Before You Go On With The Lesson

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 Before you go on with the lesson, let us start with a simple activity.

This will test what you

already know about our topic.

 Instruction: List down all the things you have done that you think can help you in your adult life.

 Do you think these things you have done will make you ready for your adult life? Let’s find out in
this lesson.

Responsibility is any moral, legal or mental obligation or duty that is directly or indirectly entrusted to
you by the people around from which you are held accountable for whatever consequences or
circumstance that may arrive in the future. In our community, young children are not given any
responsibility at all nor held responsible for their actions or negative thoughts. It is because they are not
yet fully grown up and cannot understand the consequences of their actions. As a young kid they still
must discover how to deal with the world of an adult by carefully undergoing the long process. This
process takes place through their day to day experiences and/or through formal education. As he/she
gets older and learned things such as principles and laws that constitute to being responsible for one’s
own actions, he/she is little by little taking a bulk of responsibility on his/her shoulder. Responsibility is
part of growing up.

Aside from the fact that being responsible helps us become successful in many aspects of life, we are
being taught and trained to develop a great sense of responsibility so that we will be capable of facing
the consequences of our own actions. As they say nobody can clean our own mess but ourselves alone.
Being capable and responsible adolescent means having a harmonious way of living. A person who can
do his/her own tasks and obligations will definitely gain the appreciation of the people around him/her.
This positive aura will lead him/her become a responsible person. Becoming responsible person
performing his/her own sets of duties and accountabilities is not as simple as one two three but as soon
as it manifests in one’s personality it has a greater impact to the community. People who are known for
his/her sense of responsibility also gain positive feedback from his/her colleagues, peers and/or
environment and it can create domino effect. He/she will serve as a concrete example in his/her
community. His/her way of living will become worthy of emulation. Individuals who are being emulated
by the whole community eventually serve as the key for the good transformation of the society.

 Be responsible and make good choices. Becoming responsible and being able to make good
choices are fundamental traits, no matter what developmental stage you are. It holds true for
adolescents especially that they are just beginning to internalize and imbibe virtues, values, and
other essential qualities

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