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Gerico Carpiso & July Heart Gabriel Educ-122

BAPS-4 Activity#1

Elementary grade school teacher- Loida M. the curriculum comprised the various subjects that
will be taught to students according to their levels and differences
School Principal- Medy Bianzon: K to 12 is the present Curriculum being used in this country.
But schools were forced to migrate from face-to-face delivery to modular or online modality
during the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has created unexpected challenges
economically, socially, and politically not only in our country but across the globe. More than
just a health crisis, it has resulted in an educational crisis. During lockdowns and quarantines,
student population was affected and many Filipino learners were out of school. The suddenness,
and uncertainty of COVID-19 left the education system in a rush of addressing the changing
learning landscape. Considering the limitation on connectivity, the concept of flexible learning
emerged as an option for online learning in our country. Flexible learning focuses on giving
students choice in the pace, place, and mode of students’ learning is also considered considering
mostly in the mountainous area. The learners were provided with the option on how he/she will
continue with his/her studies, where and when he/she can proceed, and in what ways can the
learners comply with the requirements and show evidence of learning outcomes. Flexible
learning and teaching span a multitude of approaches that can meet the varied needs of diverse
learners. These include “independence in terms of time and location of learning, and the
availability of some degree of choice in the curriculum (including content, learning strategies,
and assessment) and the use of contemporary information and communication technologies to
support a range of learning strategies. In the secondary level, the Most Essential Learning
Competencies(MELCS) were followed. Meaning not all competencies were included but those
which would really help the students with the help of the parents, assistor, knowledge bearers as
they call it. Finally this year, the in person in class happens. This will greatly help our students
learn more compared to when they were in their houses. May we all pray that God protects us
and gives us wisdom as we venture to education in our own country. We just need to inspire our
fellow Filipinos to continue learning and pursue their dreams in life. God bless Philippines.

Practice Teacher- Nina Salinas, Political Science instructor at SMU: the curriculum is set of
course that serve as guideline both for students and teachers but not limited to what is said within
the curriculum.
Non-educational College student- Noreen Respicio Political Science student at SMU:
Curriculum is CHED memo which universities follow.

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