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Proposal for Design, Construction, Supervision and Completion of

Negara Brunei Darussalam Water Supply Scheme


HLB Sdn. Bhd. (hereinafter referred as HLB), a 100% Bumiputra company registered
in Malaysia would like to register its interest to undertake the detailed engineering
investigation, detailed design and construction of Negara Brunei Darussalam water
supply system.


The objective of the project is to provide additional water supply facilities to meet the
domestic, commercial, tourism and industrial water demand for Negara Brunei
Darussalam up to year 2025.


The Project area shall cover the whole country of Negara Brunei Darussalam as
shown in Sketch A.


The scope of works to be undertaken by HLB shall include the items described

a) General

(i) to review and reconfirm the demand centres in the Project area and make
necessary projection on the water demand at key dates of 2010, 2015, 2020 and

(ii) to review and analyse the capacity of the existing treatment works and
propose ugprading for quantity and quality necessary to meet the projected

iii) to review and analyse the capcity of the existing distribution system and
propose new works to augment the distribution system to meet the projected

iv) to carry out the detailed design and construct the upgrading/new works
mentioned in a (ii) and a (iii) above.

(b) Water Demand Study

HLB shall carry out the water demand study for the Project area and to take
into consideration the latest developments, if any, in the Project area.
Consideration should be given to the latest development plans that are
currently available. The study shall include :-

(i) review all pertinent studies, reports and other documents

(ii) collect, process and evaluate all relevant data to determine the
growth pattern for population, industrial, commercial and tourism in
the Project area

(iii) review and update the water demand projections taking into
account the latest available data on development for the Project area
up to the year 2025 and to derive the areal distribution of the water
demand and demand pattern for years 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2025.

c) Study and Design Stage

HLB shall carry out the following:-

i) appraise all previous studies and reports relevant to the Project, including
design reports, maps, as–built drawings and also update and produce
the existing distribution network plans within the Project area.

ii) liaise with relevant departments to obtain data on existing and future
land use.

iii) study existing distribution systems and where necessary make

recommendation for the extension of the distribution system to meet
the demand of the Project area to cater for the needs up to the year

iv) prepare and submit reports for water demand study, feasibility study
and water distribution review.

v) prepare and submit conceptual design reports which amongst others

shall include cost estimates for the Project.

vi) to carry out topographical and soil investigation works required for the
implementation of the Project.

vii) to identify the extent of land required and prepare land acquisition
plans for submission to the relevant authorities. HLB shall be present
to clarify the case on behalf of the Government of Negara Brunei
Darussalam (hereafter referred as Government) when required. HLB
shall also prepare and submit plans to relevant authorities to obtain the
necessary clearance for pipe laying works.

viii) prepare detailed design drawings, technical specifications, including

electrical and mechanical requirements together with bill of quantities
for approval.

d) Construction and Supervision Stage

HLB shall take the responsibility for :

i) the construction, installation, testing and commissioning of all the

works agreed by the Government.

ii) prepare monthly progress reports and other technical reports as and
when required. HLB will also keep the Government of its work and
progress as and when required.

iii) to coordinate the preparation of “As-Built” drawings including

operation and maintenance manuals, and

iv) carry out other work necessary to ensure the successful completion of
the Project.


The Government may assign reasonable members of professional or technical staff to

HLB’s office for on-the-job training and HLB shall accommodate the Government’s


HLB shall submit the following draft reports/documents within the indicated periods
after appointment to commence work:

i) 3 copies of Demand Study Documents - 3 months

ii) 3 copies of Feasibility Study and - 6 months

Distribution System Review

iii) 3 copies of Conceptual Design Reports - 8 months

iv) Detailed Design and Construction period to be discussed upon acceptance of

the proposal.

v) 3 copies of monthly progress report throughout the whole duration of the



a) HLB shall comply with all relevant law, by-law, rules, regulations and
standard practices, in performing the job and also in the design and
specifications of the works and construction.

b) HLB shall also adopt good engineering practices and shall comply with
relevant British Standard and Code of Practice, relating to the appropriate
works and if non-existent, it should comply with International Codes of


The Government will assist HLB in the following respects:

i) Procurement of maps and provision of existing records, drawings and relevant

reports pertaining to the Project.

ii) Liaison with respective Government Departments and the public

iii) Provision of Standard drawings and specifications.

iv) Field assistance in checking of existing distribution/reticulation system.


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