What Do Next When You Get An Agenda at A MUN Competition in India

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What Do Next When You Get an Agenda at a MUN

Competition in India

After receiving an agenda for a MUN competition in India, participants should

adopt to deliberately and sequentially approach the preparation of conference.
The four components that are required for successfully completing this task during
a Model United Nations conference include research, diplomacy, public speaking
and knowledge of international issues.
This blog will discuss the critical steps that must be taken after receiving an
agenda to ensure a fruitful and meaningful participation in MUN Competition in
1.Understanding the Agenda
The first step that should be taken is a thorough understanding of what has been
presented as an agenda. Decide on the most vital issues and topics that will be
discussed in the conference. This understanding will become the source of your
research and how you formulate your position.
2. Research and Background Information
It is essential to do a detailed study on the topics that you have been given. In
order to gain a deeper understanding of the issues on which decisions will be
made, it is necessary to collate information about historical backgrounds; present
situations and potential solutions.
In order to broaden your horizon of knowledge, you should rely on authoritative
sources such as academic publications and government documents.
3. Analyse the nation and the committee
Make sure you know the stance that your assigned country will adopt in respect to
issues on the agenda. Study its foreign policy, perception of history, and current
opinion by using a search. In addition, you need to be well-informed about the
functioning of your committee by immersing in its rules as well as recent
4. Developing Policy views
According to the results of your study, you should develop policy views that are
clear and thought through. Consider the sentiments of your assigned nation and
suggest resolutions that reflect its ideals and objectives. When deliberating and
bargaining, you should be prepared to stand by your position.
5. Drafting Position Papers
Many MUN competition in India demand the submission of position papers as a
prerequisite for involvement. The function of these papers is to provide a concise
summary of your study and state the position that your country takes concerning
subjects on the agenda. Your position paper has to be properly ordered, it needs
the correct references and must reflect your countries points of view.
6. Building Alliances
Diplomacy is a key component of Model United Nations. Contact the other
representatives in order to talk about possible cooperations and joint interests that
all of them have. Through alliances, you can enhance your bargaining power and
help attain resolutions.
7. Practice in Public Speaking and Debate
In order to develop your public speaking skills, you need practice by delivering
speeches and participate in mock debate. Work on building the ability to articulate
your arguments in a way that is comprehensible and persuasive. The most
effective way to strengthen your arguments is by considering possible rebuttals
and crafting responses.

8. Get acquainted with the rules of procedure for that specific MUN
Be aware of filing motions, attending moderated and unmoderated caucuses as
well as participating in the drafting process regarding decisions that an
organisation takes. For a pleasant and smooth conference, it is very important to
follow the guidelines.
9. Crisis Management Preparation
Member of the MUN competition in India involves some crisis hypothetical
situations. Be prepared to adapt in unexpected settings and keep an efficient
reaction for any crisis that may manifest. In order for this, one must have the
capacity to think fast and creatively as well work harmoniously with other
10. Networking
For networking and mingling with other participants, you should take part in pre-
conference activities and talk to fellow attendees. Building rapport with other
delegates allows the sharing of ideas, gathering intelligence on positions taken by
various nations and creation of new relationship
A strategy that goes beyond just understanding the topic is needed to participate
in a MUN competition in India. The future delegates can go through all the
hardships of a conference if they conduct studies, make up their minds, and
endeavour to develop essential skills. All in all, winning in a Model United Nations
competition requires an interplay of preparation skills, diplomacy and effective
ways of communication.

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