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atmospheric The cozy

A mixture of gases conditions, atmosphere of the

that surrounds a create an cafe attracted bầu khí
atmosphere n planet or moon atmosphere many customers. quyển
detect an The unusual data
anomaly, point was
unusual anomaly considered an
something unusual anomaly in the dị
anomaly n or unexpected research findings. thường
change The company's
dramatically, profits increased
ad increase dramatically after
dramatically v greatly, substantially dramatically the rebranding. đáng kể
in a set of numbers, high variability, The variability in
how widely climate weather patterns
dispersed the variability makes predictions
values are from challenging.
each other and from sự thay
variability n the mean đổi
something that key factor, Economic stability
contributes to a influencing factor is influenced by
factor n result various factors. yếu tố
life cycle, natural The business
A series of events cycle cycle includes
that happen over periods of growth sự tuần
cycle n and over again and recession. hoàn
characterized The region is
by, well- characterized by
characterized its diverse có đặc
characterized landscapes. điểm gì
an imaginary line around the The equator is an
drawn around the equator, cross imaginary line that
earth equally distant the equator divides the Earth
from both poles, into two
dividing the earth hemispheres.
into northern and
hemispheres and đường
constituting the xích
equator n parallel of latitude 0° đạo
humid climate, Tropical regions
having a large highly humid are known for their
amount of water or hot and humid
humid adj moisture in the air climate. ẩm ướt
predictable The predictable có thể
pattern, easily schedule allowed dự
predictable for efficient đoán
predictable adj expected planning. được
reverse the The decision to
process, reverse reverse the policy
turning in the the trend had significant đảo
reverse v opposite direction implications. ngược
vary widely, Prices may vary thay
continuously depending on đổi,
vary v to differ vary market conditions. biến đổi
shifts in climate, The market often
abrupt shifts shifts in response
to changes in
a change in position consumer
shifts v or direction preferences.
to force someone or drive the Innovative ideas
something to go process, human- drive progress in
somewhere or do driven technology.
drive v something
retain moisture, The company
retain aims to retain its
information top-performing giữ lại,
retain v to hold or keep employees. cầm lại
emit gases, Factories emit
to send out; to give continuously pollutants into the
forth, as in sound or emit air, affecting the
emit v light environment. thải ra
carbon Carbon emission
emissions, reduction is crucial
a pollutant released reduce for combating
emission n into atmosphere emissions climate change. khí thải
the amount of potential impact, The new
electricity passing unrealized technology has
throung an electric potential the potential to
circuit, measured in revolutionize the thế
potential n volts industry. năng
absorb heat, Plants absorb
absorb nutrients sunlight during hấp thụ,
absorb v to take in or soak up photosynthesis. thấm
excess n more than what is in excess, The excess thừa
neededor usual excess moisture production led to a
surplus in
abundant The region is dồi dào,
resources, abundant in nhiều,
abundant wildlife natural resources. phong
abundant adj more than enough phú
organic decay, The decay of
damage, or a state process of decay organic matter
that becomes contributes to soil
decay n gradually worse fertility.
account for the The report must
variation, account for all
to form the total of account for financial
account for something changes transactions. chiếm
to keep something trap heat, trap The heat-trapping
such as heat or pollutants effect of
water in one pace, greenhouse gases
especially because contributes to
trap v it is useful global warming. giữ
high potency, The potency of the
medicinal medicine was
the strength of potency evident in its quick công
potency n something relief. hiệu
study of geology, Geology explores
geological the Earth's
features structure and địa chất
geology n study of the earth composition. học
solar energy, Solar energy is thuộc
solar radiation harnessed from về mặt
solar adj relating to the sun the sun's rays. trời
be composed of The committee is
elements, be composed of
composed of representatives
be composed rocks from various bao
of to consist of departments. gồm
environmental The project
aspect, different involves
aspects considering every
one part of a aspect for
situation, plan or comprehensive khía
aspect n subject planning. cạnh
ocean currents, The ocean current
atmospheric influences
curent n the flow of electrons currents weather patterns. dòng
Energy that is solar radiation, The dangers of
radiated or nuclear radiation excessive
transmitted in the radiation exposure
form of rays or are well- sự bức
radiation n waves or particles. documented. xạ
recur regularly, Similar issues
to happen many recur in cycles may recur if not
times or to happen addressed
recur v again properly. tái diễn
computational Computational
model, models are used
relating to, or using computational to simulate
computational adj computers analysis complex systems.
reconstruct the Archaeologists
to build or create climate, work to
again something reconstruct the reconstruct
that has been data ancient
damaged or civilizations tái thiết,
reconstruct v destroyed through artifacts. xây lại
preserve Conservation
maintain biodiversity, efforts aim to
(something) in its preserve the preserve
original or existing environment endangered bảo tồn,
preserve v state. species. giữ gìn
to replace one thing substitute for, You can substitute
or person for substitute olive oil for butter
substitute v another ingredients in this recipe. thay thế
melting glaciers, The melting of tảng
receding glaciers glaciers băng,
huge, slow moving contributes to sông
glaciers n sheets of ice rising sea levels. băng
rising sea level, Rising sea levels
The average level of global sea level pose a threat to mực
the ocean's surface coastal nước
sea level at any given time communities. biển
A trace of an fossil fuels, fossil Paleontologists
ancient organism records study fossils to
that has been understand hóa
fossil n preserved in rock. ancient life forms. thạch
unpleasant, unkind, harsh conditions, The harsh winter
cruel, or more harsh climate weather requires
severe than is adequate khắc
harsh adj necessary preparation. nghiệt
barren The barren
landscape, landscape lacked
barren desert vegetation and
barren adj empty; deserted life. cằn cối
tolerate extreme Employees must
conditions, tolerate diverse
tolerate diversity perspectives in a
to put up with, to multicultural chịu
tolerate v bear workplace. đựng
The number of high population Urban areas often
individuals in an density, low have a high
population area of a specific population population mật độ
density size density density. dan số
an idea or scientific Scientists test
explanation for hypothesis, test hypotheses
something that is a hypothesis through
based on known systematic
facts but has not yet experiments. giả
hypothesis n been proved thuyết
tropical The tropical island
any place of paradise, lost was considered a
complete bliss and paradise paradise for thiên
paradise n delight and peace vacationers. đường
densely The densely
populated, populated city thuộc
sparsely faced challenges về dân
populated adj lived in; filled with populated in urban planning. cư
lean body, lean A lean
cuisine organizational
containing little or promotes
lean adj no fat efficiency. thịt nạc
exercise self- Cultivating self-
restraint, show restraint is
self-restraint essential for
the ability to personal tự kiềm
self-restraint n control yourself development. chế
permissible Only permissible
behavior, items are allowed có thể
allowable, not permissible in the restricted chấp
permissible adj forbidden actions area. nhận
obedience n following rules or obedience to The training tuân
guidelines authority, blind emphasized the theo,
obedience importance of làm
obedience in
working dogs. theo
elaborate The artist created
design, an elaborate
To explain in greater elaborate mural on the city
elaborate adj detail explanation walls. làm rõ
imitation jewelry, The fashion
copying the imitation of art industry often
behavior of another sees trends and bắt
imitation n person styles in imitation. chước
something that extension cord, The extension of
develops out of a file extension the deadline
custom, practice, provided relief to sự mở
extension n idea, etc the students. rộng
stuff a pillow, She decided to
to fill something until stuff information stuff the turkey
there is no more with a flavorful
stuff v space herb mixture. nhồi
numerous The library
examples, contains
numerous numerous books
opportunities on various
numerous adj a lot of subjects. nhiều
originate from, The tradition is
ideas originate believed to
to bring or come into originate from
originate v being ancient customs.
to decorate; to garnish a dish, The chef used
enhance or improve, garnish with fresh herbs to
especially food in a herbs garnish the dish trình
garnish v decorative way for added flavor. bày
preferable to The digital format
others, is preferable to
better or more preferable to traditional paper
preferable to suitable consider documents.
proper nutrition, A balanced diet is
factors that relate to balanced essential for
the health and nutrition overall health and dinh
nutrition n benefits of food nutrition. dưỡng
fluids n liquids and gases bodily fluids, Hydration is chất
hydraulic fluids crucial for lỏng
maintaining the
balance of bodily
the act of making inclusion in the Inclusion in
someone or list, promote decision-making
something part of a inclusion fosters a sense of
group or collection - belonging. bao
inclusion n bao gồm gồm
artistic A calm
temperament, temperament is an
the emotional part of calm asset in stressful tính
temperament n a person's character temperament situations. cách
collected data, She remained
stay collected collected and
composed during
put together in one the challenging
collected adj book presentation.
craft a story, Skilled artisans
make something craft a solution craft intricate
using a special skill, designs on
especially with your handmade
craft v hands products.
touch on the The speaker will
briefly mention subject, briefly touch on key chạm
(something) in touch on points during the vào vấn
touch on speech or writing conference. đề
Pretending to have political Public figures are
feelings, beliefs, or hypocrisy, often criticized for
virtues that one religious perceived đạo
hypocrisy n does not have hypocrisy hypocrisy. đức giả
lacking or missing meaning lost in The humor of the
the full meaning of a translation, joke was lost in
word or words after easily lost in translation,
being changed from translation leading to
the original confusion.
lost in language to another
traslation language
heightened The heightened được
awareness, security measures làm
increased, heightened were implemented tăng
especially a feeling senses after the incident. thêm,
heightened v or an effect nổi bật
allegory n a story, poem, or literary allegory, The fable served chuyện
picture that can be use of allegory as an allegory for ngụ
interpreted to reveal moral lessons. ngôn
a hidden meaning,
typically a moral or
political one.
secular society, The school không
secular promotes a liên
education secular approach quan
to education. đến tôn
secular adj Non-religious giáo
lavish lifestyle, The couple hosted
overly generous, lavish a lavish
extravagant; decorations celebration for
lavish adj abundant their anniversary.
lavish with gifts, The designer
lavish praise chose to lavish
to spend or give attention on xa hoa,
lavish v freely or without limit intricate details. lãng phí
hierarchical The company
structure, follows a
arranging things one hierarchical hierarchical
above the other by organization organizational
hierarchical adj rank structure. thứ bậc
social mobility, Job mobility
the ability to move fluid mobility allows employees
easily from one to explore different
place, social class roles within a
mobility n or job to another company.
virtually The online course
impossible, allows for virtually
ad virtually unlimited gần
virtually v nearly, almost unchanged participation. như
roasted The chef roasted
vegetables, the vegetables to
cooked over an freshly roasted enhance their
roasted v open firen flavor. nướng
A basic food that is staple food, Rice is a staple
used frequently and staple diet food in many
staple adj in large amounts Asian countries.
noble cause, The knight
noble character displayed noble
qualities in his
noble n of high birth or rank chivalrous actions. cao quý
spectacle n an event or scene grand spectacle, The fireworks
regarded in terms of cultural display was a
its visual impact. breathtaking
mythical Dragons are
creatures, mythical creatures
mythical stories often found in
mythical adj Imaginary; not real folklore.
universal appeal, The charity event
emotional had a wide
apply to a higher appeal appeal, attracting
court for a reversal donors from
of the decision of a diverse
appeal n lower court. backgrounds.
on a regular Exercise is
basis, done on a essential on a
regular basis regular basis for
on a regular maintaining good thường
basis regularly health. xuyên
traditional The restaurant
cuisine, exotic specializes in
cuisine authentic Italian ẩm
cuisine n style of cooking cuisine. thực
the food and drink basic Farmers rely on
that people, animals sustenance, the land for
and plants need to provide sustenance and
sustenance n live and stay healthy sustenance livelihood.
ornate The palace trang trí
architecture, featured ornate công
ornate details decorations and phu,
ornate adj highly decorated intricate carvings. lộng lẫy
go to great The team will go
lengths, go to to great lengths to
go to great to try very hard to great lengths to ensure customer
lengths achieve something achieve satisfaction.
civilization The arts flourished phát
flourished, during the triển
to grow well, business Renaissance. mạnh
flourished v successful flourished mẽ
Taking control of a military The military
people or place conquest, campaign led to
through military historical the conquest of chinh
conquest n force conquest new territories. phục
reverence n deep respect for show reverence, The students lòng tôn
someone or deep reverence showed reverence kính
something for their esteemed
standing out so as prominent The prominent
to be easily seen; figure, building nổi bật,
important, well- prominent role dominated the city đáng
prominent adj known skyline. chú ý
penned a novel, The author
artist penned penned a heartfelt
letter to express
penned v written gratitude.
literary genres, The bookstore has
musical genres a diverse
collection of books
spanning multiple
genres n topical categories genres.
mystical The ancient forest
a spiritual sense experience, had a mystical
beyond human mystical aura, captivating
mystical adj understanding teachings all who entered. thần bí
an artist's poetic lyricism, The poet's work
expression of musical lyricism was characterized
emotion in an by its profound
imaginative and lyricism.
beautiful way; the
quality of being
lyricism n lyrical.
provide critique, The art critic
artistic critique provided a
A detailed analysis thoughtful critique phê
critique n and assessment. of the exhibition. bình
severely The drought
impacted, severely impacted
ad severely agricultural yields. tàn
severely v harshly; extremely punished khốc
extravagant The wedding
lifestyle, featured an
extravagant extravagant
spending display of flowers hoang
extravagant adj excessive and decorations. phí
baptized members explanations for The presentation
of the Church who laypeople, was designed to
share in the mission understandable be accessible to
to bring the good to laypeople laypeople without
news of Christ to the specialized
laypeople n world knowledge.
immoral Engaging in
behavior, dishonest
not conforming to morally immoral business practices
accepted standards is considered
immoral adj of morality immoral.
artistic depiction, The artist's
accurate depiction of nature
depiction captured its
beauty and
depiction n description serenity.
medieval The region is
monasteries, known for its
Buddhist ancient
monasteries monasteries, each
Communities of with a unique
monasteries n monks history.
church leaders religious clergy, The clergy
the role of clergy members
dedicated their
lives to serving the
clergy n community.

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