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The soldiers spotted Daemon flying high in sky on Caraxes approaching them.

Messages were
relayed to Ser simon strong and fearfully he ordered to change banners to the Rhaenyra’s
quartered ones.

Upon meeting ser simon strong

Prince Daemon was offered a cathedra facing the High Seat of Lord Black Harren, upon which
Ser Simon Strong was sitting.

Deamon: I would like that seat more (pointing towards the Lord’s Seat)

Out of wits, Ser Simon Strong take a quick glance towards a woman who is sporting all black
(which is rare in riverlands).

The woman nodded at the slightest upon which Ser Simon got up from his seat, bowed and
offered the seat to Daemon.

Prince Daemon sitting on the chair, take a good look at the court. The menacing look instilling
fear in the brave.

Daemon: Send in the Maester

Maester: My Prince

Daemon: How many Ravens you have?

Maester: About 120

Daemon: Make them fly. I want every Lord, every knight and even the bone-weary peasant to
take up arms for Realm’s Delight.

Caraxes roars on the outside.

Maester gave frieghtful and confused look on the last words of Daemon.

Daemon: Queen Rhaenyra.

That day all 120 ravens flew.

Back at Dragonstone, Queen Rhaenyra barred herself in her chambers.

Princess Rhaenys: Rhaenyra, you haven’t had anything for three days. I…I know what is it like to
feel lost. The Stranger visited me numerous time, deafened the fire with its presence.

Inside the room. Queen looked like she turned into stone. Black under eyes, tears dried up. Only
her eyes moved slowly towards the Crown on the table, in front of the fireplace.

And the words slipped away.

Rhaenyra: son for a son.

Young Prince Jacaerys Velaryon is not aware of anything that has happened.

Through the clouds he flew for north east of the Eyrie on his dragon Vermax.

From up top he can see that beautiful mountains covered in the vines but only the dragon
sensed the bundles of treacherous rocks waiting to gulp anything that dare penetrate it.

A top the mountain stand a white castle defying the limitations of architecture.

Young Prince found it a little difficult to maneuver Vermax to land.

Somehow, the Maiden of Vale, Lady Jane Arryn knew about it and expected the Prince.

Jacaerys approaching Lady Arryn.

Jacaerys: My lady, I am Price Jaca…

Lady Arryn: Thrice have mine own kin sought to replace me. My cousin Ser Arnold is none to say
women are too soft to rule. I have him in one of my sky cells, if you would like to ask him. Your
Price Daemon used his first wife most cruelly, it is true…but not withstanding your mother’s
poor taste in consorts, and she remains our rightful queen, and mine own blood besides, an
Aryyn on her mother’s side. In this world of men, we women must band together. The vale and
its knights shall stand with her. If Her Grace will grant one request.

Delighted on hearing those words.

Prince Jacaerys: Yes, My Lady. Whatever it might be I will see to it.

Lady Jane Aryyn touch young prince’s hand said “Dragons”.

Jacaerys: My apologies, I don’t…

Lady Arryn: I have no fear of armies. Many and more broken themselves against my bloody gate,
and the Eyrie is known to be impregnable. But you have descended on us from sky, as Queen
Visenya once did during the conquest, and I was powerless to halt you. I dislike feeling
powerless, send me dragonriders.

Jacaerys: I Prince Jacaerys, son of the Queen Rhaenyra, first of her name, queen of the Andals,
the Rhoynar and the Firstmen. Promise you my Lady. You will get your dragonrideres.

All the ravens that take flight from Harrenhall found its destination.

All getting armoured , hoisting quartered banners in support of the Queen.

Ser Forrest Frey from the Twins. Lord Samwell Blackwood.

There was a wedding in Pinkmaiden, where Great Lords namely Mootons of Maidenpool, the
Roots of Haroway, the Darrys of Darry, the Mallisters of Seagard and the Vances of wayfares. All
in conflict as whom to support, the marriage becoming a secondary concern, so was gaiety. Till
Petyr Piper, the grizzled Lord of Pinkmaiden, spoke for all, “I swore her my sword. I’m older now,
but not so ld that I’ve forgotten the words I said, and it happens I still have the sword.”
All the Lords kept their silence for mere more seconds and then all start beating their mugs on
table in agreement.

At Riverrun.

Maester received the letter from Harrenhal and give it to Ser Elmo Tully, who was by his
Grandsire’s bed.

Ser Elmo after reading the letter. Coming out of the room and closing the door behind him

Elmo to Maester

Ser Elmo: That old man (pointing towards his Grandsire on bed) would have wanted to fight for
Aegon. I would sooner the rest of us did not die with him.

Maester: My Lord?

A Tully Knight: What are you suggesting my lord?

Looking directly at the eye of the knight.

Ser Elmo: What defense, Ser, you might have against dragonfire? Ser you must have noticed that
both sides rode dragon.

The knight lowered his gaze.

Riverrun barred its gates, manned its walls, and heed its silence.


One of the ravens also made it to Dragonstone.

The parchment seal broken by Sea-snake, in conference of Princess Rhaenys and Queen
Rhaenyra, who is still looking pale but adorning the crown.

Written in bold, fire within blood, like heartstrings.

“An eye for an eye, a son for a son, Lucerys shall be avenged.”

Queen sitting on the Dragon throne put her hand forward, Sea Snake put the parchment on her
hand, and she kissed the words and let her tears fall freely.

Kings Landing

It’s been more than a week since Lucerys’s death. But the feast shared by Aegon and Aemond
hasn’t stopped yet. They drink till Aegon falls asleep on the table and needs to be carried to his

Somewhere at the heart of the Flea Bottom. A gold cloak gives a letter to one of the guys who
was fully drunken and having the pleasure of flesh with three whores. The sudden intrusion
made him angry.

Brute: I will break your neck with that fucking gold cloak of yours.
Gold Cloak: It’s important “Blood”. And drag him out and handed over the letter. Not alone get

Cheese was somewhere in Flea Bottom surrounded by men bets on rat-races.

Blood grab Cheese by the throat and said “Commander wants us to do a job for him”

Late at night, at the hour of the stranger.

Blood and Cheese approached the Kings Castle.

Blood: we need to get the king.

Cheese: What? No. Fuckin’ mad are ya?

Blood: Youse supposed to know routes, fuckin rats and all.

Cheese giving a judgmental look

Cheese: catchin rats. Rat-Catchers. Maegor’s hold fast got spikes and moat. Do you want us to
get impaled?

Blood: Then?

Cheese pointing towards tower.

Cheese: Tower of the Hand.

They bypassed the spearmen posted at the doors. Ser Otto’s room were of no interest to them.
Instead they slipped into his daughter’s chamber, one floor down.

Once inside, Cheese bound and gages the Dowager queen, whilst Blood strangled her bed maid.

Blood: Now what? Kill her?

Cheese: No, he said “son”. We wait, Queen Helaena will be here with her little Princes.

Cheese thrown an evil raggedy smirk towards Queen Dowager Alicent.

Blood: Watcha talkin bout?

Cheese: Quite ya brute, I got some friends in cloaks too.

Blind to her danger, the queen appeared as dusk was settling down over the castle. She was
accompanied by her children Jaehaerys and Jaehaera (age six) and Maelor (two).

As the door was already, Queen not noticing anything at all, she let her self and the children in
the chamber. From behind a sharp knife touched her told and the voice followed.

Blood: Scream and yall die.

Composing and showing bravery through calmness.

Queen Halaena: who are you?

Cheese in the meantime snatched all kids and addressing the Queen

Cheese: Debt collectors. An eye for an eye, a son for a son, t’ square things. Won’t hurt the rest
o’yall fine folks, not one lil white hair. Which one you want t’ loose, Your Grace?


Queen Haleana: Oh no Good men, kill me instead. These lads have nothing to with anything, kill
me. They are innocent, kill me. They are just kids, kill me.

Growling, Blood: A wife’s not a son. It has to be a boy.

Cheese approaching Queen Haleana and whisper to her ears.

Cheese: Your Grace, don’t eat ya time. The brute here, likes little girls the most.

Upon hearing this she kneeled and started weeping breathlessly. Queen without thinking much
pointing towards Maelor.

Perhaps she thought the boy was too young to understand or perhaps it was older boy
Jaehaerys was King Aegon’s first born son and heir, next in line to iron throne.

Cheese: You hear that little boy? Your momma wants you dead.

Cheese then gave Blood a grin and the hulking brute slew Prince Jaehaaerys, striking off the
boy’s head in single blow.


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