Jan 2018 P1C

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- -
Answer ALL questions.

Use the Periodic Table on page 2 to help you answer this question.

(a) Give the symbol of the element that has an atomic number of 14.
(1 I

(b) Give the symbol of the element that has a relative atomic mass of 14.
(1 l

(c) Give the number of the group that contains the noble gases.

(d) Identify the group whose atoms form ions with a charge of+ 1.

(1 l


.8 (e) Identify the group whose atoms form ions with a charge of -1 .

• E
E ,
0 C (1)
' z"

B 2

6 --

(Total for Question 1 = 5 marks)

I111111~ 111 Jllll}llllllll lJIII Jllll~III lllllJllltlllllllll llll


Turn over
- -
2 The diagram shows the arrangement of particles in the three states of matter.
Each circle represents a particle.

X y z
(a) Use the letters X, Y and Z to give the starting and finishing states of matter for
each of the changes in the table.

The first one has been done for you.


Change Starting state Finishing state

ice to water z y

solid iodine to iodine gas 7_ 'I--

molten iron to solid iron '( z_

ethene to poly(ethene) 1 z
(b) Which of these changes takes place when solid iodine is heated to form iodine gas?

- (1 l

A crystallisation

B evaporation

C melting

r1' D sublimation

(Total for Question 2 = 4 marks)

- 4
IIIIIIIII Ill lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111 111111111111111 IIII IIII
P 5 3 2 7 5 A O 4 3 2
(c ) The stude nt repeats the experiment using hot water instead of cold wate r.
3 A st udent places a few purple crystals at the bottom of a bea ker containi ng some cold wa ter.
Ii) State how the change in the appearance of the wate r differs when hot water
The crysta ls start to dissol ve. is used instead of cold water.

(ii) Exp lain, in terms of particles, why the change d iffers w hen hot water is used
instead of cold water.
cold water

Tn_ h Q1__ c..::D,\_eL, -lne___p;:!1li~s_bQ..!e_ rno<e_\<1n e 'i c_ ene<g':l "1.0 IJ

pu rple crystals l fl. Lo1C ..J.00..l.e..L,.Jh.L()C\ 1 tic \es ..sp!.filLCI_ ~P'~ - q__w c k l',! . _ _

(a) State how the appea rance of the crystals and the water change as the crystals dissolve. ·o w
0 <t:
121 .,:
B =6 marks)
'3e ls
... ~ :-
(Total fo r Quest ion 3
crystals _ s._n 1aJ le_,:__ ,,;. ·t-
;;t w

w ater
f>- ·
.;; 0
.m 0
;, ::> 0

(b) Which process occurs as the crystals dissolve to form a solution?

D A condensation

D 8 crysta ll isation

__ r
? C diffusion 0 :5
0 0::
D D me lt ing z .,:
Q !!!

/ m w
2 cc;:
;;; ,-.
> z
> ";

lllll 1111111111 11111111111 11111111111111 11111IIII IIII
A06 32
11111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 lllll 11111 1111111111111
P532 75A0732
Tu ri

!he maxim um mass of a solid that dissolves in 100g of water at a given temperature (b) Extend yo ur curve to find the solubi lity of potassiu m nitrat e at l 0 °C.
1s ca lle d its solubility.

Th e table g ives the solu bility of potassium nitrate at six different temperatures. 0

"' 33
...,0 solubility= g pe r 100 g of wate r
Temperat ure in °C
I 20 I 30 40 50 60 70 :;:
(c) Use you r graph to find t he max imum mass of potass iu m nitrate that cou ld
dis so lve in 50 g of water at 35 °C.
Solubility in g per 100 g of water 41 52 m

(a) Plot the points o n the grid and draw a curve of best fit.
65 83 106 135
I 140
131 :,,

I 120
maximu m m ass =
(Total for Question 4 = 7 marks)
,S'Q __ ----- 9 \

11 0

I 100



solubili ty in g I
pe r 100 g of water

70 I



temperat ure in °(

1111/IIII Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll llllll llll 11111111111111111111111

P 53275 A0 832
IIIIIIIII Ill lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111111111111111 IIII IIII Turnov
P 53275A0932
5 Crude oil 1s a liquid that contains a mixture of many hydroca rbons.
This que stion is about elem ents in Groups 1 and 7 of the Periodic Table.
- ,
Th e diagram shows a fractionating co lumn used in the distillation of crude oi l. (a ) The diagram shows two ways in which potassium can be converted into potassium chloride.
The six fractions obtained are shown. One use for each of four of the fractions is also shown.
add water ~ - - - - - - - ~ add acid z ~ - - - - - ~
refin ery gases fuel for potassium ,__ __,.,
colourless solution Y I - - - - <>! potassium chloride
_ _.,, camping stoves solution

jkerosene - ~-----~
,-::---:-----./ fuel for aircraft /
heat in gas X

potassium chloride
~ - / fuel for lorries / solid
I d.1
cru eo, _ . . ~ _ . , , /
/ fueloil /
I !bitumen

(a) Describe what is done to the crude oil before it enters the fractionating column.
gas x
Give the names of gas X, colourless solution Y and acid Z.

. chlo, _i 0.e. .

colourless solution Y p:>~0..$S.~_pry"\ ..h .1:j.d.m1.-.i_O.e.

acid z. hi:\droc;.h\or:,~ Jlc;i_d

(b) When sodium is burned in iodine gas, sodium iodide is formed.
(b) State how the temperature changes from the top of the column to the bottom.
(1) (i) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between sodium and iodine.
( 1)
2 No s :I,~2.No.I
(c ) Give a use for gasoline and a use for bitumen.
(2) (ii) Give a test to show that an aqueous solution of sodium iodide contains iodide ions.

+ue\ to, c G<S a.e-id 131

test for iodide ions o..cld. 011,; c . qr,d s;\~e.c.0:,1m\e so le.. hc,L
bitumen , o ads

I (d) Name the fraction that con tains the largest molecules.


f (e) State the physical property that allows the different fractions to be collected at (Total for Question 6 = 7 ~ks)
different heights in the column .

(Total for Question 5 = 7 marks)

lllll 1111111111111
111111111 Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll l/111111111111111111 IIIIIIIII Ill lllll 111111111111111 1111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII Turn OVE
P53275A0 1 032 P53275A01132
- 7
Co pper p yrit es is an ore o f co pp er th at contain s copper, iron and sulfur.
(c) Sulfur dioxide di ssolves in water to form an acidic solution.
(a) Th e p erce nt age co mposition by mass of copp er pyrites is
(i) Id e ntify th e ion that causes thi s solution to b e ac idic.
Cu 34.60% Fe 30.52 % 5 34.88%

Sh ow, by calculation, that the empirical formu la of copper pyrites is CuFeS1

m (ii) Stat e how litmus paper can be used to sh ow that th e solution is ac idic.
Cu te s 11,

:, '-I· G :,'2. 3'-1. 'il8

i; ::,:)
- --
~- '2. -,, C) , s 0 ' :)
(iii) Give two observations that are made wh en a piece of magnesium ribbon is
added to the acid ic solution.
2 12)

C u. ~e s.,

(b) Copper is obtained from copper pyrites in a two-stage process.

Stage 1 Copper pyrites is heated in ai r. ------------~(T
_ot al for Question 7 =9 marks)

2CuFeS2 + 30 1 2CuS + 2Fe0 + 250

S ag e 2 Th e copper( I/ ) su lfide is separated and then heated in air. It reacts with
oxygen to form copper and su lfur dioxide.

(i ) State w h y th e su lfur in th e reaction in stage 1 is described as being oxidised.

o":l gen.

(ii) Wri te a chemica l equation for the reaction t hat occurs in stage 2.

11 )
C l..('3 + o ----'7 c,, ' so


111111111Ill lllll 1111111111 111111111111111 lllll lllll 111111111111111111

P 53 27SA012
32 IIIIIIIIIPIll5lllll3lllll2llll7lllll5llllll llll 1111111111 1111111111 11111111
A0 1 332
Turn e
In an ex pe mnent, a student adds a piece o f zinc to some dilute hydrochloric acid in a teS t tube. (b) The student wants to find out if there is a relationship between the reactivity of a
metal and the temperature rise.

He repeats the experiment four times, using a different metal each time.
The table shows his results.

Metal added Temperature rise in °C

hydrochloric magnesium 7.5
zinc acid r-- - - - + - - - - - - - -
gold 0 .0

iron 3.0

The student measures the te mperature before adding the zinc. calcium 10.S
After a dding the zinc, he stirs the mixture and measures the highest temperature reached.
The diagram shows his results. (i) State three factors that the student should keep constant in each experiment.
1. -tile voµme ol -I~ ad.Ct

2 :\.'c\e . . CQn(e(l•~o, '\90 0\. a.c:.d ,

-\he si1. e Q-\ r:<:l.e,Ql

(ii) Using information from the table, state the relationship between the reactivity
of a metal and the temperature rise.

Th e rn_o<e __<e0.~li,e -l-\1.e meJCLi. ,:1-'le . q rnoJe< fue \s:"1 0 ero.\-\.\r

before after
(iii) State why there is no temperature rise when gold is added to the acid.

(a) Use th e readings to complete the table, giving all values to the nearest 0.5 °C. 111

Temperature in °C after adding the zinc

Temperature in °C before adding the zinc

(Total for Question 8 = 7 marks)
Change in ~emperature in °C
5. 5 _J

IIIIIIIII Ill lllll lllll lllll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I11111111 Ill 11111111111111111111111111 \I\\ 11\1\ 1\11\ 1\\11 \\\II \\I\ \II\
The ion s present in ionic compounds ca n be identified using simple tests.
(b) (i) In the test s, com pound Y gives a blue flame and produces a yellow colour
some cations (positive ions) can be identified using a flam e test when methyl o range is added.
solm~ anions (negative ions) can be identified by observing reactions in A student concludes that co mpound Y is tantalum hydroxide.
so ut,ons o f the compound s
Give two reasons why this conclusion may not be correct.
Table 1 shows th e flame test colo urs for fou r cations.

T1 cowd b e o c c.,bof\O. le as i• o.\so lu<'1s '-.l el low

Cation Flame test colour
c.::,ne n rY'\ e ½:\.':).\. o,_a ~ .e is_C\Q<i@d
caesium blue
+- 'J:\ couJd aJsc, <be. O- cue s.i u N .ca m pot<<\c\ a.s ir O.l so
rubidium violet
1?,\"es a..b\.ue l:\o"'e .,....
strontium red
'----+------! (ii) Which additional test from Table 2 would show that the only anion in
tantalum / blue com pound Y is the hydroxide ion ?

Tabl e
Table 1

shows the resu lts of three tests used to identify anions in solution.
ad cl ½ dlOC.\\1:c:,t,c Qcid . .


Test and Result ' :i:
~. (c) An aqueous solution contains either carbonate ions or hydrogencarbonate ions.
Hydrochloric Magnesium chloride Methyl orange
·z.... Using only information from the tables, explain how you could decide if the solution
I- '
acid added solution added added 0:
t ca rbonate J:
:s: contains carbonate or hydrogencarbonate ions.

effervescence white precipitate forms yellow . V\-.
I- ',
0 13\
ch loride no ch ange no change 0 Ac\c\ mo..gn <?s•ufY1_c\\\c:,,,de solu\ic::(l , _T\' ,Js 9- CO\'o_o <J..a.le iOI\ ,
------- - - - - - orange .~ 0
hydrogencarbonate effervescence no change yellow
·11 Q.,"<?S o_ u::,n:w p,ec.-. p a.1.e . 1\-\e1e ,s n,o c.'n.ofl <;i E' eo"t,

n o change

no change
no change

white precipitate forms

I h '.:lorog encal\)an.0-'e ·,ofls


I 0

Use the information in the tables to a nswer these q uestions. 0

(a) In th e tests. compo und X gives a red flame and produces effervescence whe (Total for Question 9 - 8 marks)
hydrochloric acid is added. n

Sugges t two possible identities for compound X.

s-1-mn+-iurn co,bonole
2 s i ronhu(Y1 nyd rog ,,nca , bo rulc,

IIIIIIIII Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll llllll llll lllll lllll lllll lllll llll llll
P5327SA0 1632 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Turn ov
- ----------- --- ~-
(i) Th e result for 20.00 cm 1 of acid is anomalou s.
10 A st udent u ses th is ap pa ratu s to investigate the h eat en ergy re lease d w h en nitri c acid
is a dd e d to potass ium hydroxid e solution. Suggest two po ssible mistakes, other than misreading th e thermometer, that
th e stud ent might have made to produce the anomalous result.

/ nitric acid 3
odd<?cl less -\-'r\on .scr-<1 of:o..c;d
burett e

polystyrene (ii) Suggest a true value for the temperature when 20.00cm 3 of acid is added.
cup (1\

potassium hydroxide solution

(c) In another experiment, the student records these results.

She uses this method.

volume of potassium hydroxide solution 25.0cm 3
put 25.0 cm 1 of potassium hydroxide solution into the polystyrene cup
measure the temperature of the potassium hydroxide solution starting temperature of potassium hydroxide solution 16.0 "C
• add S.00cm 3 of nitric acid from the burette total volume of acid added 25.00cm 3
stir the mixture and measure the highest temperature reached
add further 5.00 cm 3 samples of nitric acid, stir and measure the highest highest temperature reached by the mixture 35.0 °C
---- -
temperature reached after each addition
3 Calculate the heat energy released using the equation
(a ) Name th e piece of apparatus that should be used to measure the 25.0cm of
potassium hydroxide solution . Q = m x 4.18 x t.T
Q= the heat energy released in J rn , 0 0 crfl'
\Ope-He m = mass of the mixture in g
ti T= change in temperature in °C ic,T ' 1C\
(b) Th e tabl e shows the student 's results. {assume mass of 1.00cm of the mixture is 1.00g]

~l 10.00 3
Total volume of acid added in cm' 0.00 20~ 25.00
Q' sO y L\ . \'G ;. 19

Highesttemperaturereachedin °C 18.0 2~ 25.0 29.0 31.0 l 37.0 3C\ "t I J"

heat energy released = 3 q1 I

(Total for Question 1 0 = 7 marks)

11111111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII 1111111111 1111111111 11111111111111111I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111 IIIII IIII IIII Turn ove
PS3275 A 01832 P53275 A 01932
--------------- -
111 Th is q ues ti on 1s about titanium an d it s compo unds.
(b) Titaniurn(IV ) chloride, TiCl 4 , and titanium(IV) oxide, Ti0 7 , are both cova lent co mpounds.

Ti ( l4 is a liquid at room temperature. Ti0 2 is a solid with a high melting point.

(a ) Titanium is a m e t a l. 0
0 .,:
The diagram shows the arrangem ent of the particles in titanium .
z Vl
Expl ain these properties in terms of the structures of the two compounds .
0 :;:: ISi
:i;; t-

"' S,(\c(> T,c{_1 i S o.. -Z. q_ .V:d.. r\ n.QS s ,01 p1e r<\oiecu.lo , s1ru<.lcne
::; w '
"'z t--
ii: O<\O 1-\o,e <.0eoJ, ;n1e1c<1qlQcuJa, force.s.T,0 2 ho s o.
cations delocalised
- t-
3, on i ,£o~oJ e111 s1 ru.c.1u<e .t.0·,+tt $\f9"-9 _c.o:J c.J Qn} bonc:\,s +t"\Q \
electrons l>

0 + 0 {u.<9e Of"(IOJ(\~ o~ C?f\e.<g ':l _\s ...¥>.c::v.,.:,.~e.c:\ . +D ._.b<.ea.k -tt:>e . o:>-IQ..lenl
(i) Stat e why metals such as titanium are good conductors of electricity.

(ii) Explain why meta ls such as titanium are malleable.


--:1.l he.£ t..':!e >Fcl s\rucfure ond rl CGn .:;lidc oie~

eoc h dhe , .

(c) (i) A mixture of titanium(IV) oxide and carbon reacts with ch lo ri ne to form
titanium(IV) ch loride and carbon dioxide.

Write a chemical equation for this reaction.

"o).. + c +ic-t·· 7.:-4 ,, c-<.. . 4. . +co 2

(ii) Titanium(IV) ch loride reacts with magnesium to form titanium and
magnesium ch loride, MgCl 2

Write a chem ica l equation for this reaction.

(Total for Question 11 = 11 marks)

IIIIIIIII Ill lllll lllll lllll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIII Ill lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111 1111111111 111111111111111111 Tu
P53275 A 02032
P 5 3275A02 1 32
A mihxtu.re of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrog en is known in industry as
syn t es,s ga s. (c) Reac ti on l ca n be re prese nt ed by a reaction profile diagram .

Synthesis gas is converted to methanol, CH 3OH, by passing it over a heated solid ca talyst.
The equations for the two reactions are
Reaction 1
CO (g) + 2H,(g) = CH, OH(g) 6 H = -91 kJ/ mol
Reaction 2
CO, (g) + 3H, (g) = CH , OH(g) + H,O(g) 6 H = -49 kJ/ mol
L\ ')_

(a) Assume that both reactions reach a position of equilibrium. enthalpy

(i) For reaction 1, predict whether using a high or a low temperature would produce
the higher yield of methanol.

Give a reason for your choice.

prediction Cl-I 0H

becCtUSe fuccoorc\ t©r~iori is e~ _f rric
(ii) For reaction 2, predict whether using a high or a low pressure would produce
the higher yield of methanol. i (i) Complete the profile by showing the products of the reaction and the

Give a reason for your choice. ! entha lpy change, 6.H, for the reaction.

h,g"1 ·
(1 1
t .. (ii) Draw an arrow on the profile to represent the activation energy for the

prediction forward reaction.
reason Label this arrow E.
; {1)
(iii) State the effect. if any, of the catalyst on the entha lpy change for the reaction.
(b) The catalyst increases the rate of both the forward reaction and the backwa rd reaction. 11
Suggest why the catalyst has no effect on the position of equilibrium.
.. I no d\ec.1
i _ (Total fo r Question 12 = 7 marks)




1111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111/ IHI

P53275A02232 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
ml 111111111111111111 Tum1
13 Ca lcium ca rbonate d eco mposes when hea ted. The equation for th e reaction is
(cf) A dear soluti o n of slaked lim e is made by dissolving Ca(OH)i in an excess of water.
This .s~ lution is left exposed to ai r. The so lution slowly goes milky as a faint white
CaCOJ CaO + CO 2 precipitate fo rm s.
(a ) Calculat e the maximum ma ss of CaO that could be obtained when 20 tonnes of CaC01 Ex plain why a faint white precipitate forms.
is d ecomposed.
Give the unit.
[M, or Cao = 56; M, of CaCOJ = 100; 1 tonne= 10"' gJ d

n c.cc.c o ) , '2.ooooD rn.0I .


I J'2c(X)OD, 1. 12., 10
massofCaO= _l. 1'2.s .L02 unit 9
(b) Slaked lime, Ca(OHh, forms when water is added to calcium oxide.
Give the chemical name of slaked lime. (Total for Question 13 1 o marks)

Cal c, ur<i ~dro,;de

(c) Slaked lime is often added to soil to raise the pH of the soil.
A chemist neutralises 25.0cm 3 of O.SO0mol/ dmJ hydrochloric acid with slaked lime.
Ca[OH), + 2HCI CaCI, + 2H,O

(0 Calculate the amount, in moles, of HCI that is neutralised.

nc r1 c-c ) - 2 5 , o .S
Q . 0 1 2. ':> M0

amount of HCI = .0.-:. O~ ,$ ___ mol

(HJ Calculate th e minimum mass, in grams, of Ca(OH), required to neutra lise the HCI.

[M, of Ca[OH), = 74)
· 3 , 0 , Q06 'L5 c'> u ,[2)
Q Q I (J_ S _ (; 'Z. ':, IQ
n ( cq C.oH) ) " -

o os '2.=> ' + '-I o "1 62-S'j

m C c a. c o0 ) ,. )
minimum mass of Ca(OH), = 0 . 'I (i 2...5

24 2S
111111111PIll5lllll lllll lllll lllll l/11111111111111111111111 IIIII IIII IIII
3 275A 02tl32
111111111 Ill lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111111111111111 IIIII IIII IIII
Turn over •
14 The table shows th e di splayed formu lae of six hydrocarbons. O. R, S, T. U and V.

, I I '- / I I I
C= C- C- H C H- C- C- C- H
/ I / '- I I I
H H H- C- -C- H
I ,, ----'. c·F

T u V
I I I I I I I / H I I
H- C- C- C- C- H H- C- C- C= C H- C- C- H
I I I I I I '- I I
H H H H H H H H- C- C- H
II ,, Hi

(a) Which two hydrocarbons will instantly deco/ourise bromi ne water?

0 A Rand V

'f1 B QandU

0 C SandT

0 D Q andT

(b) Wh ich two hydroca rbons have th e general formu la CnHin. /

0 A R andV

- / 0 B Qand U

)2( C SandT

-, 0 D QandT
I (c) Which hydroca rbon is an isomer of U?

I 0
0 A
0 B


r;i D V iii

11111111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII 1111111111111111111111111 IIIII IIII
----------- -- -
Th e fl ow d iagram shows th e m ain stag es in an industrial proces s t o manufa cture ammon ia.
' (f) Th e reac ti o n t o make ammoni a is revers ib le and ca n reach a position of equi libri um .

0 ct Th e gra ph shows th e perce ntage yie ld of ammonia at equ ilib rium, and at different
Gas A 0 w
(o b t ained from air)
Gas B
(made from natura l gas)
- cc
te mpe rat ures and p ressures.

.... 80

z ....w
unreacted gases ii:
i;; ....3:o ·
0 Percentage yield
0 of ammonia
at equilibriu m (% )
am monia

(a) Gi v e t he n ame o f this i nd ust rial p rocess.

b) Ident ify gases A and B.
0 100 200 300 400
Press ure in at mos pheres

(i) State t he co nditions of temperatu re and p ressure th at wou ld prod uce t he

largest percentage yield of am mo ni a.
(2 )
c) Sla te the p u rpo se of th e condenser.

(ii) Find t he pe rce ntage yie ld of ammonia at eq uili briu m, at a p ress ure of
200 atmospheres and a temperature of 450 °C.
I) Name th e ca ta lyst that is use d in the reactor. (1)

I{ c,C'--
(1) ,- o
0 ~,
-; ,
1-\o J
z er
'O <t-;'
'"1 (iii) Suggest why, in t he ind ustri al p rocess, t he percentage yield of ammonia at
Sug gest t w o reaso n s why the unreacted gases a re recycle d. / ::;; :i:: 200 atm osph eres and 450 ° ( is o nly 15%.
,I.XI I--'-,,
(2) ,,3' 11 )
z" a:::; - '1he rea..cJion. doei f\ <Y- 1.eru.h e.q_u.ilib,iu rn
;;; I-
l> 0
;o z
m 0
):,, (Total for Question 15 = 11 marks)

IIIIIIIII Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll flllll IfII ffllf lllll lllll lllll llfl llll
P 532 7 5A02 8 32 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Turn 1
P 5 32 7 5 A 0293 2
The min eral rozenite cont ain s crysta l s of h ydrat ed iron(ll) sulfate, FeSO•.xH10 (b) (i ) Ca lcul ate the ma ss of FeSO4 fo rme d after heating to constant mass.
A student wants to find th e va lu e of x.
I~ .'lb · tt!H,
She use s this a pparatus t 0
of iron(II) s ulfate crystals. remove and coll ect the water of crystallisation from a sample
I iron(I I) sulfate c rysta ls
mass of FeSO~formed = g

tube A (ii) Calculate th e mass of water co ll ected in tube B after heating to constant mass.

I T J II UtubeB

heat mass of water collected = g

She uses thi s method.

water -a- ice+ salt mixture
(iii) Calculate the valu e for x in the formula FeSO 4 .X H2O

Give your answer to the nearest whole number.

[M, of FeSO, = 152; M, of H,O = 18)

weigh empty tube A to find its mass 1= e 3 0 1-\ ,_o

place a samp le of hydrated iron(II) sulfate crysta ls into tube A and reweigh 3~ I .~
heat tube A
IS). 1%
a ll ow tube A to coo l and reweigh
0 ,\
repea t the process until the mass no longer changes D 0 1-::,
Heati ng until the mass no longer chan ges is known as heating to co nstant mass. J.-\
X = ..-
When iron(II) sulfat e crysta ls are heated gently, they decompose according to this equation.
(c) When the st udent adds the water from tube 8 to anhydrous copper(II) sulfate, she observes
FeSO. + XH10 that the mixture gets hot and that there is a colour change from white to blue.

Explai n these observations.

These are th e student's resu lts. (2)

mass of tube A
\\--ig r_e.o.c-li 01 ; e o+l"1e\ rni c. ~cho.l ecl. ropp;,'( ( ];
- - - - - - -~ I 54t1o)e •$ \'ai med .
m_ as s of tube A an_d Fe5O4 .x_H,O

1 mass of tube A and contents after heating to constant mass

.... - ~ 7


(a) State why it is necessary to heat the crystals to constant mass.


-r6 rt'Q ke s ure? -lti a~ a ll -ii\e cv0-1-er- h.a..,; bee"- re N"Lo ~c?CP .
[Total for Question 16 = 8 marks)


I llll lllll3/11111111111111
IIIIIIIIPIll5lllll3lllll2lllll7lllll5llllllA0 032
11111111 I11111111111111111111111111 IIIII IIIIII 11111111111111111111111111111111

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