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Gr 6 NS and Technology Task 5 Term 3 2021




TASK Nr. 5

Total Marks : 20
Date : 23 September 2021
Examiner : C. Joubert

Developed by Auxilio cc 1
Gr 6 NS and Technology Task 5 Term 3 2021
Practical Task / Investigation
Conductivity of materials
You are helping your dad to clean up his study. While you are busy with this
task, you are wondering which of the materials laying around can conduct
electricity. You want to test different materials to see whether it is
conductors or insulators of electricity.

1. Write down your hypothesis.

I think that …______________________________________________


2. Conduct your investigation.

• Use this diagram and write down what you need to build this circuit:
• Build your circuit.
• Use the material named in the column below and connect it, one by one,
between the two wires and see what is happening to the
3. Record your observations.
• Complete the columns.
Objects Did the bulb light up? Metal / Non-metal

metal paper clip

copper wire
plastic ruler
metal nail

Developed by Auxilio cc 2
Gr 6 NS and Technology Task 5 Term 3 2021
4. Conclusion.
• Name the objects that are conductors.
• Why do you say these objects are conductors?
• What are these objects made off?
• What do we call the objects that did not light up the bulb?
• If your bulb lights up in the circuit, how can you prevent your battery
from running down? What is missing in the circuit? Show your answer
by drawing the circuit.

Write your conclusion:
Total: 20

Developed by Auxilio cc 3

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