C. Detective

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Newly admitted member of the Cambodian Police commenced with the rank of-
A. Police Officer 1 C. Detective
B. Officer Constable D. Aide de camp

11. What is that division under London Police Service responsible for initiating investigations into
criminal activity and for providing investigative support to the uniformed division?
A. Criminal Investigation Division C. Support Services
B. Corporate Service Divison D. General Investigation Section

12. What is the main agency tasked with maintaining law and order in the city-state of
A. Singapore Police Force C. Pasukan Polis Singapura
B. Gendermaries D. either A or B

13. The Singapore Police Force Police Headquarters includes the following appointments except one,
which one is excluded?
A. Commissioner of Police C. Deputy Chief of Police
B. Director for Special Duties D. Chief of Staff

14. It pertains to the official name of the Turkish police which assumes roles in law enforcement and
security matters mostly in cities and metros.
A. Jandarma C. Emniyet Genel Mundurlugu
B. Military Police D. Village Guards

15. The largest police force in North America with primary responsibilities in law enforcement and
investigations with the five borough of New York City is:
A. New York Police Department C.Royal Canadian Mounted Police
B. Los Angeles Police Department D. Federal Bureau of Investigation

16. Which among the following choices does not belong to the organization of New York Police.
A. Aviation Unit C. Organized Crime Control Bureau
B. Emergency Unit D. none of these

17. Under the New York Police Department's Rank, which rank do you consider as the highest?
A. Chief of the Department C. Bureau Chief
B. Inspector D. Police Commissioner

18. Which among the following does not belong to the several directorates composing the France
National Police?
A. Directorate of Administration of the National Police C. Central Directorate of Judicial Police
B. Central Directorate of the Republican Security Companies D. Directorate of Intelligence.

19. What type of military police service in some part of Europe composed of a civilian force trained and
organized along Military lines?
A. Gendarmeries
B. Constabulary
C. Provost
D. Keepers of the Peace

20. The military force in Turkey that is composed of small force under military command who handle
cases directly relevant to military security and military crimes is known as:
A. Askeri Inzibat
B. Gendarmerie
C. Village guard
D. Intelligence force

21. The Israel Police Force training is administered by its:

A. Ministry of the Interior
B. Ministry of Home and Internal Affairs
C. Ministry of Home of Affairs
D. Ministry of Public Security

22. Nepal Police organization is under the Ministry of

A. Home Affairs
B. Public Safety
C. Interior
D. Defense

23. What country requires its police applicants age is 18-35 years of age and must have finished.
secondary education?
A. Kazakhstan
B. Cambodia
C. Oman
D. Vietnam

24. What country wherein faithfulness and obedience to God is one of the entry qualifications?
A. India B. Israel
C. Sri Lanka
D. Indonesia

25. India Police examination is administered by A. Civil Service Commission for Examination
B. India Ministry of Commission C. India Police Service Commission
D. Union Public Service for Examination

26. What is the main police force in Malaysia?

A. Malaysian National Police
C. Royal Malaysian Security Police
B. Malaysian Public Security D
. Royal Malaysian Police

27. What country that has the motto of "To Protect and Serve"?
A. Philippines
B. Cambodia
28. KNPA stands for
C. Indonesia
D. Maldives
A. Korean National Police Agency for South Korea
B. Korean National Police Agency for North Korea
C. Korean National Public Agency D. Korean National Public Administration

29. The highest National Police rank of Iran is

A. Director General
C. Commissioner of Police
B. Commissioner General
D. General

30. Police Officer 1 in the Philippines, what is the equivalent in Oman?

A. Policeman
C. Corporal
B. Constable D. Conscript

31. DILG for Philippines, how about Greece?

A. Ministry of Greece
B. Ministry of Citizen Protection
C. Citizen Protection
D. Department of Greece

32. UN selection assistance team for PNP, English test, weapon handling test, driving test, IQ test
A. Minimum Recruitment Requirements
B. Standard Requirements C. Policy Requirements
D. Minimum Requirements.

33. What is the counterpart of POI in London?

A. Constable
B. Patrolman
C. police
D. private

34. Qualification in the approval to became a UN member.

A. Is open to all other peace-loving states/Council's recommendation must then be subsequently
approved in the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote
B. effected by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security
C. A recommendation for admission from the Security Council requires affirmative votes from at least
nine of the council's fifteen members, with none of the five permanent members voting against.
D. All of the above
35. AL. Qaeda was trained by CIA in order to defeat
A. Americans
B. Soviet
C. Westerners
D. Arabs
36. Japans supervising agency over their national police?
B. ministry of affairs
D. National police Bureau.

37 The term referring to the holy war waged by members of the Islamic religion against the Jews as
A. Al Queda
B. Hamas
C. Hezbollah
D. Jihad

38. Founder of Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)

A. Nur Misuari
B. Murad Ebrahim
C. Hashim Salamat
D. Sison

39 Where located the metropolitan police in Japan?

A. Fukushima
B. Tokyo
C. Okinawa
D. Hokaido

40. A breakaway MNLF faction founded in 1991 by Abubakar Janjalani, who trained under Osama bin
Laden in the Afghan war against the Soviets.

41. It is an international terrorist network formed by Osama bin Laden in 1988 to rid Muslim. countries
of Western influence and replace their governments with fundamentalist Islamic regimes.

42. The four (4) official languages of Interpol are:

A. English, French, Spanish and Arabic
B. English, Russia, Spanish and Arabic
C. English, French, Italian and Arabic
D. English, French, Spanish and Russia

43. The Interpol has developed a global police communications system known as:
A. 1-24/7
B. 1-30/7
C.1-26/7 D. 1-36/7
44. Types of Notices used to seek the arrest with a view to extradition of subjects wanted and
based upon an arrest warrant.
A. Transnational crime
B. Transnational organized crime
C. transnational criminal
D. none

58. Under RA 6975, insurgency problem is to be handled by:

D. Abu Sayaff

59. A memorandum order designating the PNP as the Interpol, National Central Bureau for the
A. Μ.Ο.92
Β. Μ.Ο.94
C. M.O. 93
D. M.O. 95

60. The world's largest international police organization to prevent or combat international crime is:
B. Interpol
D. Custom

61. Interpol targeting Eurasian criminal organizations is known:

A. Project Millennium
B. Project Scream
C. Project AOC
D. Project Bada

62. The illegal production and distribution of controlled substances which includes money in the many
phases of the illegal drug business.
A. Drug trafficking
B. Legal trafficking
C. Illegal drug trafficking
D. substance trafficking

63. The "Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001."

A. RA 9164
B. RA 9061
C. RA 9160
D. RA 9461

64. A crime whereby the proceeds of an unlawful activity are transacted, thereby making them. appear
to have originated from legitimate sources.
A. Money laundering
B. Illegal money
C. Money washing
D. legal money

65. Creating the Philippine Center on Transnational Crime (PCTC) to serve as a nerve center, a think tank,
and a central database for the monitoring, detecting, and investigating of transnational crimes
Α. Ε.Ο. 61
Β. Ε.Ο. 64
C. Ε.Ο. 62
D. C.O.65

66. This includes activities such as fraud, unauthorized access, child pornography, and cyber stalking.
A. Cyber computer
B. Cyber crime
C. cyber stalking crime
D. none of the following

67. The "Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003".

A. RA 9208
B. RA 9372
C. RA 9160
D. RA 4200

68. The recruitment, transportation, transfer or harboring, or receipt of persons with or without the
victim's consent or knowledge, within or across national borders by means of threat or use of force.
A. Human trafficking
B. Human terrorism
C. Human smuggling
D. human trade traffic

69. The world's largest market for illegal drugs is

A. United States
B. Italy
C. Columbia
D. Russia

70. It is a police that keeps current files of information gathered about criminals involve in international
counterfeiting, kidnapping, smuggling and drug cases,
A. Interpol

71. Peacekeeping Operations are established by the:

A. Secretary General
B. Security General
C. Security Council
D. Peacekeeping Operations General
72. Who appoints a Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG).
A. Secretary General
B. Security General
C. Security Council
D. Peace keeping Operations General

73. PNP counterpart in Greece is:

A. Hellenic Police
B. Greece Police
C. Security Council
D. Peacekeeping Operations General

74. He assists the SRSG in ensuring that the mission is managed, administered and supported int line
with UN regulation.
A. Director of Administration (DOA)
B. either A and C
C. Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
D. Force Commander

75. The command of Peacekeeping Operation is vested to whom, under the authority of the security
A. Secretary General
B. Security General
C. Security Council
D . Peacekeeping Operations General

76. Who serves as the head of mission, and is responsible for implementing the mission mandate,
and has the authority over all components of the mission and reports to the Secretary-General through
the under Secretary-General for peacekeeping operations.
D. Security Council

77. DPKO means:

A. Department of Peacekeeping Operations.
B. Department of Peacekeeping Organization.
C, Deployment peacekeeping Operations
D. Deployment of Peacekeeping Organization.

78. The Police Commissioner (PC) is responsible for all police-related aspects of the mandate including
the management of the UN police components and, where they exist, Formed Police Units (FPU's).
Police Commissioner (PC) is otherwise known as:
A. The Senior Police Director Adviser (SPDA)
B. The Senior Police Adviser (SPA)
C. The Security Police Adviser (SPA)
D. The Security Police Director Adviser (SPDA)
79. It assists the member states and Secretary-General in their efforts to maintain international security.
B. Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG).
C. Office of the Under-Secretary-General (OUSG).
D. Peacekeeping Best Practices Unit (PBPU)

80. It assesses and evaluates the successes and failures of all UN pe

B. Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG). Office of the Under-Secretary-General (OUSG)
D. Peacekeeping Best Practices Unit (PBPU)

81. The Police division supports, UN police operations of various kinds in:
A. 10 UN peacekeeping mission around the world.
B. 13 UN peacekeeping mission around the world.
C. 16 UN peacekeeping mission around the world
D. 20 UN peacekeeping mission around the world,

82. It is the science and art of investigating and comparing the police system of nations. It covers the
study of police organizations, trainings and methods of policing of various nations.
A. Comparative Police System
B. Globalization
C. Comparative System
D. Transnational crimes.

83. A process of interaction and d integration among the people, companies, and governments of
different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information
technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic
development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.
A. Comparative Police System
B. Globalization
C. Comparative System
D. Transnational crimes.

84. This involves the planning and execution of illicit business ventures by groups or networks of
individuals working in more than one country. These criminal groups use systematic violence and
corruption to achieve their goals. Crimes commonly include money laundering: human smuggling, cyber
crime, and trafficking of humans, drugs, weapons, endangered species, body parts, or nuclear material
A. Transnational organized crime
B. Organized crime
C. Transnational crime
D. Terrorism.

85. This is the illegal trade in human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced
labor, a modern-day form of slavery. It is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world, and tied
with the illegal arms industry as the second largest, after the drug-trade.
A. Human Smuggling
B. human Trafficking
C. Sex Trade
D. Prostitutions

86. These are generally defined as any type of illegal activity that makes use of the Internet, a private or
public network, or an in-house computer system.
A. Cybercrimes
B. Internet crimes
C. Computer crimes.
D. Electronic Crimes

new kind of warfare where information and 87. In modem world study of crimes, there is attacks on
information and its system are used as a tool. Which of these?
A. Warfare of the internet
B. Access to information
C. Information warfare
D. Access warfare

88. In understanding cyber crimes, what is known as the technologically-based "attack" on one person
who has been targeted specifically by reasons of anger, revenge or control?
A. Denial Of Service attack
B. Malware or malicious coding
C. Cyber Stalking
D. Cyborge attack

89 is the use of a computer to take or alter data, or to gain unlawful use of computer
A. Computer Fraud
B. Conduit Fraud
C. Customs Fraud
D. Bank card fraud

90. In the study of terrorism, when it is characterized by a revolutionary approach sach as acts of
terrorism which are committed for ideological or political motives but which are not part of a concerted
campaign to capture control the state, it is called-
A. Quasi-Terrorism
C. Limited Political Terrorism

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