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Nisa Sholihat 1/25/2024

Idioms and proverbs XI C1

Zira,Aditya,Aushaf,Fahrul,Surya putra
1.break a leg!
(good luck)
2.A blessing in disguise
(a good thing that seemed bad at first)
3.Hang in there
(don't give up)
4.No pain no gain
(You have to work for what you want)
5.Miss the boat
(it's too late)

-Rome wasnt built in a day (Time
is needed to do great thing)
-My hands are tired
(This saying is not to be taken literally)
-Better late than Never
(Its better to do something late than not do it at all)
-Out of sight, out of mind
(When you don't see or hear about
something,you tend to forget about it)
-First things first
(the most important things should
be done before anything else)

Aldan, Farris, Azzam, Asep, Amri, Dariel

1.Cool as a cucumber
Meaning: Calm and serene, often in a difficult situation
2.Cherry on top
Meaning: To make something
that is already good even better
3.On the ball
Meaning: To be quick and alert,
dealing with things right away
4.On the same page
Meaning: To agree with someone
5.Be in someone's shoes
Be in someone's shoes means that we always
have empathy for other people. This
expression means that we must try to position
ourselves in other people's circumstances.

1.Don't judge a book by its cover
don't judge someone or something by appreance alone
2.If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em
Meaning: If you can’t change someone’s
behavior or opinion, sometimes it’s better
or easier to do what they want to do
3.Easy come, easy go
When you make money quickly, it’s
very easy to lose it quickly as well
4.Honesty is the best policy
It’s always better to tell the truth than it is to lie
5.Hope for the best, prepare for the worst
In any situation, be optimistic about the result,
but always be ready for the worst outcome

Ghaida, Nayla, Rafata, Seruni

1. Don't count your chickens before they hatch
Meaning: It advises against prematurely
anticipating success or rewards before they actually
occur, as unforeseen events may disrupt your plans.

2. A penny for your thoughts.

Meaning: This proverb suggests asking someone what
they are thinking or feeling, often used to express
curiosity about someone's contemplative state.

3. Actions speak louder than words.

Meaning: Emphasizes that what people do carries more
weight and credibility than what they say; it encourages
a focus on deeds rather than mere promises.

4. Every cloud has a silver lining.

Meaning: This optimistic proverb conveys the idea
that even in difficult or challenging situations,
there is usually a positive or hopeful aspect.

5. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Meaning: Describes a situation where escaping from one
problem leads to another, often worse one, highlighting
the unintended consequences of hasty decisions.

1. Bite the bullet.
Meaning: To endure a painful or difficult situation
with courage and resilience, even if it's unpleasant.

2. Burn the midnight oil.

Meaning: Putting in extra effort and working late
into the night to complete a task or meet a deadline.

3. Hit the nail on the head.

Meaning: To describe exactly what is
causing a situation or problem, providing an
accurate and effective solution or analysis.

4. Jump on the bandwagon.

Meaning: To join others in supporting a popular
trend or activity, often without careful consideration.
5. Throw in the towel.
Meaning: To give up on something, usually because
it's too difficult or there is no hope of success.

Nurul, Najla, Inaya, Azzah, Haura

☆Idioms :
1. Jump on the bandwagon = When a
person joins in with something popular
or does something just because it's cool.
2. Break the ice = To do or say something that
will make people feel more comfortable.
3. Money Talks = The power and influence
that come with having a lot of money.
4. Barking up the wrong tree = That you're
looking for something in the wrong place. It's
a way of saying that you're wasting your time.
5. It's raining cats and dogs =
Means that it's rains heavily
☆ Proverbs :
1. Still waters run deep = Describes a person
who doesn't talk much and perhaps hides
his complex thoughts on the matter.
2. Actions speak louder than words =
This proverb tells us that what we do
is more important than what we say.
3. A closed mouth catches no flies =
Sometimes it’s better to keep quiet.
4. All that glitters is not gold = This proverb warns
against mistaking appearances for reality, as
things may not be as good as they seem.
5. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a
single step = No matter how big your goal is,
you can achieve it if you just take the first step.
M. Surya Buana, Haikal, Dzaki, Noland, Adit
1. Hold your horses
:Be patient or wait patiently.
2. Under the weather
:Not feeling well or unhealthy.
3. Beat around the bush
:Avoiding or not directly facing a problem.
4. Cost a fortune
:Very expensive.
5. Break a leg
:Wishing someone success or luck.

1. Let sleeping dogs lie
:Don't revive issues that are already resolved or stable.
2. Don't cry over spilled milk
:Don't lament something that has already
happened and cannot be changed.
3. Actions speak louder than words
:Actions convey more meaning than words.
4. Better late than never
:It's better to be late than not at all.
5. A picture is worth a thousand words
:Images can convey information better than words.

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