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or TPN MCB 1o enable them to be disconnected from the supply. Sufficient clearances as below shall be provided for isolating the switchboard to allow access for servicing, testing and maintenance (see Fig. 2) 8) Acclear space of not less than I m in width shall be provided in front ofthe switchboard, [NOTE — tn cate the Boards = shatter inthe Font for aesthese reasons, provided the opening Wworkingitafety space of I ain Mont of the Switehgen b) If there are any attachments or bare connections atthe back of the switchboard, the space, ifany, behind the switchboard shall bo either less than 200 mm or more than 750 mun in width, measured from the farthest protruding part of any attachment or conductor, ©) Ithe space behind the switchboard exceeds "750 mm in width, there shall bea passageway from either end of the switchboard, clear to height of 1.8 m. 4) Iftwo switehboards are facing each other, a minimum distance of 2.0 m shall be ‘maintained between them, ‘The connections between the switchgear mounting and the outgoing eable upto the wall shall be enclosed in «a protection pipe, ‘Thore shall be a clear distance of uot less than 250 mm. between the board and the insulation cover, the distance being increased for larger boards in order that on closing ofthe cover, the insulation of he cables, not subjected to damage and no excessive twisting or bending in any ease. The cable alley inthe metal board should enable within prescribed limit twisting cor bending of cable such that insulation ofthe eables Js not subjected to damage. In this connection, for installation of voltages exceeding 250 V, Regulation 37 of Central Electricity Authority Measures Relating to Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time- lo-time shall also be complied wih (see Annex B). Sullicient additional space shall be allowed in substations and switchrooms to allow operation and maintenance. Susficieat additioual space shall be allowed for temporary location and installation of standard servicing and testing equipment. Space should also be provided o allow for anticipated future extensions, 3.6.10 Panels in a room or cubicle or in an area surrounded by wall/fence, access to which is controlled by lock and key shall be accessible to authorized persons only. Such installations shall be efficiently protected by fencing not les than | $00 mm in height or other means s0 a8 to prevent access to the electric supply lines and apparatus therein by an undesignated person and the y 4 4 10 mMin £ ve Al AL 2A ote sure eoarormel 28-10 Sin BOMRONPANELS RONG EACH OTHER X_ = Less than 200 mm (f swtehboardpanel is not accesible from Deh ind) = More than 750 mm i swiehboardpanel is ‘accessible rom behing) [NOTE — Xo be measured fom the Stes rouuding pr of any aachment or conducts Fio, 2 CuraRancrs arounp SwarcimoaRns IN ENcLost Room 34 [NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 20k Supply Bureau Under the License rom BIS for LARSEN AND TOUBRO CONSTRUCTION - MANAPAKKAM, CHENNAI ON 17-03-2017 09:00:59 (128 63344.35) valid wy ‘Supplied by Book Supply Bureau Under the License trom BlS for LARSEN AND TOUBRO CONSTRUCTION - MANAPAKKAM, CHENNAI ON 17-03-2017 09:00:59 ( valid upo31-12-2 fencing of such area shall be earthed efficiently. Suticient clearances as per 5.3.68 shall be provided between the switchboard and the wall/fence. 5-11 Except main LV panel, it will be preferable 0 locate the sub-panels/dstribution boards/sub-meter boards near the load centre. Further, it should be ensured tha these panels are easily approachable. The panels should have clear access from common areas excluding staircase ‘Where the switchboardis erected inaroom ofa building isolated from the source of supply or ata distance from ft, adequate means of control and isolation shall be provided both near the boards and at the origin of supply. Sufficient clearances as per $.3.6.8 shall be provided. All switehboards shall be of metal clad totally enclosed type or any insulated enclosed pattern, 5.3.7 Medium ar Low Voltage Cables $3.71 The sizing of the cable shall depend upon the current to be carried, method of laying cable, permissible maximum temperature it shall withstand, voltage drop over the length of the cable, the prospective short-cireuit current to which the cable may be subjected, the characteristics of the overload protection gear installed, load cycle, thermal resistivity of the soil and the operating voltage {see also good practice [8-2(11)]}, Its desirable to use flame retardant cables and wires inelectrical distribution systems. Availability of lame retardant low smoke and halogen calle may also be noted and considered accordingly. is recommended to use four core cable in place of ‘theee and half core to minimize heating of neutral core ‘due to harmonic content inthe supply system and also avoidance of overload failuces. All cables shall be installed in accordance with good practice [8-2(11)} ‘The advice of the cable manufacturer with regard to installation, jointing and sealing should also be fallowed. In final cireuits where cable sizeof 16 mm? and below are used, these shall be 4 core cables only to avoid the possibility of neutral overload, (except for equipment such as motors, heaters which offer balanced 3 phase load and do not requireaneutral connection. Asaresult itis not desirable to use half-size neutral conductor as possibility of neutral conductor overload due to harmonics is likely. Larger feeders (size greater than 16 mm’) may revert to use 3% core cables. 3.7.2 Colour identification of cores of non flexible cables {see also good practice [8-2(19)]} ‘The colour of cores of non-flexible cables shall be in accordance with the following: ‘ST Function No. a @ Colour Identification of Core of Rubber of PYC Insulated Non-lexible Cable, or of Sleeve or Disc to be Applied to Conductor or Cable Code % 1) Protective or earthing ii) Phase of ac. single-phase circuit ‘Green and yellow (see Note 1) Red [or yellow or blue (see Note 2)] 1) Neutral of ac. single or three-phase circuit Black iv) Phase R of 3-phase ac. circuit Red ¥) Phase Y of 3-phase ac. eireuit Yellow vi) Phase B of 3-phase ac. circuit Blue vil) Positive of de. 2-wire eireuit Red vill) Negative of de, 2-vire cireuit Black x) Outer (positive or negative) of de. 2-wire cireuit Red derived from 3-wire system X) Positive of 3-wire system (positive of 3-wirede, Red circuit) xi) Middle wire of 3-wire de, circu Black xii) Negative of S-wite de. citcuit Blue xiii) Functional earth-telecommunication Cream Nove 1 Bare conductors are also usd for caring and cath continuity conductors. But its prefrble to se insulted condostors with eon coloured inslton with yellow stipe. 2 Aratermive tothe eof ed, yellow or he colour my be sei Sexredin ng ntlintons, vp othe fil dtbaion oa. 3 For armoured PVC-insulted cables ebd papers cable, see tlevant ad ‘Sanda PARI-8 BUILDING SERVICES — SECTION 2 ELECTRICAL AND ALLIED INSTALLATIONS. 35 20k Supply Bureau Under the License rom BIS for LARSEN AND TOUBRO CONSTRUCTION - MANAPAKKAM, CHENNAI ON 17-03-2017 09:00:59 (128 63344.35) valid wy ‘Supplied by Book Supply Bureau Under the License trom BIS for LARSEN AND TOUBRO CONSTRUCTION - MANAPAKKAM, CHENNAI ON 17-03-2017 09:00:59 ( valid upto3-12-201

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