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- MOST HELPFUL (history and link to synanon):

- (this was not written by HEAL,they just uploaded
it but this is the most comprehensive history we have)
- (good sources in here)
- (good sources here, if you can
navigate the site)

Random stuff

- Health-Related Quality of Life Among Adolescents in Residential Care: Description and

Correlates: The purpose of this article is to describe the health-related quality of life
(HRQoL) of adolescents in residential care and to examine selected correlates.
Approximately 25% of youth had at least 1 HRQoL score in the “at risk” range, indicating
a significant proportion of youth in residential care have significant impairments in
HRQoL. Psychotropic medication prescriptions were associated with poorer HRQoL. A
significant percentage of adolescents in residential care may experience suboptimal
HRQoL, and certain demographic and clinical factors appear to be associated with
greater risk.
- SECLUSIONS AND RESTRAINTS: Selected Cases of Death and Abuse at Public and
Private Schools and Treatment Centers Published: May 19, 2009
THEIR ACT Maia Szalavitz Pacific Standard UPDATED:JUN 14, 2017 ORIGINAL:OCT
14, 2016
- Inside Utah’s troubled teen industry: How it started, why kids are sent here and what
happens to them
“Utah’s “troubled teen” industry has brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in
government money. That doesn’t include the parents who pay privately. A research brief
from the University of Utah’s Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute estimated the industry
pulled in $328 million in revenue in 2015 alone and accounted for 6,400 jobs.”

- A profitable 'death trap': Sequel youth facilities raked in millions while accused of
abusing children
“Sequel, a company with locations in 20 states that turned a $25 million profit in 2016,
markets itself as a national leader in providing specialized care for at-risk youth. Yet, at
these facilities, children have been sexually and physically assaulted by staff members.
A 16-year-old, Cornelius Frederick, died this year after several staff members restrained
him at a Sequel facility in Michigan, prompting disability rights proponents, legislators
and child advocacy groups in at least six states to question whether the company
focuses more on profit than rehabilitating the children in its care.”
- Life and Death inside a Troubled Teen Boot Camp
“When beatings alone didn’t work, the boys grew more inventive. They hung Bruce from
the horse trailer from his handcuffs; lassoed him and dragged him across the dirt; and
put him in a sleeping bag stuffed with cow shit and kneeled on his chest. The worst of it,
one boy told me, was the day they hogtied him to a pole by his cuffs and shackles and
paraded him around camp like a pig on a stick, while other boys beat him.”

- Judge Sentences Former Boarding School Owner to Maximum Prison Sentence

“Ben Trane was accused of sexually abusing a female Midwest Academy student
several times and of forcing two male former Midwest Academy students to spend
excessive amounts of time in isolation rooms at the school.”

- Violence, often instigated by staff, has become common at Red Rock Canyon School in
St. George for troubled children
“Oregon state Sen. Sara Gelser has combed through hundreds of pages of St. George
police reports and licensing records, and told The Salt Lake Tribune that she believes all
of the foster children in her state should have been removed immediately. She noted a
case in which a boy was assaulted by two different staffers in a two-day period — and he
remained at Red Rock Canyon School.” … “But the children who are living in these
places are vulnerable, she said, and are often not believed when they complain about
abuse. She worries that state licensing officials are too cozy with the treatment centers
and may have a financial incentive to allow problematic locations to stay open.”

- Confronted over abuse, California is bringing 116 kids home from faraway programs.
“The state’s abrupt shift came in response to an investigation by The Chronicle and The
Imprint, which detailed allegations of violent abuse at institutions certified by California.
Reporters found that the state’s Department of Social Services knew for years that
children at out-of-state treatment programs run by a for-profit company, Sequel Youth &
Family Services, had accused staff of choking, punching and sexually assaulting them”
… “After reviewing some of the same records compiled by reporters, the social services
agency this month declared the programs “lacking,” ordering 116 boys and girls currently
placed out of state to be returned to California within 45 days. Youth advocates, who
have long decried these distant placements, cheered the decision.”

- Oregon Foster Youth Assaulted In Out-Of-State Facility Testifies To Lawmakers

“He told lawmakers he was placed in the facility with more violent children. Red Rock
housed both foster youth and juvenile offenders in the same facility. He told them in his
first five minutes there he saw a kid being violently restrained and that youth were
physically restrained frequently for a myriad of reasons — including making eye contact
with a member of the opposite sex.” … “After multiple reports of abuse of youth
surfaced in the out-of-state facilities, Oregon started trying to bring the foster
youth back home.”
Humanium Children's Rights History
Unicef History of Child Rights
Helen Clark, MA, Awa Marie Coll-Seck, MD, Anshu Banerjee, MD, Stefan Peterson, MD, Sarah Dalglish, PhD, Prof Shanthi
Ameratunga, MBChB et al. (2020, Feb 18) A future for the world's children? A WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commission The Lancet
Humanium Ranking of countries according to their respect for the Rights of the Child
The National Research Council Institute of Medicine (2001) Juvenile Crime, Juvenile Justice
Hansan, J. (2011). The American era of child labor. Social Welfare History Project.
History (Updated 2020) Child Labor
Race Forward (2006) Historical Timeline of Public Education in the US
US Department of Education (2007) Twenty-Five Years of Progress in Educating Children with Disabilities Through IDEA
John E.B. Myers A Short History of Child Protection in America
Government Accountability Office (2007) Residential Treatment Programs: Concerns Regarding Abuse and Death in Certain
Programs for Troubled Youth GAO-08-146T
Ireys HT, Achman L, Takyi A. State Regulation of Residential Facilities for Children with
Mental Illness. DHHS Pub. No. (SMA) 06-4167. Rockville, MD: Center for Mental Health
Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2006.

Data Sources by Issue - these are the interesting



Restraint in Schools
● Department of Education Civil Rights Data Collection (Federal)
● Children’s Ombudsman/Office of the Child Advocate (State)

Restraint in Correctional Facilities

● Children’s Ombudsman/Office of the Child Advocate (State)

Restraint in Treatment Facilities

● Children’s Ombudsman/Office of the Child Advocate (State)

Restraint in Congregate Care

● Children’s Ombudsman/Office of the Child Advocate (State)

Seclusion in Schools
● Children’s Ombudsman/Office of the Child Advocate (State)

Seclusion in Correctional Facilities

● Children’s Ombudsman/Office of the Child Advocate (State)

Seclusion in Treatment Facilities

● Children’s Ombudsman/Office of the Child Advocate (State)

Seclusion in Congregate Care

● Children’s Ombudsman/Office of the Child Advocate (State)


Fatalities in Schools
● Children’s Ombudsman/Office of the Child Advocate (State)

Fatalities in Correctional Facilities

● Children’s Ombudsman/Office of the Child Advocate (State)

Fatalities in Treatment Facilities

● Children’s Ombudsman/Office of the Child Advocate (State)

Fatalities in Congregate Care

● Children’s Ombudsman/Office of the Child Advocate (State)

Research & Reports by Issue


Restraint in Schools
● 2017/2018 Civil Rights Data Collection Report

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