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We live in this world that full of amazing and wonderful

things created by our Almighty God. Our planet is unique for many
reasons,and one of it is how mathematics connected in our
environment. This concept emphasize the numerous patterns we
may found in our surroundings. From the video clip, I learned how
everything is made on mathematical principles. When we look
closely on the details, we can observe patterns exist in things that
surrounds us. Futhermore, We may also observe mathematical
sequences such as Fibonacci sequence which has a effect on how a
certain thing formed. The sunflower head has a spiral pattern
because it has mathematical relationship between golden angle and
fibonacci sequence.This means that the pattern we see in the
nature is not merely accidental, it turns out that it is related and
arranged in mathematical way.

If I were to describe the world in one word, it would be

magical. Besides from it is the only planet that can sustain life, it
was astonishing how everything is made on a mathematical
foundation. When I think about nature, I may not think about
mathematics first, but after watching the video, it changes my
perception of how I see the world in such a way that makes me
appreciate and value it more because I find it amazing knowing
that nature is also connected to mathematics. The video also
illustrates the information well, which helps me easily understand
our lesson or topic. It is really wonderful how this mathematical
concept is not only about numbers; we can also observe them in
our nature. This made me realize that there are still incredible
things that I may not know yet, and I'm looking forward to learning
more about interesting things like this. Math is really fun!

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