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SS021: Understand The Self


• He was a student of Socrates.
WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY? • Plato also believed in the division of a
➢ It is derived from the Greek words: person’s body and soul.
— Philos: Love • One of the most renowned thinkers of his
— Sophos: Wisdom time.
➢ Meaning: Love for Wisdom. • The father of the academy, a place where
➢ Philosophy is the study of acquiring knowledge learning and sharing of knowledge happens.
through rational thinking and inquiries that • Plato generally followed his teacher and the
involves in answering questions regarding the idea of knowing thyself although from his
nature and existence of man and the world we works.
live in.
Plato’s 3 Parts of the Soul:
PERSPECTIVE 1. Appetitive Soul
➢ It is imperative to look into the various • The part of the person that is driven
explanations from different philosophers about by desire and need to satisty
their notion of what the “Self” is, its nature, and oneself.
how it is formed to have a better picture on how • Satisfaction involves physical needs,
people develop their behaviors, attitude pleasure, and desires.
and personalities to be able to identify and
understand who we are and how we came to 2. Spirited Soul
be. • The part of the soul can be attributed
to the courageous part of a person.
PHILOSOPHERS FROM THE ANCIENT TIMES • One who wants to do something or
TO THE CONTEMPORARY PERIOD: to right the wrongs that they
• Plato was his student. 3. Rational Soul
• Considered as the first martyr of education, • The part of the soul that is the driver
knowledge and philosophy. of our lives.
• His philosophy underlies in the importance • The part that thinks and plan for the
of “Knowing oneself.” future “the conscious mind.”
• Men’s goal in life: to obtain happiness and
such goal motivates us to act towards or ST. AUGUSTINE
avoid things that could have negative • A saint and a philosopher of the church.
repercussions in our lives. • His work’s focal point is on how God and his
• Socrates believes that the answer to our teachings affects various aspects in life.
pursuit in knowing ourselves lies in our own • His idea of a man and how to understand
abilities and wisdom. who we are as a person is related to our
• That the only way for us to understand understanding of who we are and how we
ourselves is through internal questioning question ourselves.
or introspection. • Believes that our notion of ourselves and
• Socratic Method or Socratic our idea of existence comes from a higher
Conversation form of sense in which bodily senses may
not perceive or understand.
SS021: Understand The Self

RENE DESCARTES • “Ghost in the machine” view – the man is

• A French Philosopher; the Father of a complex machine with different
Modern Philosophy. functioning parts, and the intelligence, and
• His belief in modern dualism or the other.
existence of body and mind and it’s
implication to one’s existence. MAURICE JEAN JACQUES MERLEAU-PONTY
• Methodical Doubt, a continuous process of • A French philosopher; known for his works
questioning what we perceive and accepting on existentialism and phenomenology.
the fact that doubting, asking questions are • His idea of the self: regarded that the body
a part of ones’ existence. and mind are not separate entities, but
• A person is comprised of mind and body. rather those two components is one and the
• “Cogito Ergo Sum” – “I think therefore I same.
am.” (I am thinking therefore I am/exist.) • The idea of gestalt ideation where the whole
is greater than the sum of its parts in which
pushed his idea on the unity of the function
JOHN LOCKE of the mind and body, Phenomenology of
• Locke is an English Philosopher and Perception.
• The Father of Classical Liberalism Phenomology of Perception
• His work on the self is most represented by
the concept “Tabula Rasa” – “Blank State.” 1. The Body
(The belief that human minds are blank at • Both receives the experience as well
birth) as integrates such experiences in
the different perception.
• The Scottish Philosopher. 2. The Percieved World
• He focused his work on the field of • Which is the accumulation of the
Empiricism, Skepticism, and Naturalism perception as integrated by the
• According to him, there is no permanent experiences of the body.
• That impressions of things are based on our 3. The People and The World
experiences. • Enable one to not only be able to
• From such impressions, we can create our integrate the other objects in the
ideas and knowledge… that since our world but also to be able to
impression and ideas change, it may experience the cultural aspect and
improve/totally replace. relate to others.


• Ryle has a behavioristic approach to self. • Freud is an Austrian Psychologist and
• His notion of dualism is that the behavior Physician.
that we show, emotions and actions are the • Father of Psychoanalysis.
reflection of our mind and as such is the • Known for his work in human nature and
manifestation of who we are. unconscious.
• Ryle does not believe that the mind and • Freud believed that man has different
body are two separate entities. constructs of personality that interacts with
SS021: Understand The Self

each other and along with his concepts of including many memories and
the different levels of conciousness. thoughts of which we are not aware.

Freud’s Aspects of Personality

1. Id
• The center of primitive and
animalistic impulses.
• Its attention is on satisfaction of
one’s need.
• Pleasure principle.

2. Superego
• The conscience of one’s personality;
right or wrong.
• Has inclination to uphold justice and
do what is morally right and socially
• Moral principle.

3. Ego
• Operates between boundaries and
• The mediator of Id and Superego.
• Reality principle.

Levels of Conciousness

1. Concious
• These are the things we are aware
• The minority of our memories are
being stored and is easier to be
tapped or accessed.

2. Pre-Conscious
• These are things we could pay
conscious attention to if we so
• Memories stored in this area can still
be accessed but with little difficulty.

3. Unconscious
• Consists of those things that are
outside of concious awareness
SS021: Understand The Self


WHAT IS SOCIOLOGY? 2. The Play Stage (2 – 6 years old)
➢ Sociology is the study of human society, its • It is the time where children
development, structure, function, and social begins to interact with others
interaction. with certain rules apply, these
rules often times does not
THE SELF IN THE SOCIOLOGICAL adhere to any set or standards
PERSPECTIVE but rather are rules that are set
➢ In contemporary literature, is commonly defined by the children themselves.
by the following characteristics: Separate, self-
contained, Independent, Consistent, Unitary, 3. The Game Stage (6 – 9 years old)
and Private. • Final Stage which characterized
➢ Social contructivist argue that the self has to be by the ability of the children to
seen as something that is in constant struggle recognize the rules of the game
with external reality and is flexible in its dealings and be able to identify their roles
with society. and the roles of the others that is
➢ The self is always in participation with social life playing with them.
and its identity subjected to influences here and
SOCIOLOGIST • The Science of Humanity.
• Anthropology studies the human species and its
GEORGE HERBERT MEAD immediate ancestors and the systematic
• Mead is an American Sociologist; the father exploration of human biology and cultural
of American pragmatism. diversity.
• Mead rejected the idea of biological • The study of human societies and cultures and
determination of the self. their development.
• Mead proposes that there are two
components of the self which the person THE SELF IN THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL
has, the “I” and the “Me.”: PERSPECTIVE
• Culture influences the development of the self
a. I is how I define myself. through enculturation. It guides the way we
o is the reaction of the individual to think, feel, and act.
the attitude of others. • Through this process, we learn to develop
unique characteristics as an individual.
b. Me is how people define me.
o Are the characteristics, behavior, THE SUBDISCIPLINES OF ANTHROPOLOGY
and/or actions done by a person
that follows the “generalized CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY
others” – how the society define • The study of human society and culture
me. which describes, analyzes, interprets and
explains social and cultural similarities and
The Mead’s Three Role-Playing Stages of differences.
Self Development:
1. Ethnography – Requires fieldwork to
1. The Preparatory Stage (Birth – 2 years collect data often discriptive and specific
old) to group.
• During this stage, the infant
simply imitates the actions and 2. Ethnology – Uses data collected by a
behaviors of the people that the series of researchers, usually synthetic
infant interacts with.The child is and comparative.
only mimicking what he or she
SS021: Understand The Self

• This reconstructs, describes, and interprets
human behaviour and cultural patters
through material remains.


• It focuses on the human evolution as
revealed by the fossil, human genetics,
human growth and development, human
biological plasticity and the biology.

• It studies language in its social and cultural
context across space and over time.


• Culture refers to customary behaviour and
beliefs that are passed on through
enculturation. (Kottak, 2008).
• Enculturation is the social process which
culture is learned and transmitted.
• Culture is a social process that is learned and
passes from generation to the next.
• Geertz (1973) described culture as “a system of
inherited conceptions expressed in symbolic
forms by means of ehich men communicate,
perpetuate, and develop their knowledge about
and attitudes towards life.”

• Shared
• Symbolic
• Natural
• Learned
• Integrated
• Encompassing
SS021: Understand The Self

PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE TO THE 2. The Social Self: is based on our

SELF interactions with society and the reaction
of people towards us. It is our social self
➢ Psychology has various ways of understanding
that is thought to have multiple
a person and the therapist way of helping
divergences or different versions of
people understand themselves.
ourselves. It varies as to how we
➢ Self by definition is a reference by an individual
present ourselves to a particular social
to the same individual person. Having its own or
single character as a person, referring to the
person as the same individual.
3. The Spiritual Self: The most intimate
➢ The psychology of studying self is about either
the cognitive and affective representation of self, the spiritual self. It is the most
one's identity or the subject of experience. intimate because it is more satisfying for
➢ The earliest formulation of the self in modern the person that they have the ability to
psychology forms the distinction between the argue and discriminate one’s moral
self as I, the person knower, and the self as Me, sensibility, conscience and indomitable
the person that is known. will.



• a psychologist, has introduced in his document • Carl Rogers is an American Psychologists and
The Principles of Psychology (1890) a had come up with his conception of self through
numerous concepts and distinction of self. the intervention he uses for his client, the
Person-centered therapy.
• For James, his main concepts of self are the
“me-self” and the “I-self”. • It is a non-directive intervention because it
believes that all people have the potential to
• The “me self” is the phenomenal self, the
solve their own problems.
experienced self or the self as known. It is the
self that has experience the phenomena and • Rogers believes that people must be fully
who had known the situation. honest with themselves in order to have
personal discovery on oneself.
• The “I-self” is the self-thought or the self-
knower. • In this concept of self, he had come up with
three sides of a triangle:
• James had claimed that the understanding of
a. The Perceived Self: Self-worth - how
Self can be separated into three categories:
the person sees self & others sees
1. Its constituents;
b. The Real Self: Self Image - how the
2. The feeling and emotions they arouse –
person really is.
Self-feelings; c. The Ideal Self: How the person would
3. The actions to which they prompt – like to be.
Self-seeking and self-preservation
• Also, James wrote sub-categories of self: • Rather than viewing people as inherently
flawed, with problematic behaviors and
1. The Material Self: constituted by our thoughts that require treatment, person-
bodies, clothes, immediate family, and centered therapy identifies that each person
home. It is in this that we attached more has the capacity and desire for personal growth
deeply into and therefore we are most and change.
affected by because of the investment • Rogers termed this natural human inclination
we give to these things. “actualizing tendency” or self-actualization.
SS021: Understand The Self


• According to Sigmund Freud, although there
are different aspects of the personality,
ultimately, we are still Unified Beings, (atleast
when healthy).
• “Unified Self” refers to the idea that all aspects
of a person’s identity are integrated/unified.
▪ When a person interacts with others, all
aspects of the personality work together.
SS021: Understand The Self


THOUGHT • Recognition of shared identity;
• An inner self shared with others.
Modes of Social Interaction:
• Europe; Northern America
• Ibang-tao: outsider
• Focus on oneself and personal dualities
• Hindi ibang-tao: one-of-us
• Egoistic culture
• Acquisition of material things
• Obsessed with being successful. COMPARISON OF WESTERN AND EASTERN
• Subscribe to the idea of evolution. THOUGHT
1. Self is a Social Construct WESTERN EASTERN
2. Self is intimately connected to bodily
Individualistic Collectivistic
Duality Consider other person
3. Self takes form in Communication
as part of themselves.
Talks about personal Talks about their social
attributes. roles.
Values competition Values cooperation
• Asia
• Focus on others and feelings of others.
• Collectivistic Culture. People are Independent within
• Less assets (less is more) autonomous and their in-groups.
• More inclined towards long life. independent from their
• Subscribe to the idea of reincarnation. in-groups.
Give priority to their Give priority to the
1. Confucianism personal goals of their goals of their in-groups.
▪ Following the moral ways that in-groups.
consists of virtues to promote Behave on their basis In-groups primarily
harmony of the society. of attitudes rather than shape their behaviour.
norms. Behave in a communal
2. Buddhism way.
▪ Having the belief that we are part of Concerned in
the same ever-changin universe and
maintaining relationship
breaking the attachments of the self with others.
with world to attain the state of

3. Taoism
▪ Living in the way of Tao or the
universe; the ideal self is
selflessness living a balanced-life
with society and nature.

4. Hinduism
▪ Attaining of liberation in the
identification of the spiritual essence
of all human beings and the spiritual
essence of the universe.

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