Lesson II-EIB

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The Magic Wonders at Disneyland - an example of communication


Disneyland is a theme-park which is in California,

US, Disney in Florida, Disney Paris in France, Tokyo
Disneyland in Japan and in Hongkong
Disney, the company is also in movies and net
streaming platforms.
The CEO- Michael Eisner, handles theme parks and
resorts, filmed entertainment and consumer
Reena Concepcion G. Obillo
His characteristics
Consummate communicator

English major and has passion for playwritting

Gift of story telling

Cheerleader whose core function is encouraging creativity

He holds up pep talks with the rank and files

First name basis

Reena Concepcion G. obillo
Blends well with staff
Employee orientation
Training sessions
Corporate message is reinforced during
trainings and meetings, bulletin boards, audio
visual presentations,employee briefings and
company wide letters
Reena Concepcion G. obillo
The Importance of Communication
Chain of command system of dissemination of command

Expression of employees feedbacks chance to give some feedback - harsh

A system of feedbacking among, peers, bosses and

management disney feedback incentives


Communication to the public is also as important

Reena Concepcion G. obillo
In Disney communication is open, honest and clear
Success is believe to be in communication not only
with employees but also with investors as well as the
The issues university, cultural differences are forcing
companies to communicate more effectively
communication is hard with different cultural differences (imortant)
different countries have diff work culture
Reena Concepcion G. obillo
Issues in communication
Diversity of cultures as well as the issues on
technological advances, interactive mulit-media,
digital arts.

Such is the need for strong communication skills

internal busi - always use techno advancement,

Reena Concepcion G. obillo

Formal and informal communication
Formal communication channel is the official
structure of the organization which is typically shown
as an organizational chart. Such charts show some
line of authorities, some channels links on the chain
of command and each line represent a formal
channel for the transmission of formal messages

Reena Concepcion G. obillo

When managers depend on the formal channels for communicating,
they risk encountering distortion, or mis-understanding.

Every link in the chain pens up a chance for error.

One way of reducing distortion is to reduce the number of levels in the

organizational structure
Reena Concepcion G. obillo
A flat structure - having fewer levels and a
wide span of control , having more people
reporting to each supervisor are less likely to
introduce distortion than that of a tall structure
and a narrow span of control

Reena Concepcion G. obillo

Downward information flow
Decisions are made at the top and then flow
down to the people who will carry them out.

Managers direct and control the activities of

lower-level employees by sending messages
down through formal channels

Reena Concepcion G. obillo

Upward communication flow
The communication that flows from the staff to

Horizontal communication is that flows from between

and among staff of equal ranks

Reena Concepcion G. obillo

Informal Communication Channels
Also otherwise known as informal communication
network or grapevine, it is somehow 75 to 95 %

It carries information along the organization’s un

official lines of activity and power

Reena Concepcion G. obillo

Reena Concepcion G. obillo
Reena Concepcion G. obillo

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