + bare-infinitive
6. Wishes for the present
7. Passive voice: impersonal passive
8. Suggest + V-ing/ clause with that
9. Past perfect
10. Adjective + to-infinitive
Adjective + that clause
1. Stress on content words in sentences
2. Stress on pronouns in sentences
3. Stress on the verb be in sentences
4. Stress on auxiliary verbs in sentences
5. Stress on short words (a, of, or) in sentences
6. Stress on all the words in sentences.
I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence or do as directed. (3ms)
1. I invited Jane to join our trip to Trang An, but she ______ (went / turned / looked) down our invitation.
2. Peter fell over and broke his leg while he ______ (plays / was playing / is playing) basketball.
3. The women in this village live on ______ (doing / knitting / carving) woolen socks and sweaters.
4. It ______ (is said / believes / thinks) that Edinburgh is the most historic city in Great Britain.
5. My grandmother is not sure ______ (what / if / how) to use this new washing machine.
6. Da Nang Administrative Centreis one of the ______ (tallest / taller / most tall) buildings in Vietnam.
7. - “How long ______ (are you working / do you work / have you worked) here?” - “Since2011.”
8. My father ______ (didn’t use to / use to / was used to) spend his free time indoors. He went out a lot.
9. The teacher suggested that he ______ (reads / can read / should read) these books before the exam.
10. We walked ______ (for / at / on) half an hour to reach the waterfall.
11. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: stuck / busy / luxury.
12. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern: reason / inform / delight.
II. Supply the correct form of the word in parentheses to complete each sentence. (1m)
1. Bill Gates started to take an interest in computers when he was a ________. (teenage)
2. Thanks to TV people can enjoy interesting programs in an _______and convenient way. (expensive)
III. Complete each sentence with the correct tense or form of the verb in parentheses. (1m)
1. Whenever my parents are away, my aunt always ___________after my little brother. (look)
2. The woman told me that she ___________back to see you the following day. (come)
IV. Reading. 1. Read the passage and fill in each gap with a suitable word from the list. (1m)
for - to - delicious - do - made - prize
I started cooking when my aunt sent me a cookery book on my birthday. I was only ten. At first I
(a)______cakes, but now I love making complicated meals (b)______my family. I recently won a competition
for the Young Chef of the Year. My (c)______is a visit to an expensive London restaurant next week. I’m
spending the day there with a famous chef. He’s going to teach me some (d)______ dishes. One day, I’m going
to open my own restaurant.
2. Read the passage and answer the questions below. (2ms)
Haresh, 11, Kashmir: I’m from Kashmir. I speak Urdu because it’s the official language here – most of
my classes are taught in Urdu. I also speak Kashmiri because my parents speak it at home to me, and I speak a
little English at school. I think learning languages is important because it’s important to communicate with
Samir, 12, Delhi: I live in a big city called Delhi. It is really multilingual here. I speak Punjabi at home
because my older relatives don’t understand any other language. Some of my friends speak different languages
at home. I’m learning English at school, but I also learn lots of English by watching English cartoons on TV, so
I think it’s fun to learn other languages.
Mala, 11, Rajasthan: I live in Rajasthan and Hindi is my first language. I’m learning English at school.
My parents speak a dialect called Malvi. I speak it a little too, but I can’t write anything in Malvi. I prefer
speaking and writing in Hindi. I really like watching Hindi films. I’m glad I can speak different languages.
a) Can Haresh speak English only? b) Why does Samir speak Punjabi at home?
c) What does Mala prefer doing? d) Who is the oldest, Haresh, Samir or Mala?
V. Write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, using the word(s) given.
1. Why don’t you find the meaning of this word in the dictionary?  Why don’t you look ………….………….
2. Despite suffering terrible injuries, he tried to finish the race.  Although ………………………………...
3. Tim said, “Can you answer my question, Hoa?”  Tim asked ……………………………….
4. The weather is very bad, so all flights are cancelled. ………………because ………………….

--- The End ---

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence or do as directed. (3ms)
1.He talks so fast, so I can’t____________(go / keep / look) up with what he’s saying.
2.Her son wishes he ___________(is studying / can study / were studying) Marketing instead of Hospitality.
3.The craft of basket __________(weaving / sewing / casting) is passed down from generation to generation.
4.It___________(was reporting / has reported / was reported) that two people had been injured in the accident.
5.They can't decide ________________(where / who / what) to go for their summer holiday.
6.You should drive __________(as carefully/ more carefully / most carefully), or you will cause an accident.
7.I _______________(had told / am telling / have told) you many times not to leave the door open.
8.At night my grandparents___________(be used to / used to / use to) entertain themselves by telling stories.
9.Mary suggested they ________(should visit / must visit / will visit) Po Nagar Cham Towers after lunch.
10.The London Eye, known ____(about/ as/ of) the Millennium Wheel, is a giant observation wheel in London.
11.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: peace / weak / thread.
12.Choose the word which has a different stress pattern: nasty / quiet / remote.
II. Supply the correct form of the word in parentheses to complete each sentence. (1m)
1.Dong Ho Village has been famous for a type of folk . (paint)
2.It is considered that life in a city is wonderful and . (enjoy)
III. Complete each sentence with the correct tense of the verb in parentheses. (1m)
1. I was sure I him somewhere before, but I couldn't remember where. (see)
2. My leg started to hurt when I football. (play)
IV. Reading.
1. Read the passage and fill in each gap with a suitable word from the list. (1m)
talk - worry - many - much - important - from
Teenagers today live in a very competitive world. It is more (a) than ever to succeed at school if
you hope to have a chance in the job market afterwards. It's no wonder that many young people (b)_ about
letting down their parents, their peers and themselves. In trying to please everyone, they take on too (c) _
tasks until it becomes harder and harder to balance homework assignments, parties, sport activities and
friends. The result is that people suffer (d) stress!
2. Read the passage and answer the questions below. (2ms)
In the past few decades, the countryside has experienced lots of changes. Because of population growth,
more products are needed. Therefore, more factories have been constructed, and young people have more
choice of jobs apart from becoming farmers. When big cities have become more and more polluted, the
fresher atmosphere in the countryside attracts more people. Rich people who live in the city for their work
often buy a second house in the countryside to spend their weekend and holiday. As a result, the countryside
is no longer a small community of rural people. In fact, in many parts of the countryside, there are urban
people from nearby cities. Additionally, the introduction of the Internet creates more opportunities for
increasing rural people's knowledge. Many farmers have used machines for tasks that used to be done by
hand, which helps them save labour. In the near future, it is expected that the countryside will gradually
become more similar to big cities.
a) What in the countryside attracts more people?
b) Why do rich people often buy a second home in the countryside?
c) Is the countryside only a small community of rural people?
d) How do many farmers save labour?
V. Write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, using the word(s)
given. (2ms)
1. They live in a tall building but they only use the ground floor. Although …………………………….. .
2. Phong said, “My parents are very proud of my good marks.” Phong said that ……………………… .
3. My father turned on the radio in order to listen to the news. ………….…… so that ……………… .
4. Niko’s team had an important match last week.  There ................................. Niko’s team.
I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence or do as directed. (3ms)
1.The helpline was set _ (off / up / out) in 2004 by the government with support from Plan Vietnam.
2.Sometimes I wish my parents (will / could / can) put themselves in my shoes.
3.The flower was _ (woven / cast / carved) out of a single piece of valuable wood.
4.The artisan moulded the clay (so that / although / because) he could make a mask.
5.The Smiths have no idea (where / what / why) to buy for their kids this Christmas.
6.ife in the past was (less / as / so) comfortable than it is now.
7.Was Bill wearing a helmet when he (had fallen / was falling / fell) off his bike?
8.Susan (used to / was used to / didn’t use to) have long hair, but she has short one now.
9.Phong suggested (to pay / paying / pay) a visit to a traditional craft village.
10.The Royal Citadel is listed (into / for / as) a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
11.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: cultural / conduct / fabulous.
12.Choose the word which has a different stress pattern: attempt / wonder / tower.
II. Supply the correct form of the word in parentheses to complete each sentence. (1m)
1. Phong Nha Cave is a _ wonder in the central part of our country. (nature)
2. Mike had to see the doctor because of his . (injure)
III. Complete each sentence with the correct tense of the verb in parentheses. (1m)
1. More tourists to visit Ha Long Bay since UNESCO’s recognition of its natural beauty. (choose)
2. The Perfume Pagoda _ during the reign of Le Thanh Tong in the 15th century. (build)
IV. Reading.
1. Read the passage and fill in each gap with a suitable word from the list. (1m)
when - agreed - value – what – out – questioned
Recent research into the world of teenagers has suggested that they (a) friendship above
everything else. Children aged between 12 and 15 were asked (b) was important to them. Their answers
included possessions such as money and computer gadgets but also relationships with people. The teenagers
(c) said that friends were the most important to them, more even than family, or boyfriends and
We wanted to find (d) more about the results of this research so we asked our readers what they
thought about the value of friendship.
And what about you? What do you think about it?
2. Read the passage and answer the questions below. (2ms)
Kobe is a major commercial port city in Japan. It is situated in the Southwest of Honshu Island, on Osaka
Bay, near the city of Osaka. Local agricultural production includes rice and other grains, fruits and vegetables,
and tea. Shipbuilding and production of rubber goods are of primary importance to the city. Chemicals,
machinery, electrical equipment, textiles, refined sugar, flour and sake are also produced here. Behind the
narrow coastal site of the city are the Rokko Mountains, on which there are hot springs and suburban
residences and hotels. The city did not become important until the 1860s, when Japan was opened to foreign
a) Where is Kobe situated? b) What are its agricultural products?
c) When did Kobe become important?
d) Are there hot springs on the Rokko Mountains or on Honshu Island?
V. Write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, using the word(s)
given. (2ms)
1. Despite her tiredness, she could finish her report on time. Although ........................................ .
2. The doctor told my father to stop smoking. The doctor told……….(Use “give”.)
3. Ngoc said, “I’m exhausted because I only sleep for 2 hours a night.” Ngoc said that ............................... .
4. They expect that the new system will begin operations by 2020. It .................................................... .
--- The End ---
I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence or do as directed. (3ms)
1. Can you find (in / at / out) what time the meeting starts?
2. They went to Hoi An to enjoy the light of many beautiful (sculptures / drums / lanterns).
3. (Because / Despite / Although) these silk scarves are very expensive, many tourists buy them.
4. Put your hand in front of your right lens and just (look through / come back / get up) your left lens.
5. Mai’s parents are very proud (about / of / for) her because she studies very well.
6. Mount Everest is (higher than / the highest / less high) any other mountains in the world.
7. They can’t decide who (go / to go / going) first.
8. I wish people in the world (don’t / didn’t / won’t) have conflicts and lived in peace.
9. Kids (use to playing / used to play / used play) outdoors with things like stones or feathers.
10. Huyen has done very well in the exam, so she (feel / felt / is feeling) more relaxed now.
11. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: limited / crowded / piped.
12. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern: attraction / exercise / handicraft.
II. Supply the correct form of the word in parentheses to complete each sentence. (1m)
1. The older generation prefer a darker and more _ kind of clothing. (tradition)
2. My school organizes trips to various places of _ . (interesting)
II. Complete each sentence with the correct tense of the verb in parentheses. (1m)
1. She doesn’t like to be disturbed when she . (work)
2. I can’t recognize Mrs. Lam because she a lot since last Christmas. (change)
III. Reading.
1. Read the passage and fill in each gap with a suitable word from the list. (1m)
safe look on being go
More and more tourists decide to visit Canada and spend their earnings (a) shopping. This fact
contributes to the growing number of shopping centres, and not only that – the entertainment sector of the
malls keeps (b) upgraded, so the buyers can spend more time within the mall area. Besides, enclosed
malls are (c) and secure – different weather conditions do not affect customers' buying time frame.
Take a (d) at Square One Shopping Centre in Mississauga. More than 24 million people visit the Square
One Shopping Centre every year, and research has shown none of them spend less than an hour and a half in
a shopping experience.
2. Read the passage and answer the questions below. (2ms)
Rivers are one of the world’s most important natural resources. Many cities are on large rivers and
almost every country has at least one river that plays an important part in the lives of its people. Besides
transportation, rivers provide food, water for crops, water to drink, and opportunities for recreation for people
who live along their banks. And in order to get water for crops, a dam is built across a river. People can use
water not only to irrigate but also to make electricity. However, several rivers are polluted when industries
develop. It is necessary to keep rivers clean if people want to get benefits of the natural resources.
a) Are rivers important in people’s lives? b) What do rivers provide people with?
c) Why is a dam built across a river? d) When are rivers polluted?
IV. Write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, using the
word(s) given. (2ms)
1. She felt very worried because of her son’s sickness.  Because her ………..…………………….……… .
2. Lien is the best student in my class. No one in my class ………………………………………………... .
3. “Are you having a good time?” she said.  She asked me ………………………………….……………… .
4. We don’t know where we should put the sofa. (Use a question word + to-infinitive.)
 We don’t know …………………………………………………………………………..…………………..
--- The End ---

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