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Name: Sonia Umeadi

Reg Number: U21MM1107

Course title: Foundation of communication research

Course code: MCOM207

Date : 18th January, 2024

Question; Relationship between theory and research

Lecturer; Dr. Ahmad Abubakar

What is theory?

A theory is a systematic and organized set of principles, concepts, or ideas that seeks to explain

or predict a phenomena. It provides a framework for understanding and interpreting observations

or facts within a particular domain. Theories are often developed through rigorous analysis,

synthesis of existing knowledge, and empirical evidence. They serve as conceptual models that

help researchers, scientists, or scholars make sense of complex phenomena, guiding further

investigation and research in a particular field. Theories are essential tools for organizing and

advancing knowledge in various disciplines.

What is research?

Research is a systematic and organized process of inquiry aimed at discovering, interpreting and

increasing our understanding of a specific topic or phenomena. It involves the collection,

analysis and interpretation of data to answer questions, test hypotheses, or generate new

knowledge. Research methods can vary across disciplines and may include experiments, surveys,

interviews, observations or a combination of these. The goal of research is to contribute to the

existing body of knowledge, address gaps in understanding, and often, to provide practical

application or solutions to real-world problems.

Theory and research share a symbiotic relationship in the realm of academia and scientific

inquiry. This iterative process fosters a dynamic interplay, where theory informs research

designs, and research outcomes shape and evolve theoretical perspectives in this way, theory and

research work together to advance knowledge and understanding in a particular field.

Researchers use theories to guide their research questions and hypotheses, and they use

research to either support or refute existing theories. In this way, theory and research work

together to advance knowledge and understanding in a particular field. Overall, the relationship

between theory and research is crucial for the development and validation of scientific

knowledge, this interconnected relationship enhances our understanding of the world by

aligning conceptual frameworks with empirical observations.

In the field of communication, the relationship between theory and research is vital for

understanding and improving how people interact and convey messages. Communication

theories, such as the transactional model or agenda-setting theory, provide conceptual

frameworks to explain how communication processes work. Researchers use these theories as a

foundation for their studies, designing experiments or conducting observations to test and further

develop these theories. For instance, a researcher might use agenda-setting theory to investigate

how media influences public perception of certain issues. The findings from research studies

then contribute to the refinement and advancement of communication theories.

Conversely, research findings contribute to the refinement and development of communication

theories. The ongoing cycle of theory development and research helps to ensure that

communication theories accurately reflect real-world communication phenomena.

In summary, in the field of communication, theory and research are intertwined, with research

validating, refining and expanding communication theories, while theories guide and provide a

framework for research in communication.

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