Unit 2 - 5º Primary - Test

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Text book : 2º primary

Unit : Sports – play / do / go. Present simple

Vocabulary – sports do / play / go
Grammar – present simple


Table tennis Swimming

Hockey Dancing
Badminton Bowling
Trampolining Archery
Diving Gymnastics
Climbing Judo
Abseiling Karate
Judo Table tennis
Water polo

Complete the table with the sports listed above.

Play Do Go
What is the sport? Write the word.



Unscramble the words


Mary goes karate

We do plays basketball
Your mum archery
They play swimming
I judo
She does go cycling
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb, play, do or go.
She ……………………………basketball
He ……………………………….judo
We …………………………….football.
She …………………………….swimming.
We ……………………………..karate.
They …………………………….cycling.
You ……………………………..archery

Now write the sentences in negative.


What sports do you, your family and friends like / not like?
Write 6 sentences.

My favourite sport is …………………………….because ………………………………


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