Evolve L4 FinalTest A Answer Key

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A 1 F; 2 F; 3 T; 4 T
B 1 b; 2 a; 3 c; 4 b; 5 a
C 1‐3: musty, stinky, tasty; 4‐6: newsfeed, podcaster, tag; 7‐9: eggplant, shrimp, zucchini;
10‐12: challenge, phenomenon, solution
D 1 b; 2 a; 3 c; 4 a; 5 b; 6 c; 7 a; 8 a; 9 b
E 1 c; 2 f; 3 e; 4 d; 5 b; 6 a
F 1 of; 2 to; 3 on; 4 of; 5 on
G 1 truthful; 2 enthusiastic; 3 popularity; 4 boil; 5 experience; 6 advertisement; 7 show;
8 recall
H 1 b; 2 c; 3 b; 4 a; 5 b; 6 a; 7 b; 8 b; 9 c; 10 a; 11 c; 12 a
I 1 I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
2 There’s something wrong with the laptop. It won’t let me shut it down.
3 Jorge would have helped me if I had asked him to.
4 She told me that they hadn’t really kept in touch with each other.
5 I was supposed to start work on Monday, but I think it might be Tuesday instead.
J 1 had already; 2 would; 3 didn’t have; 4 to send; 5 hadn’t told; 6 you’d; 7 required to;
8 enough money
K 1 Which one of these is yours?
2 I don’t have enough time to help you.
3 What I don’t want is another problem.
4 Why didn’t you say that it was your birthday?
5 They asked him if he had worked in a restaurant.
L 1 c; 2 a; 3 b; 4 c
M 1 F ; 2 T; 3 F; 4 T; 5 T

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