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SAT Vocabulary Activity Sheet # 1

Directions: Below, you will see the SAT vocabulary words for this cycle, as well as their
parts of speech and definitions. Below these, you will see ten sentences, each with a blank space
in it. Please fill each blank in with one of the words in the box below; each word will only be
used once.

SAT Word Part of Speech

1. Accentuate Verb
2. Beneficial Adj.
3. Cacophony Noun
4. Debacle Noun
5. Debilitating Adj.
6. Debunk Verb
7. Eclectic Adj.
8. Lithe Adj.
9. Miffed Adj.
10. Ornate Adj.

1. The girl was quite __________ when she found out that she hadn’t been invited to her best
friend’s birthday party.

2. The Vietnam War is often considered a great military _____________.

3. The musicians, having not practiced at all beforehand, created a great __________ in the
concert hall.

4. The __________ gymnasts made even the most difficult acrobatic stunts look easy.

5. The great pimple on her nose and the fraying hairs on her head served to ______________
the witch’s ugliness.

6. AIDS is a _____________ disease, stripping individuals of their health bit by bit.

7. A huge, ___________ chandelier dominated the ceiling of the king’s banquet hall.

8. Most major universities try to attract an _____________ student body so that they can draw
on a wide range of talents and skills for their programs.

9. In his efforts to __________ the idea that the sun revolved around the Earth, Gallileo was
persecuted by the Inquisition.

10. A good night’s rest will prove _____________ to one’s attention span the following day.

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