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Writing Task 1 (Test 1)

The first chart illustrates the different electrical appliances utilized by

families and the second graph reveals how much families spent time on
housework, both in one particular country over a period of 99 years.

Overall, although the time devoted to housework declined considerably by

the end of 2019, people purchased more electrical appliances in
comparison with the year 1920. Moreover, at first, washing machines were
more popular among people. However, the usage of refrigerators and
vacuum cleaners witnessed a more rapid rise.

In 1920, the usage of washing machines was the highest at 40% of people,
whereas the figures for refrigerators and vacuum cleaners were lower at
nearly 2% and 30%, respectively. Subsequently, people purchased more
vacuum cleaners and refrigerators more, as the corresponding figures
increased substantially to 100% at the end of the period. However, the
proportion of people with washing machines saw a moderate growth to just
over 70%, in 2019.

On the other hand, people allocated 50 hours a week to housework in 1920.

During the next 60 years, the figure dropped by approximately 35 hours and
remained almost constant for 20 years. Similarly, from 2000 onwards, even
fewer hours were spent on housework and the figure again decreased
marginally to 10 hours a week.

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