Email 20sales 20funnel 20guide

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Boost conversions by 26x

through email sales funnel for

your business

What is an email marketing funnel?

Email marketing funnel stages

2 Ways to capture leads for email mar-
keting funnels

How to use email funnels to create life-
long loyal customers

Email funnel made easier with Mail-
munch’s Automations
The first time I heard the term “sales
funnel,” I thought I needed a professional
degree to get a hold of the concept. For a In 2018, less than
20% of leads were
self-starter it’s a lot to take in, so I naturally
ready to buy
thought it’s only appropriate to experiment
with multiple email marketing sales funnel.
59% of the B2B marketers say that creat-
1 ing an email list is the most effective funnel
to generate solid revenue. But for many,
their email funnel is broken to some In 2019, the number
dropped to 9%

Sometimes buyers need affirmation before

making a purchase. And that’s why you
need a sales to funnel to increase your
in 2020-21? Yet
conversions! The data we collected over again, lower! With
the years is shocking! only 5% of leads
ready to make a
Therefore, a sales funnel is what you need
to nurture your lead enough to encourage
their purchase decision. Learn how you
can increase conversions by designing a 90% of leads
successful purchase journey. require nurtur-
ing, support,
and consistent
What is an email
marketing funnel?
A traditional sales funnel defines Building your entire audience just
the journey that a potential cus- on Facebook or Twitter is not
tomer goes through for the first enough. If you want to increase
time when they hear about a prod- the likelihood of email subscrib-
uct. But when you know the struc- ers by 15x by the time you start
2 ture of your marketing funnel you your new email campaign, creat-
can optimize the sales funnel on ing a sales funnel for emails is
each step and convert more leads worth a shot.
into buying customers.
But why create an email sales
Therefore, an email marketing funnel at all? Your email list is one
funnel refers to the way customers of the marketing platforms under
move through a sales pitch. The your control. Sure, social media is
business owners craft your typical great, but its algorithms have
sales funnel to sell the products changed over the years.
and services via educational con-
tent and persuasive selling.
Email marketing funnel
Email marketing is more than just
blasting a subscriber’s mailbox
with emails blindly. There are
different ways email marketing
can be utilized at each step of the
3 email sales funnel.

1.Awareness (Generating leads)

So maybe you are not an

industry leader, but putting the
right effort to increase brand
An email sequence (starting from
awareness will generate opti-
welcome emails) will help build the
mal results. Invest in the
organic traffic, creating that initial
awareness stage so that visi- connection you want with potential
tors would enter the email customers.
marketing customer journey.
The prospects need a sign that Use cold outreach to start people on
your sales funnel journey. These
points them towards a solution
prospects have not had a chance to
to their problem.
engage with your brand priorly. But
remember not to be too pushy in
your emails.
2. Interest stage (Warming up the leads)

Visitors may enjoy the content

on your website, but they are
not ready to buy just yet. Lead
magnets will warm up the leads Always send a welcome email.
and encourage them to sub-
Set up an email sequence with
scribe. Email marketing is the
a follow-up sent 2 or 3 days
best way to encourage pros-
after the initial email.
pects and help them divert to
the path of conversion. People Set up an email sequence to
who opted for checklists, follow up with subscribers
guides, white papers, etc., will who did open the email and
not miss these emails. downloaded the lead magnet.

3. Decision (Nurturing leads)

Found a lead generation strat-

egy that works best for you?
That’s awesome! It is easy to
select the subscribers who You can send subscribers the
engaged with your emails at testimonials, reviews, success
various times. Your job is to try stories, promote notable
achievements, case studies,
to move them through the
sales funnel.
Build trust, and offer value to If subscribers are not engaging
develop a nurturing relation- at this stage, craft a re-en-
ship with leads. Emails are the gagement email marketing
best antidote to eliminate the campaign to complete the
customer and brand gap.

4. Action (Creating customers)

After nurturing leads, it’s time
to convert them into paying
customers. Hopefully, you
have built enough reputation Attract the prospect with
and brand awareness that “start a trial” instead of urging
your subscribers can commit them to make a purchase.
by this stage.
Send re-engagement emails
Try using multiple email mar-
with eye-catching subject
keting strategies to trigger a lines if you feel the customer is
conversion. For instance, B2C spooked to make a purchase.
brands send limited-time
offers to create a sense of
FOMO and urgency. You can
also include a customer
review or create a small scroll
popup that notifies the
top-selling product.
Two Ways to capture
leads for email marketing

1. Opt-in forms
4 Have you poked around the blogs And why not create a different
too much? You must have heard copy for each lead capture
about opt-in forms to capture form? A/B testing is easier, and
leads. It's an opt-in form when you you can evaluate which position
come across a “first name” and and form perform the best.
“email address” field with a catchy Also, you can send emails to a
button. tailored list of content sub-
scribers through the funnel.
A fantastic way to generate traffic .
to your sales funnels is via opt-in
forms because they can be em-
bedded just about anywhere on
the website! Blog posts, the home
page, above the fold, or at the
footer; just name them, and mold
them within the desired page. Generate traffic
with emails

2. Landing pages

Think about the landing pages as Focus on the call to action to com-
the steroids. They are the power plete the sales funnel. For example,
boosters your email list needs to if you were to sell a cookie batch,
see what is being offered to creating an email challenge called
them. Of course, creating an “learn how to cook the best cookie
email comes highly recommend- dough batch in just 7 days” could
ed because it naturally educates show promising results. You could
your audience. Plus the content even add a gif at this point without
needs to take your prospect distracting the subscriber.
somewhere. Ideally you want to
direct them to a landing page
with a can’t miss offer.

Don’t forget to add one strong,

catchy, and most appealing call
to action for every landing page.
Should it be unique? Yes. Will it
increase the conversions rate?
How to use email funnels to
create lifelong loyal customers

1. Make appearances
Does your subscriber love to see your email in their inbox? First, do not
ever go radio silent on them! And secondly, nurture your subscribers
between launches to educate them with helpful content. It can be a
product promotion, a blog post or a weekly newsletter to keep your sub-
scribers interested. Emails are not only meant for sales.

2. Answer queries via newsletter

Emails perform best when they sound like a conversation. You may not
have the time to answer each query, but you can repurpose the queries
into question for the next newsletter in a Q&A video or an FAQs section.

3. Create an automated email sequence

Already producing the blog content but unable to send a weekly newslet-
ter? After defining a sales funnel, it’s time to grow and nurture your email
subscriber list. Add the subscribers to an automated emails sequence of
the repurposed content.
Email funnel made easier with
Mailmunch’s Automations

Congratulations! Now you know how to build your email funnel strategy.
The next step is to lay out the content. If you feel stuck, we recommend
preparing an outline for each funnel email.

It is easier to create outlines and email templates with Mailmunch’s Au-

tomation Tool. Send emails timely with targeted content to your sub-
scribers. Every email has an equal and desired reaction, so make sure
your subscribers go through the funnel based on their desired content.
Own relationship with
your customers
Ready to see how the email marketing sales funnel can grow
your business? Connect with Mailmunch for free! Find 1,000+
HTML responsive email templates and 100+ landing page tem-
plates, and more!

Sign up today!

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