Chapter 3 (PR2 DO49)

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Chapter 3


Research Design

This research was conducted following the design of the descriptive-

correlational research method (Calderon, 2007). Descriptive was used

because it described the significant relationship of school teachers on social

media interaction, alternative communication channels, and the effectiveness

of communication among teachers in the impact and effect of DepEd Order

No. 49 Series of 2022.

The Sample

The selected respondents for this study are students in the eleventh

and twelfth grades at San Jose City National High School - Senior High

School for the Academic Year 2022-2023. The researchers visited each

faculty of teachers who teach in the eleventh and twelfth grades, where they

were able to gather 30 respondents.

These respondents need to have sufficient knowledge or

understanding of the implemented DepEd Order No. 49, Series of 2022. The

respondents were chosen because they are the only ones capable of

providing adequate and quality answers, knowledge, and information to

contribute valuable insights or results regarding the conducted research.

The Instrument(s)

The researchers searched for various studies on the internet using

different websites such as Google Scholar and Research Gate to establish a

foundation for the study and assist in interpreting the gathered data.

In acquiring a specific foundation and accurate data, the researchers

chose a survey questionnaire as the instrument for data collection in the

study, containing questions relevant to the topic. The Likert Scale was

selected to easily discern and visualize the opinions of the respondents. This

was answered by teachers who were the focus of the research.

Before respondents answered the survey, the researchers first

explained DepEd Order No. 49 Series of 2022 to ensure their understanding.

The researchers also ensured the confidentiality of the respondents' names,

and providing a name was optional.

Data Collection Procedures

When conducting research, the researchers must consider many

techniques and approaches to provide significant, structured, genuine, and

targeted information and data for the researcher's purpose. The related

literature is based on students' use of printed survey questionnaires who can

serve as the foundation for the study and who will provide guidance and


The researchers at San Jose City National High School-Senior High

School distributed printed survey questionnaires to teachers in order to meet

the study's goals. which contains questions related to their perspective on

how DepEd order No. 49 series of 2022 impacts senior high school teachers

at San Jose City National High School - Senior High School

The survey questionnaire is divided into three parts: The first is school

teachers on social media; the second is alternative communication channels;

and the third is effectiveness of communication.

To collect precise information on the study, it was carried out by the

following actions for the researcher:

1. Creating a questionnaire based on the study's aims, difficulties, and


2. Questionnaires are distributed to San Jose City National High

School - Senior High School Teachers.

3. Recording the data that was gathered from the questionnaire

respondents' responses.

Plan for Data Analysis

In the analysis of the collected data, the researchers performed the statistical

design: frequency, averaging or mean and percentage. In these methods, the

researchers determined the level of impact in the Senior High School teachers

of San Jose City National High School regarding the DepEd Order No. 49

series of 2022.

Scale Range Description Interpretation

4 3.25 - 4.00 Strongly Agree The teachers strongly
agree with the contents of
the questionnaire
regarding the impact of
DepEd Order No.49 series
of 2022 to Senior High
School teachers in San
Jose City National High
School - Senior High
3 2.50 - 3.24 Agree The teachers agree to the
contents of the
questionnaire regarding the
impact of DepEd Order
No.49 series of 2022 to
Senior High School
teachers in San Jose City
National High School -
Senior High School.
2 1.75 - 2.49 Disagree The teachers disagree with
the contents of the
questionnaire regarding the
impacts of DepEd Order
No.49 series of 2022 to
Senior High School
teachers in San Jose City
National High School -
Senior High School.
1 1.00 - 1.74 Strongly The teachers strongly
disagree with the contents
of the questionnaire
regarding the impacts of
DepEd Order No.49 series
2022 to Senior High School
teachers in San Jose City
National High School -
Senior High School.

X= N


Ʃn = summation of the responses

N = total number of respondents

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